The Penthouse Ch. 14: Sakura

An adult stories – The Penthouse Ch. 14: Sakura by whiterabbit0117,whiterabbit0117 This is the fourteenth in the series. Following the series in order is helpful for context and continuity. However, reading the first one “Penthouse 01 – Who Am I” explains the main characters and setting making it easier to enjoy subsequent vignettes including this one.

Your comments, good or bad are most welcome and helpful.

This chapter largely introduces Sakura who showed up in the last chapter. The sex in the beginning is lacking, but keep reading, it gets better.


Sakura was a new guest at our penthouse. She was the sister of Carlos’s Japanese girlfriend and had come with them for the weekend with Rigger a visiting businessman and rope bondage expert we had met at a kink weekend the week before. She and Rigger had hit it off immediately she was drawn to this rope expert who also spoke Japanese. She had a great weekend as she and slut shared Rigger in numerous ways.

The Sunday morning Sakura had expressed to slut that she wanted Rigger to take her anal cherry. Slut had embarrassed her by revealing that desire to Rigger who eagerly accepted the offer. Slut helped prepare Sakura’s ass fingering and stretching her rosebud and inserting a larger plug to help her adjust before taking Rigger’s larger than average cock.

After breakfast Rigger and Sakura had gone upstairs to slut’s room. About an hour later Rigger had to leave and after slut escorted him down to the garage, slut went upstairs to check on Sakura.


When slut arrived and my room Sakura was lying on the bed crying. Slut climbed onto the bed and cradled Sakura in her arms.

“What is wrong, does it hurt?” slut asked.

“He is gone.” Sakura cried.

“Yes, he had to go to be ready for his work this week. But are you physically ok?” I explained.

“Oh yes, he was wonderful, so kind and patient. He didn’t rush me at all. It hurt when he first started, but very soon it just felt amazing. But he is gone.” Sakura was still crying but seemed a bit better.

I held her as she calmed down and the tears finally stopped. She reached up and kissed slut, not so much sexual but more of a thank you.

She raised up and looked at me and started to explain, “This weekend has been incredible for me. Not just him, but you and everyone else has been so nice and so supportive. I’ve never done anything like this weekend. Carlos and Hina forced me to come this weekend. I didn’t want to come. My husband died six months ago and I withdrew into a shell. My late husband did some rope which I always enjoyed, and I was afraid this weekend would bring back those memories. When I got here you greeted me warmly and then Rigger bowed and greeted us in my native language. I was immediately attracted to him and was amazed at how open and welcoming he was. Then you and he showed me what sex was, I had never experienced what happened this weekend.”

She kissed me, slut returned the kiss and it became longer and harder, our tongues intertwined, and slut gently bit her tongue and lip. She drew back a moment and again attacked my mouth, returning the nip of slut’s tongue and lip. Sakura was a fast learner.

I told her slut wanted to check her ass to make sure it was OK. slut was surprised to see the plug in her ass. “Did Rigger plug you afterwards?” I asked.

“No, I did after he left. I didn’t want to lose the parting gift that he gave me.” Sakura responded.

I gently pulled the plug out of her ass and was relieved to see no signs of blood on her ass or the plug. As slut gently pushed the plug back in her ass she moaned, so I moved the wide part of the plug back and forth through her ring before finally setting it firmly inside her.

“So, you decided you like anal sex too? Slut asked with a smile.

“Oh, yes. It hurt a bit at first, not as much as I had feared, but with slut’s prep and Rigger’s care it was just amazing. A question, I’ve always herd other Japanese girls talk about BWC, big white cock, but Rigger was my first and so far, my only. Is Rigger’s cock an average BWC?” Sakura asked while looking slut in the eyes.

I laughed, “No Rigger is not average. He is both a bit longer and wider than average, not a lot but enough. Even more important, he knows how to use it.” I explained.

Sakura though for a bit and said, “Do you mind if I ask you personal questions?

Slut looked at Sakura and smiled, “Sakura we have spent the weekend together naked, fucking Rigger together, licking each other to orgasms, eating cum out of each other’s cunt, I can’t imagine a question too personal.”

Sakura smiled and asked, “I don’t understand your relationship in this place. You are kept naked, plugged with a leather collar around your neck. You are called slut by everyone. You are groped by almost every man who comes into this penthouse. Are you a slave here?”

I thought a moment before replying realizing Sakura had no reference to the BDSM lifestyle slut led. “No Sakura, slut is not a slave. The life I live here is my own choice. I am free to leave at any time, but I cannot imagine being anywhere else. I may say that Master owns me, but my service to him is my own choice. slut accepts him as my Master and obeys his wishes and commands willingly. slut knows he cares for me and protects me. Within this house slut is my name and my pronouns. I am submissive and this lets me live as one.” I replied, watching to see if Sakura understood what I was saying.

slut could see that she was deep in thought. The concept was so foreign to her, that someone would willingly give up control to another and live the life slut led.

She finally spoke, “I think I understand. When I was married, I followed my husband’s wishes, I worked to make him happy, while he took care of me. You have just taken it to a whole new level. I see in some ways you are even freer than I was. Can I ask a big favor?”

“Of course, Sakura, what can slut do for you?” I answered.

“Can I stay here with you for a while? My house is so cold and so full of memories, while here is so warm and free, and I’m learning so much.” She almost begged.

“It is Master’s decision, but slut can’t imagine Sir saying no to have another beautiful lady in the house for a while. Fix your makeup and we can go ask Master.” I told her. Crying had really messed up her makeup and I wanted her to look good for Master when we asked.

A short while later, Sakura looked much better. She was smiling again. I helped her put her heels on again and we walked naked downstairs together. Master was in his usual chair, and I saw Kathy kneeling between his legs her head bobbing on Sir’s cock. Master smiled at us. We both walked over and knelt behind Kathy. Master squeezed his thighs together trapping Kathy’s head between them.

“Hello slut, what can I do for you two lovely ladies. Sakura, thank you for visiting us, you have been a joy to have around.” Master said with a big smile.

“Master, Sakura has a request. Please accept it, and slut will tell you more about it later.” I said keeping eye contact with Master.

Master turned to Sakura with his same smile, “Yes, Sakura what can I do for you?

