The Devil You Know

An adult stories – The Devil You Know by Kelliezgirl,Kelliezgirl It’s the weekend before Halloween, your neighbors are hosting a big Halloween party and you aren’t overly excited, it’s a bit PG for your tastes, and to add insult to injury your wife has decided to take advantage of the fact that she is very visibly 8 months pregnant by dressing as a nun and having you dress as a priest.

You arrive at the party, saying your hellos. Most of the husbands are congregated in the backyard by the pool having a few drinks and smoking cigars. The neighborhood kids are all at another house, watched over by an army of babysitters.

You join the gaggle of men and enjoying the conversation when another man taps you on the shoulder, he points across the pool, “better keep your wits about you Monsignor.”

A red-haired girl is walking across the pool deck, she’s wearing a sexy devil costume, not quite inappropriate for the party, but brushing the line.

Her costume is red with black lace, low cut in the front, ribbons crisscrossing the opening, stretched to hold it closed. The skirt stops far enough above the knee in front to get her tossed out of any high school in the country, you are pretty sure you can see the tops of her stockings as she walks, the back of the skirt flows down, almost to the ground behind her, a forked tail protruding from it. A set of black horns contrast with her red hair and a wicked looking pitchfork completes the outfit.

“That’s Gerald and Madison’s daughter Alyssa, home from college for the weekend,” one of the other men offers by way of explanation. Gerald and Madison are nowhere to be seen, and there is a strict no kids rule, but none of the men seem to be worried about protocol.

You all watch as she joins the group of women by the snacks. Of course, they are all clustered about your pregnant wife, maternal instinct being what it is.

Soon a few more people arrive, and the clusters of men and women shift and reform. Couples together, or just folks chatting in twos or threes.

You can’t help but feel every time you look up, she’s looking at you. A few times she brushes by you, once as you are waiting to get another drink you are pretty sure her hand grabbed your ass, but a crowd had formed, and you couldn’t be sure.

One thing you are sure of, you are getting more and more aroused. Your wife hadn’t been the most sexual before she got pregnant, and she’d cut you off all together after she found out she was pregnant.

Between the lovely devil, Janet from down the street, whom you’ve always had a thing for, wearing a sexy nurse costume, and your long dry spell you are fighting to keep your dick under control.

You excuse yourself from the group you are talking to and head into the house. The drinks are going right through you tonight. You realize you haven’t seen the devil in a while, maybe she got bored and went to an actual party. You make it to the bathroom and knock; a female voice responds.

“One minute.”

You stand patiently in the hallway. The door opens and of course it’s Janet in her naughty nurse outfit. She gives you a flirty grin as she walks by.

You go into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. Hiking up your robe you empty your bladder, then as you are adjusting your costume you hear the shower curtain rustle. Before you can react, there is a body pressing against you, a hand reaches around, grabbing your crotch. A small hand, pale skin, bright red nail polish with black tips.

A sexy soprano voice behind you whispers, “You shouldn’t have kept me waiting.”

The hand on your crotch is rubbing your manhood through your robe, what little control you had vanishes and soon you are fully erect.

“Are you ready to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?” the voice asks.

Your heart races, mind reeling, you’re a good reliable husband you think, not the kind of guy who cheats on his pregnant wife, especially not with the 19-year-old daughter of a neighbor and friend.

But that hand…just that hand feels so good, and it’s been so, so long.

“Yes, please yes.” It’s your voice but you don’t remember deciding to talk.

The warm soprano continues, “good, tell me then what your heart desires. Tell me the thing you lust after, the desire she won’t fulfill.”

Your head is spinning, but then it stops, and you remember. It was right after you got married, it had been a wonderful evening out. You’d both been more than a little drunk, she’d actually gone down on you without you having to ask.

Then, you’d asked for something else, told her you wanted to try anal. She wouldn’t even consider it. Lectured you on how disgusting it was, hadn’t had sex with you again for 2 months, you couldn’t touch her butt for a year without her making some comment about you being a pervert.

“I want to fuck you in the ass” you announce proudly.

“Are you willing to pay the price?”

“Yes,” you respond without hesitation.

“Let’s see if you are worthy then.”

She releases your dick, and you feel her step back.

“Turn around,” she says with an edge of command in her sexy voice.

Without thinking you turn, seeing her seductive grin, one leg on the edge of the bathtub.

She points at the toilet with the pitchfork, “have a seat.”

You put the lid down and quickly sit.

