The Reluctant Submissive Pt. 03 by KayLocke,KayLocke

It was Thursday before Ryan met up with his girlfriend Nikki again. She had cleared her work for the week during the previous two days when Ryan had been in London and was planning a leisurely day in his apartment, the main priority being to catch up on exactly what had taken place after Ryan had described it as intense on a call the night before. Ryan was almost two weeks into a four-week arrangement with an online dominant, during which he was expected to serve as a submissive. If he completed a series of tasks his Master was giving him, the Master had agreed to release Nikki from her arrangement as his online submissive, allowing Nikki to serve a female dominant she had met and who lived nearby.

Settling onto the sofa with a cuppa in her hand, Nikki beckoned to Ryan to sit next to her which he did gingerly. He then proceeded to recount the events of the last two days. It had only been a few weeks since Nikki had confessed to her submissive tendencies, and they had both agreed that whatever happened from that point on they were going to be 100% honest with each other. So, Ryan went through the details of the photo shoot with a new model, Carly, his mysterious message from the Master that had led him to a chambers run by a professional dominatrix, having to strip for her to have his ass beaten and then being pegged for the first time, before discovering that Carly also had dominant tendencies that had led to her contacting the Master. The last she had said to him as they had parted was that the Master liked the idea of Carly being involved for the remaining two weeks of the arrangement.

‘Come on then, show me your ass. Let’s see if it is as bad as mine was after that first night with Mistress,’ Nikki asked, putting her cup of tea down and turning to face her boyfriend. Ryan rose from the sofa and turned away from Nikki, pulling down his shorts and pants to reveal a bottom covered with horizontal welts. They were no longer red but gave a clear indication of the ferocity of the beating he had taken at the hands of the dominatrix.

Nikki asked lots of questions. How he had felt as the various things had happened to him and whether he had ever thought of using a safe word and calling a halt to proceedings. She was particularly interested in his mindset, especially on hearing that he was now firmly convinced he too was submissive by nature. She also paid particular attention to what had happened with Carly on the Tuesday evening, which culminated in Nikki pulling quite a face when she heard about Ryan washing a naked Carly in the shower. Nikki asked to see a picture of Carly and Ryan showed her some of the photos from the shoot on which they had met, which had been for a lingerie company. Nikki commented on how pretty Carly was, which prompted Ryan to reassure her that he was not about to ditch her and move in with the model.

‘Babe, you have to believe me, I love you. You don’t think I would keep up this game with the Master if I was about to leave you, do you? I’m doing this for you, so you can be with your Mistress. I may be starting to develop submissive tendencies, but I still don’t really know what that means going forward. The one thing I do know is that I’d much rather serve a woman than a man,’ he said, trying really hard to convince his slightly sceptical girlfriend.

‘I bet you would. Especially if your Mistress looks like that and you get to shower with her!’ Nikki waved her hand at the tablet that had displayed the images of Carly.

‘That’s not fair. Anyway, look what happened to you on that weekend with the Mistress. Sucking off a guy in the sauna and then giving yourself to four complete strangers. And sauna guy was an athlete, wasn’t he? I bet he’d welcome you with open arms if he can expect that sort of service on a regular basis.’ He tried his best not to get angry or make his comments sound like an accusation, holding her gaze until Nikki blinked and looked at the floor.

‘Look Nikki. We knew this was going to take us somewhere dark as soon as you agreed to serve the Mistress that weekend our little online fantasy became a very physical reality. Now I’ve experienced the same, I think I have a bit of an idea of how you’re feeling when you serve her. You get that buzz don’t you? It’s such a feeling, there’s nothing else like it. But it can’t last forever and when all that excitement has gone away, when the endorphins have evaporated and everyone has had their way with you, I’ll be there for you to come home to because I love you. All I ask is that if you do ever develop feelings that might threaten what we have, you tell me OK?’ He looked at Nikki who was a little teary, but she nodded her head gently.

‘I know exactly what you mean. I’m so glad you understand me,’ she replied, moving to hug him as they sat on the sofa. ‘I don’t want to lose you Ryan, but I can’t stop this. Not yet.’ She looked up at him. ‘Do you hate me for that?’

‘God no. I love that you’re being honest and that you are brave enough to see where this could lead. And I’m so grateful to the Master for making me truly experience those same feelings. Now listen. There is no way I am going to leave you for Carly. Yes, she is beautiful, but so are you. And she’s just too thin for my taste. I love your body and I adore feeling all those curves.’

‘That’s the nicest way anyone has ever told me that I’m fat!’ Nikki said, laughing as she did so.

‘I hope you’re joking,’ he replied, also breaking into a grin. ‘I don’t know what’s next. Hell, none of us do. You want to serve the Mistress, but you’ve no idea what that means. How much of your time will she expect? Where will it leave us? How do I fit in? What if I do develop a D/s relationship with Carly? I don’t even know where she lives. We need to get through the next two weeks and then have some grown up conversations, with Carly and with the Mistress, to try and work all this out.’

‘And talking about the next two weeks, what about all your daily tasks? Have you kept those going?’ she asked once she was reasonably convinced that Ryan still fancied her.

‘Well I was given a free pass on Tuesday. Yesterday I did them when I got back. I haven’t done today’s yet,’ was his summary of the situation.

‘Maybe now would be a good time?’ Nikki suggested. ‘I quite like the idea of watching you take that dildo in the ass. Who knows, I might even pick up some tips!’

Ryan disappeared to the bedroom. When he returned he was naked, carrying his phone and a seven inch dildo. His first daily task was to practice a series of submissive poses, holding each for one minute. Then he had to repeat the pose of the day for three minutes, take a picture of himself in the pose and send it to the Master. Whenever Nikki was with him, she had taken to using the camera on his phone and recording the image. As she was doing so, Ryan standing in front of her with his legs shoulder length apart and his hands behind his head, she marvelled at the fact he was now wearing the chastity cage all day every day.

‘I still can’t believe you just sent that second key in the post as instructed. Yes, I’m impressed at your submissive self following instructions to the letter, but you realise there is no way out of it now for a week. What if there is an emergency?’

‘OK, confession time,’ said Ryan. ‘There’s actually a third key. I’d give them all to someone nearby, but not to someone over 100 miles away I’ve only met once.’

‘Ah, I see. Sneaky.’ Nikki took the picture for the Master and allowed Ryan to end the pose. ‘Well, keeping in the spirit of things, maybe I should have that third key. Go get it for me.’ Ryan didn’t hesitate. As he’d explained, he had no qualms in Nikki holding the final key. And part of him had felt as though he was cheating when he had sent the second in the post as the professional dominatrix had instructed. As he passed the third key to Nikki, he knew he had given up control of his penis completely.

‘Right, dildo time.’ Nikki said it matter of factly and Ryan wasn’t at all taken aback. He seated the dildo on a chair from the kitchen and then excused himself to give himself an enema. The latest addition to his daily tasks had been to ride the dildo for fifteen minutes every day. It was the dildo Mistress Samantha had worn in a strap on when he had visited her in London and she had taken his anal virginity. Now the idea was he got used to the size of it, because she had threatened to use a bigger one when he returned for his second appointment the following week.

On his return and without any pause or embarrassment Ryan rode the seven inch dildo in front of his girlfriend. Nikki marvelled at how far they had both travelled in such a short space of time. She recorded a brief video for the Master and then sat back and watched as her boyfriend performed in front of her. Before she had started their journey into submission by replying to a message from the Master, their three years together had involved plenty of lovemaking and whilst they had experimented with more than just the traditional positions, their sex life had been extremely vanilla in comparison to what the two of them had experienced over the preceding seven weeks.