“Sir, my time here has been an eye opening experience. I frankly did not want to come this weekend, but everyone has been so nice welcoming and friendly. I lost my husband suddenly six months ago and have been living in a shell since. Being here has brought me back to life. Please Sir may I stay for a while longer? By the time she finished Sakura was almost in tears again.

Master reached down with both hands and took Sakura by the shoulders and pulled her up onto Kathy’s back and into his arms. He hugged her and said, “Of course, you may stay as long as you wish. We will work out details later, but you are welcome in our home as long as you wish to stay.”

Sakura hugged and kissed Master and kept saying, “Thank you, Oh, Thank you Sir.”

Master and Sakura eventually released each other, and she slid back down Kathy’s back to kneel beside slut.

Master said, “Take my car and get what she will need while staying here. We will talk about her stay at dinner tonight. We are going out so she will need something presentable, but not fancy.”

Sakura bowed to Master before she and slut got up. We went upstairs to get dressed. The only thing Sakura had to wear was the body conscious mini dress and heels she had arrived in Saturday night. She looked stunning. Slut looked rather plain in her simple short dress and sandals.

Slut was surprised when Sakura directed us to a very nice house in an upscale part of town. I looked at her and she caught my glance and explained. “My husband was a very successful businessman.

The interior of the house reflected the Japanese owner. Not my style but obviously professionally decorated with antiques and quality was apparent everywhere. We went up to the Master bedroom.

Sakura found a suitcase and started pulling underwear and bras out of a drawer then stopped and looked at me. “I guess I really won’t need many of these when I follow your rules.”

I told her, “You don’t have to follow my rules, dress how you want to dress.”

She looked at me and sighed, “But I want to follow your rules. I want to learn what your life is like.”

Sakura had her own closet in the Master bedroom, and it was full of dresses and heels. When my mouth fell open Sakura explained. “I was what you call a trophy wife. My husband liked to show me off and made sure I not only looked good but went to every event in a new outfit.”

She pulled out several mini dresses, a few skirts and some gorgeous blouses. I grabbed a couple of sweaters for her and helped her pick out a couple of long dresses.

I grabbed a couple of babydoll night gowns out of her dresser and she asked why.

I explained, “Sometimes, being covered but exposed is sexier than being naked. Didn’t your husband like seeing you in these.”

Sakura blushed, teared up and replied, “True, he always had me wear one on the nights we made love.”

slut hugged her and she hugged me back and kissed slut. We stayed together hugging each other until Sakura stopped sniffling.

Her comment made me ask, “Are you on birth control?”

“Yes, I have the implant. My late husband and I had discussed having children, but decided not to.” She said softly.

We had everything in the bedroom packed. Sakura had to get another small suitcase for her makeup and bath supplies, and we needed another sizeable suitcase for the heels she wanted to bring.

We made one last stop in the office to get her laptop. I noticed a pile of resumes on the desk. Sakura noticed me looking at them and explained, “I was thinking of going back to work. I don’t need the money, but I can’t just sit at home forever.”

I noticed her college degree and work experience on the resume’ and grabbed one to show Master.

Fortunately, Master had let us use his larger car, we were able to get everything in the trunk and back seat. I asked about leaving the house empty, but Sakura said that the maid still came in twice a week and she would check on it in between.

We talked on the way home and Sakura made it clear that she wanted to follow slut’s rules and be treated as slut was treated. She asked if we could share Master and I told her that was up to Master, but that I would encourage Sir to enjoy her as he did slut. That got a big smile from Sakura. I could tell she had a question, and I finally got her to ask slut.

“How big is Master? Is he bigger than Rigger? She finally asked quietly.

I smiled, “Master is not as big as Rigger, but is equally skilled in using what he has. You will learn our cunts are amazing things that work well with a wide variety of cocks.”

Sakura smiled and sat back in the seat, “I have so much to learn. I am so lucky to have you as my teacher.”

When we got back Master and Kathy were in the dungeon again. Her screams were echoing down the hall. Something has changed between Master and his girlfriend. Slut is going to have to discretely inquire why she is now into having her ass beat.

We managed to make room in slut’s closet for her clothes. The shoes wound up lined along one wall in the bedroom. Master stopped by while we were arranging things and told Sakura how pleased he was that she had decided to stay with us. Sakura hugged him and kept thanking him for allowing her to stay.

I took the opportunity to tell Master that Sakura wanted to follow slut’s rules while she was here and if Master permitted, slut was agreeable to share Master equally with her.

Master took a step back and looked Sakura in the eyes and asked, “Are you sure that is what you want, do you know what all that means? I can be strict, and slut gets punished when she fails me.”

Sakura didn’t hesitate, “Sir, I am sure that I don’t know everything about slut’s life and duties, but I want to learn. I have learned so much already in my short time here. When I fail, I expect to be punished as Sir finds appropriate. I desire to serve you in every capacity that I can. Finding a role here will help me reestablish my place in the world. If I am lucky Sir may decide that my place is here.”

Master looked at Sakura and then looked at me. “You are agreeable to share me equally with Sakura.”

I immediately replied, “It may take her time to learn all of Master’s foibles, but I find having her here to be a joy and will gladly share Master with her. ”

Master was clearly thinking and finally said, “I accept your request, we will discuss details over dinner tonight. Be ready in an hour. Oh, and Sakura something less provocative than that delightful dress you have on.”

Sakura and slut replied in unison, “Yes Master.”

We both dressed similarly “modest” finger length dresses and four inch heels. It took her a moment to realize and accept that bras and panties were no longer part of her wardrobe. Sakura still had the John plug in her ass, and I had my other one. I gave Sakura my bright red lipstick that didn’t come off on cocks. She added some eye shadow and looked incredible. I had noticed with her beauty and skin tone it didn’t take much for her to look amazing.

As we went downstairs together, I noticed Kathy’s suitcase by the door. Kathy was over Master’s lap and Master had apparently just finished spanking her. Her ass was glowing cherry red. When Master saw us, he pulled her to him, kissed her and told her that he would see her next time. She stood slipped on a dress and came over and gave slut a hug and a kiss. We rode down to the car together. At the car Master told Sakura to sit up front, with Kathy and slut then in the back seat.

It was a bit of a drive to Kathy’s hotel, and she never stopped squirming, trying to find a comfortable way to relieve her still burning ass. At the hotel Master came around to open her door and retrieve her suitcase. Slut watched as he gave her a hug and kiss with a firm grip and slap on her bruised ass.

