The Nerd Ch. 03: The house party

An adult stories – The Nerd Ch. 03: The house party by Randelthor121,Randelthor121 Slap! ‘Look at me!’

Lotte could feel another sting on her already heated ass cheek from where Megans hand had come down.

She was sure by now her ass had the same color as the paint of her fingernails, her lipstick and the end if the buttplug that was bested between her cheeks.

She had struggled to keep her head up to look at Megan in the mirror. She was on her hands and knees, panting, with sweat forming on her forehead. Megan was giving her a rough pounding from behind.

She had received her new strap on dildo and Lotte could feel her pussy getting stretched by its size. From when they had started, they had now gotten to an enormously sized plastic cock. Still, it had slipped in easily in her eager and wet pussy.

Megan had not allowed her to have an orgasm for almost a month now and she was aroused all the time. Megan loved to keep her on her toes, mostly by fucking her whenever she liked, to get her to the edge and to leave her behind in frustration afterwards. She loved how Lotte would beg her for any form of release.

Lotte had accepted by now that it was difficult to focus on other things than her own arousal. Her university performance had declined because she was frequently distracted. The high grades she had worked so hard for during her teenage years now seemed much less important to her.

The most inappropriate and distracting thoughts flooded her mind at the least convenient times, compromising her ability to think clearly. She could feel herself getting dumber with each thrust. All she could do was watch, mesmerized, with her mind completely blank.

She was not a lesbian, but somehow her focus was on Megans tits that bounced up and down with her movement.

She took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. She was a complete mess right now. Her dress was pulled all the way over her hips and her dress had been unable to contain her tits. They had popped out and were swaying heavily in this position. Them clapping together added to her arousal.

Her struggle to breathe and loud grunting were evident on her face. She was completely red and drenched in sweat. This encouraged Megan to increase her pace even further.

‘Oh my god, my god, my god! Yes! Fuuuuuuck..! Im gonna c..!’


She had failed to keep her head up again and another slap had hit her cheek. Megan had pushed her off. Lotte felt a lump in her stomach as the disappointment of an addict denied her hit flooded her brain.

She had been in this situation before and knew exactly what was expected of her. She quickly got up from the floor and turned around. She wrapped her lips around the cock that had just been fucking her.

Over the last weeks, Megan had been training her to give head. She had learned to squad down, to make her ass look even bigger. As a bonus, she enjoyed the feeling of her swollen pussy lips being spread in this position.

‘Look at that thick ass of yours!’

Megan had taught her how to use her lips, her hands and most important her tongue to give good head. She eagerly demonstrated what she had learned.

She started slowly from the base of the plastic dick and licked her way up. She maintained eye contact until the tip slowly disappeared between her red lips.

She made her tongue swirl around the tip as she started to bob her head up and down. She used the spit that had left her mouth to stroke the cock with her hand.

The fact that she could taste herself made her feel like such a slut and she had to force herself not to start touching herself.

‘Make it sloppier!’

She struggled to keep her mouth wrapped around the fat cock due to its size.

She made gurgling noises, and spit dribbled from her mouth as she tried not to gag. She spent a lot of effort in getting the shaft as far down her throat as possible. She felt like a pornstar doing it.

‘Such a good girl.’

Megan started to play with her tits and nipples.

The words hit her straight in her pussy, and it encouraged her to show off her skills even more. She forgot how sore her legs started to feel from squatting.

‘Okay, that’s enough now. We are running out of time. The party started hours ago. Now, make me cum while I order us an UBER.’

She tossed the strapon aside and guided Lottes mouth to her own pussy..


Lotte still felt the wetness between her legs as she sat in the back of the Uber, wearing her black dress. The buttplug was pushed up her ass as she sat on it.

She could feel her pussy throbbing, screaming for attention. She was aware her hard nipples were dangerously poking through the thin material of her dress, exposing her excitement.

Megan hadn’t allowed her to wear any underwear or touch up her makeup, pulling her straight to the Uber instead. She could still taste her pussy in her mouth.

Meanwhile, Megan had struck up a conversation with the Uber driver, effortlessly making small talk about their destination and how their days had been. She flashed a charming smile, her voice calm and engaging.

The driver, a middle-aged man with a friendly demeanor, responded warmly, sharing anecdotes about his shitty day and the rude passengers he had encountered.

Megan’s ability to smoothly steer the conversation provided a stark contrast to Lotte’s current state, making the atmosphere in the car feel almost surreal.

Lotte, still feeling the wetness between her legs and the soreness in her muscles, couldn’t help but feel a mix of embarrassment and fascination as she observed Megan’s ease and confidence.

“I’m so sorry to hear you’re having such a bad day.”

