The Poet Pt. 05 by kathrynmburke,kathrynmburke

“I had a feeling he wouldn’t last long, and he didn’t. As his eyes got even wider, I felt his cock pulsing within me and then shooting long, thick streams of his come deep in me. Oh, Blake, I’d never felt so connected to another human being before! There was a holiness, a sanctity, a transcendence in this act that was just indescribable. I think I must have come too, because my whole body began to quiver and tremble like mad, and once I shivered so hard that I almost ejected him from myself. But I kept him in me until I’d drained him.”

As Rowena finished, staring off into space in remembrance of that incredible coupling, Blake whispered to her, “But he was your dad!”

Her attention abruptly turned to the young man in front of her. “Of course he was! That’s what made it so special. I suddenly realized that all the stuff I’d done with those stupid college boys over the past three years was just–well, let’s just say it was not much better than gymnastics. Getting fucked by all those guys meant nothing to me–that’s why I got angry when you made such a big deal of it. But here I’d been with a man who ‘made love’ to me: a huge distinction, as you’ve said many times. It made me aware that I needed to cut all that goofball stuff out of my life and only get into bed with someone who meant something to me–and that person was you.”

Blake lowered his head in both shame and humility–shame for his thinking Rowena a slut or a tramp for sleeping with all those guys before he’d ever known her, and humility because he was the one she’d chosen to have real, meaningful sex with–someone she loved and cherished.

“But,” Rowena went on ruefully, “Mom found out. I guess she walked in and saw us as we were in our post-coital sleep. Well, I’m sorry about that, but I think she overreacted.”

“I guess it would be pretty upsetting for a wife and mother to see what she did.”

“Okay, okay, I get that. But even so–she really needs to get over it. I mean, it’s not as if I was some stranger that Dad had slept with.”

“Well, I think we need to come up with a plan,” Blake said decisively.

“A plan for what?”

“I think you know what.”

The very next evening, around 9 p.m., the young people were on tenterhooks about something. Jane, annoyed, snapped, “What on earth is the matter with you two?”

“Nothing, Mom,” Rowena said with a shaky laugh. “It’s just–”

At that moment the doorbell rang.

Rowena, her eyes expanding, leaped up from the couch in the living room and dashed to the front door as her mother watched her incredulously. The next moment, a tall but stoop-shouldered man shuffled into the house.

Jane’s eyes blazed in anger as she cried, “What the hell is he doing here?”

Tyler Morris would have been a good-looking guy if he didn’t look so defeated and downtrodden. He couldn’t endure to look his wife in the eye as he walked, as if on eggshells, into the living room, his daughter actually pushing him in the back.

“Mom,” she said, “I think it’s time for you to get over what Dad and I did.”

“Get over it!” Jane almost screeched. “You dare say that to me?”

“Mom, you need to–”

“I don’t need to do anything! You, on the other hand”–she pointed an accusatory finger at Tyler–“need to get the fuck out of here!”

It was at this point that Blake stepped in–literally. He stood between the two parents of his beloved and, peering intently into June’s face, said with quiet resolution, “Ma’am, you have to understand that what Rowena and Tyler did was done–out of love. It was done out of love. Tyler loves his daughter, and he loves you. and he’s here now to show you how much he loves you.”

The speech had an astonishing effect on June. Gaping at the earnest young man, she felt her knees getting weak as her face crumpled in a grimace and she started to cry.

Now Jane Morris wasn’t a crying woman. She hadn’t cried for ages and ages. She’d made the mistake of translating her misery and hurt into anger, and that had been very damaging to her psyche. But now, as Blake’s simple words made their way into her mind, she gave way to the tears that every woman needs to shed once in a while to maintain her well-being.

Blake had to catch her before she fell in a heap to the floor. He scooped her up in his arms and held her close, while she flung her arms around his neck and wept uncontrollably on his chest. For long minutes everyone stood frozen as Jane poured her heart out to Blake.

Then he brought June over to her husband and gently placed her in his arms. Tyler kissed her tenderly on her forehead and then climbed the stairs and took her to their old bedroom.

Rowena watched the proceedings with a kind of rapture. Her parents were back together again! Or at least the process of healing their rift had begun.

She and Blake retired to her bedroom, where presently they couldn’t help overhearing certain interesting sounds emanating from the master bedroom. As they themselves got down to the business of snuggling, Blake said, “Well, that went well, didn’t it?”

“Yeah, sure,” Rowena said, but added inscrutably, “But there’s something more that has to happen.”


Jane was almost always the first one to wake up in the morning, and the next morning was no exception. Rowena, stumbling bleary-eyed downstairs after being thoroughly worked over by Blake the night before, saw her mom sitting sipping coffee at the kitchen table.

She got her own cup and slid into a chair next to Jane. “So, how’d it go with Daddy?”

“Fine,” Jane said.

“Fine? Is that all you have to say?”

“What do you want me to say? It was–very nice.”

“So you forgive Daddy for what he did with me?”

Jane flushed with the remembrance of seeing her husband and daughter naked in bed. “I wouldn’t say that–but I guess I’ll get over it someday.”

“You’re back together then?”

“I suppose you could say that.”

Rowena basked in the feeling of a job well done. But then, eyeing her mother sharply, she said, “What about tonight?”

“What about tonight?” Jane asked.

“Wouldn’t you like to cuddle up with Blake?”

Jane blushed crimson. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Oh, come on, Mom! You had just one little encounter with him day before yesterday, didn’t you? If you haven’t experienced him for a whole night, you don’t know what you’re missing! He’ll do you every which way–”

“That’s enough of that, young lady,” Jane interrupted. “I–I don’t know that I should be doing anything like that.”

Rowena chuckled lewdly. “Mom, you know you want to. So just go for it!”

As Jane pondered the prospect of being possessed by Blake, a baleful thought suddenly occurred to her, and she eyed her daughter with fury. “You want me to sleep with your boyfriend just so you can bed down with your father! I know you, you naughty girl!”

“I won’t say,” Rowena said coolly, “that that thought didn’t pass through my mind. But really, Mom, it’s no big deal. We’re all adults here. Why can’t we do what we want in the privacy of our own home, as long as no one gets hurt and no one on the outside knows about it? I mean, it seems crazy that you can’t express your love in that way to the people who mean the most to you in this world!”


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