The Assisted Wellness Initiative Ch. 02

An adult stories – The Assisted Wellness Initiative Ch. 02 by lordodie,lordodie Anal Etiquette Prequel: The Assisted Wellness Initiative

By: Lord Odie

Disclaimer: The following is a work of pure sexual fantasy and is intended for adult audiences ONLY. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading NOW and go tell your parent and/or guardian that you need stricter internet supervision. Any physical resemblance to a real person that any fictional character herein may bear is probably intentional and is meant as a compliment. Furthermore, all fictional characters in the following fantasy are professionals and good at what they do. So please, don’t try this at home, if such things were even physically possible. If you still insist on trying this at home, please send all pictures and feedback to me about the experience. If I can’t stop you, I can at least make sure you’re doing it right. Consider yourself disclaimed.

Week 0

Morning Break

It was at 10:17 on a Friday morning; on a random, nondescript day in May. Allison O’Connor hastily made her way to the 27th floor women’s bathroom for her late-morning break. She hoped it wouldn’t be too busy this morning. The bathrooms didn’t usually get significant traffic until closer to lunchtime. She had just gotten out of a two-hour in-person investor strategy meeting – which had run significantly over – and had a virtual meeting at 11:00 with corporate legal that would likely extend well into the afternoon; and she wanted to get her break out of the way beforehand.

Allison was a Senior Director of Accounts for a large investment firm: McQueen & Dobbs. While her title may sound impressive, her job was really just to make sure that her and her subordinate account managers’ clients stayed happy and kept their money with the firm instead of moving it elsewhere; and she was damn good at her job! For this, she was quite generously compensated. Enough so that her second husband Keith could stay at home and pursue his career goal of becoming a famous e-gamer. He was shit at gaming, but he was really just her trophy husband anyway. At 31, he kept himself in amazing shape and played the part of the trophy husband quite well. That, and he had an impressively sized 12″ long, 2.2″ thick cock and an even more impressive sex drive! Allison got to enjoy his remarkable tool in her various holes several times a day, which more than made up for any lack Keith had in real world ambition.

As for herself, at 47, Allison was in her prime. Thanks to the anti-aging aging genome treatments that had become readily available over a decade ago, she looked more like a woman in her early thirties or late twenties than her actual biological age. In fact, she was in better shape today than she had been when she was that age! The treatments had helped to tone and sculpt her body, lift her breasts and buttocks, thickened up her shoulder length fiery red hair, and she’d even increased a cup size or so from a 34D to a more fun 34DD. Males benefited from similar toning and sculpting in addition to a noticeable increase in penis size, both length and girth. But all those benefits were well-known, published side effects of the treatments. A not published but equally well-known side effect was extremely amplified sex drives. Allison’s had already been quite healthy before. But she was nearly nymphomaniac now; much like most women who had underwent anti-aging treatments; which was nearly 98% of the population at this point. In fact, even after almost a decade of common use, Big Pharma continued to deny that their treatments modified male and female sex drives at all, despite all evidence to the contrary. Most people ignored in crazy conspiracy theories after the chaos of the 2020’s, but the one that wouldn’t quite die online was that Big Pharma and the world’s governments wanted to keep their populations sexually satisfied and complacent. Allison didn’t put much stock into that theory, but it did make a little sense if she ever stopped to think about it.

Rounding the corner, Allison came to a stop and cursed softly to herself. Half a dozen women were idly loitering about the outside of the women’s bathroom, just chatting and gossiping. Damn it! she thought. The bathroom shouldn’t be this busy yet! What the fuck is going on? Composing herself, she approached the bathroom.

“Stacey,” she said to one of her junior account managers who was waiting outside and chatting with Penelope; one of her two senior account managers, “What the Hell is going on here? It’s not lunch time! Why isn’t everyone working?”

The shapely blonde paused in her conversation with the knockout Latina to respond, “Morning, boss! Didn’t you get the memo? HR scheduled a surprise meeting at 11:00. Yvonne sent out the email like… an hour ago.” she replied. The tall blonde woman was in her mid-30s, thin and athletic with maybe 34C breasts. She moonlighted as a yoga instructor after work and had the body to match, particularly her well-toned ass! Today, she wore a bright red pant suit with nude stockings and matching red heels. If she wore a blouse underneath her suit coat, Allison couldn’t see it. But she could see her back bra easily enough. The blonde’s lingerie was pushing her modest assets up high on her chest to appear much larger than they actually were. Her skirt modestly came up to her mid-thigh.

“Really? About what?” demanded a slightly annoyed Allison, pulling out her phone. Yvonne was the firm’s HR director. She had been Allison’s closest friend for almost thirty years. They’d actually been roommates in the same sorority back in college. While both women considered themselves completely heterosexual, and were happily married, the pair engaged in completely-not-gay-totally-plutonic-raunchy-sex quite regularly. This relationship usually provided Allison with advance warning of ‘surprise’ HR meetings long beforehand. Evidently, not today, Allison grumbled as she brought up the missed meeting invitation.

“Something about the higherups being tired of the decreasing productivity due to unnecessary bathroom breaks,” Penelope explained, gesturing to the gaggle-fuck of women hanging around outside the bathroom. The sexy Latina was in her early 30s, of average height and very voluptuous with dangerous curves and mouthwatering 38G tits. Her long black hair spilled down her back freely. She wore a thin white blouse – whose buttons were fighting against physics to contain her massive chest – tucked into a charcoal black skirt that hugged her thick curvy butt and hips and extended down almost to her knees, along with fishnet stockings and black high heels. Even with the heels, she was still quite short. Beneath her blouse, her black bra was barely visible. The blouse itself was unbuttoned dangerously low and exposed a significant amount of cleavage.

Even with today’s liberal standards on corporate dress codes, both women were dangerously close to being unprofessional.

Allison sighed. Bathroom breaks were indeed an ever-present issue. Incredibly horny, aroused men and women weren’t very productive. And with the anti-aging treatments, men and women were always aroused and horny. Which was were ‘bathroom breaks’ came in. The US was still a mostly conservative country compared to the rest of the West. Public nudity and especially public sex were strictly frowned upon; and explicitly illegal almost everywhere. Although, what constituted nudity was getting more and more risqué every year – the pair of women in front of her being prime examples. But the Powers That Be still understood a need and turned a blind eye to bathrooms. Hence the common phrase, ‘what happens in the bathroom, stay in the bathroom!’ But evidently the Powers That Be had had enough and had decided to ‘Do Something’. The idea that ‘doing something because it was better than doing nothing, even if doing something did nothing,’ had always annoyed her. God only knew what the Powers That Be had in mind thins time…

“Fuck me…” Allison said under her breath.