Megan replied sympathetically.

Lotte was only half listening. As Megan engaged in conversation with the driver, Lotte’s mind wandered off again, only increasing her excitement.

“That is so unfortunate… Maybe we can brighten up your day!?”

Megan suggested, her tone playful and mischievous.

“I doubt…”

the driver started to say, but trailed off, caught off guard by Megan’s unexpected offer.

Lotte, now more curious than ever, glanced at Megan, wondering what she had in mind to lift the driver’s spirits. The air in the car seemed to thicken with anticipation, making Lotte’s heart race even faster.

Suddenly, Lotte’s round and perky breasts were bouncing into view in his rearview mirror. Megan had pulled down Lotte’s dress without warning, setting Lotte’s face on fire with embarrassment.

“My friend here loves it when guys ogle her tits, isn’t that right?”

Megan teased.

Lotte nodded; her face still deep red but her excitement palpable.

“Holy shit. Those are some nice titties,”

The driver exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise.

“Thank you, sir,”

Lotte replied, surprising herself with how submissive she sounded. Regaining her composure, she proudly pushed her chest out, not even attempting to hide herself from the driver’s gaze. The sensation of being openly displayed sent a thrilling shiver down her spine, making her feel both exposed and exhilarated.

Megan’s hand now rested on her leg, a reassuring presence that both grounded and excited her. The touch was warm, gentle yet possessive, heightening Lotte’s arousal. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, the pulse echoing in her ears as the tension in the car grew thicker.

Megan wasn’t lying about Lotte’s love for showing off. Ever since that night in front of her bedroom window, Lotte had secretly hoped for another chance to flash her audience.

The driver, still glancing back through the mirror, seemed captivated. “You must really enjoy this,” he said, his voice a mix of awe and desire.

“I do,”

Lotte admitted, her voice soft but steady. The acknowledgment made her feel even bolder, the rush of being watched and desired filling her with a heady sense of power.

The atmosphere in the car was electric, every moment charged with an intensity that left Lotte breathless and yearning for more. Megan’s hand began to slowly stroke her leg, the gentle caress sending waves of pleasure through her body. Lotte leaned back into the seat, her eyes half-closed, fully embracing the feeling of being on display and the undeniable thrill it brought.

As they drove along, Lotte noticed other cars passing by, their occupants stealing curious glances at them. Each time a vehicle drew alongside, she felt a rush of excitement. She could see how driver and passengers would turn their heads, sometimes doing double takes as they caught sight of her.

She could see a range of expressions from surprise to intrigue. She felt a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration, her heart pounding faster with each passing car. The thrill of the number of people that had seen her naked boobs getting bigger by the minute, sent a shiver down her spine.

The experience was surreal, making her feel both exposed and strangely empowered. Megan, sensing her excitement and probably feeling the heat coming from her crotch gave her a reassuring smile.

“You girls are making my day! Thanks!”

The driver said, grinning widely.

“I’m glad!”

Megan exclaimed, smiling at Lotte with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She leaned closer to Lotte and whispered,

“Why don’t you move to the front seat and make his day even better?”

Lotte hesitated for a moment, feeling a rush of nerves and excitement. She glanced at Megan, who nodded encouragingly. With a deep breath, Lotte shifted in her seat and awkwardly moved to the front seat, trying not to let her dress drive up too much. As she settled in next to the driver, she could feel his eyes on her, a mix of surprise and anticipation.

She was suddenly much more conscious of the show she was giving to the other drivers on the road. It was obvious people noticed her. Megan wasn’t lying about Lotte’s love for showing off. Ever since that night in front of her bedroom window, Lotte had secretly hoped for another chance to flash her audience. The thrill of being watched, the rush of excitement as eyes followed her every move–it was something she craved.

In one car, a young couple glanced over, the woman nudging her partner and pointing with wide eyes. The man’s jaw dropped as he took in the scene, his eyes fixated on Lotte. A group of teenagers in another car laughed and cheered, their faces pressed against the windows for a better look.

Lotte did not shy away, instead she sat up straighter, embracing the attention and feeling a strange sense of empowerment.

A sleek black sports car pulled up beside them at a traffic light, the driver–a well-dressed man in sunglasses–turning his head slowly to take in the view. He smiled appreciatively, a knowing grin that sent a thrill through Lotte. She met his gaze boldly, a silent acknowledgment passing between them.

The moment was broken by her own driver, that had started to fondle her tits without warning.

‘You have such nice milkers my love. You are making me dick hard you know that?’

“Eh.. thank you, sir!”

Lotte stammered, her voice trembling with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

She couldn’t help but glance at his crotch, and she saw that the buldge in his pants was growing. His touch was anything but gentle; the roughness of his hand and the intensity of his squeezes made her knees weak.