With required messages sent to Master and with nothing else pressing to be done that day, they decided to walk to their favourite café in the nearby park, again marvelling at how long the spell of uninterrupted dry weather was lasting. On their way Ryan received a message but decided to wait until they were at the café before reading it. The Master lived in the US and they had become accustomed to the time difference, this latest message coinciding with him waking on his side of the Atlantic. The different time zones had been one of the reasons Ryan had first agreed to the four week arrangement to earn Nikki’s freedom, thinking that ultimately he could hide certain things from the Master as a result of the distance between them. His recent trip to London and the interaction with the professional dominatrix, arranged by the Master, had brought home to him just how wrong he had been and looking forward to the remaining two weeks was now starting to fill him with a sense of foreboding.

The message did nothing to quell his growing fear of what lay ahead.

— Hello subbie. I’m glad to see you’re not neglecting your duties. You really need to have that ass trained for your next visit to Mistress Samantha, else you will regret it. Now, I’ve been chatting with the lovely model you were working with, Carly, and she has agreed to help me out with the next stage of your journey. So, you are exempted all my tasks for the weekend. Instead, you will arrive at Sheffield train station on Friday evening and look out for your Goddess there. She will return you to the station on Sunday afternoon. In between you belong to her. All my rights over you I transfer to her. She will give me a report and if she isn’t happy, you will have failed me. I don’t need to explain what that means do I subbie?’ —

There was nothing else. Ryan passed the phone to Nikki to read the message. When she handed it back, she had a very different look on her face, the happiness of being with her boyfriend on a lazy, sunny day replaced by a slight grimace.

‘Well, this will be a test to see if those fine words of undying love for me are true, won’t it? A weekend with Carly, presumably at her place. It’s almost as though he is copying what I’ve been through. Maybe there is a dominant’s guide to breaking in your sub they all get a copy of!’

‘One thing will be different from your weekend with the Mistress though babe. I won’t be fucking anyone with my dick locked.’ Ryan looked at Nikki, who now had a wry smile on her face. ‘Don’t forget,’ he continued, ‘I am doing this for you.’

‘I know babe,’ she replied. ‘And I know how much it hurt you when I told you about what happened that weekend with Mistress, but we’ve got to accept if we’re truly submissive then we don’t get a say in how our bodies are used anymore. No, that’s not right, we do but when we trust our dominant then we don’t. Does that make sense?’

‘I know what you mean. The right to say no if they suggest something you’re not comfortable with, but when the dominant knows you well, they’ll never push you to that extreme. So you’ll always stay within their control, doing what they ask to please them.’

Nikki smiled. ‘That’s it. Exactly right. So make sure you have a safe word or some way of getting out of this, because though the Master is experienced, it sounds as though Carly isn’t.’

They chatted about what might be in store for Ryan for the rest of the afternoon before concluding they didn’t really know. Ryan suspected there would be quite a bit of the Master’s influence at play, whereas Nikki suspected Carly would be allowed a free hand. Eventually they put it out of their minds temporarily and enjoyed a rare evening together. It was the first time Ryan felt aggrieved at being locked, wishing he could have made love with Nikki but instead having to make do with an extended session of oral sex that culminated in a powerful orgasm for Nikki and frustration for him.

Ryan was still thinking of how Nikki had teased him over his locked cock as he boarded the train for the journey to Sheffield the next day. After her first orgasm, he had pleaded with her to unlock his cage but she had insisted on him remaining locked, as the Master had intended. He was so immersed in his thoughts he almost missed the train, having to run to the platform from the coffee shop he had been sitting at.

The train was busy so he stood, his bag held firmly in his grasp. Despite the fact no one could see the contents he felt self conscious that it contained the collection of sex toys the Master had required him to buy a little over a week ago; butt plugs, nipple clamps, enema kit and balaclava mask, in addition to the two dildos he now owned. He had received a message before setting off telling him to take it all with him so that Carly had some options as to what tasks she would have him perform.

He received a text from Carly during the journey advising him to head for the Ritazza coffee stand when he reached the concourse and following those instructions he saw her as soon as he passed through the ticket barrier. She was an oasis of calm in the bustle of the railway station, standing still with her hands clasped behind her back as everyone around her either rushed to the platforms, the taxi rank or the car park depending on whether their journey was just starting or reaching its conclusion. She wore cut off jeans that just made contact with her thighs and a tight fitting top that left no doubt she had dispensed with a bra on yet another warm summer day. Her figure would have turned many a head as it was, but combining that with her striking red hair which she was wearing tousled and cascading over her shoulders meant that virtually every man under 40, not to mention a few women, slowed slightly as they passed her to take a second glance in her direction.

Ryan wasn’t sure whether to acknowledge her or just head in her direction. In the end he chose the former, raising his hand and giving a short wave. It prompted a smile but no wave in response. As he approached she started to speak.

‘Hi Ryan. Good to see you again. How was your journey?’ she asked.

Despite the fact she had called him Ryan he was a little unsure as to how to address her so he decided to play it safe.

‘Er, yeah, not bad. Busy train but on time so I can’t complain. How are you?’

‘Me? Oh, I’m fine thanks,’ she replied. ‘Looking forward to the weekend. Shall we get going?’

‘Yes, sure. You’re the boss,’ he replied.

‘That I am!’ She answered with a broad grin on her face, before turning and heading in the direction of the car park.

Her demeanour changed almost immediately they were seated in her car, a Mark I Audi TT. Ryan remembered how she had done the same in London, flipping easily from the happy go lucky model to the strict dominant. No sooner had he closed the door than her voice became much more commanding.

‘So your Master has decided to use this weekend as a little test for both of us, subbie. It’s for me to experience some time with a 24×7 submissive and for you to experience some time as a slave. Master has been telling me there is an important distinction between submissive and slave. This weekend the line between the two might get a little blurred. So your Master has told me to tell you, there will be one free pass available to use this weekend. Basically if you’re told to do something that makes you uncomfortable, you can decline the task. But you only get to do that once. If later in the weekend you want to pass on something else, you can, but that will mean you have failed your four week assignment. So use your free pass wisely. Do you understand, slave?’

‘Yes Goddess.’ Ryan was in no doubt he was now talking to his dominant and addressed Carly as such.

‘Good. So let’s get going.’ She reversed out of the parking space in quite an aggressive fashion. Ryan suddenly realised he was placing a lot of trust in a woman he didn’t really know. His first encounter with Carly had been with him in charge and Carly as his model for a photo shoot. She had been professional but deferential, taking instruction and making the odd suggestion. She had come across as confident without showing any sign of this more aggressive and dominant woman now driving him to a weekend of what? Slavery, but what exactly did that mean. It certainly wasn’t what he had signed up for.

‘One more thing slave. Switch your phone off and put it here. You won’t be needing it this weekend. I’ll let you have it back on Sunday.’ Carly’s tone made it clear there was to be no discussion of the matter, so Ryan switched off his only link to the outside world and placed it in the cup holder she had indicated.