But just loud enough for Jamal from Public Relations to overhear as he approached. “Like, right now?” he asked with a mischievous smile. “Sure! Let’s go!” he said with a grin.

“Not likely, Jamal,” Allison said with an exaggerated roll of her green eyes. The two had briefly dated while Allison had been between marriages. They had parted amicably and were still close friends though. He respected her position that heterosexual sex outside of marriage was cheating but he still liked to tease her anyway. Unless her husband was present and watching, of course. Or if she were recording it for Keith to watch later, obviously. And because Allison wasn’t gay, or even bisexual, sex with women was perfectly acceptable. She didn’t have rules that were all that special or out of the ordinary. Those were just some of the normal rules for any successful relationship. While some relationships were more open than others, Allison preferred a more traditional, quasi-monogamistic relationship. Marriages that were completely open didn’t tend to last very long.

Not that she didn’t consider Jamal’s jestful proposals from time to time. He was a 6′ 4″ native Jamaican with jet black skin, a solid muscular build, and had the largest cock she had ever taken in her holes. Almost painfully large, to be honest. At 13″ long and 2.4″ thick, he was a beast of a man! He was too long to completely fit inside her cunt – not that he ever really cared much for her front hole – and she struggled to suck him down her throat to the balls because of his impressive girth, but he could hammer her asshole all night long; and had had on multiple occasions. Although, she had been exceptionally sore for days afterwards.

“I wasn’t talking to you, Allison,” he replied, smoothly taking Penelope’s hand and started leading her towards the men’s bathroom.

“Oh!” exclaimed Penelope as she allowed herself to be led away. “I was just going to jill off in the women’s bathroom, but okay. You won’t be as rough as last week, will you? I was sore all afternoon!”

The tall islander looked down at the much shorter Latina, smiled sweetly, and patted her shapely butt hard enough that it could almost be considered a light smack, “Oh, Penelope… Of course, I’ll be rough! I even promise to use just enough lube to get inside your bottom… And not a drop more!”

“Fuck…” the voluptuous Hispanic replied quietly as she was gently led away.

While men stayed out of the women’s bathroom as a matter of courtesy, women were allowed to accompany men into the men’s bathroom for their ‘breaks’. Upon opening the door, and running into three other couples waiting for an open stall he remarked, “Oh for fuck’s sake, mon… It’s not like they’re going to end bathroom breaks! Come on, people!” He and Penelope move to the side. As the door closed, Allison could see that of the three sink basins in the men’s bathroom, two of them had a woman bending over it, her skirt and panties around her ankles, reaching back and spreading her cheeks while a man pounded into her back door.

Normally, sex or masturbation in the bathrooms was supposed to be kept inside of the stalls where a semblance pf privacy could be maintained. But when the bathrooms got really crowded, or people got really horny, the sex and masturbation would spill out in the bathroom’s common areas. This was generally frowned upon but accepted as necessary when the situation required it.

“The women’s bathroom is full, I assume?” asked Allison.

“Yup,” Stacey replied. “Everyone assumes that they are going to seriously curtail bathroom breaks, and everyone is getting in on the action while they can.”

“I highly doubt they would do that. Too many people would just quit!” Allison replied. Personally, if she’d had the option, Allision would have masturbated in her own office. But her investment company’s building was almost twenty years old, and most of the offices had internal glass walls. At the time, it had been the current trend in architecture. But with public sex and masturbation both still being very much illegal in the US, that wasn’t an option.

Allison grimaced briefly in jealousy as she thought of Josselyn’s – her boss’s – office. Executive offices on the 31’st floor were fully walled, and each had their own secretary/receptionist desk outside. The secretaries were more status symbols than functional, but Allison couldn’t wait until the older woman retired in a couple of years. She was on the short list for promotion to Josselyn’s job; and all the perks that came along with it. Alisson spent more time than she probably should browsing the secretary pool on the company’s internal website to pick out her future secretary. There was an over-abundance of pretty young women in their early to late 20’s who were trying to get their foot into the corporate door. And each of them knew what would be expected of them whether they ended up working for a man or a woman.

Allison herself had never masturbated or fucked anyone at work outside of a bathroom stall. She would have found that far too embarrassing! While she had no problem fucking in front of friends, and some selected family members, or maybe even a few of her coworkers she was closest with, fucking out in front of the whole company was strictly not her thing! Exebitionism was a perfectly normal kink. It just wasn’t usually her kink. For a smaller audience like her cranky old neighbor at home Mr. Happy while she sunbathed, sure. Just not all her coworkers! Now, voyeurism was fun though! Thankfully, her seniority at the firm had always guaranteed her access to any stalls that were open, regardless of the length of the line.

Just as she was pondering her conundrum, the men’s bathroom door opened again as a couple exited. Allison briefly had a view in. All three sinks were now occupied. She knew Jamal’s muscular naked buttocks when she saw them, and she recognized Penelope’s high heels and the bunched-up skirt around her ankles. Jamal was really pounding his massive cock into her asshole like it was going out of style; which it may very well have been. The busty Latina was reaching down between her legs to fist her pussy in time with the ass fucking she was receiving. By the way the dark-skinned woman’s poor sphincter was vice-gripped to Jamal’s thick cock, he had made good on his promise to not use much lube! Allison had to admit that a part of her was more than a little disappointed for having turned down his very polite and quite reasonable offer.

“I’m grabbing a stall,” Allison announced, and headed towards the women’s bathroom.

“Good luck in there,” Stacey called out behind her.

Inside the women’s bathroom was just as chaotic as she’d feared. There were six sink basins in the bathroom. Each had a women bent over it either fisting their pussy or asshole, or more often both. Some were using dildos, but most just plunged their fists into wet, horny holes. Just as many women were lined up against the walls doing their best to satisfy their lust. There was maybe a dozen or so women who were maintaining a semblance of their composure and waiting for an empty stall before ravishing their needy holes.

All of this was an example of another looming social problem that no one wanted to talk about. The ratio of men to women was getting seriously out of whack. And quickly! It was something that society couldn’t ignore for much longer. While Allison’s parent’s generation had been roughly 1:1 like most of history, her generation was closer to 1:1.1. Or one man for every 1.1 women. Allison had two daughters – Gina and Courtney – and their generation was close to 1:2. Having kids while younger was in vogue again, and her oldest daughter at 24 years old already had three daughters herself – Laura, Mia, and Amber. Their generation was almost too early to be calculated but early indication put the ratio at 1:4. Most women of her generation that wanted a husband had one, but her granddaughters were going to have a much harder time finding a man! She wasn’t sure how society would adapt, but she was sure it was going to be a struggle. But even at her‑ firm now, over 85% of the employees were female. That made finding a male break partner somewhat impossible for a lot of women.

