The Art of Seduction

When they exchanged home addresses last month on-line, Lyndsey was quick to jot it down and hold it dearly with her other secret findings. She had always wanted to be able to surprise Mike. Though he was married, she felt adoration for him beyond any other. She was fond of his fathering to his small children, fond of his obligation to his family and yet she wanted to give him the very thing he was missing, without really impacting his relationship too much.

Theirs was a unique friendship. She was well guarded upon initial meeting online because she had been around the cyber block, knew what men were after. Mike was a little different. He respected her and listened attentively to her scattered thoughts. He was a vivacious flirt as well. Despite her own self image issues, he certainly made her feel sexy.

Today was the day to set into motion. She knew Mike’s wife had planned on taking the kids to her mother’s out of town. He had been telling her about it for the past two months, how he was looking forward to a break. He was not going because his work was a little bit too demanding. His wife was livid at his excuse, and honestly that is all it was, but none the less, it was prime time for Lyndsey to do what she always wanted.

She had her messenger up and running and was packing a small bag to take along. Mike popped on just before 9 A.M.

“Hey,” he typed with an animated smiley face.

“Hi there,” she responded with a smiley face and a heart.

“How are you doing today?”

“Fine and you?”

“Okay. My wife left for her mother’s.”

“Yeah, I thought so.”

She was smiling with excitement. She was already in his home town. She arrived the night before. She already found his house as she searched for it with the aid of Tom Tom last night. She was now preparing to get him out of the house until later this evening.

“So Mike, Care to do me a favor?”

“Sure what’s that?”

“I want you to run to the store after you are finished with your work and get a few things to make.”


“I sort of wanted you to log onto your computer tonight and make me a dinner so we can eat it virtually, you would be eating my bites as well but letting me see it and I will tell you when to take another bite.”

“That is a weird request but okay. What do I need to buy?”

Lyndsey gave him a lengthy list of food items which would lead him to believe the dinner plan would be roasted rosemary chicken breast with fresh garlic mashed potatoes. Angel food cake topped with Strawberries and whipped cream for dessert.

“Okay, LOL, Got it,” he wrote after jotting it all down.

“Now what time you going to go get them,” she inquired.

“In an hour.”

“Perfect,” she said as she took her clothes off.

“I am going to shower,” she wrote.

“Can I watch,” he wrote with a smiley face.

“Cute,” she said.

“See you soon,” he responded.

She logged off and searched for her shopping bag. Frederick’s of Hollywood had some racy lingerie. She purchased a red laced teddy with demi cups that pushed her breasts up. It had a pair of crotch-less panties and a see through skirt. She purchased red thigh high stockings and red high heel shoes. The stockings fastened into the garter belt. She had never purchased anything like it, not even for her ex husband. Once she figured out how to put all of it on, she looked at herself in the mirror. She admitted, red was a lovely color on her pale flesh. She spritzed herself with a gentle musk and put on her rain coat.

She drove up to his house and parked a few houses down. She planned on waiting for him to get into his car. She hoped he didn’t lock the doors but had a feeling he did. She had planned on going through the back window. The other night she actually got out of her car and walked around his house to find ways to sneak in.

“Here he comes,” she said to herself. Her heart leapt to her throat as she saw him get into his car. She hadn’t been this excited or nervous since she was in high school.

He slowly backed his car out and drove right by her. She didn’t even have to duck, he was oblivious. Once his car was out of sight, she grabbed her bag of supplies and jumped out of her car. A diffuse bark from a neighborhood dog was sounded off in the distance. The sky began to get a pink haze as the sun was preparing to settle in for the night and nary a neighbor in sight.

Lyndsey didn’t even try the front door. She ran to the back and lifted the screen on the window beside the patio. There was a small resin table below the window that she climbed onto and one leg at a time, she crawled through his window.

She had, the moment she stuck a leg in, thought of a dog. She assumed it would bark, bite her leg off, or just sit there. None of the above happened. She climbed into a very quiet and empty house.

“Not bad,” she said as she looked around, cautiously walking. She walked through a living room cozily decorated with nice warm colors, found a stair way and assumed the bed room was up there. She was right, once she found his room, she began to prepare.