His touch was anything but gentle; the roughness of his hand and the intensity of his squeezes made her knees weak. He wasn’t holding back, and she found herself responding to his assertiveness.

Her body, her breasts–they were there for his pleasure, and the thought of it made her moan softly. The sensation of being used for someone else’s enjoyment was thrilling, sending waves of pleasure through her. She leaned into his touch, her mind swirling with a heady mix of submission and desire.

“How about you give me a hand here?”

he suggested, his eyes gesturing towards the bulge in his pants.

At the same time, they were getting close to their destination, which meant the car slowed down. People walking on the sidewalks took notice, and more (mostly) guys around their age began staring and pointing at her exposed chest.


Lotte’s heart sank as the driver honked at a group of students that were clearly going to the same party as they were going. They all immediately turned around, their gazes locking onto her as the car passed by.

She could hear their voices calling after them, a mix of laughter and catcalls filling the air. The sensation of so many eyes on her, the attention and the boldness of the driver’s actions, brought her to a state of arousal she had not felt before.

She had felt an undeniable thrill coursing through her veins as she had met their stares head-on, fully embracing the moment.

“You are a wild one, aren’t you, Lotte?”

he teased, using her name in a way that took her arousal to another level. She was ready to submit to him completely.

Lotte could feel his hand on her leg, crawling up her inner thigh, dangerously close to her eager mound. She knew there was nothing she would do to stop him if he touched her–nothing she could do as her whole body begged for it. Biting her lip in anticipation, she felt a surge of excitement.

Megan broke in with a playful tone,

“How about this? You give us your number and bring us back home after the party. Lotte her will gladly suck your cock. Isn’t that right?”

Her interruption was like a splash of cold water, but the promise of more to come kept the excitement simmering just beneath the surface.

She could feel his fingers stop an inch away of their mark. It took her mind some time to catch up with Megans words.

‘Ehhh.. yes sir. I would.’

She couldn’t keep her eyes of his crotch. She could see his hard cock pressing against his jeans. Trying to escape.

“She swallows, you know. Tell him, Lotte; he clearly wants to hear you say it,”

Megan commanded, her voice firm and teasing.

To emphasize her point, Megan planted her nails into Lotte’s shoulder, adding a touch of sharpness to her order. The sensation sent a shiver down Lotte’s spine, making her even more aware of the driver’s expectant gaze.

“I… I swallow”

Lotte whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of submission and arousal. The driver’s eyes lit up with excitement, and Lotte could feel the intensity of the moment deepening. Megan’s assertiveness and the driver’s desire combined made her pussy clench. Lotte didn’t recognize the beast that had awakened inside of her. She felt like such a slut.

“Okay, but then I want to see yours too!”

the driver demanded.

“Okay, fine… men, they always want more,”

Megan replied, rolling her eyes. She then pulled her own top up, revealing her spectacular chest. Even Lotte couldn’t help but stare in admiration.

“Happy days!”

the driver exclaimed; his excitement evident.

Suddenly, he needed both hands on the wheel in response to a sudden event on the road. A distracted driver had almost hit them, causing him to swerve.

“For fuck’s sake, asshole!”

the driver yelled, momentarily forgetting about his hand’s journey toward Lotte’s eager mound. The quest that had seemed so important to Lotte was abruptly interrupted. She just needed to cum, the frustration building inside her.

“Turn right, and then your destination will be on your right,”

the navigation system announced.

Megan turned to Lotte with a playful smile.

“Better hide those away, Lotte, before the whole party sees them.”

Reluctantly, Lotte pulled her dress back up, feeling a mix of frustration and anticipation. The night’s adventures were far from over, and she couldn’t help but wonder what else lay ahead.

They started walking to the front door of the house the party was at. Lotte had gotten used to the feeling of wearing a buttplug, however walking with it gave another sensation. She could feel it shift inside of her as her hips swayed with her walking on the heels she was wearing.

Lotte followed her roommate Megan into the house for her first-ever house party. Megan greeted most of the people they passed in the hallway, her popularity evident in the way everyone responded warmly to her.

The party was in full swing, and Lotte was relieved to see it was crowded, with nobody really paying attention to her. It made her feel less self-conscious in her dress, which was more revealing than she was used to. She could feel the thin material against her skin, making her hyper-aware of her appearance.

“Let’s go get a beer,” Megan said, taking Lotte’s arm and pulling her toward the drinks table. The room buzzed with energy, laughter, and the sound of music thumping through the speakers. It didn’t take long before Lotte was holding a cup of beer, the cold drink a welcome distraction.

