The Lewd Hollistic Ch. 03 by Ronin646,Ronin646

Well it’s been several months since Dr. B last spoken to Ms. Carter; he did make a promise to call, to check on her and Mr. Brewster. A promise is a promise, so they say; how else is he going to find out if Phil figured it out about the added addendum to the so called pact. Dr. B hoped that he would; he definitely needed a new distraction in his life other than his back. Plus who knows, maybe Ms. Carter wants to switch careers and work alongside him and help people with their pain.

Dr. B is having no such luck, no one has called for a follow-up; so I guess people are managing their pain after all. No worries, it’s great to have time off, once in awhile but too much of something gets boring and it’s time to change things up.

Dr. B is procrastinating again but remembers to call Ms. Carter. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cell and dials the number… it rings, rings some more, and goes directly to voicemail. Hmm, perhaps she stepped out or away from her desk.. Dr. B makes a note to call back in 15+ minutes and hopeful catch her. He is about to put his phone back into his pocket when he notices that he missed a call and a voice message was left. He calls his voicemail box system to retrieve the message. He hears the message:

“Hey Dr. B, this Rebecca Smith, long time, I know. Followed your advice and looked into finding a massage therapist; tried several and the headaches/migraines are better but I do miss your touch. I was wondering if you by chance, uhhh, provide massage services. If you do, please call me back at 274-555-XXXX. Hope to hear from you; take care. Byeeee”.

After hearing the message, he saves it for later. Rebecca Smith, hmmm, doesn’t ring any bells at the moment. Dr. B wonders how she got his number; hmm, perhaps someone referred her to me. But he gets this feeling that she knows him, personally. Dr. B paces back and forth, trying to figure out who Rebecca is… time passes by and he remembers that he has to try calling back Ms. Carter. He pulls out the phone and hits redial and again it rings for a bit and then it’s picked up by Ms. Carter…

“Hello, this is Edward Jones Investments, this is Ms. Carter, how should I direct your call?”, she replies.

“Hey Ms. Carter, it’s Dr. B, I know it’s been awhile but I was wondering if you remember me? and if you do, wondering how are you doing?”, he replies.

She pauses a moment, trying to catch her breath and replies back…”Yes, I do; it’s so nice to hear from you again Dr. B; things sure has changed since you visited us here. Phil (Mr. Brewster) has been, how should I say this; attentive to my needs, so to speak. How are you doing?”.

Dr. B replies, “Doing fine. Been wondering how you and Phil been doing since the meeting. I promised to call and check up on you two…. Has Phil complained about his back at anytime in the past two months?”….

She replies, “Nope, it’s like he changed overnight. Whatever you did that day, changed him, changed him for the better. I do have a question for ya Dr. B?”.

And he replies with a “hmm”.

She pauses for a moment to collect her thoughts but wonders then asks; “Are you Cupid, Dr. B? Ever since that day, Phil has been more than attentive; not complaining. I am definitely satisfied with whatever you did for him and then some. I saw you that day when you were in the office; things have ah, gotten way hotter over here. Thought I should let you know”.

Dr. B is happy with the news and glad that Phil figured out the added bonus so to speak; he takes a moment and replies, “I never met him (Cupid); as for Phil, well as I said before, I didn’t do anything at all. I might of nudge things along, that’s about it. I am glad things are heating up for the both of you. You mentioned that Phil works really hard; it’s time for him to ease back a little and relieve some of that pressure/stress and possible change his life in the process. I am happy for the both of you and wish both of you well”.

Ms. Carter smiles over the phone and is about to say her farewells, but Phil comes to her desk and asks her “Who’s on the phone?” and she shares the info to him.

He motions to Victoria to give him the phone and she gestures to him, 1 minute and says to Dr. B, “Thanks for calling Dr. B and thanks for everything. I wish you well too. I have to go but someone here wants to talk to you, hold on”, she passes the phone to Phil and he begins with a little grunt to clear is throat, “Hey Dr. B, it’s Phil, how are you doing?”

“Hello Phil, I am doing well, thanks. How are things on your end?”, Dr. B replies…

“Doing really well, thanks to you. I am so glad to have a meeting with you. Ever since that day, I haven’t felt that pain. I know you probably hear this a lot but you changed my life in a good way and I owe you a lot. I don’t know how to pay you back…”

Dr. B is taken aback by the news… he replies, “Phil, I am happy to have met you but I am happy to make a difference. What you’re doing for yourself and Ms. Carter matters to me most. I am happy how things are turning out for the both of you. Phil, she is truly happy and it’s because of you. As for payment, just take good care of her; she will do the same for you. That’s all I ask; can you do that for me?”.

And Phil replies, “I can do that (with a smile to Victoria, as she listens to the call). Thanks again Dr. B…”.

They exchanges goodbyes to each other and before Phil hangs up, Dr. B hears a sound of a zipper being pulled down… then click. Dr. B grins as he places his cell into his pocket… and a thought pops into his mind: (go get him,Victoria…grrr).

Dr. B thinks about his call with Victoria & Phil, he’s glad that he made a difference for the both of them. I wish there were more happy endings like that… with that he stares into space, reminiscing the past, especially during the middle ages. Those were ruthless times. So glad that things are bit better now compared to back then. Now it’s about global warming than which country is invading whom. Life does change; hopeful for the better. Time will tell.

As Dr. B goes about his day; something is nagging at him; something that he is forgetting and then it dawns on him… the phone message. He replays it and still dumbfounded on who this ‘Rebecca Smith’ is; guess there is only one way to find out and that is to call her. So he pulls out his cell and dials the number and he waits… it rings and rings… ugh, these young people never pick up their calls, he tells himself.

Then he hears the voicemail: “You reached Rebecca, please leave your name and number, and I will get back to as soon as I can, thx” beep…. Dr. B then leaves a message for Rebecca, “Hello Rebecca Smith, this is Dr. B. Lewdenski, you left a message with me in regards to a ‘massage’, can you please call me back when you get this message; thanks”. Dr. B hangs up the phone and turns his sound on and waits to hear back from her; hopefully it will be in a timely manner this time… Well within 15+ mins later, Rebecca is calling Dr. B.

Dr. B picks up his phone and answers: “Hello, this Dr. B, how are you Rebecca Smith?”.


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