Mike was clueless as to why she wanted him to make dinner and virtually feed her. She always had strange yet fun ideas. He had forgotten it was Friday and traffic was out of control as well as the stores being packed. He grew aggravated as he weaved his way through clusters of people in every isle. He felt himself become a little cranky.

Of course at the check out he was behind a wrinkly old lady that had a coupon for every item she purchased. The cashier not only manually entered them into the register, but checked the expiration date. Mike rolled his eyes and drummed his finger on the conveyor belt.

“Finally,” he said as he was next in line.

His drive home was more relaxing. He wondered what he and Lyndsey would be talking about this evening, wondered if she would ever show all of herself to him. He knew she was self conscious, most women are, but he wanted her to know that even imperfections make a person more perfect.

He pulled his car into the drive way and grabbed the bags from the back.

He unlocked his front door and was greeted with a Polaroid camera that was face down. Confused, Mike bent over and picked it up. It was a picture of a red teddy sprawled out on something blue; it looked like his bed spread.

“What the…” He noticed another one a few foot steps away.

He picked it up and saw legs with red panty hose that were thigh high.

Mike felt as though he stepped into the Twilight Zone.

A few more feet away there was another, and another. He took his time picking them up and looking at them. The next two were of a torso in a red teddy, and breasts. He could make out large nipples through the lace fabric. This was not the body of his wife. It did look familiar to him, his mind hadn’t wandered there yet because it was not possible, or was it?

The next photo was a breast exposed. Mike felt his heart race as he saw the familiar pale flesh giving way to a large pink areola.

“No way,” he muttered to himself as he retrieved the next picture.

It was a view of her panties, they missed a crotch. He saw soft lips peering through a meshed red fabric with a slit.

Each step of the way, around the corner and up the stairs, there were pictures strewn about. Mike viewed each of them, his pants growing tighter. Lips, pussy, tits, ass all spread out in an array of nearly endless pictures.

As he approached the doorway to his bedroom he saw an amber light flickering on the wall. He could smell musk type cologne and his suspicions grew stronger. He was willing to place a bet on his own life, he knew who was behind this and was shocked and befuddled that she would actually carry it through. They only talked of such things, in a what if sort of discussion. Nervously, Mike walked to the bedroom door and a smile spread on his face as the amber light cast settled on his face.

“Hi,” she said with a smile. Lyndsey felt like she had been there for hours, waiting for this moment, propped on her side with her arm supporting her head.

Mike’s expression was like that of a credit card commercial which ends with the saying, ‘priceless.’

“How are you,” she said as she sat up and placed her arms in her lap, forcing her cleavage to touch in the center.

Mike’s mouth was open, eyes wide ajar; he looked like he had walked into a surprise party. This was, sort of.

“My God,” he said as he walked a few steps into his room. He felt a bit awkward. “How did you manage this,” he couldn’t hide his smile, or other things.

Lyndsey looked down and saw his pants reveal a mound. She grinned with satisfaction and noticed he had the pictures clutched in his left hand.

“Well I wanted to surprise you and what better way? So I went to Frederick’s and bought this teddy and well, here I am,” she smiled as she watched his eyes scan her.

“Here you are,” he said. His heart was beating a mile a minute.

“C’mere,” Lyndsey said as she stood up and held her arms out to him. This was their first time meeting face-to-face and she was very nervous. Since she took the lead, she was not about to show how nervous she was.

Mike walked over to her; his heart beat deafened him as he approached. Lyndsey held her arms out and when he got close enough, placed her hands on his shoulders. He was almost a foot taller than she. Her eyes stared up into his. His face was very serious with a slight crease between his dark brows. Her right hand reached up and touched the smooth top of his head to see if it was as soft as it always looked. It felt like waxed skin sort of as she moved her hand from the top of his head to the back. His face was still quite intense. Lyndsey then reached around his mouth and gently brushed the back of her hand against his goatee. Her hand then brought his face to hers, their lips finally touched.

It was a small peck at first, followed by several other small pecks before Mike wrapped his arms around her and brought her body against his, his tongue parted her lips and probed her mouth. He loved how her soft body felt against his. Her warm flesh was welcoming as was her mouth as her tongue brushed against his. Their breaths became rigid and hard as their faces seemed locked together. Mike’s hands roamed the curve of her back to the small part just above the buttocks, before settling on her cheeks and pulling her against his firm crotch.