As they moved through the crowd, Megan introduced her to some friends. Lotte started to relax, the initial tension easing away as she realized everyone was friendly and welcoming. Her new look and outfit began to attract some attention from the guys, something she was definitely not used to.

They danced to the beat of the music, and Lotte found herself smiling and laughing more. The initial awkwardness of her movements faded as she got into the rhythm, her nerves dissipating with each passing moment. The compliments and glances she received were new, but they added to her growing confidence.

Megan leaned in and whispered,

“You’re doing great. Just have fun!”

Her encouragement was reassuring, and Lotte decided to let herself enjoy the night.

The party continued, and Lotte felt a sense of freedom she hadn’t experienced before. Surrounded by new friends and the lively atmosphere, she realized she was actually having a good time.

One guy named Dave seemed particularly interested in Lotte. He tried to get to know her, standing very close to be heard over the loud music. Every time he leaned in to speak, she felt the warmth of his breath against her skin, which sent a shiver down her spine.

As they talked, Lotte tried to focus on their conversation, smiling at his jokes and comments. However, she found her mind wandering more and more, distracted by his scent and the intimacy of their proximity. The drinks she had consumed were also making her feel a bit lightheaded, adding to her hornyness.

Dave’s hand rested gently on her shoulder as they continued their small talk, moving to the rhythm of the music. They shared another drink, and Lotte found herself becoming more relaxed and comfortable in his presence. The initial awkwardness she had felt was fading away, replaced by a growing sense of excitement.

They danced together, and she could feel the heat of his body close to hers, his hand now resting on her back. His touch was gentle but confident, and it made her feel both thrilled and nervous.

Lotte felt a surge of boldness as the music and the atmosphere took over. She almost threw her body at Dave, pressing herself against him. The closeness felt amazing, and she was surprised by how much she enjoyed it.

As they danced, she didn’t realize at first how intimately they were moving together. Her crotch found his knee. Her still throbbing and wet pussy felt amazing as she slowly grinded against his knee. She moved on the rhythm of the music.

Lotte’s mind went blank as she lost herself in the moment. She felt Dave’s hands move to her lower back, then slide down to firmly grab her ass. She felt him push her down on his knee. She pulled him even closer and moaned in his ear. She felt her orgasm building up.

‘Don’t stop.’

She was not going to be able to stop herself this time. Instead, she grabbed his head and kissed him. Their tongues intertwined. Then it happened. For the first time in forever she felt the intense feeling of pleasure enter her brain.

Her pussy exploded as they were in the middle of all these people. She bit her lip trying not to scream. Wave after wave shot through her body making her tremble.

It took all her strength to hold on to him, using him as her anchor as her legs threatened to give out. She continued to grind slowly on his knee, feeling the last wave of sensation make her tremble. Only then did she dare to look up into his eyes.

He grinned, still holding her firmly by the waist with both hands. It was clear he understood exactly what had just happened.

“Please excuse me for a moment, I need to go to the restroom,”

she apologized, her voice a bit shaky.

As she made her way through the crowd, she suddenly felt very unstable. Walking on her heels was a challenge, and her legs felt like they were made of spaghetti. The effects of the drinks she’d had weren’t helping either.

Shit, shit, shit. What had just happened. She just grinded herself to an orgasm on a strangers knee. Fuck! Without Megans permission she just realised. She was going to have to tell her later.

The downstairs restroom was occupied, with a line of people waiting in front. Desperate, she decided to ignore the sign that stated the upstairs restroom was off-limits. She really needed to go. She made her way upstairs, using the railings for support.

Upstairs, she passed a guy who was secretly smoking weed, clearly having ignored the sign as well. He didn’t bother to hide that he was checking out her body.

She gave him a sharp look and tried to pass, but she stumbled over a flower pot that was awkwardly placed in the hallway. She tried to keep her balance but couldn’t, falling forward.

In her tipsy state, her arms reacted too late, and she landed awkwardly on her face.

“Holy shit!” she muttered.

She lay there for a few seconds, face down on the carpet, before she managed to gather herself. Using her arms, she pushed herself up onto her knees, trying to shake off the embarrassment and the pain.

“Jesus! You are kinky,” the guy exclaimed.

She realized, to her horror, that her dress had ridden up to her waist from the fall and the friction against the carpet, leaving her naked ass and pussy very much on display.

‘Your pussy is soaked!’

He boldly stated and did not hold back to touch it. It startled Lotte. He was definitely right. That orgasm from a couple seconds ago really had made her pussy a mess.

She didn’t even have time to feel embarrassed. She looked back at him and felt his fingers slide inside her with ease. The sensation made her eyes roll back in her head. She was hungry for more.