Ryan had never been to Sheffield before and therefore had no idea where they were going. After around 25 minutes they left the city behind and were driving through the suburbs. It appeared from the road signs as though they were heading for the Peak District, a view that was confirmed when Carly turned onto a B road that gave an unencumbered view of green fields. Another five minutes of driving and then she suddenly turned down an unsigned road, single track with hedgerows on both sides, giving no opportunity for Ryan to see where they were. Suddenly the hedgerows ended, as did the road. In front of them was a small cluster of farm buildings, a barn to their left with what appeared to be stables and other outbuildings to the right. In the centre was the farmhouse. It had seen better days, but there were signs that some restoration work had begun. What really captured Ryan’s attention was the view behind the buildings, which had been built at the bottom of an incline to a rocky outcrop. On the right, behind the stables, was the edge of a forest. The setting was spectacular. Ryan suddenly remembered a film he had watched when he was young, a remake of Wuthering Heights, that he had found particularly boring until the first scene that showed the moors. Then the young city boy had marvelled at a world he never knew existed. To this day he felt it was watching the film and first seeing the breathtaking scenery that had pushed him towards a career that involved so much travel and outdoor work. And the rocky outcrop he looked at now was so reminiscent of one that had featured in the film.

Carly pulled up in front of the farmhouse and switched off the engine. She turned to Ryan with a smile on her face.

‘Spectacular, isn’t it? I still can’t quite believe it’s mine. It belonged to my grandparents and my grandfather used to farm the land. When he passed away my nana leased the land over beyond the outcrop to the neighbouring farmer, just to continue the tradition of the land being worked. She passed away last year and it just seemed natural to continue the arrangement. And I’ve two horses who are looked after by the farmer’s daughter for me when I’m not here. Horses are my passion. Whenever I’m not working I’ll come up here and ride every day. She has two of her own so we often ride together. When I’m done with modelling I want to try and work the land again myself, keep the old traditions going for one more generation.’

Ryan was amazed at the passion in her voice. It was almost as though she had forgotten he was there and she was recounting her life plans to herself just as reassurance the plans were real. She had given no clue during their time in London that she was a country girl at heart.

‘As you can see, the house needs a lot of work. I’m doing bits myself and saving up to get professionals in for the bigger jobs. So the more modelling assignments I get the better, plus I’ve been experimenting with other sources of income.’ Her eyes twinkled as she made the final statement and Ryan wondered what ‘other sources of income’ entailed.

‘So when Master suggested a weekend of slavery I thought it would be a good idea to use you to help with some of the work that needs doing.’ Carly paused as a confused look appeared on Ryan’s face.

‘I hope you weren’t expecting a weekend of kinky sex slave activities. My definition of a slave is someone I can order about who works for nothing. But I might just be able to throw a few things into the mix that add a little spice to the weekend. After all, part of the challenge is you not knowing quite what’s coming next. Come on, I’ll show you around.’

Carly climbed out of the car and made her way to the farmhouse. Ryan followed in her wake. Carly unlocked the front door and stepped across the threshold.

‘Drop your bag in there for now,’ she commanded, pointing at a door to the right of the space into which they had entered. It was almost too small to be classed as a hallway, a space of no more than eight feet square, from which three doors led to the rest of the house. Ryan opened the door on the right to find a cosy sitting room. Dropping his bag onto a two-seater sofa near the door, he returned to the dominant model. Carly opened the door ahead of her and led Ryan into a huge farmhouse kitchen that appeared to run the entire width of the building. The kitchen had been thoughtfully designed and used a massive dining table as the centrepiece, on the far side of which was a huge window allowing lots of light in. To the right of the table was an alcove, through which could be seen cupboards, a worktop and an array of kitchen appliances. To the left another alcove that led to a seating area which in turn gave access to a glazed garden room overlooking a lawned area surrounded by a three-foot wall. The farm surrounded the lawn, to the right a path connecting the stables to the pastures that opened up to the slope leading to the rocky crag and to the left another path, again connected to the pastures but this time leading from the barn.

Ryan stood and marvelled at the house. It was beautiful, a perfectly designed mix of the old and the new. He also noticed that the state of repair was much better inside than out.

‘Takes your breath away doesn’t it,’ said Carly, noticing that Ryan was captivated by the view. ‘I love how light and airy the changes have made it. I always remember the kitchen being a little dark when I visited my grandparents but adding the window overlooking the garden room has completely changed the whole complexion of the space. This was the first change I made when I moved in.’

‘It is spectacular,’ Ryan agreed. ‘Certainly not what I was expecting from the outside. The views are wonderful and the garden room is such a great place to see them from.’

‘Glad you like it,’ said Carly, a warm smile spreading across her face as she walked past him and into the seating area to the left. ‘Keep up then, I’ll show you the rest of the place.’

Ryan’s first reaction on seeing the seating area had been that it was dead space sitting between the kitchen and the garden room. As he entered he saw it also contained the staircase to the upper floor, suddenly realising the odd feeling he had experienced on first entering the house was to do with the fact there were no stairs off the hallway.

Following Carly up the stairs he couldn’t help but notice her toned thighs, a distraction borne from the skimpy nature of her shorts and being in such close proximity to the naked flesh. When he had first seen her in London he had speculated that she was a regular exerciser, but he now surmised that the legs had been toned by the horse-riding she had referred to earlier.

‘I must warn you the upstairs is still a work in progress. Well, more a work yet to progress,’ she said as they climbed the stairs. The upstairs was smaller than the ground floor, explained by the extension to the kitchen being a single story addition. There was a master bedroom that contained a double bed in the centre of the room, two free standing clothes rails that were both full of clothing and an old oak wardrobe. The décor was dated and clearly a remnant of Carly’s grandparent’s occupation. A second, smaller bedroom followed a similar pattern but without any sign of Carly having used it. Finally, there was a bathroom. This appeared to be a more recent addition and had Ryan imagining the house twenty or thirty years earlier having only an outside toilet and tin bath in the kitchen. The bath had a shower above it and both looked modern. A wall mounted cupboard between sink and toilet completed what was a simple but functional room.

‘That’s it then. Home. And your job this weekend, slave, is to start work redecorating the master bedroom. Now, back downstairs and I’ll tell you the house rules.’

Carly led him back to the kitchen and indicated for him to sit at the dining table. She proceeded to make two mugs of coffee, not bothering to ask Ryan if he would have preferred tea. She sat opposite him, but the size of the table meant they were at least six feet apart.

‘Right, so time for you to learn what slavery means for this weekend. I have a series of tasks you are to perform for your Master. I have a further series that you will perform for me. In between these tasks, you will cook for me and you will prep the master bedroom for decorating. I want the paper off the walls, any holes filled, all woodwork sanded and ready for undercoat. Now, as befits a slave, you will not be allowed any clothing. So when I give the command, you will retrieve what clothes you have in your bag, take it to my car and put everything in the boot. Then you will remove the clothes you are wearing, put those with the others and return to the house naked. You may keep your trainers and socks, but you will carry them back to the house, not wear them. Do you understand so far?’

‘Yes Goddess,’ he replied mechanically.

‘Good. Two more things before you go slave. Firstly, I have some business to attend to in approximately half an hour. While I am doing that, you will undertake my first task. In the barn you will find two boxes. I have purchased a St Andrew’s Cross and a pillory. You need to assemble both. When you are done, your second task is to cook some food for our meal this evening. The kitchen is well stocked and obviously I eat everything in there. I expect to be pleased with what you serve me slave. Now, clothes. You have too many. You know what to do. Car keys are in the top drawer of the sideboard in the hall.’

‘Understood Goddess.’ Ryan finished his coffee and walked out of the kitchen back to the sitting room in which he had left his bag. He lingered momentarily, taking in some of the things he hadn’t noticed earlier. The room was another mix of traditional and modern with picture rails from which hung paintings of farm scenes and landscapes, an old sofa that appeared to be a throwback to Carly’s grandparents again and an antique sideboard that took up almost the entire length of the shorter wall. The modern was a large TV that appeared to be connected to a PC as there was a keyboard and mouse on a shelf under the TV and a webcam on top of it.

