The Biker Ch. 03A

An adult stories – The Biker Ch. 03A by Jackhawk,Jackhawk Jocelyn stops kissing Jack and stares into his eyes. Not sure of what she is searching for, her attempt to gain control of her emotions is futile. She buries her head in Jack’s neck, sobbing uncontrollably. Her body shakes with emotional tremors. “This is not cool!” Jack mumbles quietly. He kicks a service door open and carries Jocelyn inside a small room, kicking the door closed behind them.

“Jocelyn what’s wrong baby?” Jack asks as he attempts to peel her off his body. She is clinging to him so tightly. “It’s ok darling, I’m here.”

Jocelyn replies, her voice shaking, “Oh God Jack it’s so good to see you, so good to feel you close. I think about our ‘evening’ at Strokers and how special that was for me, and then to find out everything I have about you, and all that has happened since I last saw you. “I just want to be with you right now Jack, to lay in your arms.”

“Baby I am so happy to see you too…I just needed to find the right time, with Layla and everyone being here. Only I can’t stay right now sugar. I must go to Key West for a few days. I’ll see you in a few days when I get back gorgeous!” Jack tells her. “Baby I have to go.” Jack kisses her on the cheek and opens the door. He’s gone in a flash.

Jocelyn sits quietly for a few minutes, disappointed that Jack had to go, but still happy about everything else happening in her life. Her cry allowed her to unleash the feelings she had been carrying around for months.

She leaves the room and enters the lady’s room. She laughs when she looks in the mirror. Her hair askew, her mascara all over her cheeks. Doing her best to clean up her mess, she straightens her sundress and goes back to the booth. Layla and Laura are nuzzling each other, and William is at the bar, chatting with the waitress, Brianna. Layla perks up and says, “Jocelyn, there you are. I need you to go to Key West to help a client out of a jam. I was able to find you a ride to the airport and on a biz jet, but you need to pack a bag quick, and go out front for your ride. See Steve, the head valet. He knows where you go.”

At first Jocelyn is stunned…then a big smile convenes on her face as it hits her that Jack just told her he is going to Key West. “Super!” she squeals, hopping up and down as she turns, heading for the elevator.

“Joc sure took that well!” Layla quips to Laura. Shrugging her shoulders, she turns her attention back to the lovely Laura, who is chomping at the bit for a wet sloppy kiss.

Jocelyn taps her foot quickly as she rides the elevator to the 21st floor. She flies through her suite throwing a few items into a bag. She doesn’t care what she takes, as long as she has her yellow bikini. Her teeny yellow bikini secured in her bag, she runs back to the elevator, down to the lobby and out the front resort door. “Who is Steve?” she calls out!

Steve, a young, good-looking guy, slides up beside Jocelyn and says coyly, “At your service Missy!” Jocelyn looks him up and down, liking what she sees, she spouts, “I’m Jocelyn. Layla instructed that I find you for my ride to the airport.”

“Ahh yes. I seem to recall a request to direct a young lass to her coach. Although, no one bothered to tell me I would be escorting a princess!” Steve plays with Joc.

Jocelyn relaxes and smiles at him, “You’re silly,” she teased, batting her eyes sweetly at him. Joc thought he was cute. She filed that away for another time.

Steve grabs Jocelyn’s bag and points in the direction of Loretta! “You chariot awaits my dear!” he announces. Jocelyn stairs at the huge truck.

“You expect me to get up in that thing?” she appeals.

“I most certainly do your sweetness! Layla’s orders!” Steve assures her.

“OK,” Jocelyn sighs. “Nothing surprises me anymore!”

Steve opens the truck door and clasps his hands together forming a stirrup. “Cmon, Joc. I’ll give you a boost.” Jocelyn shakes her head and steps onto his hand. As she gets almost standing up, Steve places his hand on her sweet ass and shoves her up onto the seat. Standing there with a big cheesy grin, he waits for Jocelyn’s reaction.

Jocelyn, smiling, hits the seat and spins around remarking, “Well Steve, I hope you had fun helping this poor little lost girl find her way this evening. Quite a grip you have there.”

Steve replies, “It’s surely been the highlight of the evening my dear!” He winks and closes her door.

Just then Jocelyn sees Jack brush quickly through the resort’s revolving door. He tosses his bag to Steve who tosses it in Loretta’s bed. He then launches himself into the driver’s seat and gets a huge shock. “Jocelyn,” he barks. “You’re my passenger?”

Jocelyn is stunned. Talk about strokes of luck and timing. She crawls across the console and hungrily kisses Jack. Jack pries her off him and says, “Baby, hang in there until we’re airborne. We really need to get Lana in the air!” Jack emphasized.