Lyndsey felt a small groan escape her throat, clamped off by the intensity of the moment. His hardened bulge pressed against her own aroused area making her breathing more rigid. They were finally together, even for just this once, it was meant to be, they both felt that.

Lyndsey pulled away from his lips and sat on the bed. She looked up at him with her green eyes doused with amber flickers, almost demonic and angelic at the same time. She grinned.

Knowing that look on her face, Mike removed his shirt. He tossed it to the side and reached for his pants. Lyndsey reached up and brushed her fingers over his hairy belly. She loved how it felt, running her fingers up to his chest and slowly back down, she leaned in and kissed his belly, followed by a playful nibble. Mike giggled. Words were unspoken. Their looks read one another’s face, mind, and desires.

Lyndsey brushed away his hands and decided to take lead of unzipping his jeans. She felt the zipper glide down and over his hardened mound and once it was down completely, Mike pushed his pants down.

Lyndsey ran the palm of her hand from his soft furry belly down over his hard cock. She clutched it and stroked it through the cotton fabric of his boxers. Mike closed his eyes as he felt her hand explore him. He had only imagined what it would be like up to this point, and that made him feel guilty enough. She gently stroked him in upward motion, and then tugged at the waist band of his boxers pulling them down and allowing his boner to spring free.

He kept his eyes closed. He felt her hands touching him, stroking him, followed by something warm and wet. He looked down and saw her tongue explore the ridges of the head of his cock, trailing down as if painting him, to the base, back up to the top. Her eyes looked into his and then closed as she eased his cock into her mouth.

“Oh God,” he quietly sighed as her mouth slowly moved down until his cock hit the back of her throat.

“Jeezus,” he said. It had been so long since anyone touched him that way; he feared he would cum too soon.

Her lips folded inward, cushioning her teeth and she began to move in faster strokes, her right hand stroking at the base of his cock while her mouth worked the top to the middle, as far as she could take him in.

“Oh God,” he groaned as he thrust his hips gently against her mouth. He heard a few light gags as he thrust, and it made him even more excited.

Lyndsey occasionally withdrew her mouth from his cock and jerked at it as it was well lubricated by her saliva. A few brief tight strokes later, then she was taking him back into her mouth.

Several times, she brought him close to orgasm and stopped just before, almost as though she knew. Mike wanted to lay her down and fuck her, but was enjoying this attention.

Jerking at his cock with her left hand, Lyndsey trailed her tongue down to his balls, taking each one gently into her mouth, rolling her tongue over the hard walnut then licking up the base of his cock until once more, sucking him. She moved with vigor as she impaled her face with his cock. She was wonderfully gifted and Mike once again, was close to release.

“Okay Stop,” he said as he stepped back. “I am gonna cum, and I don’t want to.”

Lyndsey whipped spit off her chin and grinned.

“Glad you like it sweetie,” she said.

Mike pushed at her shoulders, forcing her to lie back on the bed. He stepped between her legs and reached down to touch her ample breasts. They were nicely packaged in this red teddy that she wore. His hands massaged them and rolled thumbs over her nipples. They stood full and erect once the thumb brushed against them. Lyndsey smiled as she watched his face while he touched her.

“You are so beautiful,” he said as he bent forward and kissed her. His tongue once more explored the warmth of her mouth before retracting and moving his mouth over her chin, down to her neck, to her shoulders and removing the thin straps from her shoulders.

Lyndsey lifted her shoulders off the bed so Mike could ease the top of her teddy down, exposing milky white flesh.

“God,” he said before bringing a breast to his mouth. As soon as his tongue touched her nipple, it was firm and sensitive.

Lyndsey let out a slight gasp as he alternated each breast, taking them into his mouth and rolling his tongue over each nipple before nibbling them. Mike tugged on the teddy, pulling it down, exposing her rib cage, belly and hips. He kissed his way down to her navel, around her navel, tugging the teddy down more.

She lifted her hips from the bed allowing Mike to pull the teddy and skirt off over her hips. He tossed it to the side. Briefly, his eyes scanned the milky heaven of her body, each curve, each bump, each blemish.

“You are beautiful,” he said.

Lyndsey felt most vulnerable and blushed at his remark.