Closing the door to the sitting room Ryan noticed the door to the left of the hallway that Carly had not included in the tour of the property. He wondered whether she had deliberately omitted it or if it had been an oversight. He thought no more of it as his attention turned to the task at hand. Walking towards the car he looked around and felt slightly less nervous than when Carly had first mentioned the task. It was clear they were at the end of what was quite a long track with no reason for anyone other than a visitor to the house to come this way.

Ryan popped the boot open and took the clothes from his bag. Leaving just the collection of toys his Master had required him to bring and his toilet bag, Ryan then began to strip. He felt self-conscious being out in the open and his thoughts drifted back to the task he had performed on the beach a little over a week before. Was it really only a week? Marvelling at how much seemed to have happened in such a short space of time, he was distracted from the mechanics of undressing. It was only the act of pushing his pants down his thighs and exposing the chastity cage to daylight that brought him back to the reality of his current situation.

He felt exposed as he walked back to the house. Looking at the floor and taking care where he placed his bare feet, he wondered where the balance of the weekend would sit between hard work and kink. At least he enjoyed decorating, he thought as he pushed the door open, though doing so nude would be a new experience.

Carly was waiting for him as he walked back into the kitchen. He stopped when he saw her and went to cover his groin. She’d seen him naked before, but it still felt odd especially in this setting which was very different to the hotel in which their previous D/s scene had played out.

‘No need to be shy. I’ve seen it all before. Hands behind your head slave! And spread those legs.’ She was in full on dominant mode again. Ryan complied immediately. Carly closed the gap between them until her face took up Ryan’s entire field of vision. He once again marvelled at how strikingly beautiful she was, though his thoughts were soon taken up by the pain in his testicles as she grasped them firmly.

‘I just love how vulnerable you are with this cage on. I’m going to make the most of that this weekend. Now, you have your errands slave, off you run.’ As she finished speaking she gave another firm squeeze that prompted a yelp from Ryan and a laugh from Carly.

Ryan’s work in the barn wasn’t too complicated. Both the cross and the pillory were simple assembly jobs. As he put them together he realised both were quality items, solidly built with good strong joints and clear instructions for the self-assembly. Ryan wasn’t sure where Carly wanted each so he left them where he thought best and headed back to the kitchen for his second task.

There was no sign of Carly as he entered the farmhouse but he’d been given his task so there was no need to look for her. Opening the fridge he found she had been truthful in her comment regarding the amount of food that was available. He took a quick stock check and also inspected the cupboards to see what other ingredients he could find. It was more than likely he would be doing all the cooking and so he tried to plan at least four meals from the food he could see around him. Then he started the prep for his choice for that evening, salmon with boiled potatoes, a light salad and a cucumber and dill dressing.

The food was almost ready when Carly reappeared. She gave no clue as to what she had been doing and Ryan didn’t see it as his place to ask. Looking at the salmon in the pan she murmured her approval and suggested Ryan bring the food through to the main part of the kitchen when it was done. As he was plating the food, Ryan did wonder whether she was going to do something to remind him of his slave status but nothing was said and they ate a normal meal, the only unusual aspect being Ryan’s lack of clothing. Carly even complemented him on the salad dressing.

‘Right, clear away slave and then bring me a nice glass of white wine into the sitting room. It’s time for some tasks.’ With that she got up from the table leaving her empty plate and water glass behind. Ryan cleared away as instructed and then took the wine to Carly.

As he walked in he couldn’t help but notice the rug had been pulled back from in front of the fireplace to reveal a parquet floor. In the centre of the space that had been created, the larger of the two dildos Ryan had brought with him was mounted. Ryan immediately looked around for his bag but noticed it was no longer where he had left it earlier that day. Composing himself, he approached Carly and passed her the wine glass. Then he stood in front of her, his hands clasped behind his back, waiting for her next instruction.

‘Your Master tells me you have been practicing riding that,’ she said, indicating the dildo. ‘You need to keep practicing apparently, so that you are ready for what Mistress Samantha has in store for you next week.’ Carly had found out about the dominatrix that the Master had arranged for Ryan to meet having followed him to the chambers used by the Mistress when they had both been in London. That had been the trigger for Carly to expose her dominant tendencies to Ryan.

‘So show me how good you are at taking cock, slave.’ It was a matter of fact command. Ryan hesitated slightly, conscious that so far Carly had not seen him perform any sexual acts. She noticed the hesitation and threw him a bottle of lube that had appeared from nowhere.

‘Come on slave. You don’t get to say no this weekend, don’t forget that. Now let’s see what you look like with a cock in your ass.’ Ryan was a little taken aback with the course language. Carly had always given the impression of being very professional and he’d pictured her fitting in well with the country set, out riding her horse. The crude talk coming from her mouth now was the exact opposite of what he had come to expect from her.

He had mixed emotions as he stepped towards the dildo. He wanted to please her, the hidden submissive that had been awakened by recent events coming to the fore and driving him to do things that weeks before he would have found impossible to consider. Yet at the same time, Carly was a colleague, someone he had worked with just a few days ago to produce photographs that were likely to form part of a national advertising campaign. It didn’t feel right to be performing in front of her and showing her just what a submissive whore he had become. As the word ‘whore’ cannoned around inside his head, he realised the working relationship he had enjoyed with Carly had gone forever. She was a dominant now and he was expected to do as she directed. The submissive feelings suddenly overwhelmed him and he knew that he was growing comfortable in that role.

He squirted lube from the bottle and proceeded to coat first the dildo and then his ass. The embarrassment he had felt moments before was gone, after all if his Goddess wanted to see this he was expected to do it. Satisfied there was enough lube, he squatted over the dildo and looked at his reflection in the blank TV screen.

‘No slave. I want you to face me. I want to look you in the eye as you take my cock in your boi pussy.’ The Carly he had met in London had gone now. He was in the presence of a dominant woman who knew exactly what she expected. It scared him a little as he realised he didn’t really know this woman who now controlled him. He raised himself and slowly turned to face her, before once more squatting over the dildo.

‘No slave. I can see now why your Master wanted me to observe this. Remember you are doing this so I can see you, so your dominant can observe your total commitment. Don’t hunch over the dildo. You need to display yourself. Wait, let me show you.’ With that, she left Ryan crouched over the dildo and picked up her phone. After some clicking and scrolling, she got up off the sofa and held the screen in front of him.

‘Like this. You should take a pride in what you are doing.’ Carly held her phone directly in front of Ryan’s face.

The video clip on the phone showed a man on all fours over a dildo, but unlike the usual position of face down and ass up he was face up with his back to the floor. His feet were shoulder width apart and nearest to the camera, his shoulders pushed out in an unnatural position as the arms were thrust down behind his back to take the weight of his torso. The position presented his genitals and ass to the viewer and left no doubt as to the location of the dildo that was positioned between his ass cheeks. Ryan shuddered as he moved into position, feeling more exposed than at any point on his journey of submission.

‘That’s better. I want to see that dildo disappear inside you slave boy.’ Carly moved back to her position on the sofa and lifted her wine glass for another sip as Ryan positioned the head of the phallus against his sphincter and slowly lowered himself. Utterly exposed with his legs spread and his limp penis pulled down by the weight of the cage he looked to one side, unable to meet the gaze of the dominant. But she was having none of it.

‘No slave. Look at me. You shouldn’t be ashamed of what you are doing.’ Ryan raised his head and looked at Carly, who had a broad grin on her face. As he lowered himself onto the phallus, she nodded in apparent encouragement.