Confidently, Allison walked to the front of the line waiting for an open stall. The first few women in line almost started to say something, then thought better of it. She breathed deeply and waited for the next available vacancy of the twenty stalls in the women’s bathroom.

As she waited, the stall walls suddenly rattled heavily as someone bumped harder than normal into them somewhere down the line. This resulted in the stall door in front of Allison jarring loose and quickly opening all the way. She was treated to a delicious sight! Inside, a thick muscular dark ebony woman quickly came into view. She was lying back on the toilet, her ass hanging off the seat and her legs propped up against the stall on each side of the now wide-open door. Her light gray business skirt and jacket were hung on the back of the stall’s door. Her white blouse was unbuttoned, her black bra pulled down, and her sizable 36E cup tits spilled out across her chest. Each mammary was topped with an impossibly blacker areola and a glistening wet, meaty, rock-hard nipple. Her empty asshole gaped open an inch or so and winked at Allison repeatedly. The hole had obviously seen some very intense, recent use. The woman’s pinkish red and slightly swollen sphincter stood out noticeably against her dark skin. Allison immediately recognized the woman as Yvonne, the company’s HR director and her best friend.

Currently, the black woman’s right hand was wrist deep in her hairless, dripping cunt. The hand was furiously working her front hole making soft slurping noises. Her left hand fed what had to have been a 2″ thick flesh colored dildo down her throat. She was feeding it down her gullet until it bottomed out against the flared handle-base before pulling it about halfway out again. On each in-stroke, she would open her mouth just wide enough to allow the thick toy to pass her lips. On each out-stroke, she would seal her lips around the toy and suck it clean. Judging by the very noticeable bulge moving up and down Yvonne’s throat, Allison guessed the dildo was about a foot long from head to base. Her eyes were closed, and face upturned as she enjoyed the taste of her own ass juices.

After several thrusts down her throat, Yvonne yanked the dildo free from her mouth with an audible pop, and quickly returned the thick toy to her hungry asshole. Allison smiled to herself at having accurately guessed its 13″ length. No sooner had the toy been buried to the hilt, Yvonne moaned and slipped her right hand free from her horny cunt. She reached up and lifted her left tit to her face and immediately sucked in her nipple and started lightly biting and sucking on it. This only caused her to moan louder. Her sounds of pleasure joined and were drowned out by the bathroom’s ambient noise.

It was then that Yvonne finally noticed that the stall’s door had swung open. Her left hand stopped pounding the dildo into her ass and her nipple popped free from her mouth as she stared into Allison’s eyes for a long heartbeat. Allison felt herself flush in embarrassment. She had just realized that she had been gawking like a clueless teenager who had just caught her parents having sex for the first time.

“I do apologize, Allison,” Yvonne said quickly, in a deep French accent. Her family had emigrated from Nigeria when she was a teenager, and she had never even tried to lose her accent. The ebony woman’s already dark skin darkened somewhat more in embarrassment at being caught masturbating at work red handed. Allison found Yvonne’s muscular figure, sharp facial features and subdued makeup quite attractive; despite considering herself a straight woman. “This stall’s door lock always pops free! I’ve opened up multiple maintenance tickets to have it adjusted too. I guess I’ll have to open another…”

“No, it’s my fault for not closing the door immediately,” Allison managed to stammer. “You deserve your privacy during your… break.”

Yvonne smiled and started to gently shift the bottomed-out dildo from side to side in her nether hole. “Anyway, mon amie… Do you mind?” she asked politely.

“Mind…? Oh! Sorry!” Allison replied, blushing even deeper. She grabbed the door and began closing it.

“Merci beaucoup, Allison!” she replied. Before the stall’s door could close, Allison was treated to the sight of Yvonne removing the dildo from her back hole with a slurp and returning it to her mouth. Yvonne’s right hand freed her tit, balled up into a fist and slipped back into her swollen cunt. Allison paused for a few seconds to enjoy the sight of her friend deepthroating the thick dildo while her lips sucked her own ass juices off the thick toy again. Finally, she closed the door and gave it a soft push to relatch its lock.

Shaking herself, Allison was relieved to see a stall door unlatch and open three doors down. An attractive, disheveled blonde woman in her mid-30’s stumbled out. The two women smiled knowingly to each other as Allison moved past her to occupy the stall. Watching the blonde gingerly walk away, Allison smiled to herself as the woman quickly reached around and pressed on the outside of her skirt, between her cheeks. She was obviously repositioning a plug or other toy that had threatened to slip out.

Moving inside, closing and latching the door, Allison quickly removed her dark blue skirt, panties, and her white silk blouse, hanging them on the back of the stall’s door. Like most modern bathroom stalls, these were fairly spacious. The whole area was about 5′ wide and maybe a little 5′ 6″ long. So, there was plenty of room for Allison to undress without feeling cramped. From her purse, she retrieved her favorite purple dildo. The toy was slightly shorter and thinner than Yvonne’s had been but not by much. Taking a seat on the toilet, she leaned back onto the reclined and padded tank, and propped her legs up on either side of the stall’s door, where waiting footrests were mounted. Watching Yvonne’s antics had put her in the mood for some sloppy ass-to-mouth action. With her right hand, she lined up the head of the pleasantly thick dildo against her gushing cunt and slipped it in effortlessly, while her left hand hauled her tits out of her bra and began to lightly twist and pinch her already painfully hard nipples. After a few thrusts to lube up the dildo, Allison slipped it out and dropped it down to line up with her asshole. There was a lubricant dispenser located next to the toilet paper on the stall’s wall, but she was in the mood for something a little rougher. Her back hole was still slightly sore from the pounding Keith had given her that morning, and her masturbation session in the shower afterwards. But then again, her butt had basically been continuously sore since she had become sexually active as a teenager. Despite decades of anal experience, she still had to push out slightly and groan as the tool’s head slipped past her well-worn sphincter and began its familiar trek into the depths of her bowels. Allison moaned loudly as the dildo bottomed out and she began thrusting it forcefully back and forth. Without mental thought, her free hand found her empty and still wet pussy, and quickly sunk itself in until her nether lips were wrapped around her wrist. After a minute or so of working her holes, she slowly withdrew the dildo and brought it up to her face. She could see her ass juices coating its considerable girth and licked her lips in anticipation of the acidic taste to come. Without a second though, she tilted her head back and sunk the dildo down her talented throat and began sucking it clean just as Yvonne had done. She thought of the black woman as she worked over her cunt with her fist. This was actually a game they had played quite often back in college: sucking dildos clean from each other’s asses. Actually, that had been a very popular activity in her sorority.