Master had picked a favorite Italian restaurant and was able to snag a nice table in a quiet area. As soon as Master ordered a bottle of wine I asked, “What is up with Kathy?

“What do you mean?” Master asked with almost a straight face.

“Kathy has never gone in for corporal discipline and Sir beat her ass cherry red all weekend.” I responded.

Master smiled, “Oh that. It is an interesting story. Kathy showed up Friday uninvited and without letting me know she was coming. With what was planned I was not happy. She begged to stay and, on a whim, I said she could stay but would be caned and be kept naked with a red ass all weekend. You saw the stripes Friday night. To my surprise she not only agreed but seemed eager. To make a long story short, she discovered subspace and that she craved the discipline. She told me I should have done it long ago for her being such a bitch to slut.:

After the waiter took our orders Master turned to Sakura, “I understand this weekend was your coming out party. Would you please tell me your story.”

Sakura looked at slut, I nodded so she began, “I was raised by strict Japanese parents. They sent me to Catholic school, not trusting the public schools. I lived at home for my college degree in computer science and didn’t date very much. My parents introduced me to the man who became my husband, a successful Japanese businessman. He was very nice to me, and we were married. I was a virgin when we married and frankly knew nothing about sex. My husband had sex with me about twice a week. I never came or knew that I could. My husband decided that he was losing face because I was working, so I stayed at home for about a year until my husband had a sudden heart attack and died.”

Sakura stopped for a breath and to read Master’s reaction. Seeing a sympathetic look and nod she continued. “My late husband was into rope and I liked being tied up, but it was never associated with sex, it was ancient Japanese culture to my husband. Being tied up made me feel warm, secure and connected with my husband. I was devastated with my husband’s sudden death, my whole world revolved around him and his life. His lawyer negotiated a good buyout of his part of the business, so money isn’t an issue, but since I had quit work, I really had no basis for my life. While I was a recluse in the house, I accidentally found a porn site. It opened a whole world of sex that I knew nothing about. That led me to legitimate information sites. I discovered masturbation and then orgasms. At first the guilt was almost overwhelming, but I learned that it was normal.

“Then I was invited to your penthouse. I didn’t want to go but my sister and her husband almost forced me to go and told me that it was about rope. Then Rigger welcomed me in Japanese, and I was immediately attracted to him. I had my first real orgasm with him, my first sexual experience with a female with slut, and my first anal with Rigger before he left. There is so much more that I want to experience and learn. So, thank you for letting me stay with you.”

The food arrived about then and as we ate, I could see Master deep in thought. I knew he was balancing his desires against what was best for Sakura.

After we finished eating and were enjoying the wine Master finally spoke. “You may stay at my home as long as you wish. While with us you slut will teach you her rules and routine and you will be expected to follow them. We will make many experiences available to you, but you always have the right to say No at any time. Rules and roles will change as you learn and discover what works for you and what does not. Do not expect it to be the same as slut. My requirement while you are in my house is that you be honest, submissive and stretch your comfort zone. Do you understand and accept this arrangement?”

Sakura could not agree fast enough, rapidly shaking her head yes, she replied, “Yes Master, I am yours and will do everything possible to make you proud of me.”

Master turned to me and asked, “Is there anything we need with Sakura joining our household as my submissive?”

My immediate response was, “Well Sir, we need more plugs. Sakura is currently wearing my John plug.”

Master smiled at Sakura, “Don’t get used to that size. I think a stop on the way home Is in order. Shall we go?”

Master helped Sakura into the front seat and slut into the backseat. As we were driving, I could tell by the look she was giving Master that his hand was quite high on her thigh. We stopped at my favorite sex shop. Brightly lit, clean, well-stocked and with knowledgeable staff. I knew that Sakura was going to be overloaded like a kid in a candy store at what she was about to see.

As we walked in Master made Sakura lead and we explained to her what many of the things were that caught her eye. I could see Master making mental notes about what she seemed most interested in, and what seemed to shock her.

After we made a circuit through the store, Master grabbed a cart and handed it to Sakura. We followed Master through the store as Sir grabbed things off the shelf, Master explained how Sir planned to use them to a blushing Sakura and tossed them into the cart. The collection in the cart was getting impressive including: two sets of clover clamps, a ball gag, a dildo gag, a couple suction base dildoes including a rather large one, and a double dildo. When we got to the rack of butt plugs Master asked me how big slut’s John plug was. I showed him and he grabbed one that size plus one smaller and one larger. At the counter Master had them add a Bluetooth controlled vibrator to the order.

The sack went in the back seat with slut, Sakura again in the front seat with Master. A short drive later Master made another stop in a seedier part of town. As we walked into the small shop the smell of leather was overpowering. A large, tattooed gentleman came out of the back of the store and greeted Master as an old friend. Master told him what he was looking for and the gentleman kept looking over Sakura and nodding his head. He took Sakura by the hand and led her over to a rack of cuffs and fitted her with both wrist and ankle lined leather cuffs. Meanwhile Master was over looking at collars. He picked out a heavy black leather one with chrome studs and a much smaller modest burgundy one, both like the ones Master had given slut.

Once the shop gentleman had fitted the cuffs, he took a short chain and connected the ankle cuffs together and them clipped the wrist cuffs together behind her back. Master called her over and told her to kneel when she got to him. Sakura had difficulty with her wrists behind her back and her ankles hobbled, so the shop gentleman helped her down. Master took the heavy black collar, put it to Sakura’s lips and she kissed it. Master asked if she accepted Sir as her Master and when she whispered “Yes Sir, Please” fastened the heavy collar around Sakura’s neck. Master picked her up and she hugged him, smiled, and started to cry. Master gave me a confused look but held her tight until the tears stopped.

Master had some things to discuss with the owner as well as settling the bill. Sakura and I wandered through the store. Sakura was still hobbled with the chain connecting her ankle cuffs and with her hands fastened behind her back. There was a large selection of crops and whips which caught Sakura’s eye. I explained what they were and what they were used for. I tried to explain what each one felt like but she didn’t have a frame of reference to grasp what I was saying. Master noticing her interest wandered over. From her questions Sir quickly understood her issue.

“Sakura, lean over that counter” Master told her. She was startled but quickly complied. Master raised Sakura’s dress up to her waist, leaving her panty less ass bare.