‘That’s much better. Now ride it. Up and down. Imagine that cage has been on your tiny nub of a cock for a month and this is the first sexual experience you’ve been allowed.’ It had been less than a week but the constant reminders of his chastity and the sexual situations he had found himself in meant Ryan was already desperate to be allowed an orgasm. How would he last with two more weeks of his sentence left to serve?

Carly watched Ryan for another 10 minutes, making the occasional derogatory comment as to his status and that fact his penis was locked, interspersed with encouraging comments about how well he was performing. Once Ryan was over the initial embarrassment he tried to enjoy what he was doing. As with the previous times he had ridden the dildo, once the first few thrusts were over and his body adjusted to the invasion, he started to enjoy the feeling of the phallus inside his anus. Eventually she ordered him to stop. Ryan was exhausted, the unusual position having taken its toll on his arms and legs. As Carly said stop he allowed his weight to sink to the floor, knowing that this would force the dildo to its maximum depth. He groaned as his ass cheeks touched the floor, which prompted Carly to chuckle again.

‘OK, up you get slave. That was good enough. You won’t embarrass yourself when you put on your show for the Master. Now I suggest you go and clean up before the call starts. Take the dildo with you’

Ryan was confused and as he picked up the phallus he felt compelled to ask Carly to clarify.

‘Oh, did I forget to tell you slave. Your Master wants to see you perform but he suggested I check beforehand in case you had managed to fake what you’d sent in the past. The video call starts in 20 minutes.’ She had a broad grin on her face as she looked at the shock on Ryan’s.

‘Are you sure Goddess? Master said we would never do anything like this,’ Ryan asked.

‘Well he must have changed his mind slave because he was quite clear in the instruction he gave to me. Video call. No mask, he wants to see everything. Now that you’ve been exposed to me and Samantha, he doesn’t see there’s any need for you to hide your face from him either.’

Ryan had realised on that day in London when he had met Samantha that the dynamic of his submission had changed. When he had initially agreed to serve the Master, he had pictured an exclusively online arrangement, similar to the one his girlfriend had experienced with the dominant. Finding himself in front of Mistress Samantha had shocked him and though he had known the dominant had seen his face, the fact she didn’t actually know who he was had been enough to persuade him to go through with the session. Then when Carly had discovered his secret, the desire to please her had overwhelmed him as his true submissive feelings had come to the fore after being probed by the Master for over a week. So the Master seeing his face was not really an issue, the danger to his reputation and even his livelihood came from Carly, who knew his identity and had seen him naked and submissive.

‘Understood Goddess,’ was all that Ryan said as he bowed his head and walked from the room to clean himself and the dildo.

Fifteen minutes later he was back in the living room, standing to the side of the sofa as Carly logged into the chatroom that would be used to communicate with the Master. The smaller dildo was in pride of place in front of the screen and Ryan looked at it, remembering what he had just done in front of Carly and preparing himself to do it again in front of the Master. He knew there was a possibility the session would be recorded and that he would have no control over the images, but he somehow trusted both the Master and Carly. He didn’t really know why but he sensed they were doing this for their own entertainment rather than with any malicious intent to embarrass or blackmail him.

‘Right slave, all connected, we’re just waiting for the Master. Why don’t you kneel facing the screen? Show your Master one of those positions you’ve been practicing.’

Ryan moved into position and deciding it was appropriate, adopted the position ‘Wait’ kneeling with his legs spread and his hands behind his head. He looked at the screen to see a submissive in front of him and it took a few seconds to realise that it was him. Suddenly the screen flickered, the image of the submissive moved to a small box in the corner and the main image became the face of a man he had never seen before. He was remarkably close to the person Ryan had imagined, in his 50s with a weather-beaten face, dark hair that had flecks of grey and a beard that was past stubble but not quite fully grown out. There were flecks of grey in the facial hair that potentially made him appear older than he really was.

‘Well what do we have here? Good evening subbie. Or should I say Ryan?’ The use of his name shocked Ryan and without dropping his hands from behind his head he turned to look at Carly sitting on the sofa. She smiled at him.

‘No secrets from your Master, slave. He and I have been comparing notes about you. Don’t worry, it’s only your name. He doesn’t know any more personal details than that.’ Carly looked serious as she spoke. ‘Look, it’s worth reiterating, you are free to walk away from this at any point. We’re both just giving you the opportunity to experience your submissive side, to understand if that is something you’d like to feature in your life going forward. Isn’t that right Master?’

Ryan twisted back to look at the face on the screen. He knew the man was looking at the image of Ryan kneeling naked and the submissive position reinforced the feelings that were growing inside him. He wasn’t scared, he was excited.

‘That’s right subbie. So many people go through their lives suppressing their true feelings. I’m one of the lucky ones who found a way of indulging my interests and I’m always happy to try to help others on their journeys. That’s why I’ve agreed to mentor Goddess Carly here as she embarks on her journey as a dominant. And that’s why I’d like to help you decide if this is what you really want in your life. Your girlfriend has made that commitment subbie and if it’s something that excites you as well, the possibilities could be limitless. Having a couple who are both submissive would open up so many possibilities.’

The Master paused before continuing. ‘So you don’t need to fear what I have in store for you. This isn’t a trick to get some images of your face. I’m genuinely trying to help you explore your submissive tendencies and, yes, I do get a kick out of dominating people so I’m enjoying this as well. You’re my first subbie. The first male to submit to me. And truth be told, I’ve quite enjoyed the different take on things. I might just do this again someday. But back to you. You’ve actually progressed faster than I expected and bumping into Goddess Carly has shaken things up as well, so I’m going to offer you a deal subbie. If you make it through to next weekend, I’ll call a halt to our little arrangement and Nikki, yes I know her name now as well, Nikki will be free to commit to her Mistress. If you bail out of any of the tasks your Goddess or I give you between now and next Saturday, then you don’t fail but we revert to plan A and you serve me for that final week. Is that fair? We’ll push you further, but as this is about you now, if you choose to duck out I won’t punish your girlfriend.’

Ryan considered this unexpected option. He’d started this solely to demonstrate his commitment to Nikki. The objective was to earn her release from the Master. But the Master had opened a door to a world Ryan was finding exciting and the further he was pushed, the more he wanted to step through that door and never return.

‘Yes Master, it is more than fair. Thank you Master,’ Ryan responded with his head bowed.

‘Look at me Ryan!’ the Master commanded.

The instruction cut through him. He lifted his head and looked at the red light illuminated on the webcam, thinking of how he was presented submissively in front of his Master.

‘This next week is going to push you. If you are truly submissive, we will find out the lengths you are prepared to go to in your pursuit of your dominant’s pleasure. And we are starting this weekend with a little challenge for you because Goddess Carly and I have decided this is what we want to see from you. If you go through with this, you should know that we will both take pleasure from your submission. But before we tell you, I want to see how well you ride a dick subbie. Show me what you’ve been practicing.’

Ryan took a deep breath. He had applied lube to the dildo and to his anus before the call had started. Now he rose from his kneeling position and stepped back until the didlo was between him and the screen. Then remembering Carly’s instructions, he positioned himself over the dildo and presented it to his anal ring. His legs were pointing at the screen, affording the Master a clear view of his locked penis and testicles. Ryan lowered his bottom onto the dildo and felt as his sphincter relaxed to allow the phallus to enter him. He continued to lower himself, feeling the full length of the dildo slowly fill his anus, before starting to gently rock backwards and forwards. Once he had established the rhythm the pleasurable sensation returned and he closed his eyes as he imagined finally being allowed to orgasm.

‘If I’m not mistaken, it looks as though your tiny little nub is trying to get hard inside that cage subbie,’ the Master observed. ‘Are you enjoying this?’

