The Box (MV1) by mushroomline813,mushroomline813

Maddie woke up to the sound of her beeping alarm clock and quickly began to get ready for the day. As she switched her phone off of airplane mode she began her morning routine, which consisted of getting ready for a 7:30 workout at the gym. She glanced at her phone, looking disappointed that she hadn’t gotten any texts overnight.

As she got ready for the day in front of her mirror, she admired herself. She was proud of her body — at 5″5′ and 110 lbs she was petite and fit, and she liked that about herself. As she slipped up her tight-fitting gym shorts she admired her ass and toned abs in the mirror. She knew her outfit would attract attention at the gym, and was hoping to do just that. Her dirty blond hair, bright blue-green eyes, and stunning features generally turned heads among new gym-goers during her morning workouts.

She left her apartment 2 minutes later than usual because she had forgotten the one thing that made her stand out in 2022– the pager. She carried the little black box with her wherever she went. The pager went with her to work, to the club, and it joined her on vacations. The only place she didn’t bring it was the shower, and even so, she always kept it on the shelf in the bathroom.

Maddie was used to the attention of catcallers and hecklers in New York, and usually pretty good at ignoring them. Unfortunately, on this particular morning, her headphones were being charged in her bag on the way to the gym, so she turned and looked when a voice told her “hey pretty lady, could you spare some change?” The voice belonged to an ancient looking homeless wheelchair-bound man sat next to her on the subway platform.

“Sorry sir, I don’t have any money,” she replied politely.

“Please, any money would help,” he persisted — “or you can just give me a little kiss.”

“I told you I don’t have any money.” She replied, coldly.

“Thanks for all the help, you fucking bitch” He snarled, rolling away. “If I could use my legs, I’d tie you up in one of these bathrooms and do things to you you never thought of before”

Watching the man roll away, Maddie smiled to herself under her mask and thought ‘he has no fucking idea.’

As she walked into the gym, she looked at the pager — nothing. The pager hadn’t gone off for nearly 2 weeks. She struggled to remember when the last time it had remained silent for so long and was fairly certain this stretch was unprecedented. ‘There’s no way he knows about this weekend'” she thought to herself.

There were 3 kinds of people in the gym at this hour. The majority of people were your generic “weekend-warrior” types who exercised before work maybe once a week. Then you had the hardcore crew — of which Maddie was one — people who showed up every day to keep their body in peak physical condition. She was one of maybe a dozen who came every day. Then there were the creeps. Usually men, who came and sat on the reclining bikes to get off watching the few dedicated women come in and sweat during their morning workout.

Several of these creeps were watching her do bent over rows, when Chris, one of the other gym rats, sat on bench next to her and said “So why do you carry that pager, Maddie? You some kinda secret superhero?”

“It’s for work, dude, you know that!” She said, laughing as she changed weights for the next set.

“Alright, alright fine,” he said “So when are you gonna let me buy you that drink?”

She turned at looked at him. She had to admit, he was tall, blond, and handsome, but it would never happen “You know I’m not dating right now,” she said, shrugging him off.

“So what exactly are you doing right now, then, if you aren’t dating,” he asked.

She paused before answering, “it’s complicated”. Boy, that was the understatement of the century.

When Maddie came back to her bench from getting a drink of water, Chris was still there, holding the pager. “C’mon dude, leave it alone” she said, holding out her hand waiting for him to give it back.

“I’m seriously sorry! It started vibrating and fell off the bench so I grabbed it… but I think I deleted the message,” he said.

Her heart began to beat fast in her chest, “It…what….you…..what?!” She asked frantically. “There was a message– a code I think, 6399, but it’s gone now” he said.

“Fuck you, Chris,” she said, packing up her things and heading for the door “don’t touch my stuff every again.”

Maddie hurried to the street, where her Uber was waiting to take her to 182 Franklin. The driver noticed she was nervous the whole way to her destination, and asked “everything OKAY Ms?”

Yeah… I think I pissed my boss off, and I’m just nervous to see how much trouble I’m in”, she replied. “Bosses are the worst, they just love to fuck ya however they can.” He said, trying to encourage her.

A few minutes passed, and soon they were at their destination. 182 Franklin was an unassuming 6 story brownstone in the heart of Tribeca. It really looked like more like an office building than a home, and Maddie wasn’t sure if was either.

As she approached the entrance, she heard a buzzer, and knew the front door had been opened for her. Everything was always so coordinated. She went down the elevator to the basement, where a sultry British female voice said “Hello Maddie, he’ll see you in The Box now”.

The basement of 182 Franklin consisted of a small atrium with a long narrow hallway down the length of the center of the building, with doors on either side. The door to the room containing The Box was the third on the right, it opened as Maddie walked toward it.

As she entered the dimly lit room, she saw the Box as always, in the center. The room itself was small, maybe the size of her bedroom (roughly 10 feet by 10 feet) with dark grey walls and faintly illuminated by lights in the ceiling. The box was in the center. It was roughly 4 feet by 4 feet square box that was maybe 7 feet tall and bolted to the floor. All four walls of the box, including the entrance door, were made up of many small trap doors, that could be opened from the outside.

From prior experience Maddie knew the floor of the box was flat, but there were many different things that were placed there. She had ridden a sybian vibrator, been bolted to a chair, and been forced to sit on a kind of stool before.

As she walked toward the box she saw a pair of handcuffs, and a second pair of leather cuffs connected by a long metal bar– she knew those went around her ankles and were meant to keep her legs apart. As she began to put the handcuffs on, the same female voice came over an intercom “Maddie, please remove all of your clothing before entering”.

She shuddered and began to remove her cloths. She thought to herself ‘ Who the fuck is this Jane Doe– what does she look like, and how does she fuck’. The cold metal handcuffs made her nipples hard, and the spreader bar kept her ankles wide apart, exposing her pussy and ass. She could barely see anything inside the box– there was one small, barely lit light at the top, and she stood there, listening to her heart race in anticipation.

She had forgotten how hot the box could get. She felt sweat begin to bead on her back and roll slowly along her spine. She could smell the sex on her body, as her body knew what was about to happen. After what may have been five minutes or five hours, she heard the door open and close, and knew he had entered the room based on the sound of leather dress shoes on the hardwood floor.


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