Master took several implements off the wall and handed me a crop. “slut, show Sakura what each implement feels like. Gently, no mark should be visible tomorrow.”

I’m not that used to being the one wielding the implements. My first strike was harder than I intended and got a shriek and then a moan from Sakura. Master gave me a very stern look. I started again much softer and built up slowly almost to the first strike. About halfway through Sakura’s ass was a nice shade of pink and she had started to moan.

Master took the crop and handed slut a flogger. I took a few practice swings in the air, but even though my first stroke on her ass was light it wrapped badly and the tails left angry red marks on the side of her cute ass. I got another look from Master that told me I was in trouble. I managed to land a dozen strokes with the flogger without further mishap. Sakura’s moans were now steady, though the pitch was increasing.

Master took the flogger from slut and stepped up to Sakura with the paddle. His first blows were merely taps which increased in intensity until Sir saw her head pop up after a very firm strike. Master laid the paddle down and took Sakura into his arms.

Tears were running down her cheeks and she was breathing heavily but was also smiling from ear to ear. She spoke softly, “Thank you Sir and slut for showing me the devices. I think I understand why people like them. There is pain, but it turns into something else.”

Master held her tight and said, “Yes, it releases chemicals in the brain that can give a sense of euphoria, we call it subspace, long distance runners call it runner’s high. Now slut and I are going to show you how they are used in a more severe scene.”

Master motioned for slut to take Sakura’s place leaning over the table. I felt my dress lifted up over my ass. I heard the whistle of the crop before I felt the pain explode on my right butt cheek followed closely by one on my left and then a dozen more covering my ass. My ass was on fire as there was a very brief respite while Master changed tools. I think the wrap of the flogger around my ass was intentional to show slut why it is avoided. It tore a scream from slut, which was still echoed as slut received another dozen proper flogger strokes across her ass and thighs.

I heard Master pick up the paddle and Sir’s command to count. There were only six paddle strokes, but they covered my ass from the top down to the final hard stroke in the tender spot where the thigh joins the ass. The “six” was more of a scream than a count.

Master pulled me upright and into a group hug with him and Sakura. Master kissed my mouth and Sakura my tears. Then Master kissed Sakura, a long deep kiss that she quickly returned. We stood there together in the hug Sakura and my red glowing asses still on full display under our raised dresses. Suddenly I heard applause behind me which caused a big smile on Master’s face. Apparently, a small group had come into the shop during Master’s demo, and had enjoyed watching our asses get beat.

Master whispered, “Turn and bow to your appreciative audience.”

Sakura and slut both complied though Sakura’s cheeks turned as red as her ass. Our bows got another round of applause and a few appreciative comments which if possible, turned Sakura’s cheeks even redder.

Master lowered our skirts and told us to go look around the store while he settled up with the owner for buying the instruments we had used. I noticed several of our audience were also talking and asking questions of Master. I held Sakura tight both from friendship and to stabilize herself as she learned to walks with her ankles still chained together and her hands still connected behind her back.

Sakura suddenly stopped. It took me a moment to realize she was seeing a red leather cheongsam or at least someone’s interpretation of one. We found one in her size and took it to Master and the store owner. Master removed her wrist cuffs, and the owner showed her the small restroom to use as a changing room. I went in to help her.

After we removed her dress, she kissed me and I hugged and groped her naked body as we kissed like two teenagers, until I heard Master ask “Are you ok in there.”

I’m not sure our giggles were the answer he was expecting. We quickly slipped the leather dress on her and struggled with the frog closures. When she stepped out of the restroom, she got a wow from Master and whistles from a couple of the spectators from our earlier exhibition. She looked amazing.

It had the traditional Mandarin collar but had an opening below the collar button down the front to about her navel which really showed off her small breasts. It helped that the dress had some built in support that helped push her breasts toward the opening, enhancing the visible cleavage. It was about fingertip length, but the bottom frog closure was a bit above her cunt, so it showed a lot of thigh when she moved. It also fit like a glove, hugged her body, and showed every curve.

Master loved the look, enough that I soon found myself standing naked on a stool in the back room while the owner’s young rainbow attired female assistant was taking my measurements for mine, although I’m not sure how some of the measurements she took related to the dress. She was very hands on while taking measurements, not that I minded. She was very interested in my still bright red bruised ass and finger traced every line and bruise. Master and the owner were going through the store’s leather supply to pick the color for my version.

By the time she finished taking measurements and I got dressed, Master and Sakura were waiting at the counter. Master had put her wrist cuffs back on but they weren’t clipped together and her hobble chain had been removed. On the ride home, once again, I was sitting gingerly in the back seat with all the packages and Master and Sakura were in the front seat. Master asked her what her reaction was to the paddling demonstration. She admitted that while it hurt, it also excited her and made her wet. Master asked some questions about her growing up and married life, it was obvious he found her total lack of sexual experience amazing.

Sakura finally told Master, “Sir I have had more sexual experiences in the last few days in your penthouse than the rest of my life combined. Please continue my education.”

Master smiled and commented. “Be careful what you wish for, but remember you are always free to say no or stop.”

Sakura softly replied, “Thank you Sir, but I feel safe and can’t imagine having to stop a new experience with you or slut.”

When we got home Master gave Sakura the impact toys and told her to bring them when told to do so. He kept the new sex toys downstairs except for the new plugs. He made it clear that Sakura was not to use the John or the new larger plug without his permission. Sakura and slut went up to my room to strip and put away Sakura’s impact toys.

I also gave Sakura a quick enema and switched her to a smaller plug. Sakura gave me a quizzical look and I explained, “Master wants your ass tight for when he enjoys it, and he isn’t planning on sharing it with anyone for a while.” That got a big smile from her.

I told her that I was sure she was sharing Master’s bed tonight. All she needed to do was be obedient to Master, relax, and enjoy Sir’s attention. I did warn her about Sir’s snoring, but she said her late husband snored and she would find the noise comforting. I also explained Master’s morning routine. That in the morning I would set my alarm, fix the coffee and bring it to Master’s room. That she would then wake Master by sucking his cock as I do every morning. Once again be obedient and do what Master tells you to do. That he may want you to ride him once he wakes up.

That got a very quizzical look from Sakura, “Ride him, I don’t understand.”

