The Lover's Choice Pt. 02 by Dutchboy51,Dutchboy51

It was all a bit overwhelming for Zoe who felt, rightfully, that her sex life had gone from 10 miles per hour to sixty in a very short time, a few hours actually. It had. She felt exhilarated. She felt colossal love for her husband. She felt comfortable even though she was restricted. She felt right.

She thought about her husband’s words, his little threats. Zoe knew that he was just playing his role, but she knew also that Al had twice alluded to anal sex, well, the possibility of anal sex. She’d never had anal sex with Al or anyone else. Was this his way of saying that he’d like to try it? She’d have to think a bit before she was ready to cross that particular bridge.

For now, she savored his slow-motion fucking of her tits. Not content with her complete passivity, Zoe decided to do something impulsive so she grabbed his ass with both hands, firmly, piggybacking on his methodical movements and attaching herself to his passion. Their eyes met as stroke by stroke her husband continued to enjoy the soft warmth of her breasts around his erection.

Without warning, Zoe released her husband’s ass cheeks and then dug her fingernails into his behind, careful not to actually penetrate the skin, but hard enough to cause her husband to break stride and let out a howl of surprise, more than pain. He replied by pinching his wife’s nipples, just enough to cause her to think twice about a second assault.

Al released his wife’s nipples and swung one leg over in a simple dismount. He rose to his feet. Zoe looked up at her husband, eyes wide. This time there was a genuine look of concern in her eyes. She worried whether or not she had gone too far with her nails. She wanted to apologize and tried, but her satin gag turned “I’m sorry” into “Glam sorah.” For his part, Al was deadly silent as he stepped away from the bed.

He took a moment to rub his stung behind and then looked straight at his wife, who was still trying to apologize and said, “That, slave, will cost you dearly.” In a few moments his stern look slowly morphed into a wry smile, signaling the “OK” to his wife. He walked to the far side of the bed directly behind his wife’s head, reached down, and placed his hands under her armpits. In a single powerful motion, he dragged Zoe to the edge of the bed, allowing her head to hang off the edge so that she had to exert herself to keep it level. Her long blonde hair hung all the way to the floor.

He reached down and pulled the cleave gag from her mouth letting it hang loosely, still tied and ready to be re-installed should the need arise, around her slender neck. Wordlessly, he went to his knees, bent over, and kissed Zoe. He lingered for a while as the two lovers savored each other’s response before sitting back on his haunches. Taking his cock in his hand he advanced towards his wife’s mouth which she had defiantly closed to block the way. She shook her head back and forth.

“Slave, I’m only going to say this once. Open your mouth.” Eyes wide, Zoe complied. Holding Zoe’s long blonde hair like Roy Rogers holding Trigger’s mane, Al centered his cock before slowly filling her mouth with the shaft. Zoe had fellated her husband many times before, but never at this angle and definitely never while trussed up like a Christmas turkey. The entire bondage thing was new and she was feeling her way along an unknown path. So was her husband.

Al slowly pushed and pulled his cock back and forth inside Zoe’s mouth as she closed her lips, forming a moveable seal around her husband’s penis as it drove to the back of her mouth, deeper than it had ever been before. The pace quickened as Al’s shaft pistoned in and out moving faster, but not as deeply as it had a few moments ago. Saliva dripped from the beautiful blonde’s upper lip. Randy withdrew his cock and reached down to replace Zoe’s gag. She shook her head back and forth in mock protest.

Al gently moved his wife back onto the bed lengthwise, rolled her over on her stomach and released the silk ties that held her legs together. “Up on your knees, slave,” he said as he reached around and pulled her waist up, gently driving her head into the pillow. “Spread your legs.” Al’s hand went to her sex, stealing moisture which he used to coat her butt crack before placing his cock into the slippery crack and mock-fucking her ass.

Zoe remembered his promise to fill all three of her holes with his cock. Now, there were two remaining. Instinctively she squeezed her buttocks together. Whack! Al’s hand swatted one of the offending ass cheeks. He took his stiff cock into his hands and guided the tip to her sphincter, but did not force it past the muscular boundary. Instead, he withdrew, repositioned, and slipped it between the outer folds of her pussy and deep into her vagina. Zoe, relieved at her asshole’s reprieve, pushed back, challenging her husband to drive deeper.

Al’s penetrating pace quickened as he established a rhythm comfortable for both him and his “slave.” After a while, he started to speed up, steadily moving towards a climax. Not content only to satisfy himself at her expense, he reached for her clit, which he found and began to diddle seeking for a sympathetic reaction as he worked to find the right frequency which would enable both of them to climax together. Through her gag, Zoe signaled her approval by moaning audibly. The two lovers, who twenty-four hours earlier had been locked in a kind of love-making malaise, were now locked together as they continued to ply new sexual ground.

Suddenly, Al groaned as he came, shooting semen into his wife’s pussy. He kept plunging and pulling back as he increased his manipulation of her swollen nub. Seconds later, Zoe shuddered as well, joining her “tormenter” as she climaxed a second time.

That had never happened before.

Al removed her gag and immediately set to restoring her freedom of movement, by untying the bows which had kept her arms from touching her own pussy. She rolled onto her back and immediately began furiously diddling herself in an attempt to drive to a third climax. Eventually, she had to admit failure as a third explosion failed to materialize. She head fell back into the pillow.

“Oh my God Al,” she said breathlessly, I was so close…”

“Don’t get greedy, sweetheart, he said. Tonight has been sooo much more than I had hoped. We still have the white outfit. I can’t wait for you to model it for me. Remember, I didn’t know how you would react to your Valentine’s Day gifts.”

“Well, you know now, I hope. Oh, Al, tonight has been such a revelation. I feel like our sex life has been restricted somehow, tied tightly into a single position and I didn’t even know it. It was like I had tunnel vision or something. Well, my eyes are wide open now. Wow.”

“I have to admit” she continued, “that I was worried when I thought you were going to screw my butt.”

“I know,” said her husband. “That’s a big step over the threshold and I wanted to make sure that we had discussed it together, especially with your being gagged at the time. By the way, what do you think about my using the gag?”

“To be honest, you did a great job tying it. It was in, but not too tightly. I could have spit it out at any time, but I didn’t. It really gave an extra edginess to my ‘distress'” she said.

“Note to self”, her husband replied, smiling, “next time tie it tighter.” The lovers both laughed. “Well, honey, where do we go from here?”

“I don’t know…” mused Zoe, “Is The Lover’s Choice open on Sundays?”

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