An adult stories – The Ape Man by Norseman123,Norseman123 Hi guys, I have been writing this story for ages, I got it in my head and it wouldn’t let me go. It started out to be a BTB my usual type of story, then the characters took over. So, I ended up with this, sorry no BTB, no cheating wife just a sad story about a man that just doesn’t fit.
There is some violence and yes some sex scenes, Strictly speaking, our MC is a cuckold but not as we understand it. If I had to call it anything it would be a love story but there is revenge but not on the wife.
I hope you will forgive me for this rendition I’ll try not to do it again.
I sat on the back porch rocking gently in my aunt’s old rocking chair watching the world go by. I had three fingers of JD over ice in one hand and a gorgeous blond curled up on my lap and fast asleep and I thought back on my past life.
I was the middle child my elder brother Frank was the apple of my parents’ eyes, but me, not so much. My sister Sarah was doted on by my dad and my parents gave them everything they wanted. Why may you ask? When my brother was born he was a healthy ten-pound baby with blond hair and blue eyes. My sister weighed in at six pounds five ounces with blond hair and blue eyes. Both were normal births and both were normally proportioned. I on the other hand was not, I was eight pounds, with black hair and was viewed as a freak. My arms were abnormally long with large hands reaching to my knees. My dad accused my mom of sleeping around and no amount of her denying it would appease my dad. He called me a throwback or the missing link and disowned me on the spot.
My brother at sixteen was six foot tall and the football team captain of our school and could do no wrong, academically he was thick as shit. I was two years younger and six inches shorter but was captain of the chess club and the school general knowledge team. As I was growing up I was awkward and would often trip over my own feet so my mom sent me to dance classes. This was to teach me balance and poise, not so much for my sake to save her from embarrassment over my clumsiness. After coming home with a split lip on several occasions my mom enrolled me in an after-school boxing club. This was the turning point of my life. The club was at an old-style gym that smelt of sweat and liniment and I loved it. Thanks to my dance lessons I was nimble on my feet and for once in my life my extra-long arms were an advantage. The trainer started me off by lifting weights to toughen me up. Six months later I was fighting above my weight and winning but my main interest was in weightlifting. There was a weightlifting club at the gym and I joined up, I still boxed to keep my hand in. My brother at seventeen was now six foot three and built like a linebacker and some scouts were showing an interest. My parents were so proud of their eldest son Sarah and I were barely noticed or tolerated. I was just beginning to notice girls. I was sitting at lunch one day when one of the cheerleaders sat opposite me. I was waiting for one of the jocks to come and sit down and start ridiculing me about my long arms. (I was known as the ape-man) Instead, she looked at me shyly and said.
”You’re Frank’s little brother aren’t you?”
Expecting some sort of ridicule I replied.
”What of it?”
”Frank says you’re some sort of genius is that right?”
Still not trusting her I replied.
”Compared to Frank that could describe a door mouse with learning difficulties.”
She laughed out loud.
”So true but the truth is I need a tutor I’m about to fail math. if I don’t get at least a B+ I won’t be able to get into Berkeley next year and my dad won’t buy me that Porsche he promised. Mom says if I get tuition she’ll pay ten dollars an hour, are you interested?”
Fucking right I was interested but I didn’t want to waste time with an airhead.
”Yes I’m interested but you will have to work hard and not wave me off so you can go out or I’ll walk. Can you make that sort of commitment?
She practically jumped for joy and hugged my neck.
”I promise, and if you get me through I’ll owe you big time.”
We made arrangements to meet the following evening after my weightlifting class.
Her name was Gloria and she was beautiful and way out of my class so I had no illusions about romance. She did study hard and my savings account grew accordingly. Her grades went up so her parents were pleased, but the best bit for me was she and her parents spread the word and I was soon in demand. I tutored several other failing seniors and even made some friends. One day a jock with a couple of his friends stopped me on my way home.
”You’re the arshole who’s been seeing my girl you little shit and I’m going to teach you not to mess with other guys girls.”
He then pushed me but when I didn’t fall over he took a swing which I dodged easily. I tried to explain I was only tutoring her but he wasn’t having any of it. He took another swing which I dodged, I stepped in and put my fist into his stomach and he dropped like a sack of potatoes. As I stepped away his friends decided to join in but before they could do anything the wrestling coach stepped in.
”If you boys want to fight come to the gym tomorrow night after school and you can fight there one-on-one not three against one now clear off.”
We all went our separate ways but the next night I was the only one to show up at the gym. There was a wrestling session in progress and I stayed to watch as my usual pupil was away with her parents for the week. The coach came over to me and said he was impressed that I had shown up, he then asked me if I would like to join the team. I said I would like to try it, and that was the start of my wrestling career.
Frank was still the favourite with Sarah coming a close second, and I being a disappointment came last. For Frank’s 16th birthday, he got a three-year-old Nissan Warrior, I got an old scooter and when Sarah reached 16 she got a two-year-old Toyota. Frank would rub it in every chance he got but Sarah said I could borrow her car whenever I wanted and seemed embarrassed. In the middle of Frank’s final year, he came to me to ask for a favour. Could I tutor him in math, English and biology it seems his winning a football scholarship just wasn’t enough, he actually needed at least a B in these subjects to go to his preferred college. I nearly split my sides laughing, what a fucking cheek. However, after some thought I agreed but only at the weekend, this would put a serious crimp in his social life.
One day while I was having lunch Sandra Lynch came and sat next to me and put her hand on my thigh.
”Hi Jay, do you mind if I join you?”
No fucking way was I going to say no I hadn’t even kissed a girl and I was 15 and my hormones and little head were saying YES, YES, YES. I tried to play it cool.
”Ok if you want to it’s fine by me.”
As we sat there talking she was stroking my thigh and I felt a little uncomfortable in my lower region.
”Jay the summer dance is in two weeks would you like to take me?”
”Yeah sure why not?”
And that was my first date I didn’t care if she had been out with every boy in school, anyway, I needed to learn something. I had my Sunday going to church suit so I would wear that. I hired a car using some of the money I had saved up from tutoring and picked her up at 7 sharp. Her parents didn’t even come to the door to see me. We arrived at the dance and I walked in with her on my arm looking like the cat that got the cream. We sat down with some of her friends who gave me a smirk, my brother came over and patted my back.
”Well, done squirt (I never topped 5′ 8” and never would) and walked away smirking. This should have given me a clue that all was not as it seemed but I was a horny teenager so sue me. I went and got her a fruit punch making sure it wasn’t laced with anything and we had a dance or two. We were sitting and catching our breath when she leaned into me and said.
”I came here with you because Frank asked me to but I’m leaving with Frank, he just wanted to prove what a looser you are.”
She then started laughing at me and the rest of her friends joined in chanting looser and clapping their hands. I felt tears of shame falling down my cheeks as I was laughed out of the dance.
I refused to tutor my brother anymore and he went to my dad, I told him what had happened and he just told me to get over it. The next day when I got home Frank was waiting for me.
”Listen you little shit if you don’t help me I won’t get into college so get your books out and let’s get started.”
”After the stunt, you pulled I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire so fuck off.”
Frank hit me on the side of the head but as I had been boxing I knew how to ride it out and when I punched him back he hit the floor. He was lying there confused with his lip bleeding when Dad came in to see what was going on.
”Did you hit your brother?”
”Well, he hit me first.”
”You little bastard go and wait for me in the tool shed.”
I did as he told me and waited in the tool shed, it wasn’t the first time he had beaten me because of Frank but it would be the last. A few minutes later he came into the shed with his belt in his hands.
”Assume the position.” (he wanted me to bend over the bench)
”What did you say.”
”I said no.”
That’s when he lost it, as I hoped he would he grabbed me by the wrist and tried to force me to bend over. I struggled and this only made him even more angry, he hit me on the side of the head and I saw stars for a moment. Which gave him time to bend me over, as he thrashed me with his belt much harder than usual I knew I had him. I could feel the blood sticking to my pants where the edge of the belt had cut me. When he let go of me I picked up an old lamp and hit him with it. He fell down giving me a chance to escape. I bolted out of the back gate and went straight to the sheriff’s station to report child abuse. When the deputy looked at my bruised face and the blood on my pants she called the child services agency. While I was waiting for them to arrive my Dad was brought into the station in handcuffs. If looks could kill I would be dead but I just smiled back at him, I think it was then that he realised I had set him up.
A child services officer came and took me to the hospital to be examined. The doctor said I had taken a severe beating but there was no permanent damage. As my father was in custody the officer took me home to my mother and said she was taking me into protective custody and would my mother pack me some things. Mom packed a small bag and gave it to the officer all the while crying and asking me what I had done. The officer obviously angry at her attitude spoke.
”Mrs Price instead of accusing your son of provoking his Father perhaps you should be more concerned about his injuries.”
And with that, we left my hateful home. My father was charged with assaulting a minor and sentenced to three years suspended as it was his first offence and Mom and Frank said he was normally a loving Father and husband. But he was forbidden to come within two hundred feet of me which meant I couldn’t go back home. Fortunately, my aunt Marie only lived ten miles away and as my school was still the closest I could still attend that school. I had just turned 16 and had been given an old scooter for my birthday so I could get to school on my own. My aunt drove an old pickup and collected all my stuff including my scooter and brought it to my new home. My aunt and I had always got on very well and the transmission was easy.
I would get up an hour earlier have breakfast and drive the ten miles to school at the end of the day I would tutor for a couple of hours and then go to the gym. I would be home by 9 pm have a meal with my aunt do my homework and go to bed. This arrangement worked fine for the next few years and suited my lifestyle. I never dated I was consumed with being fit and making money to be less of a drain on my aunt’s finances. I brought all my clothes, books, and lunches and even upgraded my scooter to a new one. I kept the scooter instead of buying a car because it was so cheap to run and I could always borrow my aunt’s pickup if I needed four wheels.
I was now in my final year before going to College I had been awarded a full scholarship for my academic achievements. (I had led the general knowledge team to two state victories) My brother had won a football scholarship and attended a second-rate college due to his low grades. My eighteenth birthday came seven months into my final year and I was still a virgin. That changed one night when I was tutoring one of the girls who had witnessed my humiliation when things suddenly changed.
I was instantly defensive.
”One of the boys from the wrestling team said you were well-equipped in the dick department. I was wondering if you had ever used it, well have you?
I was struck dumb for a full minute and just sat there with my mouth open.
”Well, have you or are you still a virgin?”
”Yeah well,……. that is……. yes, I’m still a virgin.”
I must have gone a bright red as I stuttered my reply and looked at the floor hoping it would swallow me. She put her hand on my thigh and said.
”Well, I think we should do something about that don’t you?”
I gulped and looked into her eyes like a frightened dear.
They say you always remember the first time and boy were they right.
She took my hands and stood me up then unbuckled my pants, I looked at the door and she saw me and said.
”My parents are at a PTA meeting and won’t be back for at least a couple of hours so get undressed.”
I did as I was told and we were soon both soon naked. She pushed me onto the bed and started to stroke my rapidly hardening penis.
”Jay I’m going to give you a BJ so that you’ll last longer when you fuck me so don’t hold back.”
She then took my by now rigid cock into her warm wet mouth and started to bob her head up and down. She could only get about three inches in before she started to gag but she kept trying. I realised I was about to cum and tried to pull out but she held on tight and swallowed the lot. She pulled her mouth off with an audible pop and sat looking at my still-rampant tool.
”Oh, Jay you’re still hard, lay back on the bed and let me do the rest.”
She started stroking me while fingering her pussy, she then climbed on top and slowly lowered herself onto my manhood a bit at a time. Once I was three-quarters of the way in she started to rock back and forth whilst moaning.
”Oh yes oh yes oh god this feels so good.”
