The Affair with Nena Chapter one: plotting begins by Darkone82

A literotic sexstories: The Affair with Nena Chapter one: plotting begins by Darkone82 ,
This my first attempt at writing a Streamy sex story that is fiction Well it fiction for now but some day it may become an true story
The Affair with Nena is my first attempt at writing an fictional sex story . So bear with me and give some feedback in comments below. The People in this story are real and Nena Husband name has been changed. Just a fair warning my spelling and grammar skills suck. And this first chapter was wrote as a character building chapter with some sexual content. Character:

Nena: a extremely sexual frustrated mother of three married to limb dick husband Todd who sexually neglect her since the birth of their third child black hair size 40’DD

Todd: Nena limp dick husband who drive her have an affair

Me: 36 year old man marriage of 13 year to my wife Ashley I’m also extremely sexually Frustrate who hardly get any and drive to have affairs

Ashley: my wife who doesn’t have a clue


the Affair with Nena chapter one::plotting begins

Hello My name is Michael, I’m 36 year old man 5ft 8 inch tall. I weighed in oh around 230 pounds. I have dark blue eyes and dirty blonde hair that is that I keep shaven majorly of time.I been married to my high school sweet heart Ashley for 13 years. For the most part I’m a happily married man. There only one area in our marriage I’m completely unhappy and it the sex. When we first got married my wife and I were all over each other. But now day it seems like passion has ran dry. Every time I want get it on she either to tired or just not It mood and it starting drive me Insane. I never been unfaithful to my wife not saying there hadn’t been time during pass that if I really want to hook up with another woman I could have. But that all going change and in hurry..

Now there is woman name Nena who I met many years ago at camp when I was a teenager. We dated on and off during the summer while at camp. I really loved her, and wish we could been more. But only thing that stop us was the distances that we live from each other. She live in Stanton Va and I live in Roanoke Va.. Well Nena when on married this guy who runs a business in Hawaii and they been married for 15 years and has three kids by him. It would seem to anyone she would be very happily married. But like my marriage it seem the passion in their marriage has also dry up. From what she had told me the only reason she stay with ass was because of kids. Which is honorable if you ask me. But just as us male woman have their needs and won’t hesitate seeking an release.

Nena and I chat on line all the time. And we talk all the time about the possibility of us hooking up. But once again the distances issue is still a factor and the fact both of us are married is another issue. But even after all these year those strong feelings we share are drawing us closer to the edge…

Well after chatting for many month about the possibility of us hooking up. We finally decided hell with it we were both were highly sexually frustrated and we both have made very clear we want each other. So we started to make plans to hook up. But for this to work a lot of things would have fall into place. Like one her husband is out of town working and my wife out of town. And there were another issue one I don’t drive and second her kids. There an old navy saying loose lips sinks ships. No one could ever find out about this.

We both were play a game of high risk and loss reward poker here. With a lot at stake for the both of us. Both our marriage would mostly surely end if our affair even came to Light. But even with all risk facts involved. We both know in our hearts and our souls that we couldn’t deny the elephant in room another moment. The stars in heavens were lining up, like it’s the Universe was telling the both of us we were meant to be together. Even if we had basically move heaven and earth to be together

Like I said before if this was to work a lot moving parts had to perfect fall in place just at right time. So after many month of planning it seem like the perfect opportunity for us to hook up was at hand. It just happened that her husband Tod was leaving for week long business trip to Hawaii. And it just happen that her three children had a week long overnight stay church camp fell on same week. So there two pieces of puzzled fell into place. Boy those stars in the sky were really starting to line up in our favor.when the final piece of puzzle fell into place. That same weekend my wife was going with her mother and stepfather to Kentucky for their yearly Smith family reunion. And Ashley was leaving on Thursday won’t be back until very late on Sunday evening.

Everything was falling into place and both of us were excited at possibly of finally the two of us becoming lovers. Something the two of us have been dreaming of since the first day we met at camp all those year ago.All I need for this work perfectly was to be off from work that weekend and Nena being will to drive down from Stanton to my house in Roanoke. We could spend the whole weekend together living out our Wildest Fantasies. I been working a lot of weekend at my job. So I decided i Need break so I put in for that weekend to be off. Without tell Nena i did just in hopes i would get it.