‘Yes Master. You have taught me to enjoy the feeling of being full,’ Ryan replied.

‘Well that should make tomorrow’s task a little easier for you. Do you think you’d be able to climax from fucking that dildo with your boi pussy subbie?’ In just the same way that Carly seemed to slip from demure, well-spoken woman to a rude, aggressive dominant, so the Master made the same transition.

‘I don’t know Master. It’s enjoyable but it’s not the same as the stimulation I can feel through my penis.’ Ryan spoke his true feelings. He was well past trying to work out if there was a right or wrong answer.

‘Why don’t you carry on for another few minutes then subbie. Let’s see if you can get yourself close.’

Ryan continued to ride the phallus and as he suspected, he didn’t come close to an orgasm. Eventually the Master called a halt to proceedings and Ryan was required to once more kneel in the ‘Wait’ position.

‘Very good subbie. I suspect you just need a few more weeks of denial and then that stimulation of your ass will be enough to take you to a climax. But that won’t be up to me, I’m sure you will have moved on before then. Now, about tomorrow’s task.’ Ryan suddenly stopped listening to the Master. His words had suddenly brought home to Ryan that this arrangement was soon to end and he had no idea what the future might hold for him. He thought about the Mistress and Nikki serving her, then he thought about Carly and wondered what her future might entail as a dominant.

‘Ryan, pay attention,’ said the Master in a slightly raised voice, dragging Ryan’s attention back to the screen. ‘Tomorrow Goddess Carly will find a webcam site that has a section for men who like to watch other men. You’re going to register and you’re going to create a profile that says you’re exploring some new submissive feelings you’ve been having. Goddess Carly will take a suitable profile photo for you. Then at 9pm you will walk into the room you are in now and you will perform the act you’ve just performed for me. You will be masked and Goddess Carly will have the webcam running, broadcasting your performance to any new followers you have gained by 9pm. Your performance will last for 10 minutes and then Goddess Carly will disconnect. The three of us will then run this webchat again and monitor all the comments and responses you receive to your performance.’

Ryan was shellshocked. They were going to make him perform before an internet full of strangers. He couldn’t quite believe it. He started shaking and wondered why they had chosen this task. But before he could say anything, the Master spoke again.

‘Don’t say anything now Ryan. This is a big task and it’s taking you much further than you’ve been to date. I know you want to say no but think that if you do this you will please us both enormously. And to provide a little more incentive, Goddess Carly has an offer for you. So listen to what she has to say, then sleep on it and give your Goddess your answer in the morning. Carly, over to you.’

The model stepped in front of Ryan, paying attention to stand to one side of the webcam so the Master could still observe the submissive. Ryan looked at her as she lowered her gaze to the submissive kneeling before her.

‘I know you must have been disappointed when we showered in London slave and you weren’t allowed to give your dominant the pleasure of an orgasm. Well if you complete this task, you will earn that reward. My last boyfriend didn’t enjoy oral sex so it has been some time since I’ve felt the pleasure of a man’s mouth on my clitoris. If you complete this task for us slave, you will be allowed to lick me to orgasm. Would you like that slave?’ She was looking directly into his eyes as she made the offer.

Ryan looked at her and thought of the contradiction between the woman he saw standing in front of him, plainly dressed in shorts and a tee, and the dominatrix who had casually offered him the reward of performing cunnilingus on her. He couldn’t quite believe that his journey into submission had got him to this. Then he thought of Nikki and of whether this constituted cheating on her. In a normal relationship it would be. But theirs was no longer normal. They were both submissive and they had accepted this meant they would have to do things with other people in the pursuit of pleasure. Nikki had done the same, and more, in her pursuit of the highs that come from entering subspace. And whilst Ryan had yet to experience the feelings associated with the highest state of submission, the description Nikki had provided left him in no doubt that he wanted to see if he could attain those levels.

Carly could see the turmoil in his mind and allowed him time to process what she had just said. This was an important moment in their relationship and she wasn’t going to rush it. She had chatted with the Master earlier that afternoon during the time Ryan had been performing the tasks she had given him and she had made the offer in the knowledge that she was finding the role of the dominant a huge turn on. And the Master knew from experience that at this stage Ryan would need more than the simple pleasure of pleasing a dominant.

‘Yes Goddess,’ Ryan finally responded, ‘I would like that very much.’

The webcast ended soon after. Ryan remained in a slight state of shock, kneeling on the hard wooden floor. Carly moved back to her position on the sofa and as she passed Ryan, she leant and kissed him tenderly on the top of his head.

‘Clean up time slave. Go clean yourself and your little toy, then come back to me in here.’

When Ryan returned Carly was just finishing the wine in her glass. She held it out as he entered the room. ‘Why don’t you fetch me another slave. And treat yourself to a nice glass of water. It’s important you don’t dehydrate while you’re serving me.’

Ryan was struggling to move his thoughts off what had been planned for him tomorrow as he returned to the kitchen to get the drinks. He was thinking about what might happen if he said no. Two more weeks of what had gone so far wouldn’t be too bad if that is what serving the Master meant. But would a refusal mean that he wouldn’t get to see Carly, or at least the dominant Carly again? He wasn’t sure he wanted that. And just how bad would it be to perform on a webcam? If the account was only set up that day he probably wouldn’t even have any followers. The more he balanced his options, the more the thought of not seeing Carly again, of disappointing her when she was clearly looking forward to what they had planned, the more the thought of performing on the webcam site didn’t seem a bad alternative.

Carly patted the seat next to her as he walked back into the sitting room. He was surprised that she wasn’t making him kneel again, but he wasn’t going to argue. The wooden floor was starting to take its toll on his knees.

‘Right slave, I have a little experiment I’d like to try. I want to understand what excites you, so I’ve chosen some video from a couple of websites I just happened to stumble across. We’re going to watch them together and I’m going to keep a keen eye on that little nub of yours to see what makes it twitch. Ready?’

‘Yes Goddess,’ Ryan replied. He was getting more and more frustrated at his inability to touch his penis, especially as the exposure to situations that were stimulating him sexually seemed to be getting more and more frequent.

‘Good. So spread your legs nice and wide slave. I want to see exactly how you react to each of these.’ Ryan did as he was told, once more feeling exposed but also looking forward to what they were about to watch. The first video was a short clip from Twitter. Ryan looked at Carly to see that she was playing the video from her phone, which she had somehow connected to the TV screen. It showed a woman wearing a leather bodysuit and high heels whipping a man strapped to some sort of stool with a cane. By the end of the clip she had drawn blood and Ryan stared at the trail of crimson as it trickled down his buttock and thigh before dripping to the floor. He had been slightly aroused at the start but as it had become clear the woman was intent on punishing the man, who had been crying out for her to stop by the end, his interest had waned. His caged penis hung limply between his spread legs.

‘OK, second one.’ Carly again worked her phone and this time a video appeared on a porn site. A naked man was strapped to a St Andrews cross, facing out. His penis was erect, no doubt because of the presence of a tall blonde woman standing next to him and pumping his penis with her left hand. She was wearing figure hugging jeggings and a tight, white top. The simple outfit was finished off with a pair of black, leather boots that rose to mid-thigh. The scene began to play out and Ryan watched as the woman let go of the penis. Her right hand suddenly appeared into shot holding a riding crop and she proceeded to strike the penis repeatedly. It took over five minutes before the captive male lost his erection. But the clip had the opposite effect on Ryan, who’s penis had hardened as much as the cage allowed and seemed to twitch each time the crop struck the penis on the screen.