I had to agree I had never felt anything like it was even better than the BJ she had given me. It felt like I was in a wet velvet tunnel that was squeezing me, and every now and then I would bottom out on her cervix and she would let out a little whimper. She kept this up for several minutes then started to go faster and try to get all of me into her. Suddenly she arched her back screamed and dropped onto my cock burying me deep inside her. I couldn’t hold back anymore and filled her pussy up with my load. She fell off to one side panting heavily.
”Oh god Jay that was fantastic, but you mustn’t tell anyone I don’t want my boyfriend to find out. This was just a one-off, I just needed to see if I could take it. Thank you so much that was a dream come true.”
I continued to tutor her for the rest of the term but never did get to fuck her again. However, I kept quiet but she didn’t and the same episode played out with several of the girls I tutored (I only fucked the eighteen-year-olds as I didn’t want to end up on the sex offenders list.) Then one evening I went to tutor one of my girls and was let in by her mother.
”Hi, Jay Linda’s not here today she’s doing extra cheerleaders practice and won’t be home for another couple of hours. Come into the lounge I want to talk to you.”
I wasn’t overly worried as Linda was only sixteen and I hadn’t fucked her so it wasn’t that. I made myself comfortable while Mrs Drake made coffee and wondered what this was about. When Mrs drake came in with two coffees and set them down, she then surprised me by sitting next to me on the sofa closer than necessary. Let me tell you about Mrs Drake She is about 38 years old about 5′ 3” tall with a killer body a pixie-like face and saucy eyes and divorced.
”What did you want to talk to me about Mrs Drake?”
”Please call me Carol when we’re alone Mrs Drake makes me feel old.”
”Oh, I don’t think your old er……. Carol.”
”I’m glad to hear it, now as to what I wanted to talk to you about is this. I pick up a couple of other girls to take to school and although they think I can’t hear them whispering I can. And I heard all about the stunt your brother pulled last year, are you with me so far?”
”Er yes, I think so.”
”Well, is it true, are you well-endowed and have a 10-inch cock? Before you say anything I also know you’ve been fucking some of the girls you tutor.”
”I’ve never fucked Linda I swear it, all the girls are over eighteen.”
I babbled this out in a panic.
”It’s all right Jay I know that I also know she is no virgin but that’s another matter. Have you ever been with an older woman say my age?”
”No only with the girls of my age and they just use me and get off, they won’t even let me touch their parts as they all have boyfriends.”
”In that case, you’re in for a treat.”
She then took my hand and led me to her bedroom. Over the next two hours, she not only let me touch her bits but instructed me how to make her come with both my hands and tongue. For the rest of the term, I would visit her at least once a week for further instruction. I visited her on the last day before I went to college and she said she would miss our time together and I should call if ever I was in town.
As I started college my brother was being kicked out of his for failing grades. It turned out he wasn’t the football player he thought he was and the scouts were no longer interested in him. My Dad owned a small construction company and he went to work there as a junior office assistant. Dad sent him to evening college to get a qualification in construction management with the condition. If you fail again I’m washing my hands of you.
Aunt Marie was so proud of me when I was awarded Valor Victorian. My parents didn’t show up at graduation, I wasn’t surprised.
I started at my new college studying Business management, accounting and psychology. I also took two courses at our local community college in the evening nutrition and physical education. I wanted to open my own gym eventually. The college I chose was only twenty miles from my aunt’s house so I commuted each day much to the joy of my aunt. I avoided any romantic involvement as I wanted to study. I said goodbye to my friends at the gym and my boxing instructor recommended one local to my college.
I wasted no time in signing up at the gym but found they no longer had boxing as part of their itinerary. The owner Phill Harding welcomed me to the gym as my old coach had called him and said I would be by. He was in his sixties but as fit as a butcher’s dog. The gym was divided into two parts, downstairs was an old-fashioned gym like my old one. Upstairs was a bit more modern with exercise machines. The gym didn’t offer boxing but it did have a weightlifting club and an MMA school, I signed up for both.
At college it soon became apparent I was a very quick learner and my professor arranged for me to test for Mensa. Unfortunately, I failed to enter my score being lower than the 98-percentile required so I was just under genius level. I dropped Chess but had to continue with the general knowledge team as part of my scholarship deal. When my academic achievements became well known I again was approached for extra tuition and I started to earn some welcome money.
One night I was on my way home from a tuition session and was less than three miles from home when I spotted a broken-down car with the hood up. It was December so I was in my aunt’s pickup (too cold for the scooter and my aunt only used the pickup on the weekends) as I drove past I saw two men trying to push a woman into a car. I stopped and backed up, as I walked over to the struggling trio I heard the woman scream so I started running. One of the men saw me and came over to intercept me.
”This is none of your business kid so fuck off before you get a beating.”
The woman had her feet braced against the side of the car and the other man was trying to push her in. As I got closer to the first man I never slowed up and just barrelled into him knocking him off his feet. As he tried to get up I kicked him in the head and he was out. When I got to the second man he turned towards me and took a swing I ducked and caught him with an uppercut and he was out too. The woman turned out to be a girl about my age, she was shaking uncontrollably so I took my jacket off and offered it to her which she took with thanks. I sat her on the door edge while I went to my aunt’s pickup, I was looking for some rope or flex to tie them up with. There was no rope or flex but there was some duct tape, I wound it around their ankles and wrists and put a strip across their mouth so they couldn’t bite through their bindings. Then I went back to the girl, she had calmed down a bit but was still sobbing. I knew I couldn’t phone for help as this was a dead spot for mobile phones so I helped her into my pickup and we took off. When I had cleared the dead spot I called the sheriff and told him what I had seen and the action I had taken and I was now on the way to the hospital. He said he would send out a cruiser and also have both cars towed in. When he asked for the girl’s name I had to admit I hadn’t asked he chuckled and said he would meet me at the hospital.
By the time we arrived at the hospital, I knew her name was Kimberly Scott and she had run out of gas. The sheriff was waiting at the ER when I steered Kimberly in, she had stopped sobbing now and was coherent. The Sheriff took our statements and asked me to stay until someone came to pick up Kim. (she said nobody called her Kimberly except her father when he was angry with her) While we waited for her to be seen Kim called her father to pick her up, there was a heated discussion before she ended the call. Kim was shown into an examination room and we waited for what seemed like forever. While we waited a tall athletic-looking man about 50 years old came in demanding to see his daughter. I heard the sheriff mutter oh shit, then he walked over to the man and a discussion ensued with much hand waving some of it in my direction. Eventually, they came over to me and the sheriff introduced Kim’s father to me, Judge Author Scott. The Judge took my hand and pumped it enthusiastically.
”Young man I am forever in your debt if you hadn’t come along and stopped I dread to think what might have happened I can’t thank you enough.”
Just then Kim came out accompanied by a doctor. She ran to her father and they hugged the doctor said she was fine except for a few bruises which would heal in a few days. He gave her father an envelope and said there were a couple of pills for her in there to help her sleep tonight, he then left. Father and daughter then left without another word, it was as though the sheriff and I no longer mattered. The sheriff looked at me shrugged his shoulders and said.
”Don’t take offence he thinks his shit doesn’t stink, he treats everyone like they owe him and she’s not much better it comes from being one of the richest families in the state. Well, thank you for all you did if it weren’t for you I would probably be running a murder enquiry tomorrow. You will probably have to appear in court at some time to give evidence but it shouldn’t take long.”
We both went our separate ways he back to work me to my aunts. A couple of months later I did give evidence against the two men and both got fifteen years for attempted kidnapping/rape.
Over the next two years two things happened that would change my life first I won the state weightlifting championship two years running and was getting sponsorship offers. The other was my aunt, who died of a stroke while sitting in her favourite rocker. I was told it was painless and very quick. I called my mother and gave her the bad news and said I would make all the arrangements. She agreed but was otherwise unmoved as she and her sister didn’t get on and my aunt hated my Dad. After the funeral which was well attended a man in a grey suit took me to one side and said he was my aunt’s attorney and would I make an appointment to see him. I made an appointment for Saturday morning as my commitments didn’t allow for weekday appointments. I was ambushed when I got home that Friday waiting for me were my Mom, Dad and Brother. They had let themselves in and were going through my aunt’s bureau and belongings. Dad smugly told me the house now belonged to him and he was going to give it to Frank so I should move out.
”I’m sorry did I miss the will being read?”
Dad: ”Don’t try and be clever there is no will so the house belongs to your Mother.”
”One. I don’t have to try and be clever I am clever and as the will has yet to be read you have no right to be here so get out before I call the sheriff. And two. The will is to be read tomorrow.”
”Nobody told us so that’s illegal to start with.”
”Actually, it’s not, only those mentioned in the will have to be informed and as you aren’t, so you didn’t now get out.”
They finally left when I threatened to call the sheriff and report my Dad for breaking the restraining order. I was pretty sure that had run out so I was bluffing but it did the trick. The next day I went to see my attorney who informed me my aunt had left everything to me. I now had my own four-bedroom house and about forty acres of land. There was also some money and some stock shares. There wasn’t much money only about 60k but the stock shares were more interesting. When my Dad wanted to start his own company, he couldn’t get enough from the bank so had asked my uncle for the rest. My uncle being no fool insisted he be given shares in the company as collateral until the loan was repaid. My uncle never told my aunt about the deal and the debt had never been repaid and no dividends had ever been paid either. I decided to let an attorney look into it and put it out of my mind.
Life continued as before but I did miss my aunt, The pickup was now mine so I sold the scooter. I was coming to the end of my final year I had once again won the state weightlifting championship I could bench press 500lb and deadlift 420lb. To say I looked strange would be an understatement I weighed 230lb and stood at 5′ 8” with my abnormally long arms and hands I looked like a short gorilla. My muscles were so pronounced I had to wear tailor-made outfits to hide my size. I mostly wore short-sleeved shirts as I had to have specially made shirts to cover my long arms. I was happy with my life, women and sex were not a driving force. I got plenty of sex but wasn’t interested in starting a relationship. Most of the women I bedded were shallow, only interested in my 10” cock I did date some local women and impressed them with my dancing skill.
One day towards the end of my last year I got the strangest phone call. It was from an attorney who said if I wanted to hear something to my advantage to be at his office at 10 am the next day. I almost decided to ignore his invitation and later I wish I had. I turned up as requested and was shown straight in and there in the centre of the room was Judge Author Scott, Kim’s father. He held out his hand and we shook, it seemed to me he couldn’t let go of my hand quickly enough and I almost expected him to wipe his hand afterwards. I was offered a seat which I took and waited for an explanation as to why I was there. The Judge spoke first.
”Look James I understand you finish college this year and you haven’t got a job yet. I thought he was going to offer me a job, but no such luck) I have a proposition to offer you it’s a bit unconventional but very profitable, for you that is. First I have to ask if you are married or going steady.”
WTF I must have looked confused but answered anyway.
”No there’s nobody special in my life at the moment, why?”
”Well, there’s no easy way to say this so I’ll just come out and say it. Kim has got herself pregnant, I know the father and it’s not a good time career-wise for him to settle down. He needs to make senior VP before he makes that commitment and he doesn’t need a family slowing him down. What I have in mind is for you and Kim to get married and stay that way until he’s ready to settle down then you get a divorce and everyone’s happy. You will only be married on paper, I will provide a suitable house, and you will sleep in separate rooms but to the world, you will act as a loving couple. If you say yes I will deposit 500k in your account, you will also receive an income as a consultant while you are married. You will have virtually no contact with the child as I will provide a nanny to take care of him. You will stay married for at least five years or until his father makes senior VP. If you divorce in the first five years the 500k will be repayable. I realise it’s unrealistic for you to be celibate for so long but you must conduct your affairs at least fifty miles away and in absolute secrecy. As for Kim, the father will visit from time to time at my home and Kim and he will sleep together there. There may also be the occasional trip away for them to connect. I have it all in the contract ready for you to sign, what do you say?”
I sat there stunned how could a parent treat his daughter this way?
”First, why me?”