He started to fuck her with his fingers clearly enjoying the effect he had on her.

‘You are such an eager slut!’

She felt that the attention to her pussy made her mind go blank again. The sharp jolts of electricity coursing through her body, combined with the force of his hand, drove her face-first into the ground once more.

Her muscles did not work the way she wanted anymore. All she could manage was to look back while a second orgasm was building.

She saw him pulling out his hard raging cock. He was clearly ready to fuck her.

She had to put an end to this. It wasn’t that she didn’t want him–every fiber of her being screamed for his touch–but her mind remained clear enough to remember Megan. She couldn’t betray her again.

She already had one orgasm without her permission, she couldn’t bring herself to this one.

She waited for the moment he wanted to replace his fingers with his cock to turn around and meet him with her mouth.

A bit surprised at first, he watched in her eyes as she held his cock in her hand, slowly licking the tip. She had longed for the taste of real cock for so long, the act gave her goosebumps. The plastic cock had felt nothing near the act of sucking a real cock. Her brain was over-loading.

Still remembering her training, she made his member disappear slowly between her wet lips after she licked its whole length from the base.

‘Holy shit!’

As she took him into her mouth, she purposefully parted her knees, offering him an unobstructed view of her thick ass. Her head moved rhythmically up and down, her eyes locked onto his with a glazed, submissive expression.

Her tongue was swirling his cock in her mouth. She forced his cock down her throat, sticking her tongue out to even go deeper.

With each movement she got further to his balls. She made herself gag on his cock.

‘Yes baby, fuck. Suck it.’

She heard his words faintly, as if through a bubble, and watched his lips move, but her primary focus remained on her task.

‘Shit, you are fucking amazing.’

She took his cock out her mouth after more gurgling and deepthroating. She started kissing slowly as she felt it throb in her hand. She wanted to prolong this moment for as long as possible, savoring every second.

‘I’m close, fuck..i’m gonna cum.’

She took him into her mouth again, eager to taste his cum. She finished him off with her lips, skillfully swirling her tongue around him.

The sensation of his cum filling her mouth nearly pushed her over the edge into another orgasm. Her mind swirled with joy as she realized she had crossed yet another boundary. The act was now indelibly etched in her mind, forever associated with intense pleasure.

She ensured to suck every single drop of cum from him before releasing him. Without waiting for his recovery, she stood up and headed straight to the bathroom to finally pee.

Once inside, she immediately texted Megan.

‘I made a guy cum.’

‘What? When, how?’

‘Just now… with my mouth.’

‘Good girl..’

‘I also came myself.. earlier. While dancing on the dancefloor.’

Her heart pounded in her chest as she confessed everything to Megan. Fear gnawed at her, afraid of how Megan would react. The thought of disappointing her felt unbearable.

‘Bad girl. We will punish you later.’

The words struck her deeply. Lotte felt the sting of tears welling up, threatening to spill over.

“I sent Jake to you. It’s his party. Make him cum. You are his birthday present from me.”

Lotte felt a surge of arousal as she read the words. Megan had just pimped her out as a gift.

“Don’t get any ideas. He knows your pussy is off-limits.”

Knock, knock. He was already at the door. Lotte’s heart sank with anticipation. She hesitated. Knock, knock.

She knew she was going to go through with it. There was just a small part of her brain that remained rational, trying to speak the last bit of sense into her. Hell, she didn’t even know what the guy looked like!

“Lotte, it’s me. Open up,”

a deep voice called out.

Her stomach flipped as she slipped out of her dress, getting on her knees completely naked. If she was going to do this, she wanted to be fully submissive.

Her pussy was on fire as she unlocked the door.

Thank God, he was alone. She grabbed him by his belt and began to undo his pants, her hands trembling with anticipation.

She hurried to get his cock inside her mouth.

Only when she was bobbing her head up and down did she dare to look up and see him. He was muscular, with broad cheekbones, and undeniably handsome.

The sight of him made her want to please him even more. He quickly closed the door behind him as she began to deepthroat his cock, her spit dripping onto her hand as she massaged his balls.

‘Fuck! Megan wasn’t lying. Look at that thick ass on you. ‘

He took her face gently in his hands and lifted her to her feet. As he spoke, she instinctively sucked on his thumb, feeling a strange blend of submission and arousal.

“Come with me to my bedroom.”

Her heart pounded not just with desire, but with a flicker of fear. The hallway stretched out before them like a gauntlet, each step amplifying her anxiety. What if someone saw them?

The thrill of being caught added an edge to her excitement. She glanced around nervously, her breath quickening as they made their way through the dimly lit corridor. Every sound seemed deafening, every shadow a potential witness.