‘Looks like that one was of more interest slave. I’m glad I invested in a riding crop before I left London. Maybe we will try that tomorrow.’ Carly laughed as she saw the look of surprise on Ryan’s face.

The third clip featured two women, one dominant and the other clearly submissive. In this one the submissive was ordered to strip and then crawl to the other woman before using her mouth to bring the dominant to orgasm. Ryan was again hard as it finished, wincing at the pain the cage was causing the confined penis as Carly reached forward to nudge the cage, feeling the arousal. ‘Were you imagining Nikki and her Mistress there slave?’ Carly asked. Ryan just nodded.

The fourth clip started very differently. This one was again from a website, one of the fan subscription sites that allowed those brave enough to post their own videos and receive cash from followers subscribing to their feeds. A slim woman was kneeling on a bed with her back to the camera. There appeared to be professional lighting being used as the woman was clearly visible but there was little to see around the edges of the image, all of which was in shadow. She appeared to be wearing panties and a corset. A pony tail extended to just below her shoulder blades. It appeared her hair was ginger but only the extremities of the tail were visible as the majority was bound in what appeared to be black tape. Without turning she began to speak.

‘Hello weak little boy. You couldn’t resist returning to see me again, could you. Have you behaved for me? Have you resisted the temptation to play with that pathetic little thing hanging between your legs? You know I own your orgasms don’t you? Well, if you promise me you’ve behaved, maybe it is time for you to see my breasts.’ She stopped talking and began turning towards the camera. The first thing Ryan noticed was that the corset laced up the front. The second thing he noticed was that the mask she wore was very similar to that worn by Mistress Samantha the first time he had visited, covering her identity but transparent enough to hint at a beautiful face underneath. The third thing he noticed was that it was Carly on the screen. He’d thought the voice was familiar and having spent a day photographing her, he recognised the face even though it was partially covered by the mask. His penis, that had begun hardening as he had listened to the dominant voice speaking, suddenly filled the cage, again causing it to twitch and rise between his thighs. Ryan suddenly twisted his head round to look at Carly, his face displaying a perfect image of shock.

‘Ha Ha! Well I guess I should be pleased I prompted that reaction. Just think slave, you get the real thing for free when all those poor souls that are addicted to me have to pay for the privilege.’ She switched off the video and commanded him to follow her as she moved to the door. Ryan followed. Carly moved quickly to the mysterious door on the other side of the hallway and opened it. Close behind, Ryan stepped through the doorway and looked at what appeared to be the room he had struggled to make out in the video moments before, a bed taking up one side of the room with a camera on a tripod at the foot and two further tripods holding lights on either side of the camera. The rest of the room was sparsely furnished.

‘It’s how I supplement my income slave. I’ve been doing it for about four months, since just after I moved in. They’re called jerk off instruction videos. There’s just something about me filming them and knowing there are a bunch of guys out there looking at me as they masturbate. It gives me such a power rush.’ Ryan continued to be amazed at Carly’s ability to surprise him.

‘But I’m thinking I need to up the ante a little now slave. Perhaps have you feature in my next video with me being a bit more dominant. I wonder if my followers would enjoy watching me use that new crop on you? What do you think to the name Goddess Petra? It sort of hints at the exotic and forbidden don’t you think?’

Ryan was trying to keep up with the bombshells Carly kept dropping. He quickly thought about a scenario in which she was whipping him on camera. A couple of hours before the idea would have been horrific, but the seed had been planted by the Master mentioning the webcam session and now the thought of appearing in one of Carly’s videos was less daunting. Ryan almost felt proud thinking of the amount of men who would watch the images and wish to be in Carly’s presence. He was the lucky one who had been granted that privilege.

‘Anyway, time for bed. We have a busy day tomorrow. I had thought about letting you sleep in here slave, but I think you need to earn that honour. Follow me.’ Carly led the way upstairs. Ryan was again struggling to understand what was going on, surely she wasn’t going to suggest he sleeps in her bed? It seemed she may as she led the way into her bedroom, but on entering Ryan saw there was a yoga matt and cushion on the floor at the foot of Carly’s big bed.

‘There you are slave. You got used to kneeling at my feet, so why not also get used to sleeping at my feet. Now, just while I get ready, I want you to stand in the corner of the room, facing the wall. You can contemplate what tomorrow has in store and whether you’re prepared to do your first internet performance for us.’

Ryan did nothing else. When he was allowed to turn around Carly was already in bed and he quickly popped to the bathroom to clean his teeth before settling onto the mat. He was pleased the day had retained some of the heat from the constant sunshine as Carly had made no indication of offering him any blanket. As he lay imagining himself appearing on the internet as he rode the dildo, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

He woke early the following morning and lay still for some time listening to the rhythmic sounds of Carly’s breathing. As he sensed she was coming out of deep sleep he rose and crept downstairs to make coffee. He finished his first mug downstairs as he thought about what the day had in store, then he made two more and took them upstairs to the bedroom. Setting them down on the bedside table he quietly made his way to the window and opened the curtains, allowing the sunshine to flood the room. It was barely 8am and the sun already felt warm. Carly stirred and slowly sat up.

‘Aren’t I a lucky girl, woken by a naked man bringing me coffee? It’s just a shame that little cock of yours is locked away, it’s been an age since I’ve woken in the knowledge that I’d soon have a nice stiff penis inside me.’ Feeling slightly embarrassed by the crude talk from the woman he was slowly starting to picture as ‘his dominant’, Ryan picked up his own coffee and sat on the edge of the bed.

‘Goddess, I’ve been thinking about what happened yesterday. I enjoyed spending so much time in your company and being free to be in this D/s dynamic. I also have to be truthful and what you and the Master have planned for me frightens me. I have to know, do you really want me to do this? To perform in front of who knows how many people?’ As he finished speaking, Ryan looked up from his coffee cup for the first time, directly into the eyes of the woman in front of him.

‘Ryan, thank you for being honest. Let me be honest with you. The truth is, I’m new to this as well and other than a few conversations with your Master I’m making this up as I go along. Now what he has said to me is that this is a test. In your early days of submission you will face a lot. They aren’t to break you, I think we all know by now that you have a submissive streak inside you. These sorts of things are to truly test where your limits lie. You can say one thing when you are a little detached from the situation but actually going through with something is the ultimate test. You’ve exposed yourself, literally, to some strangers but in a controlled way. This is a test of whether you will take it a few steps further. So to answer your question, yes I want you to do this and yes your Master wants it as well. But if you truly feel uncomfortable, even at one minute to nine tonight as you prepare to step in front of the webcam, then you don’t have to do it. You just revert back to plan A and serving your Master for two more weeks.’

‘Thank you Goddess. I’m still not sure, but I’ll keep thinking about it. Will you tell me what site I need to go to for setting things up please?’

‘Yes Ryan I will. But before that, tell me how you feel. I’d like to experience life as a dominant and I’d like it very much if you were my submissive. How do you feel though? When you’re free of your Master what do you want to do?’ This seemed like the old Carly, the considerate woman who was careful in what she said.

‘I’m confused Goddess. The longer this goes on, the more submissive I feel. But I’m struggling with what it means for my relationship. If I were to serve you, and yes that does appeal to me, where does that leave me with Nikki?’

‘One step at a time Ryan. I’ll take that as a yes to serving me, but we will need to work out how everything fits together. I don’t want to shut you off from your girlfriend. This is fun but we have to recognise it’s not a lifelong relationship. I don’t want to replace your girlfriend. But I’m glad you’re communicating. Look, whenever you want to talk I’m happy to drop out of the D/s and just talk as Carly and Ryan. Will you promise me you will do that as well? Whenever we need to?’