”That’s easy first I know I can trust you with my daughter after what you did for her. And second I know my daughter couldn’t fall in love with someone like you she would have to be desperate.”
His answer pissed me off so I would play hardball.
”Sound’s ok but I want to run it past my attorney first.”
”Listen you little pissant the offer’s good just sign it and I’ll make all the necessary arrangements.”
”I’m not as stupid as you may think, I have the upper hand here Kim’s knocked up and will start showing soon then your little plan won’t be worth shit. Now give me the contract and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
He practically threw the documents at me and walked out leaving his attorney behind. I locked eyes with his attorney and saw a little smile creep across his face. He gave me a slight nod and chased after his master.
The next day I made an appointment with my aunt’s old attorney and gave him the contract to examine.
”Ok, Jay you’ve got him over a barrel what do you want.”
”Well, the arrogant bastard wanted me to sign right then and I may have but I didn’t like his attitude so burn the bastard. What do you think I can get?”
”Oh, I like your style but I must caution you, Judge Scott is a vindictive bastard and may come after you later.”
”I’ll worry about that when it happens.”
”OK leave it with me for a couple of days, Make an appointment for the end of the week on your way out and I should have something by then.”
I left feeling much better if the deal came off I would have enough money to start my own business much sooner than I expected. I saw my attorney that Friday and was delighted with the amended contract. I called Judge Scott’s attorney and made an appointment. His office called back the same day to confirm an appointment for Monday. The speed at which Scott had agreed to meet me showed his desperation. (I thought I would like to play poker with him, I would clean him out) Monday morning we met at his attorney’s office and I gave him the new contract to sign. He knew I held all the aces and after reading it he signed it and threw it at me. I had his attorney get it notarized while I waited. When it was done he went to pick it up.
”Not so fast first make three copies and have them notarized. You keep one copy I keep the original and my attorney keeps the third.”
”that’s highly irregular I should keep the original.”
”This is non-negotiable take it or leave it.’
I got my way and deposited the original in a bank security box and gave the copy to my attorney.
The new contract read as follows. (cutting out all the legal jargon)
1/ Scott would pay me 500k to marry his daughter and he would pay all the relevant taxes.
2/ The term would be for five years. For any additional years or part thereof, I would be paid an additional sum of 100k tax-free. For the duration of the contract, I would be paid as a consultant at the rate of 25k pa also tax-free.
3/ Scott would pay all expenses linked to our marriage including a five-bedroom house with an in-law’s apartment over a double garage for the nanny. At the end of the contract, the house would be titled to me.
4/ When the baby was born it would be registered in my name. As the father I would consent to Kim’s new husband adopting it.
5/ All meetings between Kim and the child’s father are to be conducted with the utmost discretion. If someone tells me that they have been seen together or I even hear the word cuck, it goes straight to divorce and I keep everything. The same goes for me and any relationships I may have.
6/ Meetings between Kim and her lover will be restricted to two weekends a month at the Scott household. She may also see her lover for a maximum of five weekends a year out of state. She is also free to spend a week’s holiday with him each year. When these meetings take place the child is to reside at the Scott residence.
7/ Kim is to treat me with respect at all times and take on the responsibilities of a normal wife in all respects outside of the bedroom. She will only stay out overnight with my permission. The same goes for me.
8/ I will have minimum contact with the child as I do not want to form a bond with it and it would confuse the child when he left for good.
9/ I will develop my own business separate from community property and Kim is to have no claim on it.
After the meeting was over Scott came over to me.
”You little bastard I never thought you had it in you but I will have the last laugh.”
And then he stormed out of the door. Once again his attorney looked at me and smiled with a nod. Then said.
”In all the years I’ve worked for him I’ve never seen him bettered or so angry so look out for yourself.”
He then shook my hand and I left.
The next Saturday we would all meet again at his attorney’s but with Kim present. I was shown into the same room and when I saw Kim I couldn’t help but look to see if she was showing yet. She wasn’t but I could see she had been crying. Her father started the meeting.
”Well now we are all here I have an announcement to make, The wedding is set for next Saturday at 2 pm at Saint Mark’s. You (pointing at me) have an appointment at my tailors this afternoon to get fitted with a decent suit so go there straight after we wind things up. You and Kim have a lot to talk about, so go somewhere quiet and get acquainted. I didn’t feel it was worth pissing him off at this time so I took Kim with me to the tailors for a fitting. Afterwards, I took her to my home for our chat.
”Kim Have you read the contract and how do you feel about it?”
”Yes I’m not happy about some of it but I understand you need to cover yourself so I’m prepared to live with it.”
”I know it’s not ideal but we both get what we want in the end. I get to kickstart my business aspirations and you get to keep your reputation. And to marry the father of your child. I promise to treat you fairly and with respect if you do the same.”
We didn’t meet again until the day of our wedding. Kim looked spectacular and with the help of Scott’s tailor, I looked pretty good too. The wedding went as planned with all the usual pomp (I did notice a tear escape Kim’s eye at one point. Probably thinking It should have been her lover) The reception was lavish as expected. All the guests were hers I didn’t know anyone there. I caught a few looking down at me probably thinking what does she see in him? We were of course expected to start the dancing off.
Scott: ”I don’t suppose you know how to dance so I’ll make your apologies and lead my daughter out.” (all said with a smirk)
”That won’t be necessary.”
Having said that I took Kim’s hand and led her onto the dance floor. I’m no Fred Astaire, but I can cut the rug. We started with a waltz then a foxtrot in all we danced six tunes together. I saw Scott (I will only refer to him by his last name as I didn’t and still do not like him) standing on the edge of the crowd trying to cut in. For the Father’s daughter’s dance but as her mother Martha showed no inclination to dance with me, I cut him out. When we finally left the floor Kim was out of breath and needed to sit down while I went to get some drinks. When I returned she and her father were having words, when they saw me they stopped. I handed Kim her drink and asked.
”What was that about?”
”Dad was angry that I wouldn’t dance with him until I caught my breath. He said I looked like I was having a good time and should remember that it was only a pretend marriage and not get carried away. I reminded him that to make this marriage legal it would have to be consummated. I thought he might have a stroke right then but he went very red and stomped away. You do realise I was just trying to piss him off and I didn’t mean it.”
”of course, not that would be against the contract, you will have to tell him nothing happened between us just to keep the peace.”
”Yeah, but I’ll let him stew for a while first. Anyway, I am having a good time and I don’t care who knows it including my boyfriend. (that statement hurt for just a moment but I realised I was being silly, Kim is not and never will be mine) If he wasn’t so career-minded he would be the one on my arm and not you. No offence.”
”Non taken and I’m enjoying myself too, I haven’t danced like that in years.”
We sat and sipped our drinks for a while then Kim got up and said.
”I’d better go and dance with Grumpy or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
I just smiled and sat back to relax. As she walked away her maid of honour came up to me and asked for a dance. I took her hand and we joined the throng. As we were dancing I noticed Kim was watching us and she wasn’t smiling. (WTF was that about) The MC stood up to the mike and announced.
”Ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together as our Bride and Groom leave for their honeymoon.”
To a round of applause, we held hands and went out to the limo followed by shouts and ribald remarks. The limo took us to my house as I was not thought worthy to enter Scott’s mansion. We changed and were taken to the airport where we would fly out to Hawaii for a week’s honeymoon. Courtesy of Scott. (I bet he nearly choked on spending out for the honeymoon, good job) We booked into the presidential suite and not the honeymoon suite as it had two bedrooms. We unpacked in our separate rooms and got ready to go to dinner. I wondered if Scott had cameras installed to see if we broke our contract. Outside of our hotel, we acted as a newly married couple but at night we slept in separate rooms. We had a wonderful week and visited all of the attractions. On the last night, we were sitting on a swing seat outside the hotel by the pool. When Kim put her head on my shoulder and whispered.
”I wish we didn’t have to go home tomorrow I wish this could go on forever.”
I replied.
”Me too.”
And was surprised I meant it.
When we got home we went straight to my house as the new house wouldn’t be ready for another couple of weeks. I gave Kim the master bedroom as it had its own on suite. And I took one of the upstairs bedrooms. The first morning home I woke to the smell of bacon cooking. I showered and got ready for work (I was working at the gym as an instructor) and went downstairs. I saw Kim standing in the kitchen and said.
”That smells delicious but I don’t expect you to cook for me that wasn’t part of the deal.”
”That’s ok I love cooking I just don’t get the chance often. Now sit down it’s almost ready.”
I sat down to bacon and eggs on waffles with biscuits on the side. I didn’t have the heart to tell her breakfast for me was usually more than twice that size. As a weightlifter, I need to consume between 4k to 6k calories per day mostly protein. I would have to stop at Ranchero truck stop and fill up later, I did grab a protein drink from the fridge before I left.
When I got to work I got my leg pulled about my honeymoon for the first few minutes. When it settled down I asked Phill if he could spare me a few minutes and he showed me into his office.
”Ok, Jay what’s on your mind?”
”Phill I know you said you were looking to sell the gym and move to Florida, were you serious?”
”Why have you won the lottery.”
”Not quite but I have come into some money and was wondering how much you wanted.”
”Actually, I’ve been talking to someone and they have made me an offer. If you can match it it’s yours.”
”What’s their offer?”
”Well, the offer stands at 300k all in. That includes the building, which consists of thirty apartments.”
”Isn’t that a bit on the cheap side?”
”Normally yes but most of the apartments are empty, and the full ones live under the rent protection scheme so I can’t charge them the full value of their apartments. And I can’t kick them out. Their rent doesn’t even cover the maintenance cost so the building is getting run down. Are you still interested?”
”I didn’t know you owned the whole building. Let me think about it for a couple of days and I’ll tell you by Friday, is that ok.”
”Yeah but no later.”
I spent the rest of the day in the gym working and working out. When I got home Kim had cooked a pot roast with all the trimmings. I had already eaten but didn’t say anything, she was really trying to make this work. I thought if she keeps this up I’ll have to rethink my diet. We spent the evening watching TV and getting acquainted, I told her my life story and she told me hers. She painted a picture of an overbearing father who wanted to control every facet of her life. He had introduced her to her boyfriend and encouraged her to sleep with him. He was an attorney and was working at his father’s law firm, one of the largest in New York. His father insisted he work his way up the ladder but expected to make senior VP in five years then he could relax and marry Kim.
The programme we were watching ended so we went to bed. I had to have a clear head tomorrow as I was meeting a potential sponsor. In the morning, I was up and out before Kim woke up. I left her a note saying I had an early start but would see her later. I had a meeting with a possible sponsor (Bill Swan) his company made sports equipment primarily for gym use and he wanted me to promote his product and put my picture on the shop sale goods. Of course, it wasn’t as lucrative as a football or baseball sponsor would be but it was still a middle-five-figure sum. My winning the state weightlifting championship five years in a row earned me a reputation. And sports equipment companies wanted to cash in on my success. I took the offer back to my attorney for approval. On my way home I dropped it off at his office, he wasn’t in but his receptionist said she would see that he got it. I also put together a proposal for Phill to buy out his gym and building. I would pay him 200k up front the remainder to be paid over five years with interest. On Friday I made my presentation to Phill, he seemed interested but wanted his attorney to look at it first. That same day my attorney (Mike Greyson) called and said to accept the sponsorship offer. I called Bill and gave him the good news, He said he would set up a photo shoot and get back to me.
The next couple of weeks were hectic and I didn’t see much of Kim, I was out early and usually got home after she had gone to bed. I had the photo shoot and it took much longer than I expected but it was done now and would be on the shelves within the month. Phill came back to me and said my proposal would be acceptable all I had to do was call by his attorney’s office and sign the contract. I did this one Monday morning and Phil called all the staff into the lower gym and announced the change in ownership. There was a round of applause and some backslapping, I thought I saw a tear in his eye but he seemed genuinely happy. I wanted to lift the gym up a notch or two but first I had to deal with the rent-protected tenants.