I pick up my phone and when onto the Facebook messager app and send her a message “ Hey Nena ?” (message timer run off message disappear from screen) Moments later she replied “ Hey you what up?” (Message disappear after a few moments) so I set the next message time for 90 seconds “Nena it looks like all stars in heavens have lined up in our favor “ I replied “ What is that supposed to mean Scott?” She replied ( both our messages disappear) I sent her a reply “ well Nena one both your husband and my wife are going be out of town this week and you told me that your kids where away at church camp for an week.” (My message disappear from screen) “ OK … So Where you going with this Scott?” She replied (her message disappear from screen) “ Well Nena we been waiting for an long time for an opportunity of this Nature to come around I think we should act on it. I want you Nena!” ( 30 second later my message disappear from the screen)

I sat there waiting for her response and it felt like an eternity than all suddenly a message from her pop up on the screen “ok just how are we going pull this off… I mean you don’t drive… and I want you to Scott!” She replied (her message disappear from the screen) “ Nena my wife is leaving the house between five -seven on Thursday night with her parents to go spend the night with her parents before heading out for Kentucky.The only way this going to work is if you drive down here . We would be all alone with no more to bother us and if we allow an opportunity like this to pass us by who know when next opportunity would rise” I replied

“Scott we risking a lot here… are sure your willing to risk it all” Nena replied as my message disappear from the screen “Nena I am fully Aware of the risk we would be taking and it a risk I’m willing to take Nena I have been wanting you since our day at camp. So yes I’m willing to risk everything to be with you” I replied as Nena message disappear. I could only imagine what her response would be to that and I didn’t have wait long at all “ Ok if your willing than I am to but I really don’t like idea me coming to you. I wish you had an car.” She replied “Well Nena I don’t drive but I can’t wait for to see you.. we have a lot of catching up to do this weekend send her wink Emoji” I replied as her message drop off the screen

“ So what your address so I can find my way to your house Scott?” She replied “ Ok you got pen and paper to write it down on Nena?” I replied. As both of our Previous messages drop from the screen “ Sure do go ahead sent it” Nena replied “ ok it **** Colgate ST NE Roanoke va ***** did you get that ?” I replied setting timer for a little longer to give her time write address down “ ok I got it wrote down here and I’m going stick it in my pocket book.” Nena replied as both our previous message drop from the screen “Ok just to make sure you got right address type in please Nena “ I replied moment letter she replied “**** Colgate ST NE Roanoke va ***** right Scott?” Nena replied

“that correct Nena I can’t wait to see you this Thursday now don’t lose it !” I replied as her post drop from screen “ I promise I won’t lose it Scott I can’t believe we are really going do this. I getting wet just thinking about it.!” Nena replied “Trust me Nena I’m going Rock your world like it has never be done before and once we are finish your be tossing Stones at your limp dick husband.!” I replied as our message disappear. “Damn it Scott thank a lot now I’m fucking dripping over here my panties are fucking soaked ! Nena replied “ lol I’ll take care of that when you get here Nena. Trust me that pussy of your has been neglected far to long Nena. Your husband may have given you three children. But trust me you never been made love to by real man like myself. I want your freak flag flying because I going have my flying as well.” I replied as our messages disappear me moments later “I like sound of that Scott you know I’m a freak when comes sex and I haven’t had any in months so I can’t hardly wait! Well I gotta to go talk you later” Nena replied “ Ok see soon you sexy talk you later.” I replied and exited out of Facebook messager

********* Nena*****

Thousands of thing were coursing though my mind as I laid Stretched out on my bed.Reading the message that Scott was sending me. My heart was racing a mile a minute just at the thought that my childhood fantasies were soon to become an reality. I felt the my wetness from my pussy oozing down my thighs and it just served to intensified my desire to have him rock my world like hadn’t been rock in many months. Damn him all I could bring myself to say as I retched over to dresser where I store my favorite sex tools.

Moments later I pull my favorite vibrating Stainless steel dildo out from the top drawer of honey pine color drawers. As I bought that stainless steel dildo I was really wish at that moment it was Scott’s Thudding rock hard dick instead. I gently laid old faith down on bed beside me as I undid my pants and fantasizing all long that it was Scott undoing my pants. Once I had my pant off I slide my hand down into my crutch damn the heat was that it was giving off at that moment was unreal. I got to my panties and my once light purple panties were now an dark purple in color.

