About 15 minutes after the three naked women were seated, their male escorts reached over and removed the nipple clamps. Suzanne replaced Amy on the raised platform, and she also got a standing ovation. Amy and Lynn stood at their places, and Suzanne on the platform, as the escorts carefully placed the clamps on the three sets of pussy lips. The clamps continued to rotate through the evening nipples, pussy lips, and off.
When it was Lynn’s turn on the platform, she also got an ovation, but not everyone stood. Then it was Amy’s turn again, and then Suzanne’s; the three of them rotated through the evening.
Amanda came in for dinner a little before 8:00, still topless, with her partner, her tour guide, and her male escort. She was introduced, briefly spotlighted, and seated at a table for four among the other diners. She had entered the restaurant with her nipple clamps off, but they soon went back on. Her escort continued to take them off and put them on at intervals. She too was bound and blindfolded and fed by her partner. But she had asked for the blindfold; it was not a command from her minders.
At the table next to Amanda’s, two couples shared a table for four. The two men ogled Amanda, and after a whispered conversation, the two women untied their sarongs, pulled them down, and took off their bikini tops. This led several men around the room to whisper in their partner’s ear. Some of the women shook their heads, but four more women, at four different tables, rearranged their evening wear to uncover their breasts.
The restaurant was still crowded at 9:00, and management insisted that the three nudes stay a little longer. That hadn’t been part of the deal, but compared to all the other surprises that day, it was nothing. They were promised, and received, a longer than usual break from the clamps in the extra half hour.
At 9:30, there was a champagne toast to all four of the lottery winners, and the three naked women were finally allowed to leave. The clamps went back on their pussy lips at that point. They were all sure that management had planned it that way. They walked bow-legged through the tables and out of the restaurant.
Suzanne and Lynn and their partners headed straight for their hotels and their rooms, the women still bound, clamped, blindfolded, and naked. They remained that way as they crossed the hotel lobby and waited for the elevator; they were forbidden to cover up until they reached their own room. Their tour guide and escort were still tagging along to enforce the rules. Management wanted all the free advertising it could get.
Amanda left about the same time, still topless, bound, and clamped. She had her partner remove the blindfold, and her minders did not object. She and her partner also went directly to their room.
Amy and Greg went first to the infirmary, to have her checked out. She was sore and hurting but essentially uninjured. She got more spray-on disinfectants, and a spray-on analgesic this time. And a supply of stronger but nontransparent creams that she could use in her room if she chose. She and Greg then headed for their room, adhering to the same naked, bound, clamped, and blindfolded rules as Lynn and Suzanne.
All four women were exhausted; they had been at this for more than 13 hours. But they were also highly aroused by all the sexualized activity and sexual attention, and their partners were horny beyond measure. All four couples made love that night, very gingerly in Greg and Amy’s case. It was the second time that evening for Fred and Suzanne, but Fred had no difficulty performing.
* * *
Management was anxious The hotel desks had entered lottery registrations electronically; they went directly to the server at Resort headquarters. Of the original 327 lottery entrants, 312 had withdrawn.
But 26 new women had signed up. Now that the true intensity of the lottery had been revealed, many were deterred from entering, but a few were attracted. Management hurriedly chose 20 from the list and sent notes to their hotel rooms, directing them to report to the Tahiti Room at 8:30 the next morning.
They would have to invent variations; they couldn’t do the same routine every day and the same show every night. And it would be hard to top tonight’s opening performance. On the other hand, guests rotated through The Resort fairly quickly; the audience would keep changing. The typical guest stayed for a week; seven variations might be enough.
The hugely enthusiastic reactions of the crowd at the town square, of the diners at The Schooner Maria, and of guests at other venues through the day, and the staff reports of what guests were saying to them all that was reassuring. There had been only a very few complaints. Management now believed that they would not lose many customers over this, and word of mouth about the lottery would attract new customers.
They had a lot to think about. Were 100 strokes too many? Amy had barely made it; some lottery winners given that assignment would quit midway, before ever getting to the cane or the single tail. How big a problem was that? Some winners might fly through subspace, but there was no way to predict which ones.
Did they need the big variations in consequences for the four winners? It added a bit of suspense and excitement at the disc draws, but only the lottery entrants were even there. Did it add entertaining variety for other guests? Or did it just cause confusion? It did give them more nude or topless women all day and evening, without having to invent additional activities for them.
The substantial bonuses they had paid were not that big an expense compared to the total budget at The Resort, and it would take only a small number of new customers to cover that expense and begin generating a profit. With any luck, they would draw a large number of new customers, enough to fill some of the new hotels they contemplated. Time would tell, but the lottery was off to a good start.