I sat in my office at home (we were still at my old aunt’s house) all weekend working out a solution. Kim was at her parent’s house probably with her boyfriend (Well, that was the deal wasn’t it?) and I didn’t expect her home at the earliest Monday afternoon. By Sunday night I had a plan but it all depended on a unanimous vote by the tenants.
On Monday I contacted the fair rent office and made an appointment to see the officer for my area on Wednesday. I spent the rest of the day working out in my gym (With all that was going on in my life I had neglected my workouts and needed to catch up.
When I got home Kim was waiting up for me and looked worried.
”Jay are you angry at me for some reason?”
”No what makes you say that?”
”Well, you seem to be avoiding me lately, You are gone when I get up and you come home after I’ve gone to bed, you seem to be avoiding me.”
”Kim I have a lot going on at the moment at work. I’m sorry if I seem distracted but It won’t be for much longer I promise.”
”Jay it’s just that as a married couple, we should be socialising and going out together. I’m stuck in most of the time as I don’t want people I know to see me out on my own like a single woman. If this is going to work we have to be seen out together is that such a hardship?”
I could see she was upset and there were tears in her eyes. I’m a sucker for a crying woman and immediately swept her into my arms.
”I’m sorry Kim I wasn’t thinking, you’re right of course and no it’s certainly no hardship going out with you. I would be proud to take you anywhere you want just say the word.”
I suddenly became aware she was hugging me back and felt awkward. I disengaged from our hug and asked where she would like to go.
”Would you like to take me to dinner on Friday and then perhaps go dancing, you’re a wonderful dancer you know.”
After our discussion, she seemed a lot brighter and was actually humming to herself as she went to bed.
Wednesday I went to my appointment with the fair rent officer Mary Goodnight, she was a middle-aged woman in a smart suit. She showed me into her office and sat down.
”Well, Mr Price what do you want, before we start we are being recorded. This is for both your Protection as well as mine is that all right with you?”
”That’s perfectly fine with me.”
”Ok, now that’s out of the way what exactly can I do for you.”
”You may or may not know I have bought the gym on Arlington and also own the building with rent-protected tenants. As you are probably aware their rent doesn’t even cover the maintenance costs.”
”I understand your predicament but the law is the law and I can’t help you I’m afraid.”
”As things stand the building will become uninhabitable in a couple of years and what will happen then?”
”Is that a threat Mr Price?”
”By no means. I have a solution that benefits both the tenants and me.”
”Ok, Mr Price what have you in mind?”
”There are six rent-protected tenants In the building, they are the only tenants left. That leaves twenty-four empty apartments. The tenants are scattered throughout the building but none on the ground floor. I was thinking that if I renovated six apartments on the first two floors and the tenants moved into those for the same rent. I could then renovate the rest of the building to a superior specification and rent them out for a profit. I could then afford to maintain the building and everyone would be happy. What do you think?”
”That certainly sounds like a good idea but for it to work every tenant would have to be on board with the idea.”
”I realise that and that’s where you come in if we could arrange a tenant’s meeting I could put forward my idea and with your approval, it stands a chance.”
”I will have to run this past my superiors but it sounds like a plan, leave it with me and I’ll get back to you.”
I left feeling more optimistic than when I arrived and went straight to the gym. Remembering what Kim had said I got home just after six.
”Oh, Jay I’m so sorry I didn’t expect you home so early I haven’t got anything ready for dinner.”
”That’s ok let’s eat out nowhere special, you pick while I get changed.”
”I’ll need to change too I can’t go out dressed like this and my hair is a mess.”
”I’ll tell you what I’ll pick tonight’s outing and you pick one for Friday, somewhere classy with dancing ok? And you don’t need to change just put your hair in a ponytail and you’ll look right at home.”
I quickly went upstairs to take a shower and change into jeans and cowboy boots with a check shirt I went downstairs and Kim was waiting for me. She looked really homely and not at all like the rich kid she was. We went outside and Kim naturally went to get into her Mercedes.
”Not this time Kim your Merc would look out of place where we’re going, we’ll use that on Friday.”
I opened the passenger side door of my old truck for her and she got in.
”Where are we going?”
”You’ll see the food is excellent and the company is first class.”
When I pulled up at the Ranch House truck stop she looked confused.
”It’s ok by day it’s a truck stop at night it’s a western bar and grill with dancing but not the type you’re used to. Come on I guarantee you’ll enjoy it.”
We went in and Kas the owner saw me and came over.
”Haven’t seen you in here for a while Jay how you been keeping and who’s your lady friend?”
”Sorry been busy, and this lovely lady is Kim, my wife. Kim this is Kas this is her establishment and the best western bar in the state.”
”Hi, honey how did you manage to rope Jay I thought he would remain single for life. Every time I set him up with someone he’d brush them off, you and I need to talk sometime.”
She then showed us over to a booth with a view of the dance floor and the four-piece band playing there. Some couples were drifting around the floor not really dancing just holding each other and moving about.
Kim looked excited, like a child in a toy shop. Kas came over to give us the menu and asked what we wanted to drink. I looked at Kim and said.
”two beers, non-alcohol for me I’m driving.”
As we sat looking at the menu Kas brought over the beers but no glasses. Kim gave me a funny look and looked at the bottles as if to ask about there being no glasses. I just pointed around the room and Kim realised nobody had glasses. I lifted my bottle and motioned Kim to do the same, I then touched the bottles together and said.
”Here’s to you kid (in my best Bogy accent) and cheers.”
Kim had never been in a restaurant like this and the menu was foreign to her so she asked what was good. I ordered the special ribs with fries and wings for both of us. When it came her eyes got really big.
”I’ll never be able to eat all that.”
”Don’t worry about it I’ll finish what you don’t want.”
She picked up her Knife and fork and tried to par the meat off the ribs.
”No not like that use your fingers and the fork for the fries and use the napkin to wipe your fingers.”
We sat eating and not talking about anything and by the look on Kim’s face she was thoroughly enjoying herself. When she was full she pushed her plate over to me to finish the rest.
”That was delicious please tell me you’ll bring me here again.”
”Any time you like but you had better join a gym this is very fattening and your boyfriend might not approve of me getting you fat.”
She suddenly looked sad and went to the lady’s room. When she returned her eyes were red as if she had been crying. I decided discretion was the better part of valour and didn’t say anything. The band stopped and the leader shouted line dance and everyone cheered. I stood up took Kim’s hand and led her to the end of the line, she looked confused so I said.
”Just follow what everyone else does and you’ll be fine.”
Twenty minutes later she looked like she had been doing it forever and seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself. The band called a break and we sat down. To listen to the jukebox while they had their break. As we sat there a slow dance came on and a man I didn’t know came over.
”Excuse me sir would you mind if I asked your little lady for a dance?”
”Thank you for asking yes you may ask but it is up to her.”
He then asked Kim to dance, she looked at me and I nodded my consent.
They went onto the floor and danced a couple of numbers and he brought her back and thanked both of us. Kim looked at me confused.
”That is how you ask another man’s woman to dance if you don’t want your head busted. You don’t ever cut in unless you are her husband and you always take no for an answer. Everyone here knows the rules of good manners and lives by them.”
We had a couple of dances and left at about eleven. When we got home as we said goodnight Kim gave me a light kiss on the cheek and said.
”I had a wonderful night thank you so much I haven’t enjoyed myself so much in ages.”
We then went our separate ways to bed.
In the morning, I came down to breakfast but this time I was treated to a mountain of eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes and syrup. I looked at Kim and she laughed.
”After the amount of food, you put away last night, I realised a body like yours needs more so I looked it up on the web and this is the result.”
”Kim you’re a marvel, I have to go in this morning but I should be back by lunchtime.”
”jay did you mean what you said last night about me needing to go to a gym?”
”Well, I was only joking but if you keep eating like you did last night yes you will need to work out. Having said that I don’t know about working out while you are pregnant.”
”Oh, I never thought of that perhaps I should talk to my doctor. But while we are on that subject I have a favour to ask.”
”Ask away little lady (said in a very bad John Wayne imitation).”
”Jay I know this is asking a lot but would you consider coming to my Lamaze classes, other husbands will be there so you won’t feel out of place.”
”Kim it would be my honour to come to your classes just tell me when and where.”
She threw herself into my arms and hugged me.
”Thank you so much I didn’t want to be the only one without her husband there.”
Saturday and Sunday Kim went to her parent’s home so I could do whatever I liked. I slept in until ten then went to the gym for a couple of hours. I couldn’t settle and realised I had got used to having someone around the place and felt lonely. Fuck this was harder than I had thought it would be I was now missing Kim. We hadn’t been intimate and we weren’t really married so what was my fucking problem. I even felt jealous that Kim was probably sleeping with her boyfriend while I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself. I needed an outlet for my frustrations. I remembered one of the guys at the gym saying he worked off his frustrations by going to MMA meetings and beating the shit out of someone. He also said he sometimes got the shit beat out of him but the result was the same. I was a strong guy, I had boxed, wrestled and was sparing MMA at the gym. I liked MMA because like boxing you actually hit them as hard as you could and they did the same. I only really survived because of my strength and size, I could absorb punishment because of my muscular frame.
I went on the computer to see if there were any fights listed for this weekend. I was in luck there was an all-comers welcome fight only thirty miles away. If I left now I could make the registration time. I got my kit together (I needn’t have bothered when I got there the fighters were wearing street clothes) jumped in my truck and set off. I got there in plenty of time and joined the queue for registration. When they asked me my name I gave my real name and was told I needed a fight name I plucked one out of the air (The missing link). They then offered a mask for disguise which I accepted. I was then shown to the dressing room to wait to be called, while I was there another contestant offered to help put my mask on as it had to be laced at the back. I decided that I didn’t want to ruin my clothes so changed into a black leotard that I found in a locker. I left my clothes and my personal things in the locker and was given a key with the number on it. When it was my turn I handed the key to the MC for safekeeping. He then asked my name and announced me at the Missing Link. He announced the other fighter as Godzilla the Great. It was to be a cage fight and we entered from opposite sides.
There was no bell to start the fight and Godzilla came straight at me as soon as the door was shut. I wasn’t ready and took a hit to the head and I went down, the crowd were booing (me or him I have no idea). Evidently, this was a no-holds-barred fight and he tried to stomp me but I caught his foot and sent him flying across the cage. He came straight back at me but this time I was ready, he tried a flying karate kick and missed and as he landed I jabbed a right to his jaw and he staggered away. He then took up a boxing stance and for a while, we traded punches but neither of us could get in a deciding shot. He then made the mistake of trying a roundhouse kick. I caught his ankle spun him around off the ground and threw him at the cage walls. He hit the cage about six feet in the air and dropped to the floor, he didn’t move again. He was the resident champion for this establishment (I didn’t know that at the time.) The management saved the newest arrival for last so that he could kick them around for the amusement of the crowd. The room went silent the MC came into the cage and announced me the winner. The crowd went crazy shouting Missing Link over and over. I was escorted back to the dressing rooms and told to leave as soon as possible as the losers of the illegal betting would be after my blood. The MC gave me the night’s purse (a percentage of the night’s take) and let me out the back. I was glad I had worn the mask as I didn’t want any comeback.
When I got home my right eye was beginning to close and my jaw ached but I still had all my teeth and my frustrations were gone, it had worked but I ached all over. In the morning, I felt much worse my eye was shut my face was bruised and my ribs felt like someone had taken a baseball bat to them. I ran a bath put some Epsom salts in and took a long soak. The water was nearly cold when I got out, I cleaned the tub put a towel around me and went in search of coffee. As I was walking out of the kitchen holding the towel up and carrying my coffee the front door opened and in walked Kim. She took one look at my battered face dropped her bag and ran over to me.
”Jay, what happened to you were you in an accident?”
I didn’t want to tell her the truth so I said I had been boxing at the gym and caught a right-hander. She went to the freezer and got some ice wrapped it in a tea towel and held it against my face.
”Here hold this.”