“Who’s Lana?” Jocelyn asks.

Jack smiles, “You’ll see baby!” He stomps on Loretta’s accelerator and the massive machine roars out of the Rider’s Rest, headed across the Halifax River towards Daytona International.

Jack wheels Loretta into the hanger. He assists Jocelyn out of the truck and together they run to the plane. The ground crew has her fired up and Jack gains clearance to depart. In less than 10 minutes Lana is climbing out of the control area on her way to angels 24. Jack levels her off and trims her for cruise. With a flip of a switch, the autopilot takes over. Jack sits back and smiles at Jocelyn, who is sitting in the right seat, her mind blown from the flurry of activity. The fact that Jack flew this plane off the ground with her in the copilot seat freaks her out a bit. Jack leans over and kisses her cheek saying, “Unbuckle and follow me darling.” He climbs out of his seat and leaves the cockpit.

Jocelyn’s heart is pounding in her throat. “Who…Who… Who is going fly the plane?” she shrieks!

Jack laughs and says, “Electrons baby!” Jocelyn carefully pries herself out of the seat and leaves the cockpit door ajar, just in case! Jack grabs her in a bear hug, lifts her up, and kisses her over and over. Jocelyn struggles at first but decides being kissed is better than stressing over a little plane crash! Jack can feel her tension ease, He sets her on the floor and says, “I want you naked by the time I return.” as he enters the plane’s galley.

“Yes sir, Captain!” she salutes with a big smile. She was out of her yellow sundress and heels in 3 seconds. The leather recliner snuggled her perfectly as she stretched out eagerly awaiting her yummy fate with, ‘The Captain’!

Jack strips naked and fixes some drinks. Returning to the main cabin, his eyes feast on the same beauty he defiled so precisely just a few months ago. Setting down the drinks, he kneels in front of Jocelyn’s chair. Jocelyn stares in his eyes, her gorgeous brown body directly in front of him. Her eyes pleadingly emit, ‘Take me. Do as you wish. I am yours!’

Jack leans forward nose to nose. He lightly kisses her face and neck over and over. Jocelyn’s fingers find his hair. She wraps her legs tightly around his waist. The familiar waves of tingling warmth glide up and down her spine, causing her clit to pulse, her nipples as hard as they have ever been. “Holy fuck Jack,” she exclaims. “This is so amazing!”

“I know baby. Right now, I want you to relax and enjoy the flight,” and he slowly drags his tongue down the center of her chest, both of his hands are on her sweet perfect tits. They fit his hands perfectly. His tongue detours and licks her nipples and he coats the undersides with saliva. Jocelyn’s firm titties are like tiny velvet pillows. Soft and smooth with menacingly hard spikes high on top, Jack could spend the whole flight just nibbling and licking those beauties.

Jocelyn knows Jacks routine, so she spurs him on with some dirty talk. “Jack baby, I love your tongue. Lick me? Please baby, eat my hot juicy pussy. Make me cum all over your face. I’m your filthy whore lover!”

Jack groans as his tongue rakes down her belly and over her clit. His lips lock onto her sweet hot button, and he sucks it hard. Joc jumps and kicks her legs as his tongue sets off electrical pulses in her body, as well as alarm bells in her head. She feels her warm juice trickling over her labia and down her inner thigh. ‘Jesus this fucker drives me wild,’ she swears to herself!

Jack slides Joc’s legs over his shoulders, knowing he will feel her squeezing his head with her delicious inner thighs very soon. He vibrates at the thought of her banging and slamming them against his head. His tongue slides down her slit, teasing her sugary petals. He glides past her pink hole and sucks and licks her sweet syrup from her inner thighs.

Jack’s balls are steaming. His cock is scalding hot and has a constant hitch throb thing going on. Jocelyn is responding like a slutty cock whore, moaning for Jack’s mast, over and over. “Fuck me Jack, Jesus, fuck me now Jack! Giv it to me baby!” Her breathing is a gasping pant and she squirms lusciously. Jack wiggles his tongue between her lips and slips it inside her pussy. Jocelyn screams and bucks hard against Jack’s face. “OH God, OH God, fuck, Jack. Lick it Jack, suck my pussy!” she demands, rocking her hips fore and aft to facilitate the face fucking she is giving him. Both her hands are on the back of Jack’s head, swiping her sopping slit over his face.