“Now I want to see that cock. Pull those robes up and those drawers down.”

Wordlessly you pull the robe up, the slide you manhood out of your boxers. It springs to attention.

“Such a nice one,” she says licking her lips, “it’s a shame she doesn’t appreciate it. Stroke it for me and tell me again what you want.”

With her leg up like that you realize you can almost see up her skirt. That knowledge coupled with your own stroking is making it difficult to focus.

“I want to fuck you in the ass.”

“Are you going to cum inside me?” she asks, “or perhaps you want to cum all over my breasts?” She runs a hand over them, and you fight to keep yourself under control…one more thing your wife would never allow.

“Which is it?”

So much temptation, but you make up your mind. “In your ass, I want to cum in your ass.”

“Very well, now for my price. I need your wife’s wedding band.”

You start to object but she holds up a hand.

“Just for tonight, she isn’t wearing it, and I’m sure you know where it is.”

She was right, her fingers had swelled from the pregnancy, she hadn’t worn it in months, it was just sitting in her jewelry box. She’d never know.

“Go and fetch it, there is a playhouse in the backyard, be there in 15 minutes.”

She walks out of the bathroom, leaving you there, dick in hand.

You quickly fix your costume, then praying now one saw her walk out you leave the bathroom. The hallway is blissfully empty, and you hurry out the front door. You live two houses down and you have to fight the urge to run. You dash into the house, grab the ring and hurry back. Back at the party, you check in with your wife. Wouldn’t do for her to worry and come looking for you.

That task complete, you begin trying to make your way to the playhouse. Fortunately, in keeping with the Halloween theme the yard is relatively dark and you get to the playhouse undetected.

She’s waiting for you. The skirt is gone, revealing the top to have been a corset, and she is wearing her stockings, the tail, and tiny red panties.

She holds out a hand, and you give her the wedding band.

She places it on a small table beside her.

“Take off the robe and boxers.”

You do as you are instructed, and your cock is rock hard. She picks something up off the table and walks towards you. You hear a squirt, but your eyes are fixed on her breasts, you start to reach for them.

She stops, her look freezes you.

“That wasn’t part of our bargain.”

You put your arms down, and she steps closer. Her hand takes hold of you and you feel the lubricant. She strokes you for a moment, “hold out your hand”

You comply, and she squirts more of the lubricant into it.

“You know what to do.”

You begin stroking your cock, coating it in the lubricant as she returns to the table. You watch as she pulls the panties aside, her finger rubbing over her slit. Then with her other hand she picks up your wife’s wedding band, her fingers spread herself open and you watch as she slips the ring into her pussy. She turns away from you, revealing the panties are open in back and bends over the table. She wiggles her hips suggestively, the reaches back, spreading her ass for you. The tail seeming to curl up over her shoulder.

Without hesitation you are behind her, hands on her soft young ass, your cock pressing against her rosebud. You start to press forward. Feeling the pressure building, then it begins to part for you. You are sliding inside her, inch by inch. Somehow you are buried up to your balls in her.

You start to pull back but then she says, “listen carefully.”

You hear voices, not far from the playhouse. Familiar voices. Your wife’s voice you suddenly realize. She must only be 10 or 20 feet away and here you are cock buried in a 19-year-old ass.

If your cock could get any harder it would burst.

“Fuck me,” your devil commands, “fuck my ass like you’ve always dreamed.”

You start thrusting, trying to remain quiet at first, but the moment overwhelms you and soon you are going hard and fast absently wondering if you are going to drive her headfirst into the wall. All the lust, and desire that’s pent up over the years bubbling to the surface. If you didn’t know better, you’d think the tail had wrapped around you, was pulling you forward with each thrust.

“Cum in my ass, fill me with your cum,” She commands, and you go over the edge. Blasting wave after wave into her, not knowing you could cum that much. Spent you pull out, staggering back, leaning against the wall, watching as a small trickle of your juice leaks out of her ass.

She straightens up and turns around. She puts a leg up on the small table, spreading her legs, you watch as her fingers slide inside her. It comes out with the ring. She sets it on the table, puts her skirt back on and disappears into the night.

The next night is Halloween proper, and the kids are all trick or treating.

You stayed home with your wife to give out candy. The doorbell rings yet again and you open it to find Gerald, Madison, and two small children.

After the obligatory “trick or treat” and exchange of candy your wife turns to Madison.

“You have Alyssa at home giving out candy?”

“No, she couldn’t make it this weekend, something came up at school.”

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