She moved my hand from my towel and put it on the ice pack she then pushed me down onto the sofa. I had the ice pack in one hand and my coffee in the other so as I sat down the towel around my waist came open to reveal my wedding tackle. Kim couldn’t help but look and then look again as I tried to cover myself. She put her hand to her face and muttered.
”Oh my god.”
She then went as red as a beet and ran to her room. I sat there like a complete idiot. After a while, I went to my room and got changed into something less revealing. When I came out Kim was sitting holding a cup of coffee but when she looked at me she went red again and started to get up.
”Kim please don’t feel embarrassed, I’m sorry, it wasn’t your fault, what you saw can’t be unseen so just try and forget it ever happened, please.”
She looked at me and smiled.
”I’m sorry too I shouldn’t have looked but you’re beautiful down there and any woman would be lucky to have you but I’m not sorry I looked and I will remember it forever.”
Now it was my turn to go red and I could feel it creeping up my face. To change the subject, I asked.
”Did you have a good weekend?”
”Not really, David, That’s his name took one look at my stomach and said I was getting fat. I explained it was the baby but all he wanted to know was if it would go after the birth. I said I would have to exercise to get my figure back and he said the sooner the better. He went back to New York straight after dinner. I guess he doesn’t like my new figure.”
And then she started to cry. I swept her into my arms and held her saying.
”Kim I think pregnant women are the most beautiful women in the world they glow and you should be proud of your little bump. When I’m out with you even though the baby’s not mine I’m so proud of you. In my opinion, you never looked more beautiful than you do now, so take no notice of him he doesn’t deserve you.”
She stopped crying and just held me.
”Kim Would you do me a favour and take me to work I can’t drive with one eye shut.”
”No problem let me change into some jeans and I’ll be right there.”
She took me to the gym and I asked her in and introduced her to some of the guys. I took a lot of good-natured ribbing about my eye and it was suggested that Kim had hit me for misbehaving. Kim thought that was hilarious. She ended up staying for the day and insisted on treating everyone to lunch. When she went to the deli for subs for everyone I sent one of my guys with her to help carry them back. (and also, it can be a bit of a rough neighbourhood.) We all sat about munching and drinking protein drinks. When my phone went off, It was Mary Goodnight from the fair rent office. She said she had spoken to her boss who thought it was a good idea and to make it happen. She said she would approach the tenants to call a meeting for Wednesday at six pm and would meet her at her office at that time. When I got to her office she seemed really upbeat with the whole idea and said her bosses were excited to see the outcome. If it all panned out they were going to suggest other landlords do the same, which would make their job so much easier. When the tenants arrived and were introduced to me as their new landlord I was given the evil eye. We all went into the conference room and took our seats and much to my surprise coffee and cakes were offered. When we had all settled down Mary opened a door and introduced Rex Vanden the Council attorney she then stood up and banged on the table.
”Your attention please Ladies and gentlemen. The folders I am about to hand out contain an offer by Mr Price, your landlord. Before you read it I have to tell you, that it has been examined by Mr Vanden our corporate Attorney who thinks it deserves your serious consideration. Now please read the document and after you have all read it Mr Price will answer any questions.”
She then smiled at me and sat down. I was a little shocked as I thought we were just going to have an informal discussion. It seems the local authorities were keen to have this implemented at the earliest time possible. Then the penny dropped, the mayor and some of his council were up for re-election later this year. If successful it would be a feather in his and his administration’s cap. I was now a political pawn. As I thought about it I realised it could work in my favour. I was sure any work permits would receive favourable recommendations and would be expedited to reach completion before the election. After a reasonable amount of time, Mary called the meeting back to order and asked if there were any questions. There were several minor questions mostly around moving costs and redecorating. One question asked was if the fair rent office supported this cause of action. I was surprised when Mary said that it had been approved at the highest level. I stood and tried to reassure the tenants of my desire to provide them with better housing. I even went so far as to allow them to choose their Kitchen fitments including white goods from the builder’s catalogue. I also offered them a 1k $ incentive to buy new soft furnishings. As there were no further questions Mary closed the meeting with the following statement.
”Be aware that for this to go ahead you will all have to agree to Mr Price’s offer. If only one of you says no then it will not go ahead. You will have to live as you are with minimal maintenance. And the certain knowledge that at some future time the building will be declared unsafe and you will be relocated. I strongly recommend you accept this generous offer and vote yes. We will meet back here at a later date yet to be decided, please have a safe journey home and I look forward to our next meeting.”
When they had all left Mary turned to me and said.
”I thought that went rather well and your offer of choosing the kitchen and a $1k allowance for soft furnishings was brilliant. I think that may sway the dissenters your way. I’m optimistic about the outcome. I’ll set the next meeting for two weeks and hope for the best.”
When I got home Kim asked me about the meeting and I explained my problem and its hopeful solution. She said she was impressed and wished me luck.
The next weekend Kim was away she said David wouldn’t be there but Daddy wanted her at home for some reason. When she returned Sunday night she seemed all excited and when I asked her about it she showed me some keys.
”Daddy says the house is ready for us to move into when we have chosen the furniture, isn’t it exciting?”
I wasn’t so sure, I liked living in my house with Kim it was my domain and Scott would never lower himself to visit us here. But I picked up on Kim’s excitement and acted pleased with her news. I expected Kim to make all the decisions regarding the furnishing of our new house (I couldn’t think of it as home yet) but surprised me by insisting we choose together like a real couple. (”After all, you’re going to be living there with me for at least five years aren’t you?”) I could see her logic and participated in choosing everything from drapes to the colour of the bathroom towels. The only room I made all the choices for was the home office I alone would be using. I also insisted it be fitted with a lock that only I would have to combination to, the same with the safe in my office. Kim would have the same for a safe in her bedroom. There was already a lock on her bedroom door. And I had one installed on my bedroom door as well.
I didn’t trust Scott so the next time Kim went to her parents for the weekend I had a security firm scan my new home for bugs. They found cameras and listening devices in all the bedrooms, lounge, kitchen and even one in my bathroom. They were put in the garage and the garden and by the pool. I had the ones in my bedroom, bathroom, pool area, lounge and kitchen removed. I left the others in place as they didn’t encroach on my privacy and were a good security measure. I boxed up the ones I had removed and sent them to Kim’s father with a note. (Surplus to requirements). When Kim returned I told her what I had done and suggested she check her bedroom and bathroom for bugs. I gave her a little box that beeped when near an electrical device. When she came down she was livid and ranted at her father.
”You pervert you had cameras put in my bedroom and bathroom to spy on me I can’t believe you did that to your own daughter. I’m having them removed and if you ever do anything like that again I’m going to the police and filing charges.”
She then sat down and cried into her hands while muttering curses at her father. I sat with her until she calmed down then made us some coffee. She said that although David had been there and they had shared a bed he wasn’t interested in sex until in air quotes. That bump had gone. He had spent almost the entire weekend talking to her father about him changing his legal advisors to David’s firm.
Over the next few months, Kim got to be the size of a house and was very conscious of her figure, not wanting to go out and be seen. I thought she looked gorgeous and told her so. I always think pregnant women seem to glow and look better than their usual selves. I went to her Lamaze classes with her and even rubbed Bio-oil on her bump. There was nothing sexual about it but it was extremely satisfying to do. And the look on her face could only be described as rapture. She said she slept better when I did that and it became a nightly ritual.
During this time other things were happening in my life. I had won the state weightlifting title for the fifth time in a row. This meant more sponsorship and more money coming in. I was tipped in the top three to win the national title. (Let me make a point here. Weightlifting is a little-known sport and only has a minority following. It never seems to make the news unless we win an international title and is then forgotten quickly.) So, no Hall of Fame and no national acclaim, unless you are interested in the sport you would probably never have heard of me. However, if you went into a sports shop and looked at the array of energy drinks and supplements, you would almost certainly see my picture on some of them holding weights with my medals hanging around my neck.
Another milestone in my life was the renovation of my apartment block and the acclaim of the local government officials. It seems that my renovating the block and gym has brought in some middle-class money (If you thought the USA didn’t have a class system then wake up and smell the roses) and would help to rejuvenate the area. I was even asked to give a lecture on how to turn around the fortunes of a depressed neighbourhood. After the lecture, I was approached by a large gentleman who invited me to follow him which I did. I was taken to the suit of the governor and introduced.
”Mr Price or may I call you James?”
”Governor Please call me Jay most people do. What can I do for you?”
”jay I was at your lecture and found your approach to be not only innovative but inspirational. I hope others will follow your lead and stop trying to make a quick buck at the expense of the poor. Not only that but I’m a huge fan of yours, not many people know I used to lift weights in college and won a couple of titles. I look forward to seeing you at the nationals.”
He then shook my hand and the interview was over as he turned his attention to more pressing matters. (She looked to be young enough to be his daughter but over eighteen) I briefly wondered if his wife knew, then thought none of my business and left.
My business was going from strength to strength, rental income was coming in hand over fist and I was in negotiations to buy another gym.
At night Kim and I would eat dinner (she was a surprisingly good cook) watch TV and talk about our day. It was like being married but without the sex, I got that from professional ladies well away from home. Every night I would rub bio-oil on Kim’s tummy and we would laugh about our unique situation. One night there was a pounding on my bedroom door.
”Jay my water has just broken.”
I threw on some clothes grabbed the go bag and took her to the hospital. She was three fingers dilated with contractions every four minutes so they took her straight to delivery. I was sort of ushered in with her before I could escape. Kim was holding my hand and crying out in pain, The nurses asked if I was her husband and I of course answered that I was. They assumed I would like to witness the birth and put me in a green gown. I was in a panic, I looked at Kim for a way out but she just squeezed my hand and said.
”Please stay I need you.”
So, I did and it was the most wonderful experience of my life. When they gave the baby to me we were both crying. They then asked me to leave so that they could clean everything up. When I phoned the Scott residence Martha answered.
”Mrs Scott you are the grandmother of a 7lb 6oz baby boy congratulations.”
I could hear her crying on the phone.
”When can we visit?”
”Well, she’s very tired at the moment so perhaps tomorrow morning. Call the maternity ward for visiting times.”
Just then I was being called to say goodnight to Kim so I broke the connection. Over the next few days, things were frantic. I made sure the nursery was ready, I went out and bought all blue blankets and sheets for his crib. I came home one afternoon to be greeted by her father accompanied by a middle-aged woman. She was to be the nanny and would move into the in-law’s apartment over the garage. She seemed a pleasant woman and was polite to me, she was aware of the arrangement between myself and the Scott’s. I was told not to visit Kim, Daddy would take care of everything. And he did, everything I had bought was thrown out and her mother replaced everything. I was furious and Martha could see it, when we were on our own she apologised for her husband’s behaviour. She said she had rescued the stuff I bought from the bin bags and it was in my bedroom to use later when he was gone.
The hospital kept Kim in for a week as she had torn quite badly and they didn’t want her moving about too soon. I was sitting working in my home office when the phone rang. It was Kim.
”Jay I’m ready to come home now will you collect me before my Dad finds out and beats you to it?”
I grabbed Kim’s car keys and drove to the hospital. I went up to her room and a nurse wheeled her out holding little Darren (he had been named after her boyfriend’s father) in her arms. I strapped him into his safety cot, then strapped Kim in, and took them both home. When we got home the nanny Ms Pauline Bland who her father had hired came out and took little Darren while I helped Kim into the house. She went straight to her bedroom to get changed into more comfortable clothes.
When Kim had removed all of the surveillance equipment her father had put in, I had my own system put in. I didn’t trust her father so the cameras showed the hallway to her bedroom downstairs and also the upstairs hallway showing all of the bedroom doors. The lounge, family room, dining room and kitchen area were also covered. I had it all linked to my phone and I could call up any camera whenever I wanted. The whole system is uploaded to the cloud for storage.