Finally, they reached his bedroom. He shut the door behind them, isolating them from the world outside. She could hear the muffled sounds of the party continuing in the distance, a stark contrast to the intimate silence of the room.

“Get on all fours on my bed. I want to see that ass of yours.”

She obeyed, climbing onto the bed and positioning herself on all fours. She felt a flush of heat spread across her body, knowing his eyes were on her exposed form. Her pussy throbbed with anticipation as she arched her back, presenting herself to him.

She took a deep breath and spread her knees wider, parting herself to give him a clear view. Looking back over her shoulder, she met his gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of desire and submission. Slowly, she began to move her hips, a subtle dance that showcased her curves and the wetness glistening between her legs.

With each sway, she felt her arousal intensify, the movement sending shivers up her spine. She couldn’t help but smile seductively, biting her lip as she continued her teasing dance. Her fingers grazed her inner thighs, accentuating her openness to him, inviting him to take what he desired.

The anticipation was almost unbearable. She could see the hunger in his eyes, the way he watched her every move. Her body responded to his gaze, her pussy throbbing with a need that only he could satisfy. She arched her back further, pushing her ass higher, and whispered,

“I’m ready for you.”


“Fuck, you are hot!”

Smack, smack!

“Thank you,” she squealed, the sting of his hand spreading warmth across her skin.

“Yes, thank me!”

Smack! Smack! His hands rained down on her ass, each impact making her burn with a mix of pain and pleasure. She cried out, thanking him again and again, the words tumbling from her lips in breathless gasps.

Her entire body tingled with the intensity of the moment, every nerve ending alive and screaming for more. The rhythm of his strikes, the rough texture of his voice, the raw power in his hands–it all blended into a symphony of sensations that drove her wild.

She felt herself sinking deeper into submission, her mind clouded with a heady mix of desire and surrender.

“Thank you, thank you,”

she repeated, her voice barely more than a whisper now, but laced with genuine gratitude. She felt the heat rising within her, ready to explode from the overwhelming combination of his dominance and her own need.

He started to careress her little landing strip of pubic hair before he touched pussy from behind, making Lotte rise onto her toes. The sensation was electric, sending shivers up her spine and making her clench her fists in the sheets.

“No… no… Megan!” she cried out, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and arousal.


“Shut up!”

he commanded, his voice firm and unyielding.

He slowly pulled the buttplug out while keeping his fingers on her clit, sending waves of conflicting sensations through her body. The emptiness left by the plug was quickly replaced by an intense, burning need.

“Moan for me!”

Lotte was already moaning loudly, her cries echoing off the walls as she struggled to hold back an impending orgasm. Her body trembled with the effort; every muscle taut with anticipation.

“Please… I can’t… Megan…”

she tried to plead, but couldn’t finish her sentence as he pushed the buttplug into her mouth. The plug that had been inside her ass all evening filled her mouth now, the taste and scent mingling in a heady, forbidden mix. It was the dirtiest act she had ever committed, and the shock of it made her eyes widen.

As she tasted herself on the plug, she felt his cock press against the now-lubed and spread entrance of her anus. With a steady push, he slipped past the barrier with ease, his spit and her pussy juices acting as a lubricant.

The sensation was overwhelming, a mix of pain and pleasure that left her gasping for breath, her mind reeling from the intensity of the experience. She felt every inch of him as he filled her, stretching her in a way that was both agonizing and ecstatically satisfying. Her moans were muffled around the plug, her body arching as she surrendered completely to the raw, primal act.

He grabbed her hair, yanking her head back as he started fucking her ass with increasing intensity.

“She didn’t say anything about your ass,” he growled, his breath hot against her ear.

The sensation was completely unknown to her, an uncharted territory of pleasure and pain. Each slow, deliberate thrust sent shivers of delight through her, teasing her relentlessly. Her pussy, already on the verge of exploding, hovered at that precipice, aching for release.

With every thrust, she felt her pussy clench, desperately searching for that final stimulation to send her over the edge, but it eluded her. Instead, the mounting frustration made her arousal even more potent, her need growing stronger and more insistent.

Driven by an insatiable hunger, she pushed her ass back against his cock, matching his rhythm as he started to fuck her harder. Her moans were muffled by the buttplug filling her mouth, her body trembling with the force of his thrusts.

Her focus narrowed to the rhythmic slapping of his balls against her pussy lips, each impact a tantalizing tease. Her mind went blank, consumed by the raw sensation and the primal act of being used for his pleasure.

He let go of her hair, his hands moving to spread her thick ass, allowing him to bury his cock even deeper. The sensation was sensational, each thrust sending waves of ecstasy through her. The knowledge that he was deliberately ignoring her pussy only heightened her arousal, turning her on even more.

