Tempting Trevor Pt. 03 by Hamlin,Hamlin

“That sucks. I’m sorry.” Trevor said. “Tomorrow after church?”

“Potluck. Tomorrow night?”

“Deal. Have fun at the pantry. Love you.”

“Thanks. I won’t.”

He flopped back onto the bed and went to his next message. His best friend, Rob, invited him to a party tonight. He felt a little guilty, since they hadn’t spent much time together the last week, and Rob was going off to college in the fall, out of state. There wouldn’t be many more chances to hang out. He replied that he’d come. What else was he going to do? Stay home and play games? Let his sister jerk him off?

The memory of Stacy’s dirty handjob made his dick hard. Of course, he knew that Stacy had just been working him up, trying to get him excited so that he would learn how to control his ejaculation. She hadn’t really meant those things she’d said. Still, he touched his stiff member and remembered. Enough! He wasn’t going to lay in bed and jerk off thinking about his sister. That was just a little fantasy for when Stacy was helping him learn. He needed to shower.

A short while later, he came downstairs to find the house empty. On the family note board on the fridge, he discovered that his father was out golfing, and his mother had been called in for a shift at the hospital. There was no mention, or sign of Stacy. Apparently, yoga classes were not being held on Saturday. He felt disappointed by that. He was enjoying them, and not just because of Stacy’s form-fitting workout clothes.

He prepared a bowl of cereal and took a seat on the couch, flipping on the TV as his sleep-addled teenage brain started to wake up. He was absentmindedly flipping through channels when the front door opened. A moment later, Stacy walked in, sweat gleaming on her tanned skin. She was dressed in a pair of jogging shorts and a sports bra, a sweatband around her forehead. She flopped down on the couch next to him, and took a long pull from a water bottle.

“Morning.” Trevor said, consciously avoiding ogling her sweaty body.

“Hey.” She replied, winded.

For several moments she was quiet, getting her breath back. Finally, she asked, “So, what are you up to today?”

He shrugged and replied, “Mom and dad are gone for the day. Mary’s at some church pantry thing with her mom. No plans until later.”

“What happens later?” Stacy asked.

“Rob invited me to some party. His older brother’s home from college and he’s throwing a party out at their lake place.”

“How is Robbie? I haven’t seen him in ages.”

Trevor laughed. His buddy hated it when Stacy called him Robbie.

“He’s good. Leaving for school in the fall, so I don’t have much more time to see him. I figured it beats staying inside and playing games or… something.”

Stacy grinned, but said nothing.

“So, a party, huh?” Stacy asked.

“Um, yeah?”

“Brother from college, hmm?”

Trevor turned from the TV and said, “Yeah?”

“Maybe, brother from college also has friends at party?”

“Well, yeah, I guess.”

“Could this party use some hot girls?” Stacy asked, her eyebrows perking up.

Trevor grinned and said, “What party doesn’t need hot girls?”

“How would you like to be the guy that brought the pussy to the party?” Stacy asked, bouncing a little in her seat. “Maybe Tara and Amy?”

Trevor was already sending a message to Rob. The reply came seconds later.

“Why are you asking? Bring girls! Every fucking girl!”

“He seems to like the idea.” Trevor said.

“When do we leave?” She asked.

“Not for a while.”

“I’m going to clean up and recruit. Meet me in your room in… an hour.”

“Ok? Why?”

“Do you want to practice or not?” She asked.

Trevor’s penis made him nod his head.

“I thought you might. Who knows. All those hot girls at the party, you never know what can happen.”

She winked at him.

“You do remember that I have a girlfriend?”

“Handjobs aren’t cheating.” Stacy stated, as though there were no argument, “for that matter, neither are blowjobs. 1 hour.”

She dashed from the room, already dialing her phone.

An hour later, Trevor nervously sat on his bed staring at the door. His poor penis was so hard just thinking about what was about to happen. When had he become such a pervert, sitting alone with a hardon, waiting for his sister to come in and jerk him off? He told himself it was for a good cause. He was learning how to be a good lover. It wasn’t just for him. It was for him and Mary.

The door opened, and Stacy let herself in. Trevor was slack-jawed as his sister approached, casually texting on her phone, as though she was not dressed only in a bra and panties, preparing to play with her brother’s penis. She stood in front of him, ignoring him as she typed. Trevor’s eyes wandered up and down her body. Finally, she put the phone aside and put her hands on her hips.

“You should probably take off your shorts.” She said.

Trevor nodded and quickly stripped himself. Stacy crawled onto the bed, and lay on her side, head resting on one of his pillows. She patted the space next to her. Trevor joined her. She took his hand and placed it on her heart, then did the same with hers.

“Get your head in the right place first, just like we practiced.”

Trevor shut his eyes and got into his mental space again.

“Good.” Stacy said. “That’s so good, baby.”

His heart calmed, became steady, and then he felt Stacy’s lips on his. He kept his eyes closed and recalled the first lesson, taking things slow, teasing her mouth with his, until he felt her little tongue snake out and begin to explore his mouth. His hands went to her hip, where the thin fabric of her panties stretched across her warm skin.

“I want you to touch me, just like that. We’re going to combine both lessons, this time. Remember your breathing.”

Trevor nodded, and let his hands roam over her body. Stacy cupped her hand and let saliva pool into it, then made a fist and grasped his penis. She kissed him again as her hand began to stroke his cock. Trevor made his circuit on her skin, up her back, to her neck, down her arm, back again, tracing her curves lightly as she jerked his cock.

“That feels so good. I love the way you touch me.” He said in her ear, and felt her quiver under his touch. He felt proud of himself for remembering his lesson.

“I love your cock so much.” She whispered back, and stroked him faster. “Were you thinking about last night?”

“Yeah… ”

“You shot cum all over your sister, didn’t you?”

“Yeah… ”

She fisted his crown until she felt his body tense, and then stroked down and gripped his shaft, her fingers playing lightly with his balls.

“You did so good.” she said. “You held off for so long, even when I was being a naughty tease.”

They locked lips again and made out hotly, while Stacy worked him up to the edge. When she felt him begin to pant into her mouth, she backed off and slowed her movements.

“Did you think I was being serious, when I said that I’d let you fuck me, if you weren’t my brother?”

“No… ” Trevor said, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

“Good. You know that we can’t fuck, don’t you?”

“Yeah… ”

“It’s wrong to fuck your sister.”

“Yeah… ”

“Why can’t we fuck?”

“You’re my sister.” He said.

Her hand pumped his shaft faster, the slick saliva squishing between her fingers.

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