When Scott arrived at the hospital and found we had already left he was furious and came straight to our house, I opened the door (I wouldn’t let him have a key, although I had given one to Martha on the condition she didn’t tell her husband.) and he started shouting I had no right to remove his grandson from the hospital. I went and got the birth certificate and pointed to the place where it said father and my name was printed there. I thought he might have a heart attack right there in front of me, and when he tried to push past me I held my ground. He stood there and for the first time realised I held all the cards. If he wanted to see his daughter or grandson he would have to play nice. I just looked into his eyes until he looked down and asked if he could see his grandson. I moved out of his way and motioned him and Martha into the lounge. Kim came into the room having changed into joggers and a sweatshirt and went over and hugged her parents. We then all sat down and Pauline brought little Darren in. They all had a cuddle then Ms Bland took him away for a nap. I got up and made everyone a coffee and served them while they talked. I realised I was surplus to requirements and went into my office to get some work done. I heard their car pull away and went into the lounge. Kim was looking at all the baby clothes we had bought and I saw a tear trickle down her face.
”What’s wrong Kim I thought you would be happy?”
”I was until my father said David didn’t want to see the baby just yet.”
”He’s probably just busy and can’t get here at the moment.”
”He didn’t even call me at the hospital to see how we were, I haven’t spoken to him for weeks. I think he only dated me to get to my father and the baby is an inconvenience.”
She then burst into tears and rushed into my arms. I held her and rubbed her back until she calmed down. She thanked me and said she was tired and went to her room. Ms Bland made it quite clear she was there for the baby and not to wait on us, she said this looking directly at me. Knowing if I wanted to eat I would have to provide it myself I went out to our local diner. I had double of everything and two mugs of coffee, feeling stuffed I went home.
Kim started going to the gym again to get rid of her baby bump, he didn’t like it but he did like her oversized tits full of milk. On several occasions, I would walk into the lounge and find her feeding Darren. On those occasions, I would do an about-turn and make a hasty retreat, she never mentioned those occurrences. But would sometimes give me a saucy smile and continue feeding the baby. Sometimes I would see a mother feeding her baby in public, I tried not to stare but I thought it was the most adorable sight I had ever seen. It wasn’t sexual in any way, it was a statement of love and as natural as the sun rising in the morning.
As the months progressed and Kim’s body returned to its normal size she started going to her parents on more weekends. One Sunday evening she came home all happy and practically skipped into the lounge. I asked her why so happy and she said David had stayed the night and they had started having sex again. I said I was happy for her and I was after all this was what I had signed up for. She said David was very busy at the moment and could only see her every other weekend so could we start going out together again? I agreed and from then on we went on dates to line dancing at The Ranch House and dining out at various clubs the dancing. I was happy I was out with a gorgeous woman on my arm and she was happy to be taken out with no strings attached. I have already mentioned that sex wasn’t a driving force for me, I was satisfied with it two or three times a month.
Over the next two years, things stayed more or less the same except Kim went on a two-week holiday with David and came home exhausted from all the travelling. My business was taking off, I now owned three Gyms and two more apartment blocks so money was no problem. I had put away in a separate account enough money that I could repay Scott’s initial payment should things go pear-shaped. I saw no reason why it should but I felt better knowing that I could. On the sports side, I was now the national weightlifting champion in my class and represented the US in international events.
There was one bump in the road on a personal level that had nothing to do with Kim and I’s arrangement. I had had nothing to do with my parents or siblings since I left home so was surprised when my sister asked me to meet her. At her insistence, we met at my attorney’s office where she dropped the bomb on me. Dad had had a heart attack eighteen months ago and after surgery was told he would have to take it easy from then on. With Dad out of the picture my idiot brother had taken over the company and run it into the ground in just over a year. The company my Father built from scratch to employing over a hundred people was headed for bankruptcy. In an effort to shore things up, my parents had remortgaged their house and given the money to Frank to refinance the company. Frank had pissed the money away on a new car and worthless business deals. My parents unable to keep up the payments on their house had sold up and were now living in a retirement home. Sarah was training to be a nurse and was working at her local hospital but on her wages, she couldn’t help out much. Frank was still living the high life while destroying the company that now only employed less than forty people.
Sarah’s instance that we met at my attorney’s office became clear when she said she knew that I owned 30% of the company. She owned 10% Frank owned 10% and had the proxy vote of our parents with the remaining 50%. She intended that we go and see our parents with my attorney and try to persuade them to give us their proxy vote to save the company. I agreed and we made an appointment for the following Friday.
On the way home something would happen that would change me forever. I was travelling along the freeway when it came to a complete stop. A patrolman was walking up the line of stationary vehicles and talking to the drivers. When he got to me he told me there was a multicar pile-up half a mile ahead that would take some time to clear. I knew this area well and there was a turnoff just a few hundred yards ahead. It would take me through a depressed area that I hadn’t driven through in years but it would be quicker than sitting here. I told the patrolman my idea and he allowed me to use the hard shoulder to pass the cars in front. As I approached the outskirts of the town I suddenly realised how depressed it had become. There were burnt-out cars littering the carparks of closed premises. Half of the shops had closed down and there were homeless people clustered around oil drums with burning rubbish in them. As I was leaving the worst part behind me and entering a slightly better neighbourhood I saw a woman and two children standing amongst furniture placed on the sidewalk. As I passed I saw the children were crying and holding on to their mother afraid she might vanish at any moment.
As stated earlier I’m a sucker for a woman in distress so I stopped and backed up.
”Excuse me mam I know it’s none of my business but can I be of any assistance?”
She looked at me like I had gone mad.
”Why what’s it to you?”
”I’m merely trying to offer a helping hand. Is this furniture yours? If so could I help you move it and give you a lift?”
”We’ve got nowhere to go the landlord evicted us and I don’t know what to do. My husband walked out on us last week and hasn’t been seen since, so unless you have a magic wand that you can wave and make it all go away fuck off.”
”Do want my help or not, before you answer me think of your children and what they need and not wallow in self-pity. If you refuse my help I’ll call child services and report children at risk and you know what that means. Now I’ll ask you once again will you let me help you or not.”
”How do I know I can trust you? You could be a serial killer for all I know.”
”Fair point. Do you have a phone?”
”Yes, but my contract has run out why?”
”Do you have someone you can trust that you can call?”
”Yes my sister Pauline but my phone doesn’t work.”
”Not a problem. You use my phone to call her and tell her you’re staying with me until you can sort yourself out. Take a picture of me and my driving licence with me standing with you in front of my truck and tell her to call to cops if you don’t check in every day. How’s that?”
Just then I saw a police cruiser coming down the street. I flagged him down and explained the circumstances. At first, he seemed a little sceptical but when he looked at my driving licence he recognised me as he was a member of one of my gyms. He took the pictures and sent them to her sister with him in them. Her sister seemed happy that she had someone to help her sister and they chatted for a while. As they talked the patrolman helped me load her furniture into my truck. We said our goodbyes and I started to drive off when the youngest girl asked when dinner was. Her mother told her she would have to wait a while. I took that to mean they hadn’t eaten for a while and pulled into McDonalds and parked.
”look I don’t even know your names, I can’t keep calling you mam so if you would enlighten me I would be obliged.”
The mother looked at me as though I had asked her something indecent then her look softened and she said.”
”My name is Wendy and these are my daughters Karen aged 13 and Kirsty 11.”
The girls were holding each other as though their lives depended on it. I held out my hand to Wendy.
”Hi, my name is James Price but you can call me Jay all my friends do.”
”I’ll call you Jay but the girls will call you Mr Price if you don’t mind.”
”Well, now we are properly introduced how about something to eat I’m starved.”
I didn’t wait for a reply I simply got out of the truck and opened the back door. The girls were out in a flash with big smiles on their faces and Mom followed their lead. We went to the order board and I said they could order anything they liked. After we had eaten and got back into the truck both girls thanked me. They both looked stuffed and so they should after what they had eaten you would have thought they were weightlifters in training. I took them to my aunt’s old house. When they saw how much space they had their eyes got really big. I took them upstairs and showed them their bedrooms (the girls insisted they shared a room and Mom agreed. We left them bouncing on the bed and I showed Wendy her room. I noticed she looked at the door knob, I realised she was looking for a lock.
”Look Wendy I have to go out for a while but I’ll be back in about an hour there are drinks and snacks in the kitchen but not much more, I’ll shop while I’m out. Before I go perhaps you could help me unload your stuff into the barn.”
Twenty minutes later I was on my way to the supermarket with a shopping list Wendy had helped me write. I also stopped off at Lowe’s DIY and bought two locks. While I was out I called Kim and said I would be home late and would explain why later. I also bought Wendy a cheap pay-as-you-go phone with fifty dollars on it. When I got back Wendy had coffee on the go and the girls were watching the Disney channel. Wendy still looked a bit apprehensive until I showed her the new locks for their bedrooms after which she started to relax. The girls finished watching their programme and Wendy told them to get ready for bed. I had just finished fitting the locks and gave Wendy the keys. When the girls went to change into their night clothes Wendy asked.
”Jay this is all very nice and all but what do you want in return, I won’t sleep with you if that’s what you’re after.”
”Wendy, you have nothing to worry about I just like to do the right thing when I can. I am going to make a call now and I want you to listen to our conversation.”
I called Kim and put the phone on speaker. I explained what I had done and asked Kim to reassure Wendy I had no ulterior motives I then left them to have a woman-to-woman conversation and started to put the shopping away. When I couldn’t hear them talking anymore I went back into the lounge area and gave Wendy the phone I had bought. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said.
”jay I’m so sorry I doubted you, your wife said you were one of the good guys and I believe her. Thank you so much for all you’ve done I can never repay you, you have literally saved our lives.”
Just then the girls came down to say goodnight. Just before they went up the stairs they rushed over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then giggling they went to bed. I asked Wendy if she would be ok for tonight as I was going home to Kim But would be back tomorrow. When I got home Kim was in bed but came out and kissed me on the cheek saying.
”You really are one of the good guys you know and some girl is going to be so lucky someday.”
The next day I went to a second-hand car dealership whose owner came to one of my gyms. I told him what I wanted and he showed me some models in the price range I had given him. I finally settled on a nice low-mileage Honda CRV. He said he would have it checked over and delivered the next day. I called Wendy and asked if everything was ok and if would it be ok for me to come over later. She said she and the girls would look forward to it, I said I would bring some ribs and slaw for dinner and she said great.
The rest of the day was spent at my home office. Kim said she was going to be away for a few days with David and not to worry. (At this stage in our relationship we were like roommates. I enjoyed her company she was intelligent witty and fun to be with. I realised I was going to miss her when she left to marry David, I just hoped he would treat her right) I got some work done and then went to Cosco for the ribs and slaw. And also called my bank to make another arrangement. When I arrived at my aunt’s old house the girls rushed out to greet me. I’m not sure whether they were pleased to see me or the ribs. Wendy had made a mixed salad to go with the ribs and some fries.
After dinner, Wendy sent the girls to play while we cleared up, Wendy made coffee and we sat down at the kitchen table to talk.
”Wendy you said you have nowhere to go so you are welcome to stay here as long as you want is that something you would be interested in doing?”
”Jay I like it here but what about your wife won’t she get jealous even if there’s nothing going on between us?”
”Our situation is complicated.”
I explained about our arrangement and how long it would last. She sat there with disbelief written all over her face.
”If it would make you feel better give her a call and ask her about it but do it now as she is going away with her boyfriend for a few days.”
I gave Wendy my phone and she called Kim while I went outside to play catch with the girls. When I came back in she said Kim had confirmed my story and not to worry.
”Jay if you don’t mind I would love to live here until I can sort myself out but it may take some time. I’m talking months not weeks so does the invitation still stand?”
”Look I don’t live here, I only come and stay here when Kim goes away just to keep the property lived in. You would be doing me a great favour if you looked after it for me in lieu of rent. But if you intend to stay you must enrol the girls in the local school, and to do that you will need a car.”