Knowing they can’t maintain their current state of erotic edging much longer, Jocelyn pulls Jack’s head up to hers and whispers, “Enough Jack, fuck me now!” Jack grabs his cock and guides the head to her dripping gash. With one hard thrust he splits her fluffy layers and drives his shaft deep into her tight tunnel. Jocelyn hitches her breath and her eyes bulge. When Jack’s cock hits her cervix, she tightens her grip, again and again, firing heat rounds through his cock to his balls with every stroke. The whole furnace is going to erupt any second. Jocelyn grabs Jack’s ass and snarls, “Jack. Fast. Hard! Do me Jack! Fuck your Filipino whore pussy.”

Jack hammers his hips against Jocelyn’s ass. The noisy slaps of his balls clapping against her ass rings in their ears. The juicy sounds are simply erotic as hell. Jocelyn knows she is ready to cum, and she yanks on Jack’s ass as fast as he is thrusting inside her. Her mind is crazy reliving the feeling of Jack’s warm thick load blasting inside her. She anticipates the sensual vibration and nerve ending tingle that comes with it. All at 24,000 feet. She hears the whine of the engines and the fact that she is naked in a plane, no one is flying, drives her over the edge. On top of that the pilot, the same one that is supposed to be flying the plane, is also naked and pounding his hard cock balls deep in her juicy pussy. ‘Absolute lunacy,’ she decides. Jocelyn prays her orgasm does not kill her! She giggles at the thought.

Jack’s ready and looks in her eyes. ‘He did the same thing that night in Strokers,’ she notes. ‘He flashes his tell.’ Joc knows he is going to cum in about 5-10 seconds, and that he loves to watch a woman’s eyes and face when she orgasms. One of his hottest kinks. Sure enough, Jack’s back stiffens and his body spasms, His first round of hot cum splashes against the deepest wall of Jocelyn’s channel. “Jo! Joc! Jocelyn! Oh, fuck baby!’ He thunders.

The instant she feels her inside searing from Jacks hot sauce, her orgasm triggers. She twists her torso and stretches her back, shaking and vibrating with no control. Jack holds her down and continues to unload his slurry inside her pussy, blast after blast after blast. Jocelyn’s moaning, her deep breathing, her giggling, her nail digging, all wickedly tease Jack. Her eyes tell a much different story about the demon lurking inside this sweet little package. Jack can see fire and mayhem in there and she displays it through the rough fucking she is facilitating with him. ‘Fuck this girl is so sexy, and fucks visciously,’ Jack observes.

They shake delectably from the endorphin rush that slams through their minds and bodies. The last time Jack came that hard was when he was with Jocelyn at Strokers. ‘God such a sweet Asian dish!’

They lay together, attempting to catch their breath and lower their heart rates. Jack finally stands and strolls to the cockpit. After a minute or so, Jocelyn walks to the cockpit and finds Jack in his pilot seat, attending to Lana’s needs, completely naked! He sees her reflection in the windscreen and turns saying, “Have a seat baby.”

Joc shakes her head and climbs into the co-pilot seat, also completely naked. “Are you serious?” Jocelyn asks half smiling, more so amazed at what all is happening.

“You know our cum is going to leak out of me and be all pover this seat,” she warns him. Jack tosses her a microfiber cloth, and grins.

“Ever land a jet nude before sweety?”

Jocelyn says emphatically, “NO! and she asks, “So does this mean I’m now a member of the mile high club?”

Jack smiles and confirms, “Sweets, you’re a member of the four-mile-high club now!” He marvels at how cute she looks, sitting wide-eyed, in that large seat, naked!

Jack gets clearance to land at Key West, flips off the autopilot, and points Lana at the runway. They are on the ground 10 minutes later. Jack taxis Lana past the terminal. Jocelyn sees all the people staring out the big glass windows. She screams and yells at Jack, “They can see us naked! God Jack!”

Jack laughs out loud, “Yea baby, shake those sweet tits at them. Wave at them sweets!” Jack waits a bit before telling her that they can see out the windows but people can’t see in. He howls as she softly punches him in the gut.

“Asshole!” she grins.

Before opening the door, they scramble into the cabin and get dressed. Jocelyn squeals with delight that they just pulled that off. She grabs Jack around his neck so tight she about knocks him over. She cannot kiss him long and hard enough for the way she feels right now.

Jack keeps a car at the airport, and they waste no time heading to the marina. Pulling into his parking slot, Jack guides Jocelyn onto his 100-foot, triple deck yacht, the Loosy-Loo. Jocelyn is astounded. She does not believe her eyes. The yacht is beautiful.

Jack gives her the cheap tour and sets Jocelyn down to talk. “Baby, I must go away for a few days. You can stay here and use the car to go to your meetings or whatever else. If you need anything, just ask the marina staff.” Jocelyn is not happy, but she understands. Jack kisses her and he climbs overboard into the Loosy-Two, his 32-foot speed boat. Jack fires up the big inboard motor and he roars away, destination Cuba!

