The Recurrence by AG31,AG31

Lewis produced a set of manacles. Henderson offered his wrists without prompting, his breathing shallow and rapid. He didn’t miss the irony when he saw that the manacles were lined with sheep skin. Lewis snapped the manacles on and, again, without prompting, he raised his hands to reach the chains hanging from the ceiling. A member of the audience who was taller than Lewis hooked the manacles to the chains. Finally Henderson spread his legs so his ankles were within reach of the manacles fastened to the floor. A lamb to the slaughter. Lewis went to the back wall and chose a short whip with five thongs. There were small metal balls at the end of each thong. Fear coursed through Henderson when he put the whip together in his mind with Lewis’ evident anger. His limbs turned weak and for a short moment his full weight hung from his wrists.

Henderson welcomed the restraints and he welcomed the pain when Lewis, without preamble violently lashed his inner thigh. Henderson let out a cry. His penis stiffened further. Lewis whipped his other inner thigh, but from the back. There was a pause between each blow which allowed the tension to build in Henderson so that the blows brought cries of release as well as pain.

Lewis violently struck both his buttocks, the balls landing in between them, where Henderson had especially craved the pain. Because they were spread so wide some of the strands landed between his legs, perilously close to his balls. The threat caused them not to shrivel but to harden further and triggered a delicious convulsion of his pelvis.

“Justin! Hold down his cock! I want to get the tender parts but I need his cock for later.” Justin complied and Lewis raked the thongs across Henderson’s lower abdomen, causing him to cry out again. Then he lashed his chest and back. Henderson thrashed at the pain, but also reveled in it. His genitals swelled almost beyond endurance.

When Lewis finished he watched while Justin unfastened Henderson’s ankles, and then, when it was clear he had his balance, his wrists. Instead of many loci of pain, Henderson’s whole torso, back and thighs were enveloped in a glow of eroticism, centering in his penis. Lewis approached with a sneer on his face, like a seventh grade bully claiming lunch money from a fourth grader. He pulled his sweat pants down just enough to reveal his own erection and pointed at it significantly.

“Of course,” thought Henderson, and without needing the push from Justin, sank to his knees in front of Lewis. He gripped the other man’s buttocks for stability and opened his mouth but before he could commence what he thought was required, his head was grasped on each side by his hair and he was held immobile. Lewis shoved his penis into Henderson’s mouth, pressing against the roof and soft palate. He was not well endowed, so Henderson’s face was pressed into the other man’s pubic hair. He barely suppressed a gag reflex as Lewis jammed his cock into his throat repeatedly. Instead of administering a blow job, Henderson was being orally raped. He dropped his jaw, to better accept the assault. His limbs turned to water, and his cock hardened still further. “Ha! Ha!” yelled Lewis. “Look at you now!” Henderson closed his eyes and awaited further violation. But then Lewis abruptly withdrew. “Nope. Gotta save some for the next step. I’m gonna make you stiff again! So set the stage and jerk off. Stay on your knees and jerk off!” Henderson was in such a state of sexual tension that it only took three strokes for him to climax. He abandoned himself to a loud cry as his semen shot out toward the audience for several feet. The audience cheered and he collapsed onto his heels, gasping.

Presently Lewis nudged him with his foot. “OK, go lie down on that. Put your tail bone right at that joint.” He was pointing to a plastic padded table, like an examining table, but lower. Henderson stood up and did as directed. “OK, now pull your knees up to your chest and hold them there.” Henderson was slim and limber and was able to do as instructed, but he paused and thought briefly that this was too much. He should leave. Then the desire for degradation that brought him here took over. He placed his palms under his thighs and slowly drew them up to the back of his knees as he bent his legs as instructed. He rested his elbows between his waist and the table. He closed his eyes and turned his head to the side, not just to avoid Lewis’ countenance, but so he could focus on the overwhelming sense of erotic surrender that his humiliating exposure and the power of this contemptible man engendered in him. Another delicious spasm encircled his pelvis and gripped his thighs. Yes, yes! Do whatever you want to me! The audience hooted when they saw his genitals shift and his body writhe.

The sections of the table below his hips were dropped and Lewis, drew closer with a thick dildo in his hand. He took his time applying lubricant. First he wiped it on with his palm flat. Then he drew a circle around Henderson’s anus and then poked his finger in. Each lascivious touch caused Henderson’s abdomen to clench and his penis to throb. Finally Lewis pushed the dildo into Henderson. It had been four years since he was used this way, and even though he offered no resistance and there was lubrication, the pain was significant. Even as he cried out the pain became mixed with warmth. Lewis jammed it in again and again and Henderson pulled on his legs to open himself as fully as possible. It was as if Lewis was pumping blood into Henderson’s genitals.

Then the instrument was removed and Lewis placed his own penis at Henderson’s anus. A charge swept through Henderson at the touch of another human, so different from the rubberized phallus. He felt himself open even more to the welcome friction of an alien presence in his body. With no extra touch required his body convulsed over and over in orgasm, his hips bucked. He gasped loudly and semen shot up his torso.

Lewis moved away and someone flipped up the dropped sections of the table. He let go of his legs and slid them down till he was supine.

Presently Lewis reappeared. His expression was as feral as ever. He had not acquired more humanity in his demeanor, but Henderson looked him in the eye as he said, “I know we promise no permanent harm, but I’d really like to leave you with a little mark, so you can remember me. Can I make an X here?” He put his finger on a spot about five inches below his left collarbone. Henderson, puzzled as to why he would acquiesce to such a request from such a man, nodded his permission. Henderson looked at Lewis, saw his teeth biting his lower lip in feral concentration, a look of grim glee on his face. Then he shifted his gaze to Lewis’ claw like, albeit manicured, fingers, one hand stretching Lewis skin and pulling apart the wound as the other held the scalpel that made the brand, two short cuts. They were painful enough to make him grip the sides of the table, but not as painful as Henderson expected. He was well past the possibility of another erection, but his testicles felt warm and heavy on his thighs and his lips parted in fervent acceptance of the pain and the mark.

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