Tentacles by Luke Ashwood

The monster roared out in pleasure and Alexis felt the cock start twitching a moment before a massive amount of cum flooded her inside sending her over the edge into her own orgasm mixing its cum with her own. Half way through its orgasm the monsters tentacles lifted her off and positioned her right in front of its cock coating her again in another layer of its cum.

When it finely finished Alexis could feel the tentacles grip start to slacken as it dropped her to the ground where she lay helplessly before it. The monster gave her a sadistic grin before picking up its clothing and leaving. Alexis watched it’s back retreating into the darkness as she lay on the forest floor completely nude and covered in the monsters cum. The last thought that passed through her mind before the darkness of unconsciousness took her was to wonder if she could get pregnant from the massive amount of cum that was still seeping out from between her legs…


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