Eventually, she returned the dildo to her needy ass and buried it to the hilt in a single thrust. She cried out slightly at that, as her asshole wasn’t quite that opened up yet. Oh, you will be! Allison silently scolded her nether hole as she pounded it mercilessly. You. Will. Be… She knew she had to be quick if she wanted to work a few meaningful orgasms out of her bottom before the meeting.

The Announcement

“Alright, please find a seat everyone. We’ll be starting in a few minutes,” Yvonne said sternly in her long since perfected ‘I’m the HR director and I will fucking fire your ass if you defy me!’ voice. The black woman looked every bit the composed and professional HR director her title personified, and nothing like the moaning ass slut Allison knew her to be. “Let’s go, people. We have a lot to cover this morning, and I want to get everyone out of here as quickly as I can so you all can get back to work.” Yvonne then planted her hands on her shapely hips and patiently waited for her request/command to be obeyed. A good portion of the local corporate branch was present, and those who were not present were supposed to be attending remotely. While McQueen & Dobbs had half a dozen branches across the country – and several others internationally – there were still at least 300 people in the room; over four-fifths of whom were women.

Allison stopped talking to Steve, one of her account managers, and took her seat in the spacious conference room. As she did, she shifted her hips back and forth slightly to enjoy the weight of her body pressing her cheeks together against her still tingling asshole. Steve was an average performer at his job. Average looks, average heigh, average build, average cock – from what she’d been told at least. He was just all around average. But he was a good guy and fun to be around.

Looking around the room, she happened to notice Jamal and Penelope just walking into the room and taking a position along the back wall. Damn… That took a while! Allison said to herself. Penelope isn’t going to want anything else up her ass for while after a butt fuck of that duration! She’d been on the receiving end of many of Jamal’s extended bathroom breaks. They were fulfilling, but they took it out of a girl’s stamina!

While the room slowly came to order, Allison pulled out her phone, unlocked it, brought up her texting app, and tapped on a contact with a custom animated icon of a thick cock thrusting into a sore looking asshole below a bald and empty cunt, loping over and over. Her and Keith’s chat thread popped up. A few years back, she had been playing around with some free icon creation software and had made one out of some footage of their honeymoon video. If her volume had been turned up, she would have been treated to a short audio clip of herself begging, “Fuck me, baby! Mommy needs your big cock to cum in her naughty asshole!” over and over again, but she kept her phone on silent at work. Allison tapped out,

Allison: ATM tonight?

Seconds later,

Hubby: alwayz up for atm want me to cum in ur azz

Allison sighed. She’d long since given up trying to get her husband to use proper syntax and punctuation. Their parents and grandparents texted like that fifty years ago for fuck’s sake! Her generation had grown up using proper spelling and punctuation as a means of rebelling against the older generations. But she knew what he said.

Allison: Of course, baby! Just feed it to me like you normally do.

Hubby: sound greet lokking forward to it

Allison: Perfect. Love you, baby!

Hubby: love fuking dat azz 😍🍆

Allison just rolled her green eyes.

Allison: Okay, Zoomer… 🙄

Hubby: not a millennial!!!! proud gen beta!!!!!!!

Allison: But you text like one.

Keith’s lack of a reply made her smile in her small victory. Gotcha, dick! she giggled to herself.

Glancing over, she saw Steve looking at her phone, reading the exchange. Smiling, she turned off her phone and started chatting with Malaya on the other side of her. Like Penelope, the woman was her other senior account manager and Allison’s right hand woman. Steve just chucked and pulled out his own phone. He tapped away for several minutes while Allison and Malaya chatted. Malaya Ramos was a short buxom Filipina woman in her late 20s. She had wavey black hair that almost met her shoulders, a trim waist, wide hips, and very delicious set of 32F breasts that she loved dressing to showcase. Today she was wearing short sleaved formfitting pinstripe dress with a plunging neckline that ended dangerously close to the bottom her meaty buttocks. The neckline extended all the way to below her breasts, halfway to her navel. No bra was visible, just a shocking amount of cleavage and under boob and just a hint of areola, and her nipples were clearly visible against the dress’s fabric. If she were to bend over at waist, she would be in trouble! In all likely hood, her substantial breasts would fall right out and anyone behind her would be able to tell if she were wearing any underwear or not.

Outside of Yvonne, the buxom Filipina was Allison’s closest work friend. The two had grown quite close over the last few years that they worked together, and Allison entrusted her with her most difficult – and lucrative – clients. To say that they had a ‘close’ working relationship was very accurate. It didn’t happen often, but they took each other home on more than one occasion after a company function or happy hour for some harmless, platonic, purely heterosexual, girl-on-girl, anal fun. Keith really loved the rare occasions when his wife brought home another woman. It never failed that she and the girl in question would end up in a sloppy 69 while Keith went from end to end fucking their assholes and having them tongue wash the other woman’s ass juices off his cock. When Allison brough home a work colleague, it was usually Malaya. Although, she’d brought Penelope home a few times and Stacey once.

Steve nonchalantly tapped her on the shoulder and turned his phone for them to look at. It was his text app as well. At the top of the screen was an icon of Steve himself on one side and one of his cute blonde wife Rebecca on the other. Allison had met his wife on multiple occasions. She was on the thick side but by all accounts, she was a genuinely great person, an amazing homemaker, and loving mother to their three young children. Steve certainly hadn’t vocalized any complaints that Allison had heard of through the rumor mill. Of course, her awe inspiring 42H rack, overly curvy figure, and insatiable sexual appetite probably made up for any perceived shortcomings!

Me: Hey baby. Allison and Keith are doing ATM tonight. Now I’m in an ATM mood. Sound fun?

Slutty Wifey: I mean, I guess. Can you at least cum down my throat this time?

Me: Nope! Cumming in your ass like usual. You keep a glass by the bed for just that reason.

Slutty Wifey: I keep a glass by the bed for water at night!

Me: And for spitting cum out your ass so you can drink it like a good wifey.

Slutty Wifey: Fine. And for that too…

Me: Great! See you after work!

Slutty Wifey: I’ll have the kids go over to the neighbors for an hour or so when you get home.