I laughed when he said did he need pick up an dip pan, but damn it if I had this reaction from him just typing sexual thing in message. We won’t need a dip pan; we would need fucking bath tub. I slide my now soaked panties off my body slowly because that how Scott was going do it. He love to torture his woman. Knowing Scott the way I did he would draw out the progress of undress me as long as he could just torture me. I Imagined the warmth of his touch as ran his fingers down my bare flesh as slowly made his way down my body. Just the thought of it cause my my skin to Twitch slightly as I ran my hand down my body

God I couldn’t hardly wait until this Thursday to come . I knew for fact once he had me fully undressed he would be want spend hours just exploring by body not mentioning he had told me many time over if I would allow him he would spend hours just eating me out. God i so want his dick inside me at that very moment that it was driving up me the wall. I knew what need to do but I just really wish it was him doing it to me

I throw up my thighs and turn on old faithful and gently side it into my pussy and I let out massive moan as I imagine old faith was Scott dick slipping between my Inflamed lips. “ oh God Scott ! That feel so good. It been long time since I last had dick of flesh slide in me Fuck me hard and fast drive your dick deep inside me” I yelled out as pushed old faithful deeper inside me. My toes began to Curl as I slide old faithful harder and faster in and out of my pussy because I know it won’t take to long for Scott get to point where he was literally pounding my pussy with all his might. God I want that so badly.

I hadn’t been fucked like that in years by my husband. If I had to guess the last time my husband fucked me like this was when we conceived our youngest child and that’s was going on three years. Not saying we didn’t have sex but something change in Tod. Now he so focused on work. What the hell I am doing allowing limp dick ruin this moment. Here I was imagining Scott basically fucking my brain out and limp dick slide in.I felt the muscles in my pussy start to contact and tighten around old faithful and I knew by this time the pressure would be building in his dick. I swear could felt his dick beginning to convulse rapidity I knew it would only be matter of time before his seed would erupted deep into my fertile womb. Just then the wave of my own Orgasm ripples throw my body and I let a Thunderous moan has it hit.

I imagine at that same moment Scott would have been pumping my very fertile womb full of his scorching hot seed. I know I told him my desire have another baby. And he had told me he would be honored to grant me that wish because he so want to be a father but for some reason or another his wife wouldn’t give him one. Coming down from cloud nine from my thunderous orgasm the question of did I want to have his baby slapped me hard across the face. I need to think as I replaced old faithful back in dressers by my bed.

After change clothes I return to my bed and sat down on it i place my head in my hands and thought long and hard about having his baby. I been wanting that since the first time I laid eyes on him those many years ago. But if I did how would in make Tod think it was his. I mean we hadn’t had sex in month. How would I get him to fuck me. Damn it Nena thought to myself he willing risk it all to just be with you. Are you willing take the same risk and grant him one thing he want in the most this whole world to be a father.

Second how would explain it Tod if i wasn’t able to seduced him into making love to me again shortly after getting with Scott! I would have seduce my husband like never before to make cover just in case I did end up pregnant by Scott. Scott and I talked about that before he was ok with just knowing and watching his child grow up in pictures. But that would be totally unfair to him. damn it Nena why are you allowing your pussy to do the think instead on your head. But it was to late if I back out now Scott would be crushed once again. For many years ago I told him I would come to visit him long before he hook up with Ashley only to let him down hard. Damn this time would be different no back out now Nena!

******* Michael ******

That night all I could think of was Nena coming down this Thursday afternoon. Thinking about all things we were going to do to each other. I been waiting a lifetime to for an opportunity to come up make love to Nena. But I had a lot to worry about as well. Would I be about to live up to the hype. I mean I didn’t want to her be disappointed. Would we take slow and steady when she arrive and truly enjoy what were we doing or was it going to be like the first second that we laid eyes on each other would we be tearing each other’s clothes off and fucking like rabbits. Would she demand that we used Protection?To be honest I couldn’t stand wearing a damn condoms. I want it to be flesh on flesh nothing between two of us. It really pissed me off when for first year of Ashley and my marriage she forced me wear to one. Then dawn on me if we didn’t wear any protection I could very possibly father a child by her and I have long to be father for so long. It seem like all my friends and Ex girlfriend where having them and yes i was very Envious of that! Would Nena go for it? I mean it was long shot but it was worth a try. I was getting hard just thinking about it. But I knew I need to save it for Nena. I didn’t want her to be Unsatisfied because I was looking for an long term relationship and not the numerous one nightstand I had before marry Ashley !

Later on that evening once the wife and I had turned in for the evening. As I fell fast asleep that night; I had numerous highly erotic dream about Nena that night. The dreams I had about her that night weren’t like any dream I had about my wife before, they were filled with blazing lusted and passion. That guess my marriage was lacking. Those dreams I was having about her just intensified in strength as the days slowly click off .

As excited as I was about Nena coming down that Thursday I keep telling myself don’t allow yourself to get your hope build up to much; because Nena had told both myself and my sister she would drive down to see us and I had gotten my hopes build up only to have them dashed to piece the day of her visit when she no showed. But something told me this time would be different she would show up ; because she knew I couldn’t with stand another let down.