Every movement, every sound, every touch was a symphony of raw, unfiltered desire. She was lost in the moment, surrendering completely to the overwhelming pleasure and the sheer intensity of his dominance.

He pulled out suddenly, leaving her gasping at the abrupt emptiness. Her ass remained spread wide as he held her cheeks apart, his fingers digging into her flesh. She could feel the cool air against her exposed hole, now blinking and twitching involuntarily from the intense stimulation.

“Look at that,”

he murmured, a tone of satisfaction lacing his voice.

“Your asshole is begging for more.”

She felt a flush of heat spread across her skin at his words, the humiliation mingling with arousal. Her body trembled, her breathing ragged.

“You’re such a good girl,” he praised, his eyes locked on her most intimate place.

“Taking me so well. Look at you, all spread out and ready for me.”

Her mind swirled with a mix of pride and desperate need as he continued to hold her open, his gaze never wavering. The vulnerability and his words combined to push her arousal even higher, her pussy throbbing in response.

“Hold still, I want to remember this. Spread it for me!”

Her cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and arousal as he snapped photos of her, spread wide and exposed. She watched him through half-lidded eyes, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. Each click of the camera heightened her sense of vulnerability and excitement, her body responding to his every command.

“Do you want more?” he asked, his voice low and commanding.

She nodded, unable to form words around the buttplug in her mouth, her body screaming for him to fill her again.

pulled the buttplug from her mouth, lifting her chin to meet his gaze. “Turn around and ride me,” he commanded, his voice firm and authoritative.

She turned obediently, positioning herself over him as he lay back on the bed. Her legs trembled slightly as she squatted above him, her pussy hovering just above his cock. She hesitated for a moment, the memory of Megan’s instructions flashing through her mind. Obedience was paramount.

Taking a deep breath, she shifted her position, aligning his cock with her still-sensitive ass. Slowly, she began to lower herself, feeling the head of his cock press against her tight entrance. Inch by inch, she took him inside her, the sensation both painful and intensely pleasurable until he was fully buried within her.

“That’s it,”

he groaned, his eyes locked onto her bouncing ass.

“Ride me.”

She began to move, slowly at first, lifting herself up and down on his cock. Her hands rested on his chest for balance as she found a rhythm, her ass rising and falling with each thrust. He watched intently, captivated by the sight of her ass bouncing above him.

“Fuck, you look amazing,”

he muttered, his hands gripping her hips to guide her movements.

“Keep going.”

Her thighs burned with effort, but the pleasure far outweighed any discomfort. She quickened her pace, her moans filling the room as she rode him harder. His cock stretched her perfectly, hitting all the right spots as she moved.

He leaned up slightly, one hand moving to squeeze her ass as it bounced.

“You’re doing so good,”

he praised, his voice thick with arousal.

“Take it all.”

Her body responded eagerly to his words, her ass clenching around him as she rode him with increasing fervor. The sensation of his cock sliding in and out of her, combined with the intense stimulation of her bouncing movements, drove her closer to the edge.

She glanced down at him, her eyes meeting his as she continued to ride him. The look of sheer pleasure on his face spurred her on, pushing her to move even faster, to take him even deeper.

His hands moved from her hips to her ass, spreading her cheeks as she bounced.

“You’re so fucking hot,”

he groaned, his eyes never leaving the sight of her ass moving above him. “Don’t stop.”

Her movements became almost frantic, the overwhelming need for release driving her actions. She rode him hard, her body trembling with the effort and the intense pleasure coursing through her.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t reach that elusive climax. Frustration mixed with her arousal, her body trembling with the effort. He sensed her struggle, and without a word, he grabbed her legs, pulling them together and taking control.

He flipped her onto her back, positioning her at the edge of the bed, and then he thrust into her anus with a renewed intensity. Each slam of his hips sent shockwaves through her, the force of his movements making her gasp. Her eyes widened as she watched his cock slide in and out of her, the sight almost as stimulating as the feeling.

“Look at me,”

he commanded, his voice low and urgent.

“Watch me fuck you.”

Her gaze locked onto the mesmerizing sight, her breath hitching with every thrust. He drove into her relentlessly, the bed creaking beneath them, the room filled with the sounds of their bodies colliding.

“I’m going to cum inside you” he growled, his pace quickening.

“I’m going to cum inside your ass.”

The declaration sent a final shiver of anticipation through her, and just as his cock swelled inside her, he released with a deep groan, his hot cum filling her. The intensity of the moment, combined with the sensation of his release, left her gasping, her body still trembling with unfulfilled need.

“Happy birthday,”

she whispered, still breathing heavily.

He patted her ass one last time before he left, pushing the buttplug back in.