I grabbed a dildo and laid on my bed holding the dildo vertical between my thighs. I told Sakura to straddle me and with the dildo in her cunt. Once she was in position and impaled I told her. “This is the cowgirl position, you do the work moving your hips and moving up and down on Sir’s cock. You do the work and you both get to enjoy it.”

I saw the lightbulb go on in her head. “Oh, like I did with Rigger this morning.”

We had just gotten up from the bed to head back downstairs when Master appeared at the door and motioned for Sakura to join him. He gave me a hug, a deep long kiss, and a firm hard swat on my still tender ass, before putting his arm around Sakura and headed towards the aptly named Master Suite.

I was left standing there alone. I couldn’t remember the last time an entire day had passed without me fucking someone. I had ridden Rigger’s face that morning while Sakura rode his cock, but that had been it for the day.

It had been a very long enjoyable weekend and I was exhausted. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and removed my plug and heels, grabbed my favorite insertable and went to bed. I barely had the toy inserted when sleep overtook me. Not the first time I slept with my cunt full.

I was awake before my alarm went off. I used the toy still in slut’s cunt for my morning edging, then licked and sucked it clean.

With heels on I went down and made the first pot of coffee. It was still early so I sat on the Terrace and watched the sun rise before I poured a new cup and took it up to Master’s room and placed it on Sir’s nightstand.

Master was spooning Sakura an arm over her chest, holding a tit. I woke Sakura up and helped her escape, slide down, and turn to take Master cock and lick and suck it clean of her own juice and Master’s cum. Master’s cock responded almost immediately. Master has a nice cock and despite Sakura’s best efforts I heard her start to gag occasionally as she tried to take it all into her mouth and it hit her throat triggering her reflex.

By now Master was almost fully awake and he turned onto his back and as I had expected pulled Sakura up to ride him. As I’ve said before Sakura is a fast learner and she did a masterful job rolling her hips and moving up and down on Master’s cock. I’m not sure which one moaned and came first, but it was close. Master pulled Sakura down to his chest and held her tight, his cock still buried in her cunt.

He pulled her higher into a kiss and a saw his cock slip from her cunt. I climbed in between his legs and took Sir’s cock into my mouth enjoying both his cum and the taste of Sakura. The “Good slut” I heard from Master added to my enjoyment. As I sucked it I noticed it seemed a bit more raw than usual. Apparently, Master had really enjoyed his house guest.

Almost as soon as I finished cleaning Sir’s cock, I felt him relax and almost immediately my mouth started flooding with his acrid morning piss. I greedily swallowed it down, pleased at Master’s morning acknowledgement and gift. When Sir finished and I once again licked and sucked him clean he motioned for me to come up and lay beside him. Sakura’s head was on one of Master’s shoulders and I was on the other. I could clearly see Sakura’s contented smile.

Master explained that he had to go into the office that morning. Sir expected slut to teach Sakura my routine and daily chores. We could determine how those would be split. As Master was talking, I reached for his cock only to find Sakura’s hand wrapped completely around it. She smiled when she felt my hand touch hers and released him for me to hold.

Master eventually disentangled himself from his harem and headed for his bathroom. I rolled over on top of Sakura kissed her then moved down and cleaned Master’s cum out of her cunt. I noticed that it was still swollen. It had gotten a lot more use than she was used to I’m sure, plus she had said how small and unfulfilling her husband’s sex had been. Once I had a mouthful of Sir’s cum from her cunt I moved back up and shared it back and forth with Sakura in a long lingering cum filled tongue kiss.

We found her heels and put them on and went down to kneel by the door to say goodbye to Master. Master came down a short time later. Motioned for us both to rise. He did a group three way hug, kissing us both, telling me to teach her well, and her to listen to and obey slut. One more kiss each and Sir released me but kept his arm around Sakura and walked her naked body with him to the elevator where he gave her one more kiss and a slap on the ass as the elevator doors closed, leaving Sakura standing outside our door naked, looking very confused. I motioned for her to come back and she scampered back to the penthouse.

“Why did Sir do that? She asked.

I laughed, “It is better not to ask why Master does things. Maybe he just wanted to hold you longer. Maybe he wanted to test your obedience, stretch your comfort zone. Maybe he wanted to show you off to our neighbor. I don’t know, and Master usually does not like to be asked why?”

Sakura hugged me, “I had so much fun last night: dinner, spending time with you and Master, the sex shop, the leather shop, you whipping me, and watching Master whip you.

“Not to mention getting to spend the night with Master, while slut slept alone. Tell me about it.” I asked.

Sakura clouded up thinking I was upset, but my smile convinced her I was OK. “It was wonderful, Master was so kind. He didn’t rush me and took his time. If he isn’t as big as Rigger I couldn’t tell. At first, he was fucking me slowly and gently. It felt so warm and loving, but then he started fucking me faster and harder, I came and he kept fucking me, I came again, and I think he fucked me harder until I felt him swell and pump in my cunt, I came so hard that I think I passed out. I woke up in Master’s arms as he was stroking me, caressing my breasts, cupping my cunt, stroking my clit. Once he saw I was back he kissed me, then moved my head down to his cock. I wasn’t sure what he wanted, but I cleaned his cock, the taste of him mixed with me was just amazing.

As I cleaned him, he got hard again, he moved and put me on my hands and knees and got behind me. He grabbed my hips and started to slowly fuck me again. I thought he was going to use my ass like Rigger but he just fucked my cunt. He reached down while he was fucking me and started to pinch and rub my clit. I came, I could feel my cunt gripping his cock tight as it move up and down inside me. It just felt incredible. I felt him cum again and he pushed me forward and we collapsed onto the bed, his cock still buried in my cunt.

He held me and rolled us over onto our sides, his cock still in my cunt, his hands cupping both of my tits, rolling and pinching my nipples. He nuzzled and kissed my neck. I fell asleep that way.

Then this morning you woke me up and helped wake up Master. What were you doing while Master was holding me after he fucked me again.?”

Still holding Sakura I kissed her before answering. “Some mornings after you wake up Master he has to pee. If you want him to stay with you a little longer you take care of that for him.”

“You drank his pee? Sakura for once looked shocked.

“Yes, I do most mornings. I answered.

I could see that Sakura was having trouble understanding why I would do it so I told her. “It is an act of service, an act of obedience. Master doesn’t demand it, but like many things, I do it because I am his.”