I knew Nena wasn’t the same girl i dated Briefly at camp those many year go. Back then Nena was a carefree individual even after she the two surgeries on her back to put in two medal Rods in her back correct her severe case of scoliosis. Which causes her finally be able to stand up straight I used mess with her by running my knuckle down her back. But a lot had changed for Nena over the years. One she had met and married Todd. He owned a shipping company in Hawaii.

Well not to long after they married maybe a year in their marriage Nena give birth to their first born son. When on have two daughters as well. So I can understand why she didn’t think she sexy. Hell having one baby could do a total on a woman body. But three and now her husband would totally touch her. I had prove to her she still sexy….and I would


The pass week seem fly by every chance Scott and I got we were either finalizing our plan or we were having cyber sex which I wasn’t very good at but I was learning how to. He call it sexual roleplaying and damn it he was great at it. I know poor old faithful was in need of a vacation that or I need to replace the battery in it ever way he need a break and I needed an real dick bury deep Inside my pussy since my limp dick husband wouldn’t do it

Well Monday of that week I drove the kids up to their week long overnight Church camp. I hate leaving the kids they were my world especially the youngest Sarah this would be first time she would away from me since birth. But I told her she would have great time and meet a lot new friends. Well after getting them checked in and bags to their cottages and settled in I kissed each of them goodbye and ahead back to my Vehicle. It was only then did I allow myself to break on a have good cry. As I drove along I was thinking to myself ok Nena first step is down only two thing now are separating you from you wild weekend with Scott. Todd and Ashley both leaving.

Now if everything when according to plan my husband Todd was slated to fly out early Tuesday morning for Hawaii for his business conferences that would last week which happens to be tomorrow morning once he was gone I was planning on going to the mall buy some sexy lingerie and other sexual stuff to go with it. I want this weekend to be the best weekend of our lives. Something neither one of us would forget. Scott made It perfect clear he wanted our love making to be very erotic and passionate. I pick up my phone send Scott quick Facebook message

Nena: “step one completed just drop off the children! “And I wait for his response Scott: “good when does limp dick leave? “He replied Nena: gessh Scott do you all way have referrer to him that way?

Scott: sure do any man who doesn’t take care of his duty to his woman needs is limp dick to me Nena:” WOW ok well limp dick will be taken off tomorrow morning around six. Then I plan on going to mall and picking out a nice sexy set of lingerie some other stuff to go with it.”

By now all our Previous messages had disappeared

Scott:” Nena just make sure you don’t get anything that is super expensive because it may get ripped off you!”Nena:” Damn Scott don’t be going all cave man on me now lol” Scott:” Hey You’re the one who said you wanted it wild Nena” Nena:” lol I know but going crave man a little much those” messages drop from screen Scott:” lol I guess oh shit wife home talk you later” Nena:” Ok see you Thursday message disappear from chat

Well the next morning my husband alarm clock alarm on his phone goes off at three in morning! Which just happens to awakens me up from a very nice sex dream I was having about Scott and damn it was getting to good part too. Damn he was pounding the holy hell out of me. So I get up Get dress since I all ways take Todd to airport when leave out on business trip even though he wish I wouldn’t. A few hours late his flight take off and now step two is completed shoots Scott quick message Nena:” step two just took off see you Thursday Scott:” just remember Nena don’t by anything that is expensive ok it may cause him because suspicious see you Thursday and he log off.Later that afternoon I go to mall pick some things and surely hope he like them


My heart skips beat when I read her message that step one and two on her end was competed. A oh dear God she going buy some sexy lingerie and other stuff near caused me to get a hard one. The final piece of puzzle would take place on Thursday when Ashley parents came a got her.i was starting to get extremely nervous and excited at this point things are going to smooth. But I had hide my nervous. I couldn’t believe less that 48 hours Nena and I would finally be lovers .both Nena and I had been waiting for our whole life for this opportunity and we weren’t about let it slip though our hands.