Mike brought his face to hers; his arms supported him on the bed barely allowing his chest to brush against hers. His lips lightly danced upon hers before softly kissing the curve of her chin, neck, collar bone. He cupped a breast in his large strong hands and brought the large nipple to his mouth. His tongue flicked it, traced the outer line and suckled it. Lyndsey let soft groans escape as her eyes closed and she relaxed. Mike teased each nipple equally before moving his tongue down the center of her abdomen, over and around her navel, and stopping just above the mons pubis.

Words were not spoken; the mere exploration screamed the intent and desire of them both. Mike guided his tongue down to the trail of hair that nestled on her mound, down to the moist folds in which her most exquisite sex organ was guarded. Once his tongue found the hardened nub of her clit, he heard just how delightful it felt to Lyndsey. Her hands clutched at her full bosom, tugging the nipples upward as his stiffened tongue flicked and rolled her clit, sucking it into his mouth, and flicking and rolling over it again. Sighs and gasps escaped her throat; these sounds caused Mike to even twitch with excitement. He slid two fingers into her moist warm pussy; Lyndsey lifted her hips as if to thrust against his hand as he moved his fingers in and out in rhythmic strokes.

“Oh baby,” he said. “You like that don’t you?”

Lyndsey moaned loudly, unable to form words with her muted tongue. She felt herself close in on an orgasm. She was amazed at how quickly he was able to bring her to one.

Mike sucked and prodded at her clit, sliding his fingers in and hooking upward to the spongy softness of her G spot, moving his fingers faster and more forcefully inside of her. Her lips swelled and smacked against his knuckles. He noticed her abdominal muscles go rigid and then he heard her cry out as her wave released. Mike stopped moving and marveled in her orgasm. Lyndsey groaned as her clit bobbed beneath his tongue and her pussy clenched spasmodically against his fingers and hand.

Once that abated, he withdrew his hand and tasted her musky sex.

“I want you so much right now,” he said as he pulled at her legs, forcing her ass to hang off the bed.

“Then take me,” she said out of breath and stolen by the moment.

Mike positioned her legs over each of his shoulder and smacked his cock against her engorged sex. She smiled and kept her eyes closed.

He grabbed his cock at the base and slowly pushed it against her clit; wiggling it against it and making her groan more. He traced the head down to the dark moist opening and slowly watched it disappear.

“Ohhhhh,” she sighed with relief as she felt him fill her. “Ohhhh god yesssss.”

Mike held himself inside of her; cock completely buried and enjoyed how tight she felt before he decided to move. He slowly thrust himself into her, hands massaging her very ample breasts. He watched her face contort with pleasure as he thrust harder into her.

His thumb found her clit and rubbed at it clock wise as he moved faster.

“You are so stunning,” he said in a tight constricted tone. “You feel so good.”

Lyndsey tried to open her eyes but was lost in the wave of her own pleasure. His thumb prodded and moved across her hard and sensitive clit and she felt an aching ball of desire well deep within, promising a wonderful ending.

Mike thrust into her harder and faster, making it difficult for Lyndsey to not orgasm. She wanted to cum with him.

Mike stopped, Lyndsey opened her eyes.

“You close,” he asked, still rubbing her clit with his thumb.

“Y-Yes,” she responded. “I want to cum with you.”

Mike smiled. “Keep your eyes open and look at me, let me see your beautiful eyes when you cum.”

He began thrusting slowly. His free hand held the back of Lyndsey’s head, assisting her to remain sitting up. She could feel his cock hit her pleasure zone deep within and she felt herself lose control. She desperately wanted to close her eyes yet kept them locked on his.

His stare was intense, and showed her how he truly felt, words never spoken before yet an understanding that was designed to last a lifetime between them. He thrust into her, mouth opened slightly, face most sincere and erotic, she felt herself release.

“Oh my God,” she cried with surprise. Her orgasm hit before she even knew, it was so intense her throat closed and she felt her sex hammering against his cock, clamping down and throbbing she couldn’t cry out or breath.

“Oh my God,” he responded. His own orgasm was upon him as he thrust hard into her, releasing himself completely, he instinctively leaned in to kiss her. Their passion was intoxicating as they both pulsed and throbbed in a rapture never known before.


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