The Harvest Ch. 05 by Lytheros,Lytheros

She gapes. “I’m not….I’m passing the classes I need.”

“Ashley Menendez.” You use the name Jessica had stolen from both of you for effect. “Do NOT lie to me.”

It works. She’s that naughty little girl caught misbehaving again. Her posture crumbles from defensive to defeated.

“Who told you? Mom, Claire?”

“Your counselor took me for your mother’s boyfriend. Do you understand how shocked I was hearing my little girl called a bad influence?”

Not very, of course, after her tantrum in your gym. But she doesn’t need to know that.

“Dad, please.” She’s on the verge of tears. “I’m doing my best.”

You shush her and wipe some dressing off her lip. Whether from genuine sympathy or not, you don’t know.

“I know you’re not a punk, Ash. You’ve had a hard home life and I’m here to change that.” For your own benefit, you silently amend. “If I let you do whatever you want you’ll fall into your mother’s bad habits.”

“I’m an adult,” she pleads. “You can trust me, Daddy, I’m not like Mom. Don’t you trust me?”

“I do.” You don’t. “But trust goes both ways and being an adult means taking responsibility for yourself. You agreed to following my house rules, remember? That’s all I ask. No rent, no job, no eviction date.”

Nothing but that sweet body in due time.

“When will I not be grounded?”

“When you graduate, baby.” You concede some measure when her face falls. “Or prove beyond any doubt you will.”

A token compromise, one she seems to accept in defeat. With Ashley now helpless and cowed you lay down the law. Unyielding yet fair, the diametric opposite of Jessica’s tyrannical whims. Basic chores, passing grades, no disciplinary news from the school. No parties or hangouts. No friends over save for study dates you’ll supervise.

Your rules are set in stone, save for one. The right to decide her punishment should any be broken. A concession you know she’ll regret despite agreeing to now, while eating from your palm.

A palm you fully plan on introducing to her plump rear when she inevitably fails.


Ashley spends the rest of the day dutifully studying; you spend it studying her. Directly, of course: cooking dinner together, eating, enduring more of her ridiculous reality show as a reward for honest work. But you also observe her when she isn’t looking, courtesy of the state-of-the-art spyware you’ve installed in strategic locations throughout her room. A tiny camera disguised in a gem-crusted photo frame on her bookshelf, microphones tucked beneath her bedframe and inside a false compartment of her desk. All feeding directly to your personal cloud in the highest definition video and audio your money can buy.

It is your house after all. Her privacy is a privilege here, not a right. A privilege she certainly hasn’t earned between her dishonesty, disciplinary issues and questionable choices in company.

As you wait patiently in your room for Ashley to finish her nighttime routine, you hear a notification from your phone. Instagram, and not merely a “like” or “follow.” You’d muted those after getting a hundred in a day once. You open your messages ready for Claire to have given in and offered nudes. And she has sent something- lurid in nature no doubt- but there’s someone unexpected too. Someone you haven’t seen in ten long years.


Long time no see, old man. Can I go with that? We can’t really call you Daddy anymore but using your name feels weird too.

Ash told me she was moving in with you. I’ll be in town this summer and I gotta make time for lil sis before she goes off to school and starts ignoring me too. Anyways, I just wanna say my friend and I might have to crash at your place too once in a while. Either that or I tell Mom and drag Ash back to her place. None of us really want that, do we?

Love, Kristen

Your heartbeat spikes dangerously as you read this for what it is. A threat. Lighthearted blackmail, but blackmail nonetheless. All three of your false children had inherited Jessica’s manipulative wiles and none more so than Kristen, the middle child starving for a fickle mother’s attention. You curse Ashley’s lack of discretion. Father or not, you’d been out of their lives a whole decade. She’d been foolish to assume her sister would be nearly as loyal to you or reveal your arrangement for it.

At least you have your first infraction of many. You’ll need to tighten the screws quickly if you’re to make Ashley yours before Kristen’s arrival disrupts everything.

Frustrated, you send the milquetoast reply of a concerned father- questions about her life, a promise to discuss the deal later- before deciding to scour her profile for information. Even after seeing her sister grown up, you’re still not prepared for what you find.

Kristen is your wife’s spitting image. A teenaged Jessica come again with just a few major differences. She’s taller and more athletic, a varsity volleyball star at her glamorous seaside Christian school. Her hair’s a lustrous gold rather than Jessica’s sandy brunette. And she’s even more beautiful than her mother.

You hadn’t done your memory justice comparing her to Vika’s harsh features or Claire’s strictly neotenous ones. Kristen’s face is your ideal balance. A pointed chin, high nose and cheekbones, softened by wide blue eyes and the last hint of the baby fat your remember in her cheeks. She may very well be the most perfect blonde you’ve ever seen and you’ve had literal supermodels at your restaurants.

Despite the risk of missing surveillance you can’t help but lose yourself in Kristen’s feed. You gave up prowling social media long ago but still know a rising Instagram model on sight. Her follower count dwarfs even your rather popular restaurant’s. Nearly a hundred thousand men drooling over professional-quality shots of her body in tight fitness wear. You pick a beach volleyball clip in a white bikini that resembles her sister’s swimsuit today, if considerably less virginal. The skimpy number reveals nearly every inch of a body as perfectly sculpted as your own. Abs cut like an hourglass mold, arms with just the right amount of muscle tone, thick thighs meant to ride for hours and hours.

Your arousal burgeons when her modest but perky tits nearly spill from their cups when she serves, bouncing with a natural fluidity silicon could never replicate. Not that Jessica would ever buy implants for a daughter who threatened to outshine her in the eyes of men. Her shot’s a violent beauty, and successful as well. Kristen celebrates her ace. She shimmies, tugs the strings of her bottom in a victory dance and gives herself a cameltoe.

The insecure little girl who’d once fish for compliments on her body is now brazenly showing you- and her tens of thousands of followers- the shape of her pussy.

All of a sudden you’re so hard you can feel precum staining your boxers at the tip. Thoughts of all the ways you could punish this exhibitionist former daughter of yours for daring to blackmail you run wild in your head. You picture spanking those firm, juicy buttocks until she submits to you and lets you take out your stress on her delectable body as recompense.

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