”I hadn’t thought of that. I can’t afford a car let alone run it.”
”I was hoping we would have this conversation and come to this conclusion so I made arrangements for a car to be delivered tomorrow. I hope you are not mad at me I was just thinking of the girls.”
”How could I be mad at you? After all you’ve done for us, I just wish there was something I could do for you to show how grateful we are.”
”Well, there is one thing I would love you to do and that is when Kim’s away if you would cook me a proper meal because I tend to live on junk food if left on my own. Speaking of food, you will need shopping money to eat and the girls look like they could do with some new clothes. Please don’t think I’m being critical but you look like you could do with some new clothes too.”
”No, you’ve been too generous already, I’ll get a job and buy our clothes and things.”
”Please Wendy it would give me so much pleasure to help you all out until you can stand on your own two feet, I really want to do this please let me.”
”Your right of course but I insist I pay you back when I can.”
”That’s settled then, I have taken the liberty of getting you a credit card in my name with you listed as the user. It has a ten grand limit so don’t be afraid to use it.”
I handed her the card as she sat and cried.
”I don’t know why I deserved you to be my Knight in shining armour but I’m so glad you came along when you did and saved us.”
Over the next few months, I spent many hours with Wendy and her girls. It turned out she was a marvellous cook and I was in danger of putting on too much weight.
Oh yeah, that appointment with my parents. We all sat down in the common room as their apartment wasn’t big enough for all of us and Dad wouldn’t come to the attorney’s office. We laid out the painful truth that Frank was an asshole who was ruining Dad’s company. He took some persuading but finally signed his and Mom’s proxy vote over to me. Monday morning, I turned up at Frank’s office with my attorney, it was beautiful. At first, he sneered at me and told me to get out but when my attorney showed him that I now had a controlling interest in the company he folded like a wet paper bag and actually cried. I had him shown out of the building by security and called him a cab as I had taken his car keys off of him. I told him he had thirty days to hand in his house keys as the house belonged to the company. I called a works meeting explaining the change of management and set about digging the company out of the shit.
I acquired two old warehouse buildings on the outskirts of the town and put two work gangs into turning them into a gym and mid-market apartments. So, I was creating my own customer base. From now on I will use my new company to refurbish my acquisitions thus creating work for my workforce. I also reached out to some of our old customers that had left us because of Frank’s work ethic such as using substandard materials. I assured them that our work would be back to the way it used to be under my father’s control. Only time would tell if the measures I instigated would work.
Back to Wendy:
One night when the girls had gone to bed Wendy and I were sitting on the back porch sipping a beer and talking about how we got where we are. Wendy had good grades in school and was set to go to college to be an accountant but the school football captain knocked her up and his parents made him marry her. Her parents were quite well off but were strict Catholics and disowned her. Her husband blamed her for his lost chance of going to college and having a football career. He went from dead-end job to dead-end job not able to settle in any one for long. Wendy was head over heels in love with him and could see no fault and when she had Kirsty she thought he would settle down. Instead, it got worse and he started staying out late and sometimes not coming home at all. When she tried to talk to him he told her to get a job and stop whining. She took a job as a waitress to supplement their income the situation got worse. Then Wendy was laid off as the restaurant was closing, when she told Roger her husband he walked out and didn’t come home that night. The next day when she went to go shopping her card didn’t work. He had cleared out their bank account and gone. When she got home the landlord told her they were two months behind with the rent and she would be evicted the next day. She had nowhere to go and that’s when I found her.
We sat for a little longer in silence enjoying the sunset when I spoke.
”Wendy I have an idea please let me finish before you shoot me down. You wanted to be an accountant and have your high school diploma. Why don’t I pay for you to go to the community college to get your qualification? When you qualify you will get a much better job than waitressing and be able to improve your life and that of the girls.”
”You would do that for me someone you hardly know?”
”Why not I have more money than I need and you could pay me back if you insist, what about it?”
Once again I had rescued a damsel in distress.
Life went on as usual although there is one point of interest. Kim came home after one of her weekends all excited.
”Ok, out with it what’s got you so fired up?”
”Daddy’s been invited to the governor’s victory dinner and is taking me and Mom.”
”Kim I’ve never asked you for anything before but I want you to refuse your father’s invitation.”
Kim looked crestfallen.
”Cinderella you will still go to the ball but with me.”
”Have you been invited too?”
”Yes, and I want you to tell your Father we will all go together. I’ll even pay the plate fee for all of us.”
”I’ll ask Dad but his tickets are at the front near the Governors table, where are yours?”
”Don’t tell your father but nearer than that.”
So, two weeks later the limo picked us up after he had first picked up her Father and Mother. Scott didn’t speak to me all the way there. When we arrived, we joined the queue to be seated. Scott and I held our tickets and waited, when it was our turn Scott handed his ticket to the Major demo who called over a waiter to seat Scott and Martha. Scott said to wait as we would be sitting together. The MD asked to see my ticket unlike Scott’s my ticket was gold embossed and his was silver. The MD looked at Scott.
”I’m sorry sir but I’m afraid that won’t be possible your tickets don’t match.”
Scott looked triumphant and sneered at me.
”I suppose you bought yours online and they’re a forgery no doubt.”
The MD looked at Scott.
”No sir they are just different priority tickets.”
Still sneering at me.
”Ha, Where you will be sitting I doubt you’ll even be able to see the Governor.”
He then took Martha’s arm and the waiter steered them to their table, just two tables away from the governor’s table. The sneer never left his face. Kim looked devastated.
”Kim don’t look sad your Father is about to learn a sad truth.”
The MD told one of his assistants to take over from him as he led us to our table. When Scott saw where we had been seated I thought he might have a heart attack. We were seated at the Governor’s table near his end, I looked at Scott and waved. He went red and ignored me Martha just smiled and looked away. When everyone was seated the Governor came out from behind some curtains waving at the crowd and everyone stood and clapped. When he sat they started serving the meal and the Governor leaned over towards me.
”James who is this enchanting woman with you?”
I explained she was my wife and his eyebrows lifted.
”Well, you kept that quiet, how long have you been married?”
”Just over three years.”
As I said it I was reminded I would be free in two years, as I realised this I felt a little sad Kim and I had got on really well and I would miss her. The rest of the evening went by. The governor went into the hall pressing the flesh as he called it and at the end there were presentations. Two scholarships sponsored by the Governor, a couple of recognitions for a job well done to his staff and then to my horror he called my name out. I got up in a daze and walked to the podium.
”ladies and gentlemen, this year there is a new award and I hope there will be the same next year. This award is for a radical new approach to our regenerating program for our cities and towns. I present to you the entrepreneur who thought of this solution James Price.”
He handed me the trophy, it was a glass statue in the shape of a tenement building. Everyone clapped except Scott who looked even redder if that was possible. I made a short speech and to this day I don’t remember what I said but everyone clapped me off the stage. Kim looked so proud as if we were truly married and I felt a stab of regret. The ride home was in silence and Kim held my arm all the way much to Scott’s annoyance. We dropped her parents off at their mini mansion and went home. When we got in Kim went upstairs to kiss Darren goodnight and Ms Bland went to her apartment. I was sitting waiting for Kim to say goodnight when she sat down next to me laughing.
”Jay that was priceless, Dad didn’t know whether to piss or whistle he was so mad. You really pulled one over on him this time so be careful he will seek revenge sooner or later. Other than that, I can’t remember having had a better night out with anyone.”
She then kissed me on the cheek and went to bed.
I was spending more and more time with Wendy and the girls when Kim was away with David. I took them to Disney World Florida, Universal Studios and also Ocean World. The girls were ecstatic and wore us out chasing around everywhere we went. By the end of the week, we needed another holiday. The night we returned the girls were already asleep when we got home and for once there was no argument about bedtime. We left the cases in the lounge to be unpacked tomorrow and went to our separate bedrooms. Sometime in the night, I felt the sheets move and a warm naked body curl up against me I got an instant erection as a hand reached for my manhood. As I reached my full ten inches I heard a whisper. ”Oh my god.”
The bed shook and the sheets were pulled back, I thought she had changed her mind but then a warm wetness engulfed my little head and all was well. Wendy worked on me for about ten minutes until I exploded in her mouth, I thought she would choke trying to swallow it all. I rolled her onto her back and returned the favour and discovered my first squirter. I was covered in her juices and loving it, she pulled me up for a passionate kiss trying to swallow my tongue. I pushed her legs apart and nestled my little man against her entrance pushing gently. She grabbed my ass and pulled me in slowly. ”Whispering please be gentle I’ve never had someone this big.” As I slowly entered her she gave out a sigh and we picked up the pace. I was still only about seven inches into her when she shouted. ”I want it all.” And pulled me all the way in I swear I entered her cervix when I was all the way in. She went off like a rocket. She was a mad woman determined to get all of me in including my balls. She rolled me onto my back and rode me cowgirl, for several minutes until she came. She was making so much noise I was afraid she would wake the children. I was getting close and started humping back, this produced another orgasm and as I shot my load she had the biggest one yet and collapsed onto me unconscious. I rolled her off and covered her up, I went into the bathroom to get a washcloth and when I returned she was snoring softly. I cleaned us both up and snuggled up behind her.
When I woke up in the morning I could smell breakfast being cooked and went through to the kitchen. Wendy looked up at me from her cooking and blushed a crimson red. I laughed and took her into my arms and we kissed passionately. As we broke apart there were two pairs of eyes watching us then Karen said.
”About time.”
And sat down at the table. After this, we were a couple with two kids that I adored. There were still two years to go before I was free of Kim so I couldn’t be seen out with Wendy so we went to towns where I wasn’t known. When Kim was away with David we went on short holidays with the kids.
As I was very busy working on my empire (Ha Ha) (I now had eight Gym’s and eleven buildings with rent-paying tenants.) I decided to stop competing in weightlifting competitions and devote my time to my business and Wendy. This meant a loss of income from sponsors but I hardly noticed.
Wendy was in college studying for her accountant’s exam while the girls were at school. I saw a lot of Kim but not much of Darren as per the requirement of our contract. Nothing noteworthy happened over the next eighteen months except I heard my asshole brother had gone back to college and was seeing a nice girl.
The day came when Kim told me with tears in her eyes she wanted a divorce so that she could marry David. I was sad to lose my housemate but that’s what we had agreed on so the divorce went ahead. I kept expecting trouble from Scott when I demanded the title to the house via my attorney but he never said a word. I was now the owner of a $1.2 million house. I decided that when the divorce was final I would propose to Wendy and ask her where she wanted to live.
Just before the divorce became final my old friend Phil Harding whom I had bought my first gym contacted me from Florida. The gym he worked out at was part of a chain of eight across Florida and the owner wanted to sell and would I be interested. I told Wendy I needed to go away for a few days and she seemed relieved rather than sad.
I went and stayed with my old friend for a week. When I wasn’t looking at the Gym’s we were fishing and he was showing me the sights. I didn’t buy the gyms because they were in leasehold buildings and I only bought freehold properties. I spent the whole week having fun with Phil then he drove me to the airport and we said goodbye.
While I was staying at Phil’s I tried to call Wendy but it went straight to leave a message the same happened when I called the girls. I was a little upset that I couldn’t contact them and wondered why. We landed at 2 am so I collected my truck from long-term parking. I drove to the new house as I didn’t want to disturb Wendy and the girls that early. The next day I drove over to the old house and saw Wendy’s car in the drive, this made me feel a bit better as I was sure they were alright. Usually, when I approached the house the girls would rush out to meet me but not today. When I opened the door the house seemed empty, I checked all the rooms and found all of their belongings were gone. That’s when I noticed a pile of stuff on the kitchen table with a letter.
Dearest Jay.
I know I am being a coward but I couldn’t stand to face you and see the hurt in your eyes. For the past eight months, I have been seeing someone else and we have fallen in love. I have kept this from the girls and when I told them they were very angry with me. I have gone to live with him and we are to be married. I know this will be a shock to you. I met him at the college I go to he is studying business management but expects to come into a large amount of money soon.