Slutty Wifey: I watched Amy’s kids yesterday so she and Tim could have some alone time.

Slutty Wifey: So, she owes me a favor!

Me: Perfect! But can Tim watch the kids instead?

Me: Amy can come over and do some ATM too.

Slutty Wifey: You’re an asshole…

Me: 😊

Slutty Wifey: Amy said sure…

Me: I love you.

Slutty Wifey: …

Slutty Wifey: Love you too.

Me: You and Amy can go ahead and start without me.

Slutty Wifey: That was already the plan!

Slutty Wifey: She’s coming over an hour early. 😘

Me: Don’t forget to record it.

Slutty Wifey: What kind of wife do you think I am?

Slutty Wifey: If it’s not being recorded for you, it’s cheating!

Slutty Wifey: I’ll live stream on our normal site.

Me: Perfect!

Malaya chuckled softly and despite herself, Allison giggled audibly before catching herself and looking around sheepishly. She didn’t like giggling, especially at work! It made her sound like a little girl.

“Sounds like we’re both going to have fun at home tonight,” the redhead commented softly so as not to arouse Yvonne’s ire.

“Sounds like,” Steve confirmed.

“Got room for another? My boyfriend is out of town,” Malaya asked politely.

“I’ll ask Wifey,” Steve replied with a smile and returned to his phone.

“Alright then. If I can have your attention, please,” Yvonne commanded, and the room became silent. “Quick history lesson: thirteen years ago, anti-aging therapies became widely accessible. And since then, they have been free of charge on standard coverage for nearly every health and benefits plans. At this point, almost the entire US population has received them. Now, I’m not really going into the politics of the treatments themselves or healthcare in general here; that will be for another day. What I am concerned about this morning is the particular side effect that has significantly affected productivity for since.”

The room became deathly quiet. Everyone knew what Yvonne was talking about. But no one wanted to say the quiet part out loud.

“And I know you all know what I’m referring to. Bathroom breaks… Bathroom breaks are the worst kept secret in corporate America. But they’ve largely been overlooked as cracking down on it would result in large-scale personnel dissatisfaction and an unacceptable negative down pressure on talent retention.”

In other words, people would get pissed as fuck and find new jobs, Allison translated from corporate buzzword babble.

“To put it plainly…” Yvonne stopped to take a deep breath, “It has come to the HBIC’s and upper management’s attention that too many people are spending most of the day masturbating or having sex in the bathrooms. This has caused productivity in the workplace to drop off unacceptably. Productivity is down nearly 65% when compared to the company’s pre-treatment baselines.”

There it was! The quiet part! Said out loud at last…

Yvonne continued, “To address this, we are announcing a new pilot program: the Assisted Wellness Initiative. Or AWI for short. We are partnering with Inner Peace Wellness Providers, or IPWP. They’ve come highly recommended from our healthcare provider and have set up AWIs for hundreds of companies already. So, they have plenty of experience.

“Floors 25 through 28 will participate in a provisional trial, and results will be assessed before they are rolled out to the entire corporation. Men and women from selected floors are to attend once a week, half hour Assisted Wellness Sessions. During these days, no masturbation or sex will be allowed in the bathrooms. None! Zero!”

Groans of discontent filled the conference room. Allison herself gulped as her heart sank. This sounded horrible! Being on the 27th floor herself, she would be included in the trial. She was horny enough as it was by 5:00 when she went home! And that was with half a dozen trips to the bathroom throughout the day to furiously work her holes over! No masturbation all day?!? Time to update her resume…

“The conference rooms outside the bathrooms will be converted to temporary, gender segregated Assisted Wellness Areas. IPWP has also set us up with free afterwork fitness classes to help all of our mental and physical wellbeing during the trial. Women are encouraged to enroll in the provided yoga classes, while men are encouraged to enroll in weight training. Also, after this meeting, please check your emails. IPWP should be reaching out to you with brief bureaucracy and legalese stuff for you to peruse and consent to.”

The grumbling of the employees was nearly as loud as Yvonne’s commanding voice now. The HR director herself didn’t look all that happy with her announcement either. “I’m not sure what else I can say here other than, are there any questions?”

Almost every hand in the room shot up.

Allison’s phone vibrated. Checking her phone, the email from IPWP had already come in. Quickly, she opened it, scanned the short message full of meaningless buzz words and wellness gibberish. She then opened the attached link to a terms and conditions page. Her eyes rolled when she saw that the document was 37 pages long. Fuck! Who even reads this shit! she thought to herself as she flipped her phone to scroll to the last page and clicked the I Agree button without a second glance.

Steve reached across her to show his phone to Malaya.

Me: Malaya wants to come over for dinner tonight. Mind?

Slutty Wifey: Malaya…

Slutty Wifey: Is that the short Filipina girl with the nice tits?

Me: It is!

Slutty Wifey: Fuck yeah! 😍

Slutty Wifey: I haven’t got to suck cum out of her asshole since Allison’s pool party last year!

Slutty Wifey: Can she spend the night? 🙏

Me: I’ll ask her.

“Sweet! At least something is going right today!” Malaya said. “Tell Rebecca that I have nowhere else to be tonight.”

“Will do,” Steve replied, tapping on his phone again.

Returning her attention to the meeting, she smiled sadistically as she saw Yvonne doing her best to answer rapid-fire questions to a very hostile audience. As it turned out, people enjoyed sex and masturbation. Who knew…

Glancing towards the back of the room, she saw Jamal whispering into Penelope’s ear. She shook her head no. He whispered again. The busty Latina bit her lip and nodded, and then the pair slipped out of the back of the room without Yvonne noticing their departure. Speaking of people who enjoy sex and can’t get enough! Allison thought to herself.

Weekend Get Together

“And you couldn’t even tell me before hand?!?” complained Allison the following Sunday. “I spent all Friday afternoon updating my resume! Fuck this job if I can’t even get off during the day!”

“Sorry, Allison. The higher ups caught me off guard with it too,” Yvonne protested. “I tried to explain to the Powers That Be that no one would accept being masturbated by someone else only once a day as an acceptable substitute for half a dozen sexual encounters a day; no matter what they called it. Assisted Wellness Initiative indeed… But they wouldn’t listen to me! I tried. I really tried, mon ami!” she said before turning her head back towards her husband Billy’s 2.1″ thick, 9.5″ long cock and engulfing it to the base with only moderate difficulty.