“I’m sure we’ll do this again,”

he smirked.

She was certain that was true. Her pussy was still throbbing, ready to explode, and she was incredibly frustrated. She struggled to find her dress, her mind replaying what had just happened. Once dressed, she took a deep breath, preparing to rejoin the party, now carrying two loads of cum inside her.

She noticed the faint outline of her nipples poking through the tight fabric of her dress, revealing her arousal. The looks she received from others only added to her excitement. Her sexbrain had fully taken over; she could only think with her pussy now.

Spotting Megan dancing on the dance floor, she quickly joined her, their bodies moving in sync to the pulsating beat. Megan shot her a knowing look, a sly smile playing on her lips. They danced close, the chemistry between them palpable, drawing the attention of those around them.

As the night wound down, they made their way through the crowd to find Dave. He stood near the exit, a satisfied grin on his face as he saw them approaching.

“Leaving already?”

he asked, his eyes lingering on Lotte.

“Yes, it’s getting late,” Megan replied, wrapping an arm around Lotte’s waist.

Dave’s grin widened.

“I love the thought of my cum still buried inside you,”

he whispered into Lotte’s ear, his voice sending a shiver down her spine.

” I’ll be enjoying those pictures for a while.”

Lotte blushed deeply, her body responding to his words. She nodded, unable to find her voice, the sensation of his cum still inside her adding to her lingering arousal.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening,”

Megan said, pulling Lotte closer.

“We’ll see you soon.”

Dave nodded, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

“I look forward to it.”

As they walked away, Lotte felt a mix of excitement and anticipation for what the future might hold. The night had been intense, and she knew it was just the beginning of many more adventures to come. With Megan by her side, she felt ready for anything.

“Good to see you again, ladies,”

he said, glancing in the rearview mirror.

“Ready to head home?”


Megan replied, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

“And Lotte has a promise to keep.”

Lotte felt a rush of excitement and nerves as she slid into the front seat. She glanced back at Megan, who was already making herself comfortable in the backseat, her fingers teasing the hem of her dress.

As the cab pulled away from the curb, Lotte leaned over, her hand resting on the driver’s thigh.

“I promised you something earlier, didn’t I?”

she whispered, her voice sultry.

The driver swallowed hard, his eyes flicking between the road and the woman beside him.

“Yes, you did,”

he replied, his voice thick with anticipation.

Without another word, Lotte unzipped his pants, freeing his already hard cock. She glanced back at Megan, who was seated in the backseat, her dress hiked up as she slowly touched herself. The sight fueled Lotte’s desire as she began to undress, her clothes falling away until she was completely naked.

She positioned herself on her knees, her ass pressing against the cool glass of the window. The sensation sent a shiver through her, heightening her arousal. She leaned forward, taking the driver’s cock into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the tip.

The cab driver let out a groan, one hand gripping the steering wheel tightly while the other rested on Lotte’s head, guiding her movements. She bobbed up and down, her mouth working expertly to bring him pleasure. The taste of him, the feel of his cock sliding in and out of her mouth, sent shivers of excitement through her.

In the backseat, Megan watched intently, her fingers moving faster as she touched herself. The combination of Lotte’s performance and the driver’s reactions turned her on even more, her moans filling the cab.

Lotte quickened her pace, her hand stroking the base of his cock as she sucked him eagerly. She could feel his body tensing, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. She glanced up at him, her eyes full of mischief and desire.

“Fuck, you’re good,” he groaned, his hips bucking slightly.

She felt him nearing his climax and intensified her efforts, her mouth and hand working in perfect harmony. With a final, deep thrust, he came, his hot cum filling her mouth. She swallowed it all, her tongue lapping up every last drop, savoring the taste.

As she pulled back, she wiped her lips and looked back at Megan, who was now on the verge of her own climax. The sight of Lotte’s flushed face and the driver’s satisfied expression pushed Megan over the edge, her body shuddering with pleasure. Her hands gripped the edge of the seat as she came, her moans echoing in the confined space of the cab.

The cab ride continued in a comfortable silence, the air thick with the scent of sex and satisfaction. Lotte settled back into her seat, a contented smile on her face, while Megan caught her breath in the back, still playing with herself.

As they pulled up to their destination, the driver looked over at Lotte, a grateful smile on his face.

“Thank you, ladies. That was… unforgettable.”

Megan and Lotte exchanged a knowing look, both satisfied with how the night had ended.

“Anytime, you have my number now.”

Megan replied, her voice playful as Lotte was getting dressed.

They stepped out of the cab, the driver watching them with a lingering gaze as they walked towards their building. The night had been wild, and as they made their way inside, they both knew it was only the beginning of many more adventures to come.

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