Later that night Nena send me pictures of the sexy lingerie she had bought and God I really couldn’t wait for Thursday to come I just looking at them made my dick hard and I had to go bathroom to rub one out. Then Nena send me messages on Facebook messager

Nena: “Do you like them Scott?” It didn’t take long for me to respond

Scott: “ Damn those are sexy has hell Nena I can’t hardly wait to see them on you! What else did you buy?” I replied

Nena:” Oh just some toys I want you to use on me this weekend besides old faithful and I got an box of condoms and few only things to spice things up I love getting keep kinky in bed.” Nena replied

Scott: “ old faithful? Who the hell is old faithful Nena?” I replied as our original message disappear from the chat

Nena: “ lol Scott old faithful is the name I given to my favorite vibrating dildo don’t you remember the bright shine silver dildo from my picture I show you?” Nena replied

Scott:” Ohhhhh I remember now the one on ####hub right? I replied

Nena: “That the one but I’m hoping to have something else nickname old faithful soon Scott!” Nena replied

Moments later our messages disappear from chat

Scott:“ Oh trust me Nena you won’t be disappointed!” I replied

Nena: “ I so can’t wait to see you Scott and feel you inside of me .. damn it Scott I’m soaking wet again! look like I’m going have break old faithful out!” Nena replied

Scott:“ haha at least you can’t get blue balls like us men can .. oh trust me once I give you an orgasm unlike any old faithful can; just you wait Nena.” I replied

Nena: “ Oh God I’m about Cum!” Nena replied

Scott: “ than Cum baby and Scream my name while you do” I replied

Nena: “Oh Fuck that felt so damn GOOD! Shit now I have changed the sheets on bed goodnight Scott dream about me please? Nena replied

Scott: “ oh I will Nena goodnight!” I replied and log off for the night

###### Wednesday ########


Ugh I couldn’t hardly think straight today while at work. I work for private security company as unarmed security officer as hard as tried to focus on the job. I couldn’t because tomorrow this time Nena would be here and we would be doing things that only months ago was unthinkable

Things didn’t get any easier for me when I got home that evening because the wife was starting to pack her stuff for her trip to Kentucky for weekend;which was unusual behavior for her since usually she waited for day of to pack which all way annoyed my mother in law. So I really had hide my excitement from the wife couldn’t risk my wife noticing.

:” hey baby I’m home.” I said As I walked into room and began to get out of my security uniform. “ Hey hubbyboo your HOME! you look like your wore out!” My wife said as she walked around our california queen size bed and give me big hug and kiss on lips “ You better believe it babe! I know I just sit at desk all day watch the camera and check people in and out but it mentally draining … why you packing so soon?” I said to her as I slipped my uniform top over my head

“ Well Plans have change once again? She said as walked back over to her side of bed and restarted to pack her stuff “ what time is she going be picking you up now babe and why?” I said as I slipped my work pants off “ well mom called me earlier and told me to be ready to go no later than 12 to 2 tomorrow because she has to run a few last minute errands to run tomorrow and she doesn’t want be all day doing them” she said has she continued pack her stuff

When I heard that My Wife was leaving earlier than what was originally planned; I knew I had give Nena a update on the departure time of my wife so I shot Nena quick private message

Scott:” Hey Nena just ahead up the departure time for wife has been moved up from five to seven to between noon and two”

****** Nena ******

I was basket of nerves the night before I was to meet up with Scott. Thousands of thing were racing through my mind as I finishing packing my stuff to go meet him for what I hope was a weekend filled of hot passion Love making. Just thinking about cause my pussy to get wet. Damn I couldn’t wait to finally feel safe and secure in his loving arms.

When all suddenly I receive private message from him on my phone. My heart started to race; hoping that wasn’t message that was calling it off. So I retch over and grab my phone off the night stand by the bed and check the message from him and it read Scott:” Hey Nena just ahead up the departure time for wife has been moved up from five to seven to between noon and two”

So I sent him a reply back “ Cool see you then just let me know when she leaves” I had already planned to leave the house around 8 in morning any day way because I wanted get down here as early as possible and do some last minute shopping for us so that fitted perfectly with my original plans. With his wife departure time being moved up my excitement greatly increased. Just thinking about things the two of us were going to do together this weekend cause me to become extremely horny and just thinking about it cause me to become extremely wet. I could feel my wetness starting to Soak my panties as I put final few Items in my suitcase.

Once I finish up stuffing my shit into my bags; I zipped the zipper close my on my bags and carried them out of the house and loaded them in trunk of my car. Once I finally made back into my house;’ I took an moment see what time it was getting to because I had plan on having my shower done and in bed by at least ten so I could get up earlier in morning because the drive time from where I live and him is roughly an hour and 21 Minutes that is there no traffic accident “ shit it almost ten o’clock fuck!” I said out loud as head to bathroom to take my shower About fifteen minutes later I have was done with shower and dress for bed. I turn off the lights in my bedroom and once in bed. I laidback on my bed with big smile on my face knowing it was only a matter of time before I would finally have his dick buried deep inside my pussy and possibly his baby forming in my womb. I fell fast asleep to night filled with hot passion dreams about the upcoming weekend events


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