“Fine, I guess,” Allison admitted with reservation. “But it’s just odd to be a grown-up woman and get masturbated by someone else. I’ve never had another person masturbate me – other than you, and Keith of course, and Jamal, and Malaya a few times, and my ex-husband, and my college boyfriend… Okay… Bad argument. But getting dildoed or fisted by another person is just part of normal sex. Taking all the passion out of the equation and reducing it to just meaningless masturbation is weird! Obviously, I’ve anally penetrated Gina and now Courtney two or three times a day since they turned eighteen until their bottom holes got used to being fucked, but that’s totally normal for a loving mother in this day and age; there’s nothing sexual about it! Sure, they may cum a few times, but it’s good practice for them. It’s not technically masturbation. It’s preparation! And I mean sure, I usually get a little excited and have to go back to my room and jill off a little bit. Admittedly, it would have been way weird twenty or thirty years ago when I was young, but those was a different time,” she added before returning her attention to Keith’s own thick cock. Thanks to years of practice, the talented redhead sucked his 12″ length down to the root in one smooth motion – despite its girthy 2.2″ thickness – and then started to bob her head up and down a few inched to massage the head of his dick with her throat.

Yvonne pulled off Billy’s cock long enough to give her friend a look of exasperation and sigh, “Uh huh… Sure…” before sucking her husband’s cock down to the root once more.

Allison was annoyed with her friend’s response but knew her own reasoning was flawed at best. She chose not to reply and continue to hoover Keith’s shlong.

Both men laid back comfortably on an overstuffed couch, watching a football game. They were dressed in comfortable T-shirts, with their pants currently discarded behind the couch. Their wives were dressed only in lacey, thigh length stockings and high heels: Allison in black and Yvonne in white. They had their hair pulled back into ponytails to keep it out of the way, and to give the boys a solid handle gran if they needed to provide firmer direction. The pair knelt on the ground before their husband’s spread legs to best service their husbands’ meaty tools. Between their shapely buttocks, each woman wore a thick butt plug.

After a few more minutes of deepthroating later, Yvonne pulled Billy’s dick out of her throat with an audible pope. “You’re not going to quit, are you, mon ami?” she asked seriously. She pulled her right hand back to extract the finger that had been up Billy’s ass, sucked it clean, wet another finger, and slowly sank both of them back into her husband’s asshole to massage his prostate. Billy just moaned in pleasure as he and Keith continued to watch the game. “At the very least, give it a try! I’d miss you at work!” She was about to say more, but her husband grabbed her ponytail and guided her head back down onto the base of his thick cock and kept it there.

Allison bobbed her head up and down on Keith’s sizable dick for a few more moments before surfacing and replying, “No. At least not immediately. I guess I’ll at least give it a try.” She mirrored her friend’s maneuver and extracted the two fingers she’d had up Keith’s asshole, cleaned them off, and then pushed his balls up and out of the way so that she could tongue wash his anus while she jacked his cock with her free hand. Helpfully, Keith scooted forward slightly to give his loving with easier access.

Billy finally allowed his wife to surface momentarily. “Merci beaucoup!” the ebony goddess replied before returning her attention to her husband’s ivory cock. After several more minutes of uninterrupted deepthroat, Yvonne resurfaced and added, “And who knows, it might be fun!”

“Doubtful,” Allison replied, pulling away from Keith’s glistening asshole. She sank two fingers back into her younger husband before engulfing his thick cock with her throat once more.

Several more minutes passed in relative silence. Save for the sounds of sloppy deepthroat action, the moaning men, and the ongoing football game.

Out of the blue, both Keith and Billy shouted out, “Halftime!” and helped their wives reposition so that they were next to each other with their heads and shoulder on the couch with their hands reaching back to spread their buttocks wide. Both women groan audibly as their husbands took their positions behind them and slowly extracted the plugs that had been filling their backsides for the first half. Both plugs were about 2″ wide at the tapered part above the base, but almost 2.4″ at their widest parts. The sexy redhead and black woman groaned in discomfort as their husbands slowly pulled the plugs out of their bottoms, stretching their favorite holes. While the tapered parts of the plugs that had been stretching their rectums for the last hour were slightly smaller than their husbands’ cocks, the 2.4″ widths of the plugs were roughly the size of an average woman’s fist. Sure, the women’s fists found their way up each other’s backsides from time to time, it wasn’t a daily activity and they weren’t quite used to the extra stretching.

“I’m glad you’re not leaving me yet,” Yvonne said as the plug popped free from her veteran asshole.

“I’m not going anywhere. Yet at least,” Allison replied as her own ass became momentarily empty.

“Open wide,” Keith commanded as he and Billy brought the soiled plugs around to their wives’ mouths. Allison was quickly sucking on the hunk of latex that had been in Yvonne’s ass, and vice versa. And then the men sunk their cocks deep into their wives’ nether holes.

Yvonne groaned as she sucked on her friend’s ass plug while Billy’s thick cock ravaged her well-worn asshole. Allison just sighed as Keith’s cock ravaged her own nether hole while she enjoyed the taste of her best friend’s colon. Both women had grown accosted to the other’s flavor over the past thirty years of friendship and thought nothing of the slightly sour tastes.

Both men had already recently orgasmsed after the first quarter, filling their wives’ throats with their cum. But they’d spent the last half hour on the edge of another orgasm from the continuous deepthroating. Since neither had relubricated their wives’ bottoms after the plugs had been extracted, the only lube was the residual spit from the blowjobs. The extra friction of a near dry ass fuck, the closeness of their next orgasms, and the furious pace of their thrusting meant that both men only lasted a few minutes before depositing loads up Allison and Yvonne’s backsides. Fist, Billy loudly grunted his approval as he filled Yvonne’s ass with several ropes of jism, followed by Keith seconds later.

Each man slid his softening cock in and out of its tight sheath for a minute or so and admired the shapes of their wives’ backsides. Allison and Yvonne were still reaching back and spreading their ass cheeks wide. Eventually, they slowly pulled out and helped the women to their knees. “No leaking on the carpet now,” cautioned Keith as each woman moved a hand to cover their slightly agape assholes. Both women still sucked on the ass plugs in their mouths and looked up at their husbands expectedly. Reaching down, the men removed the plugs and sat the now clean and glistening hunks of latex down on a nearby table. Changing places, Keith presented his half-erect cock to Yvonne and Billy his deflated member to Allison. Without being told, both women sucked the offered phalluses into the mouths and began to clean the cum and ass juice of the soiled cocks. While this might technically count as a violation of monogamy, the fact that everyone concerned was present made it okay.

Soon enough, the cocks were clean once again.