While not completely comprehending, Sakura seemed to understand the concept of service and obedience, though was having issues with the thought of drinking someone’s pee. I could see she was still thinking it over.

I took Sakura out to the Terrace and explained the high tec static swim pool. When I start to swim the pool tracks where I am and creates a current to keep me safely in the swim zone. It automatically adjusts as I speed up or slow down. I normally do a forty minute swim every morning. She said that she didn’t swim, so I showed her how to turn on the hot tub. She relaxed there while I did my morning swim. By the time I finished Sakura was out sunning on one of the lounge chairs.

We went up to my room and showered together. I had her lay on a towel on my bed and shaved her cunt. There wasn’t a lot there, but now it is completely bare. I left a small triangular patch above her hood like my red triangle that proves I’m a real redhead.

We put our heels and collars on and each took one of the “regular” size plugs for our asses. I showed her my work chair with the dildo in the middle. We took one of the dining room chairs and put it at my desk and stuck one of the new suction base dildoes in the middle for Sakura. After having her cunt shaved she was wet enough that no lube was needed as she slowly lowered her cunt onto the dildo.

It was amusing to watch Sakura’s reaction as she lowered herself onto the dildo. While it was about the same size as Master, it was obviously larger than she was used to. Her eyes got big and her whole body shivered by the time her butt reached the chair and it was fully inserted.

“You work this way? She asked.

“Yes, every day.” I replied.

She kept squirming and rocking gently on the dildo. “I guess you get used to it eventually.”

I smiled and told her, “Not yet and I hope I never do.” That got a giggle from her.

I helped Sakura get her laptop signed into the house wifi. I signed into my email and immediately found a couple notes from clients. Fortunately, nothing urgent. I spent the rest of the morning catching up with clients and dealing with their issues. I scanned Sakura’s resume and sent a copy to Master in the chance that her degree and experience might be a match for his company.

At lunch time I got up, knelt down and licked and sucked the dildo in my chair and the puddle around it clean. Sakura watched me and asked what I was doing.

“In this house I clean anything that has been in my cunt or my ass.” I explained.

“I’m not sure what she thought but as she got up she cleaned the dildo in her chair. She giggled and said, “I like the way I taste, it is different than you.”

We had a nice lunch on the Terrace and I took her upstairs for my normal noon preparations. I’m never sure how early Master will be home so I prepare the Penthouse and myself at noon, just to be ready. My daily routine is well set.

I start with a visit the restroom to remove my plug for my daily bowel movement. It is important that I do this naturally to maintain proper colon function. When I finish, it is time for my least favorite rule. A two-quart castile soap enema, my plug reinserted and held while I clean my bed and bath rooms for a minimum of fifteen minutes. Master believes moving around while filled helps to get things cleaner and reduces cramping. Once I release the soap enema, I am filled again with a plain water enema and hold it while I clean Sir’s bed and bath rooms. After releasing it I again lube my ass, but do not reinsert the plug.

I led Sakura through this step by step. I did her enema’s for her, and after seeing how did my second enema for me. It was great working with her to clean and prep the rooms, she caught on quickly.

She had obviously never done enemas before. She asked why we did them. I told her, “Remember I told you that I lick and suck clean anything that has been in my cunt or ass. The enemas make sure that my ass is relatively clean. It makes cleaning their cocks much more enjoyable.”

I could see her contemplating the explanation and she asked, “I didn’t clean Rigger after he fucked my ass, was I wrong?”

I explained that she wasn’t wrong, that it is a choice that I make. I reminded her that she was free to choose what activities were appropriate for her.

She thought for a moment then replied, “In this house I will follow your lead. Do you think Master will fuck my ass? If Master fucks my ass, I will clean him afterwards.”

Her response made me smile. I assured her that Master would most assuredly fuck her cute tight ass sometime soon.

When we went back downstairs to took the dildo from her chair and put it on the front of my desk. I explained to Sakura why she was gagging on Master’s cock and with practice could overcome that reflex and take all of Master. I had her start fellating the rubber cock working on breathing through her nose and swallowing when she felt it hitting her throat and she started to gag. I explained the more she worked on it the easier it would become. I gave her the incentive that if she surprised Master and took all of him he would be very pleased.

While Sakura worked on her gag reflex I impaled my ass on the dildo in my chair. I always send a note to Master when I do that, he has remote control of the vibrator in the dildo. I can tell when he is bored at work because he plays with it constantly. I finished up the small projects I was doing for clients and was resolving a couple of their minor issues.

Midafternoon I got a note from Master that we would have a guest for dinner. Sakura was to wear her new green leather dress, but slut was to remain naked. The caterer would deliver at 5PM and to expect them home for dinner by 5:30. Master gave no other details, and I had learned not to push when Master was being secretive.

I told Sakura to take a break from her training and told her about dinner plans. I explained I did not know who was coming nor why she was to be dressed while slut was not. I also told her about my experience pushing Master for information when Sir was being secretive. That it had landed me bent over the horse in the dungeon with six new cane stripes across my ass.

About 4:00 we went back upstairs. I refreshed my make up and brushed out my hair. I told Sakura to take a quick shower, do her make-up and get dressed. If Master was bringing a guest and wanted her in that dress, he expected to show her off and she needed to look her best.

Shortly before 5:00 the caterer arrived with dinner. It was the same young gentleman that usually delivered to us. I’m pretty sure that whenever we have a delivery from them he is quick to take the delivery order. On an earlier order Master felt I was rude to him and I am under strict orders to provide him with a personal thank you whenever he delivers.

I am, as usual, naked in heels. I greeted him warmly at the door and he followed my naked ass with some extra sway all the way to the kitchen to put the delivery on the counter. He explained what Master has ordered and any directions on serving it. I thanked him with a hug and a kiss. As I hug him I felt his hardness and went to my knees, pulled it out and kept eye contact while I licked and sucked it till he came down my throat. I licked it clean and put it back in his pants. Before escorting him back out the door.

A couple of the dishes went into a warm oven to keep until served. I set the table on the terrace with a tablecloth, candles, and Master’s good china. As I was finishing Master and Rigger walked out onto the terrace. I hadn’t heard them come in. Master gave me a quick hug and kiss. Rigger was far more demanding with his hug and long kiss, his hand firmly grasping my ass.