I know this sounds mercenary but I have to put my girl’s future first and you seem content to run your gym and have no plans to expand from there. I won’t tell you his name as I don’t want you going after him, he’s much bigger than you. I left you the car as all you have is that old truck. I also left all our phones on the table so please don’t try and contact me. I know you were thinking of marrying me and I appreciate the thought. I also know you have feelings for Kim and that she loves you (WTF). I have kept the rings you bought me so that we would look married and I wouldn’t feel awkward in public. I still need those and will return them once we are married.
I can’t thank you enough for taking care of me and the girls these past years and will never forget your kindness, please take care and live a happy life.
Forever grateful.
I dropped the letter sat down and cried, I went from two Beautiful women to none in record time. What a chump, I have been used and ditched for financial gain. As I thought this I realised what a bullet I had dodged if I had married her she might well have ditched me later on for someone richer. (I had never told her about my true wealth) I put the phones into the kitchen drawer and set about clearing out the old house. I emptied the fridge and wedged the door open, likewise, the freezer turned off the water, put the storm shutters up and locked up the house. I didn’t want to stay there anymore the house that I had loved was now full of bitter memories. As I drove away I didn’t even look back. The divorce became final the following week so I was free.
I launched myself into work determined to forget about Wendy and the girls. I was mad as hell at Wendy but missed the girls more, what did that say about me?
I kept in touch with my parents and sister and even visited sometimes, Mom would cook my favourite meals and even Dad started to warm up to me. One day my Mom called and asked if I would go and see them next Sunday as Frank was bringing over his future wife and wanted to introduce us all. I didn’t want to go but my sister said it was time to bury the hatchet so I went. I had moved my parents into a managed condo from their small retirement apartment. When I arrived, I saw my sister’s car outside parked and went in. We chatted for a while waiting for the big man to arrive and my Mother was looking out the window for them. Suddenly she said they were just parking up and went to let them in.
Frank walked in like he owned the place and with him was my darling Wendy.
”Everybody this is my soon-to-be wife Wendy.”
When Wendy saw me she tried to pull away from Frank but he held her tight.
Everyone said hello and shook her hand, when I didn’t move all eyes turned to me.
”I believe you already know Wendy James.”
Said my brother and squeezed her tight.
”You see James whatever you have I can take away so say hello to your soon-to-be ex-wife. I have your wife and soon I’ll have your business and your house and half of your money.”
He had a huge smirk on his face as he said this but Wendy was crying and tears were falling down her face. Mom looked at me and asked what was going on. I explained Wendy was the woman I had told her about who had left me. I then started laughing which wiped the smirk off of Frank’s face.
When I could stop laughing I explained.
”Well, Frank you sure do live up to your nickname, Fuck up Frankie. You stupid shit she’s not my wife, we were never married so if you marry her you get fuck all from me.”
Frank looked at Wendy.
”You said you were married.”
”I am but not to James my husband deserted me and the girls and Jay took us in I didn’t even know you knew Jay. All this was just so you could have his money and business. Why his only income is from his gym?”
I thought I would twist the knife.
”Actually, that’s not accurate, I own several Gyms and some apartment buildings. My net worth is about twenty million give or take a mil. (I didn’t mention that most of it was tied up in financing my projects and I could only lay my hands on maybe 250k.”
The room got quiet and then Mom said.
”Frank what you have done is despicable and I want nothing more to do with you or your slut, now get out.”
I decided the knife needed another twist.
”Wendy when I got home from my trip I was going to ask you to marry me so Frank has done me a favour. If we had married and divorced you would have been a wealthy woman but you couldn’t wait. I’m willing to bet that as you now have no monetary value to Frank he will drop you like a hot potato. I no longer have any feelings for you but I can’t see the girls out in the cold. So, when he drops you call me and you can live in the old house but you will have to work as my gravy train has left the station.”
Frank and Wendy left together and good riddance.
Mom looked devastated and Dad went to his study and closed the door. I suppose the golden boy had lost his sheen. I felt sorry for Mom she had cooked a full Sunday roast with all the trimmings.
”Mom it seems a shame to let all your hard work go for nothing. Sarah and I are famished so what about dinner I’m starved.”
Sarah looked at me and mouthed the words thank you. We sat at the table and Dad joined us. After the meal while Sarah and Mom were clearing away, my Dad looked at me and spoke for the first time today. Sarah and Mom stopped what they were doing and came to listen.
”Son I’m sorry about all the things I did and didn’t do when you were growing up I was the worst kind of father imaginable. I hope what I am about to say will in some way make it up to you. While I was in my den I made a new will, Frank will get nothing you will get it all you deserve it. The company has never been in better shape and that’s down to you. We now live in a nice condo and that’s down to you too. I backed the wrong son and I will always regret it, I hope someday you will forgive me.”
I went over to my Dad took him in my arms and told him he was forgiven.
That started a family crying episode with grins all around. It also started a new chapter in my life. From then on Dad and I started to rebuild our relationship, we went fishing together and even caught some. I didn’t hear from Wendy as I thought I would and mostly forgot about her but I did think about her girls from time to time.
I was living in the new house now permanently and only ever did a drive by the old house to keep an eye on it. One night as I slept in my bed there was a loud pounding on the front door. I looked at the clock it was 2:30 am WTF I got out of bed Picked up my phone brought up the security software and selected the front door. Standing there with Darren in her arms was Kim with Ms Bland standing behind her holding a bag. I rushed downstairs to open the door. Kim pushed past me followed by Ms Bland carrying a bag, she put the bag on the coffee table and pulled me into the kitchen.
”Mr Price I’m sorry about our sudden arrival but we didn’t have anywhere else to go. Kim is in a terrible state Mr Clarence came home drunk with some friends and demanded Kim take part in a gangbang. When she refused he started hitting her and tearing at her clothes. At one point he fell over and Kim managed to dodge past him grab Darren and run to my door. I grabbed Darren’s go bag and drove us to the airport and here we are. I’m begging you to please let us stay for a couple of days while we sort this out.”
”Ms Bland you are all welcome to stay as long as you like there is no need to beg. The nursery is just as you left it so why don’t you put little Daren to bed then come down and we can talk this through?”
Ms Bland nodded and went into the lounge to get Darren. Kim was sitting crying and I didn’t know what to say so I made us all coffee. When Ms Bland came down I handed her a coffee and motioned her to sit next to Kim who had stopped crying. I looked at Kim and asked her to tell me the whole story.
Ever since Kim went to live with Dave he had been hinting at trying a threesome and Kim had refused. Usually, when she did this he would storm out of the house saying he would find someone who would and come home the next morning. This time he came home late drunk with two of his friends from the office. Kim offered them coffee which they refused and when one of them came up behind Kim and started to fondle her breasts she slapped him. He recoiled saying to David.
”You lost the bet tell her to get naked so we can start the fun.”
David told her to get undressed and they would show her a good time, she tried to run up to her bedroom but David chased her into the bedroom and tried to strip her. When she fought back he hit her but he was so drunk he fell over and she made her escape.
I sat there furious but not sure what to do.
”Why didn’t you call the police and report him?”
”He and his Father own the police in that town I’d have got no help there so we came here. I don’t even have my phone I left my purse in the lounge, Pauline paid for the airfare and cab and here we are.”
I told Kim and Ms Bland to pick a room upstairs as I now slept in the master bedroom. The next morning when I got out of bed I could smell bacon cooking and went into the kitchen expecting to see Kim. Ms Bland was standing at the cooker busily frying eggs, she looked up at me.
”Morning Mr Price I heard you moving about so I cooked you breakfast.”
I stood there with my mouth open I was sure she never liked me so why cook me breakfast?
”Well, sit down and tuck in while it’s still hot.”
I did as I was told and started eating, I hadn’t realised how hungry I was. Ms Bland brought me a coffee (it was just as I liked it, hot strong and sweet) I wondered how she knew.
”In case you’re wondering how I knew how you liked your coffee Kim told me. When I first met you I thought you were an opportunist taking advantage of Kim’s predicament. As true as that may have been she told me you were a kind and considerate companion who treated her respectfully. After last night I reviewed my first impression and have come to the realisation that you really care for Kim. If that’s the case you have my support and gratitude.”
With that said she went to get me a refill. That was the longest conversation I had had with her since we met nearly six years ago. I finished my breakfast and went into my office. I cancelled my meeting with the manager of my family business and said I would reschedule. Now that my day was clear I could focus on Kim’s problems.
Kim slept in late as did Darren, when they made an appearance Ms Bland started breakfast for them and I went back into my office to give them some privacy. When I went into my office I had left the door open and when I looked up Darren was standing looking at me. I had no experience with a five-year-old, so I didn’t know what to do. He came and stood next to me.
”What ya doing’ Mr price?”
He asked.
Well, I have some work to do but it’s not important, what would you like to do?”
”Go to the park.”
”That sounds great let’s ask your mother.”
Just then Kim came in and apologised for Darren disturbing me. I told her about our conversation and she agreed. I wanted her to call the sheriff and report Dave for assault. She had a bruise on the left side of her face and it was swollen. She said later after we finished at the park. Kim and I sat watching Ms Bland playing with Darren on the swings.
”Kim you can’t stay can’t the house it’s the first place they will look for you.”
Kim started to tear up and squeezed my arm.
”I don’t have anywhere else to go please don’t throw us out.”
”Kim I have no intention of throwing you out. I merely meant you are not safe where we are your Father and Dave know my address and may come looking for you when I’m out. If you’ll let me I’ll move you into the old house where you’ll be safe. I won’t come around as I may be followed, but you can call me anytime. There’s a car there that you can use but shop in another town just to be safe. This will only be until your divorce from Dave then you can come back and I’ll move into the old house. I want you and Darren safe, there’s more than enough room for Ms Bland so what do you think?”
”Sorry Jay I should have known you wouldn’t throw us out what you suggested sounds like a good idea so what do we do now? All I have is what I’m wearing I need some clothes and so does Pauline.”
”Not a problem when we finish here we go to the sheriff and report David then some lunch and shopping. Don’t look pained I’ll pay for everything and later we can arrange to visit David’s house and collect the rest of your stuff.”
So that’s what we did. The visit to the sheriff didn’t go so well he said he didn’t have jurisdiction in New York State so his hands were tied but he would pass the complaint on to the state troopers as we didn’t trust the local Leo’s. Lunch was at Red Lobsters as Darren liked it there the shopping took the longest (women) and cost a fortune (I didn’t mind I had nothing else to spend it on) but they had enough to see them over for at least a month. We went back to the house and collected the small amount of stuff they had managed to bring with them. I then took them to get enough food for a couple of days after which they could stock the freezer. it would need to be turned on for a couple of days to reach temperature. When we got to the house I had not been in for several months I felt sadness at my loss. Kim asked me what was wrong and while Ms Bland fused around the house while Darren explored. I told her about Wendy, and when I had finished she had tears on her face and hugged me tightly but no words were spoken.
A week later a PI called at the big house and asked after Kim, I said I hadn’t seen her since the divorce and he left. I told Kim David was looking for her and what I had said. I kept away from the old house in case I was followed.
We did go to David’s house and Kim let us in with a hidden key and we collected all their stuff and had it sent to the old house. Kim started divorce proceedings giving her attorney power of attorney so that she wouldn’t have to face David. (nothing came of the charges levied against him so I guess he had the local law in his pocket) Things were going great, David didn’t contest the divorce (Perhaps because someone threatened to go public about that night if he did) and three months later Kim was single again.
I offered to move her back into the big house but she said she liked living where she was so once again I was alone. Then one day Kim called me and asked me to dinner, I of course went. When I got there I noticed her car wasn’t there and wondered if I got the date wrong. I knocked on the door even though I had a key. Kim answered the door dressed like she was going out and looked like a million dollars.