Grabbing the women by their ponytails, Keith and Billy moved the pair on their hands and keens over to a large blanket the was spread out on the ground between the couch and the TV. “You’re probably horny,” Billy said as he helped Allison lay down on her side.

“But don’t forget to clean your assholes first,” Billy reminded, positioning Yvonne on her side so that each was face to face with the other’s pussy. The women needed no further instructions and began devouring each other’s assholes with gusto. The men smiled and returned to the couch. While the on-screen halftime show was interesting enough with a busty signing duo giving it their all, the real halftime show was in the living room. Keith turned down the TV’s volume so that they could enjoy the wet suction sounds of their wives sucking sum out of each other’s asses.

After a few minutes, Allison and Yonne had managed to vacuum all the jism out of the other’s asshole. They repositioned slightly and began attaching each other’s cunts with even more gusto. “You two have got about ten more minutes before the second half starts,” Billy said matter of factly as he stroked his cock back to life. “They why don’t you two switch places for the rest of the game.”

“That’s a great idea!” Billy agreed, rubbing his own dick. “Yvonne has a talented mouth for sure, but Allison’s throat is like a warm velvet vice!”

“It’s one of the reasons I married her!” Keith replied with a smile.

* * *

The white late-model minivan rolled to a stop in the driveway of the O-Connor residence. The large house was located in a pristine gated upper-class neighborhood full of manicured lawns and well-kept foliage.

After a few seconds, the side door opened, and 21-year-old Courtney O-Connor stepped out into the late afternoon sun. She adjusted her short pleated blue skirt and midriff baring long sleeved white tube top. The skirt was a lowrider style and was barely kept in place by her wide hips and plump rear end. It was low enough that the clefts between the tops of her legs and her pubic mound were just barely visible, and short enough to barely cover her nether regions. In fact, her white garter belt sat higher up on her waist than the skirt covered. Its white straps disappeared underneath the skirt only to reemerge below it to hold up her white stocking. A good two inches of skin was visible between the bottom of her skirt and the tops of her stockings. The fact the no pantie lines could be seen was a dead giveaway to the fact that she wasn’t wearing any. Below, a pair of white medium high heels covered her feet. Her tube top wasn’t even long enough to fully cover her breasts, leaving a mouthwatering amount of under boob exposed. The top was thin enough to leave very little of her perky 34D breasts to the imagination. Her deep pink areolas and perpetually hard nipples were easily visible through the fabric; as were each small golden ring piercing the young buds. She wore her long red hair up in pigtails. Generations ago, an outfit like this would be branded as slutty, or she’d be called a prostitute. But in today’s day and age, such clothing was commonplace for young single women. Married women were expected to dress more modestly, but only just barely.

Courtney was the spitting image of her mother, Allison. Even looking in a mirror, it was hard to find traces of her father’s features. In fact, if you showed a random person a picture of her and a picture of her mother at 21, they would be hard pressed to believe that they were looking at two different people! Really, the biggest discrepancy between the two women was their breasts. Her mother still had her by a full cup size. But Dr. Kerri, their family physician, assured Courtney they would probably grow to a healthy 34DDD or 34E in the next year or so.

Turning around, three of her friends – Dina, Miley, and Stacey – were still inside the back of minivan. The back seats had been laid down and a blanket spread out. The three young women were sprawled out in a half-naked triangle. Each eager mouth was attached to a drenched cunt while a fist pumped in and out of an asshole. Up until a few minutes ago, the girl pile was a four-way, but Courtney was the first to be dropped off and had reluctantly exited the sex heap.

While technically illegal to not be buckled up inside a moving vehicle, self-driving cars had been around for so long that human driven cars were no longer allowed on public roads. Because of that, traffic accidents were almost unheard of.

“Got all your stuff?” Miley’s dad asked from the driver’s seat. He had his right arm on the passenger’s seat and was half turned around to make sure Courtney had gotten out of the vehicle okay. Even though the minivan was self-driving, a human was still required to be in the driver’s seat in the unlikely event that the car’s AI failed. Courtney found the older 50-something man handsome enough. But she was still relieved when her other friend Britt volunteered to ride up front in the passenger’s seat with him. Miley’s dad smiled warmly at her while his left hand was wrapped up in Britt’s blonde hair as he guided her mouth and throat up and down on his hard cock. The sucking girl’s top was bunched up over her large 36F tits, and the passenger seat’s seatbelt was wrapped around her wrists, pulling them backwards and upwards in what had to have been an uncomfortable position.

“Yup!” Courtney confirmed. “Purse, phone, clothes… I’m good to go.”

“Oh, and you’ve got something on your left cheek.”

Reaching up, the redhead wiped away a small patch of slick gooeyness from Miley’s cunt with her fingers. She must have missed it while she had cleaned herself up a minute ago. “Thanks!” she said, sucking the girl cream off her fingers. “And thanks for giving us a ride to the theater and back, Mr. Stamos!”

“My pleasure!” the older man replied, before pausing to shove Britt’s head down to the base of his dick. He groaned in contentment as he filled her throat with yet another load of cum. After several seconds, he allowed the young woman to come up for some much-needed air before forcing her to resume her sloppy fellatio. “Glad you girls enjoyed the movie,” he continued at last.

“It was okay, I guess. But it was probably the worst of the series so far,” the young redhead admitted. “And the sex scenes were cut too short in my opinion.”

“Well, they just don’t make good movies like they used to,” Miley’s dad agreed as he adjusted the rearview mirror to get a better view of the ongoing action in the back of the vehicle. “You girls are going to see that new romcom next Sunday, aren’t you? The one with that big tittied brunette actress?”

“Yes…” she replied reluctantly. She half-knew what the next question was going to be. “It’s ‘Naked Escape’ starting Jessica Burton…”

“I thought that’s what Miley said,” the older man stated. “Want to ride up front with me next weekend?”

Damn it! Courtney cursed silently to herself. The nearest theater wasn’t even showing the movie. They had bought tickets to another theater on the other side of town. It was a half-hour drive in each direction. Faking enthusiasm, she replied aloud, “Sure, Mr. Stamos! That sounds great!” she lied. She had nothing against sucking off random guys. That was expected of modern women these days. But she preferred younger men.

“Perfect! Have a great rest of the weekend!” he said, turning back towards the front of the vehicle.

“You too!” replied the redhead. She hit the close door button and watched the minivan’s door soundlessly slide shut, hiding the three-way girl pile from view at last. The vehicle then started moving again and took off down the street. “Well, fuck…” she said as she bent down at the waist to adjust her stockings. Some of the thin fabric had bunched up uncomfortably in her right heel.