His immediate question was “Where is Sakura?”

“What, you mean you didn’t come back to see me? I joked with almost a straight face.

“He gave my ass another squeeze, smiled and said, “The two for one deal was just too good to pass up.”

I told him, “She is upstairs still getting ready, and no you can’t go up to see her or you would both miss dinner.”

We heard Sakura coming down the stairs. Master motioned for Rigger to stay with me while he went to greet her. I could see him giving her a huge hug, lifting her off the ground into a kiss. He had his arm around her back and was talking to her as he walked her toward the terrace. She was looking at him and was onto the terrace before she saw Rigger. She shrieked, ran and jumped into his arms, hugging and kissing him.

“What are you doing here?” She finally asked.

He deadpanned, “I had to come back to say goodbye to slut.”

It took her a moment to realize he was kidding, and she was why he was here.

We left the two on the terrace. I went in to get the dinner served and Master to get the wine bottles. They were both still in a tight embrace when I brought out the salads and the main dish. They finally separated to sit down for dinner when Master brought out the wine.

Rigger said that his plans for after the meeting had fell through and as he looked at his options to fill the evening, nothing compared to spending it back with us.

It was Master’s turn to deadpan, “With us?”

“Yes sir, I enjoy all of you. Though possibly Sakura a little bit more.” Was his quick response.

That got a deep blush from Sakura and a chuckle from Master.

Rigger and Master talked through dinner about his trip and his return plans to Germany. I don’t think Sakura ate more than two bites, she was constantly reaching over to touch Rigger, as if to see if he was really there.

As the dinner was ending Master got Sakura’s attention. “Sakura, I shared your resume’ with HR, they were very interested. You have an interview Thursday morning, if you want it.”

That broke her fixation on Rigger, “Really, Thank you! For what job, doing what?” she asked.

Master answered, “HR thinks that you have the education and the background for several opportunities. They want to meet to see what your interests and strong points are. This is just an interview, it doesn’t promise a job offer. We can discuss it later. Besides, you may have other offers.”

Sakura gave Master a quizzical look after that comment, but Sir didn’t elaborate.

We sat around and chatted for a while, but it was still very early when Master announced, “It has been a long day. slut, time for bed.”

Master and Rigger stood and did the guy hug thing. slut got a real hug, kiss and grope from Rigger.

I gave Sakura a hug and kiss and I whispered in her ear, “I expect a full report tomorrow.”

Master took slut on his arm and we headed up to Sir’s room.

Master stopped by his bathroom and did his nightly routine, pissing, washing his face, shaving, and brushing his teeth. I have no idea why he chooses to shave at night vs in the morning.

When he came into the bedroom he laid on his back on the bed and motioned slut to in between his legs. He held slut’s head with his cock just inside slut’s mouth so that I could lick and suck Sir’s cock but little else. I heard the TV on the wall turn on to one of Master’s favorite movies.

We have done this before. Master liked to have slut lick, kiss and gently suck his cock and balls while Sir enjoyed watching a movie. Slut’s goal was not to make him cum, but to let him enjoy slut’s attention and skilled mouth and tongue. Slut’s secret goal was to hear him moan. At some point, Sir would get bored with his movie and slut would get truly fucked in one or more of the orifices of Master’s choice.

As slut was laying there sucking Master’s balls, I started to hear Sakura’s squeals from down the hall. It caused two thoughts, first that slut wished she had cameras in her room, and second that slut needed to improve the sound proofing in her room.

Apparently, Master heard the squeals too. He took a firm hold of slut’s head and started a slow face fuck. Going deep in slut’s throat, holding there til slut’s moan told Sir she needed air, and then slowly withdrawing to just inside the lips where slut could circle the head of Sir’s cock and lick the precum with her tongue. As Sir’s cock moves slowly through slut’s mouth, my tongue could feel every ridge and vein in Sir’s cock. As slut kept looking at Sir’s eyes it was obvious Sir was still watching his movie though Master’s eyes were more and more looking into slut’s eyes.

Slut finally won and I saw Sir use the remote to turn off the TV, before pulling slut up to mount Sir’s cock. Slut moaned as I felt his cock going deep in slut’s cunt. Slut was hornier than I knew from not being fucked for two days. Slut watched Master smile as I started rotating and rocking my hips. The movement rubbed Sir’s cock against all the trigger spots in slut’s cunt. I knew Master wasn’t going to last long and neither was slut especially with the almost constant sounds of Sakura from my room.

Then Master smiled and told slut, “Don’t cum without permission.”

Slut normally has blanket permission to cum, but Master reserves the right to control slut’s orgasms whenever Sir chooses to do it. Sometimes Master wants slut to remember slut is his. Wearing a clamp on slut’s clit is the normal punishment for cumming without permission whenever Sir has exerted his control.

I knew Master was close, so slut needed to bring Sir off quickly without cumming herself. Slut leaned back a bit to reduce the sensation on her clit and started moving up and down. That really made slut need to cum but she needed to outlast her Master. Fortunately, It didn’t take too many strokes before slut felt Master swell in slut’s cunt and the ripples of Master’s orgasm.

As Master came in slut’s cunt, Sir commanded, “Cum for me slut.”

Slut raised up one more time, leaned forward and dropped her cunt hard onto Master’s pelvic bone. The shock reverberated throughout slut’s body as it exploded in orgasm. I’m sure Rigger and Sakura heard my scream, my entire body shook, slut saw a neon light show, the ripples kept running up and down slut’s cunt and even my ass. I collapsed onto Master, his cock still deep in slut’s cunt.

Master held his slut tight and whispered, “Good slut.”

Those precious words always send a ripple through slut’s cunt. When Master felt that he gave slut a surprised look. He kissed me and said, “I know I don’t say that enough. I hope slut knows how precious she is to me. I need to tell slut much more than once that I love you. I do love and treasure you.”

Slut started crying, “I looked up at Master and said, “Thank you Master. I am yours in any way that you want me. I love and adore you. Sir you are so much more than just the owner and Master of your obedient slut.”

I laid on Master’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. The sounds of Sakura’s ecstasy started up again. Rigger does recover quickly. I eventually felt Master slip from slut’s cunt. I moved down and licked and sucked his cock and balls clean, then holding Master in my mouth, laid my head on his abdomen and went to sleep. For some reason Master’s snoring did not disturb me.