Jocelyn wanders around the decks of the yacht. She still can’t believe that not only is she in Key West, but everything that has occurred in the last 4 hours. It is late and she finally crawls into the huge bed in the master suite and rapidly falls asleep, dreaming about her incredible sex with Jack.

Jack slips into the dock at Key West Air field. The fed boys meet him and hand over a briefcase. He immediately roars into the night, cruising 60 miles an hour. He will be edging into Cuban water within 1 and 1/2 hours.

Jocelyn sleeps like a baby, stirring as she hears voices and footsteps on the deck below her. Finding a robe in the closet, she eases her way to the source of the noise. Again, she is surprised, as a server is there setting out a full course breakfast laid out on the table.

The server helps Jocelyn into her seat and pours her a coffee. The server asks, “Ms. Jocelyn, is there anything else you might need or desire?”

Jocelyn smiles and says, “Thank you, I’ll be fine.” Jocelyn sits on the open deck enjoying a huge breakfast.

Noticing the card under the vase with the roses, it reads, ‘Jocelyn, enjoy your breakfast and I hope you have a wonderful few days. See you soon. Love, Jack.’

She feels on top of the world. Sitting on a huge yacht, looking out over the water, sipping coffee in a comfy bathrobe. ‘Such a far cry from Gremmy’s back seat,’ she giggles. (Ref: Jocelyn’s Raggedy Gremlin)

Jocelyn finds the file of papers the local company sent over as a brief. In less than 20 minutes, she reviews their issues and calls to set up an appointment with the corporate staff. At 11 am, dressed in conservative business attire, she drives the short distance to her meeting. By 5, the issues resolved, and she is headed back to the yacht. She sees the yacht from the parling space, and notices movement on the aft decks. ‘Must be service people from the marina,’ she thinks.

As she clears the gangplank she is assaulted by screams and squeals. Tanya and Missy about knock her over as they run to meet their gorgeous friend. Jocelyn is astounded. She hugs them both and says, “What the hell are you two doing here?”

Tanya shrieks, “Jack sent his plane to fly us here so you would have some company. Where is that handsome devil by the way?”

“He didn’t say where he was going. We got here late last night. He dropped me off here and jumped in his speed boat and roared away. I haven’t heard anything from him,” Jocelyn says.

“Wow Jocelyn,” Missy says, “I had an idea Jack had a little money but damn girl. A freaking jet, and a yacht…holy crap. Hell, we knew he had an awesome bike but wow! What’s he into?”

“I knew nothing about him that night at Strokers. I only found out a few days ago about his past. He’s the founder of the company I work for. It’s crazy. I can’t believe it myself!”

Jocelyn tells them about the plane ride down. Everything, the conference, The Riders Rest, Loretta, Lana, the intense fucking they did and of course flying that plane naked. Tanya and Missy stare at her in rapt attention. Tanya finally declares, “Damn it Missy, we should have worked old Jack a little harder back in Dallas, had we known! We’ve been partying with him about 5 years. He always bought everyones drinks but dang! And here we are because of your raggedy assed car!” They all laugh insanely at their horrible plight!

“Well,” Missy chimes in, “Let’s get to partying ladies!”

The three of them break out the bar and sit on the upper deck by the pool. Wearing only their bikini bottoms, they catch up on everything that has happened in the last week or so. Tracey eventually gets around to pulling the strings on Jocelyns bikini bottom. She sweetly licks and fingers Jocelyns pussy agonizingly slow. She edges Joc to the brink over and over.

Missy, has always had a thing for Jocelyn’s yummy brown titties. She has been licking and kissing them for almost a half hour. Finally, Jocelyn erupts and screams her orgasm’s assault on her soul. Tanya and Missy are pleased as they shower Joc with kisses and hugs. “We love when you cum for us darling. We’ve missed you so much,” Tanya affirms and Missy nods in agreement.

Around 2200 Jocelyn announces, “Ladies, I hear Duval Street calling our names!”

Tanya and Missy look at each other and Tanya says, “Well, I guess we should go find out what Duval Street wants of us!”

They shower and change into their whoring clothes. Tanya and Jocelyn are wearing their sluttiest short skirts and sandals. Missy rocks her skimpy cutoff jeans shorts and flipflops. Missy would go barefoot but the bars frown on it. All have on revealing tops as it seems like the kind of night to put all the twins on display! The three hotties stroll the 2 blocks to Sloppy Joes bar/restaurant. Key West never knew what hit it that night!


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