Standing up and turning towards her home, she noticed Mr. Popovitch standing in his front yard next door watering one of his flower beds. Unknowingly, she had just given the 80-year-old old man an unfettered view of her naked holes. Her aroused and puffy cunt was still glistening with Dina’s spit and her asshole hung open slightly from her friend’s small fist. The old man had probably gotten a clear view of her friends inside the van as well. He stood there with a slight grin on his weathered face. “Good evening, Mr. Popovitch,” Courtney said with a pleasant wave, and started towards the house.

“Evening, Courtney. You going to be sunbathing later?” the retiree asked nonchalantly.

“Probably not this evening,” she replied with her own warm smile. “The sun is already starting to go down. But probably tomorrow afternoon. It’s supposed to be a sunny day.”

“Good to know. Have a good evening,” the old man replied and returned to his gardening.

“You too, Mr. Popovitch,” the young woman said politely.

Reaching the side entrance to the house, she keyed in the code and entered the kitchen. The cool air inside caused her already semi-hard nipples to turn into small diamonds on her chest. Courtney was about to announce that she was home, but she could hear a game on the TV from the next room, as well as multiple moans and grunting. Smiling to herself, she quietly crossed the kitchen and poked her head around the corner. As expected, the game was over, and the broadcast was on post-game coverage. Her mother and her stepdad Keith were in the living room, along with Aunt Yvonne and Uncle Billy. They weren’t really her aunt and uncle, but they had been family friends since before she had been born. None of the four were facing the kitchen door to notice her presence.

Her mother Allison was lying on her front on a blanket on the floor. A pillow was under her hips to elevate her butt. Billy was positioned over her piledriving his 2.1″ thick cock into her raw looking asshole. His right hand was holding her pinned arms behind her back while his left fist had a handful of her red hair, pushing her face to the floor. He was licking and kissing the side of her face and grunting loudly. Billy was obviously getting close to an orgasm because he was almost throwing his bodyweight upwards and then thrusting his hips forward in a gravity-assisted power-drive into the older redhead’s asshole. Despite the obvious abuse Courtney’s mother’s sphincter was enduring, the resilient ring of muscle was doing all it could to resist the ongoing anal assault. Her anus would be pulled upwards each time Billy ripped his cock outwards and would disappear between the redhead’s meaty ass cheeks on each power drive. Her large 36DD tits were squished into the blanket and bulged out on either side of her torso. Despite the rough sex, her mother’s arousal was clear to see, as her spread legs gave Courtney a perfect view of her mother’s puffy and dripping cunt, and a small puddle of pussy juice darkened the blanket beneath her gash. Allison’s animal grunts of pleasure and pain were a dead giveaway to her enjoyment of the rough fucking she was receiving.

That, and Courtney knew this was how her mother preferred to be dicked down anyway. She’d walked past her mother’s bedroom often enough to see her and Keith engaged in similar activities.

Yvonne was next to her mother on the blanket. Except, she was on her back with her ankles on Keith’s shoulders. Courtney’s stepdad’s right hand pinned the ebony woman’s wrists above her head. This also kept him mostly upright. His left hand alternated between roughly pinching and pulling at her dark fleshy nipples and slapping her large 36E breasts. His 2.2″ thick dick wasn’t fucking Yvonne’s asshole with the reckless abandon as Billy’s was his wife’s, but his long, powerful strokes were pushing the black woman closer and closer to an orgasm. He was pulling out far enough that the head of his cock just started to pull against Yvonne’s raw looking sphincter from the inside, before all 12″ of thick man meat buried itself into the woman’s rectum in powerful strokes. “Oui… Oui…” Yvonne moaned after every thrust.

On one stroke, Keith pulled back a little too far and his dick popped free of Yvonne’s asshole. The flesh stick bounced upwards and almost buried itself into the woman’s cunt before Keith noticed. This left her widely gaping asshole empty and pulsing uselessly. “Merde!” she half shouted; half groaned. The ebony woman yanked her right hand free of Keith’s grip, almost causing him to lose his balance and fall on top of her. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going!?” she demanded in annoyed English. Reaching underneath her buttocks, she gave the escaped cock a none too gentle slap before firmly grabbing ahold of it. She wiped off the pussy juices it had acquired with its brief trip to her cunt on her ass cheek, before returning the head of Keith’s dick back to her still gaping nether hole. “Get back in there, you bastard! I’m not done with you yet!” Obligingly, Keith buried his entire girth back into her guts with a satisfied grunt. But reaching up, Yvonne gave Keith a hard slap across his face. “Fais attention, salaud!” she said angrily, before giving him another hard slap. Courtney knew enough French to know this translated to, “Pay attention, you bastard!” Yvonne was about to hit Courtney’s stepdad again, but he caught her hand mid-swing and returned it to his right fist, pinning it to the floor along with her other wrist once again. The black woman struggled against her partner for a few more seconds before several extra hard thrusts and half dozen slaps across her defenseless tits caused her to groan in pleasure and submit once again. Soon enough, her quiet moans of, “Oui… Oui…” returned.

Courtney knew better than to interrupt her parents and their friends during ‘Sunday Adult Time’. So, she quietly let them be. The young redhead snuck back through the kitchen to the hallway on the other side, which led to the home’s bedrooms. As she did so, she pulled out her phone and quickly logged into the home’s security system to make sure that all the cameras were catching every angle of the ongoing action. Sure enough, the hardware was functioning perfectly!

Upon entering the room and transferring the video feed to the large 120″ TV mounted on the wall, “Thank God!” she said to no one in particular. Her holes still ached. The trip home from the theater wasn’t long enough for her to have cum. It was just long enough for her to get really horny! She had stripped out of her tube top and skirt before she even reached her bed. She knew her mother didn’t approve of her masturbating to the home security feed. Allison preferred that her daughter jilled herself to porn like a normal young lady. But what her mother didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her! Besides, this was a pretty normal occurrence for a Sunday afternoon at the O-Connor Home.

Courtney grabbed her favorite 2.2″ wide, 10″ long purple dildo out of her nightstand, sunk it into her drenched cunt to lube it up, and then lined the well-used tool up with her young asshole. The busty young redhead moaned in pleasure as the toy slowly pressed it into her inexperienced sphincter. Normally, such a quick insertion would have caused her some discomfort. But Miley’s somewhat larger fist had just been inside that hole, and it was plenty loosened up.

“God! I love Sunday evenings!” she exclaimed out loud, before getting down to the business at hand.


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