My internal alarm clock woke me up at my usual time. I slipped out of bed and went down to make the first pot of coffee for the day. I was surprised to find Sakura already down there making the coffee. She had forgotten to shut off the alarm clock in my room and it had gone off at my normal time. Sakura was smiling from ear to ear though you could see the fatigue in her face.

“You had a good time last night? I asked.

She just smiled and moaned softly. I took that as a yes.

I told her “No plans today that I know of. I’m not sure when or if Master is going in today, so enjoy our guest and I’ll see you later.”

She gave me a hug and a kiss before we both poured a cup of coffee and took them back to our rooms.

Master hadn’t told me what his plans were for today, so I did my normal routine. I put the coffee on his nightstand, crawled back into bed and kissed and sucked Master’s cock until he pulled me up, rolled over on top of me and fucked me hard. Sometimes Master is gentle and loving and sometimes he just need a good hard fuck. My role is to be there for him whichever he needs. This morning he fucked slut hard through three orgasms before I felt him swell and cum deep in slut’s cunt.

He collapsed on top of slut. When his breathing returned to near normal, I heard, “Thank you slut. I needed that.”

I replied, “So did your slut, Sir”

He kissed me gently and rolled me over on top of him and just held me tight. He whispered, “Best blanket ever.”

We laid there together for awhile before I asked, “So you aren’t going in this morning?”

He chuckled and said, “Not to the office”

I hit his chest.

As we laid there together, once again we heard Sakura. Master quipped, “She seems to be enjoying our guest.”

The sounds coming from Sakura were different and seemed to be coming from the dungeon. I got off Master and went to check. The door to the dungeon was cracked open so I peeked in.

Rigger had Sakura fastened spread eagle on the cross. The base of each breast was tightly bound, and each nipple sported a weighted clamp. Rigger had tied a crotch rope that had Sakura’s clit trapped between twists of the rope and had more clamps on Sakura’s labia. As she moved, I notice the base of a vibrator in her cunt, held in place by the crotch rope.

Rigger was using a crop and a vibrator to tease and lightly abuse the tips of Sakura’s nipples and her trapped clit. Sakura was moaning constantly, and I could see that her thighs were wet clear down to her knees.

As I watched her body went rigid in orgasm and she started to scream which Rigger muffled with a kiss. As her body went limp, Rigger removed the labia clamps to a loud moan from Sakura and then the crotch rope. He left her tits bound and her nipples clamped.

Rigger reached down are released the fasteners holding Sakura’s legs spread on the cross. With her arms still fastened high on the cross, Rigger picked Sakura up with his elbows hooked under her knees. He leaned in and kissed her and then started slowly fucking her.

I had never seen anyone do this before. She was suspended from the cross with both arms still raised and spread, but supported by Rigger’s arms under her knees and effectively bent in half as she was slowly and deeply fucked. She started to moan and Rigger again silenced her with a long deep kiss.

Her face was shielded from me by Rigger, but every time Rigger broke the kiss her moans and screams echoed down the hallway.

I left them to their scene and went back to Master’s bed and recounted to him what I had seen. Sakura’s moans still echoed down the hallway.

I smiled at Master and joked, “I’m expecting to hear the same moans from Master’s room tomorrow night.”

Master grimaced, slapped slut’s ass and we both smiled.

Master said, “I know Rigger must leave some time this morning. I’m going to get in the shower. Go for your swim and if they appear downstairs fix some pancakes and bacon.

By the time I got out of the pool Rigger and Sakura were both sitting there nude, having a cup of coffee. Rigger looked great, well rested and full of energy. Sakura looked like she had finished a marathon and hadn’t slept in a week. The rope marks were still quite red and prominent around her tits.

I started breakfast. Rigger went for a swim and Sakura went to sit on the edge of the pool and watched him. Master came down and was making a fresh pot of coffee when he looked out on the terrace and chuckled. I looked out and realized that Rigger was fucking Sakura’s ass using suntan lotion for lube. I asked Master to watch the pancakes and ran back upstairs and grabbed the John plug. I was back down before they finished and as soon as I saw Rigger pull out of her ass, I grabbed her and pushed the plug up her ass.

Rigger looked at me in astonishment until I explained. “When you left last time, she plugged to save the souvenir you left her. Just helping her do the same this time.” Rigger bust out laughing and I don’t think Sakura could turn any redder, but she didn’t remove the plug and she did turn, kiss Rigger and clean his cock.

Master brought a tray out to the terrace with a platter of pancakes and sausage. I went back to the kitchen and brought out a carafe of coffee, some OJ, butter and syrup.

Rigger ate breakfast with one hand high on Sakura’s thigh. Sakura barely touched her food and her eyes never left Rigger.

There was a break in the conversation and Rigger asked Sakura, “Do you have a passport?”

Sakura smiled, “Yes Sir, My late husband and I were planning a trip back to Japan when he passed.”

Rigger thought a moment before asking Sakura, “What are your plans in the near future, now that you have escaped your shell?”

Sakura clearly did not have a clue what Rigger was asking about when she replied, “Master has agreed that I can stay here and learn from him and slut. They have so much to teach me.”

Rigger gave Master a look to which Master nodded. Rigger pulled out his cell phone and spent five minutes engrossed in whatever he was doing.

He finally looked up and turned to Sakura, “You are coming back to Germany the day after tomorrow with me, I have made your flight reservations. Pack to stay two weeks”

Sakura was in shock, “You mean it, you are taking me with you. What about Master and slut?”

Rigger laughed, “They are welcome to come along also, but my real interest is you.”

Sakura rushed to hug Rigger and almost knocked him and his chair over. He held her tight and used a napkin to start wiping away her tears.

Rigger made arrangements with his company to spend the time before he left at our condo. Mostly we saw him and Sakura at mealtimes though we heard the two of them almost constantly and they made good use of our dungeon. Rigger and I went with Sakura back to her house to find her passport and pack what would be appropriate for her stay in Germany. Rigger was just amazed at the size and contents of her closet.

Master and I took them to the airport and after a tearful goodbye, watched them go through security. I’m surprised that Sakura’s grip on Rigger’s arm didn’t shut off the blood supply.

As Master and I were driving home Master admitted that he didn’t think Sakura was coming back any time soon. Rigger had told him that his company was working on a permit for extended stay in Germany.

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