‘Yes Goddess. Thank you, Goddess.’ Ryan felt compelled to bow his head as he was speaking.

The morning passed in a blur for Ryan. After he had completed his profile on the site Carly had chosen for his webcam debut and they had taken a profile picture of which the dominant approved, Carly then had Ryan setting up a Twitter account for her in the name of Goddess Petra. Before he knew it he was in the kitchen making them both lunch. The afternoon was a similar whirl of activity, this time concentrated on preparing the master bedroom for decorating. He stripped the paper from the walls, sanded the skirting boards and filled holes and blemishes in the walls. By the time Carly came in and informed him that it was time for him to cook another meal, the room was just about ready for paint and wallpaper to be applied, which Carly then informed him was Sunday’s job.

When the food had been consumed and cleared away it was gone 8pm. Following another instruction Ryan was delivering a glass of wine to Carly in the living room and found her engrossed on her phone. She looked up as he entered.

‘Twenty-eight followers slave. That’s not bad for less than 12 hours. They seem keen to watch your performance tonight. Have you decided if you’re going to go ahead with it?’

‘Well Goddess I’m nervous as hell but if this is what you really want me to do, then I’m going to do it. Can I ask though, is this going to be a regular requirement?’ Ryan wasn’t sure if this was just a test or part of a future as Carly’s submissive.

‘Who knows slave. Let’s wait and see if you enjoy it. And even if you don’t, I might enjoy watching. Then it would become a real test wouldn’t it? Do you say no because you hate it, or continue because your Goddess loves it? Quite a quandary that would be.’ Carly smiled provocatively and Ryan realised that if he were to continue a relationship with Carly, she would be keeping him on his toes.

‘I guess it would Goddess. Well, I’m going to go ahead with tonight and I’ll just have to wait and see what happens next.’ Ryan took some pleasure from the look of delight that appeared on Carly’s face.

‘That’s great news slave. It won’t be long now. Why don’t you go collect your dildo and clean that ass of yours. I’m just going to log in and let everyone know the performance is going ahead. And while I’m there, I’m going to change the password on the account. I don’t want you posting anything I don’t approve of now, do I?’

‘As you wish Goddess,’ Ryan replied as he headed out of the room.

‘Oh slave!’ Carly added, stopping Ryan in his tracks.

‘Yes Goddess?’ Ryan responded.

‘When you are ready, knock on the door then kneel and wait. I’ll call you in when the webcam is live. You’re to perform from the moment you’re in shot. Oh, and don’t forget your mask. Understood?’

‘Yes Goddess, understood,’ he said in a resigned tone of voice.

‘Excellent. Remember also, your Master will be watching as well as your new followers. Make sure you put on a good show for him. Otherwise he might decide you need a tougher challenge. And if your Master isn’t happy, you won’t get your reward tonight either.’

The mention of the reward suddenly triggered Ryan’s memory of Carly in the shower in London. He imagined her naked and this time being allowed to touch her properly, to bring her to orgasm and show her he was deserving of the role as her submissive. Suddenly the prospect of the reward spurred him on and the thought of what he had to do to earn the privilege was a little less daunting.

A little before 9pm Ryan was kneeling outside the door to the sitting room, having knocked as instructed. The fear inside him had increased and his stomach was churning. Was he really going to go ahead with this? The mask gave him a little comfort and meant it was virtually impossible for anyone to recognise him. But he would still be naked and broadcasting on the internet for anyone to see. He didn’t know how easy it was for people to search for live webcams and connect to them. There were 28 followers of his new profile, but that didn’t preclude hundreds more joining to watch live. Then he thought of Carly and of the Master. He knew that by doing this he would be pleasing them and he knew deep down that is what he wanted. They had said this was a test and it seemed they had once again judged his journey perfectly. He felt ready to perform for them, to please them.

Suddenly he heard the voice of his dominant calling to him and all his reservations fell away. She wanted this and he was determined to give her what she wanted. Pushing the door open, he looked towards Carly sitting on the sofa. She had moved its position slightly to ensure she wasn’t in shot of the webcam, but she intended to watch proceedings none the less. Feeling slightly less confident than when he had pushed the door open Ryan stepped in front of the camera, facing his audience in the knowledge that he was presenting a full frontal view of his nudity. Then he dropped to his knees and planted the dildo on the floor, in almost the exact same position as it had occupied the day before. Placing the bottle of lube he held in his other hand behind him, he proceeded to lean forward and take the dildo in his mouth. He pleasured it for over five minutes, feeling a little embarrassed but also knowing that as long as he was in that position his genitals were no longer displayed to the audience. He remembered what he had learnt previously, making a show of kissing the head and the shaft before taking it in his mouth, initially just the head but then allowing it to pass more deeply to the entrance to his throat.

Ryan eventually decided to stop the display of his fellatio skills, thinking the audience might be disappointed if he didn’t perform as had been billed. He assumed Carly and the Master were able to see the numbers viewing the performance and the last thing he wanted was to upset them if they saw the numbers dropping away. He retrieved the lube and coated the dildo. His ass had already been prepared. Taking a deep breath he threw the bottle of lube to one side and adopted the position he had been instructed to use the day before, legs pointing at the camera and presenting his caged cock to his audience. Then he slowly lowered himself until the tip of the dildo pushed against his anal ring and forced it open.

Ryan wasn’t entirely sure what happened next but suddenly he felt like a viewer of the scene, watching the naked man riding the dildo. He saw the first few tentative movements become more confident thrusts as the man settled into a rhythm. He watched fascinated as the caged penis flopped between the man’s legs, his sexual organ redundant despite the sexual act taking place for all to see. It was only when the man on the screen groaned with apparent pleasure that Ryan was transported back into his own body, realising that the groan signalled not pleasure in the physical act, but in the fact that he was doing what his dominants had required of him. His groans grew louder as he sank further onto the phallus and he was surprised when his cheeks touched the cool wooden floor. Now seated he manoeuvred his legs out from under him, careful to keep them spread and his cage exposed, before using his arms to raise his bottom slightly which was the precursor to grinding down on the dildo. Ryan had never done this before, but was picturing the times in their vanilla relationship when Nikki had done the same when impaled on his cock. He hoped it would give the viewers a show.

Ryan was completely absorbed in his performance and the voice of his dominant took him by surprise. ‘Well done slave, you may stop now. I’ve switched the live feed off. One hundred and fourteen viewers and a couple of very complimentary comments about your technique. Plus one who suggested you’re an anal whore. That has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?’

Ryan had remained seated on the floor with the dildo inside him. ‘Yes Goddess, if you think so,’ he replied. He was relieved and a little disappointed that the broadcast had finished.

‘Your Master would like to speak with us. Just let me connect him.’

Ryan watched the screen as Carly launched the messaging app. As they waited for the Master to pick up Carly rose and stood behind Ryan so that she was visible in the image presented to the Master. As the call connected his face appeared on the screen.

‘Excellent job Ryan, I’m impressed. You can take your mask off now,’ he said as his opening comments.

‘Thank you Master, I’m glad you approved,’ Ryan replied, pulling the mask over his head and enjoying the feel of the air on his skin.

‘Well that’s all from me this weekend subbie. I will leave your Goddess to inform you of whether she feels you have performed well enough to receive her reward and I’m sure she has plenty of tasks for you tomorrow. We will reconvene next weekend.’

‘One more thing subbie,’ the Master continued. ‘I’m sure you haven’t forgotten your next appointment with Mistress Samantha on Thursday. Well to add a little twist to proceedings, Goddess Carly will be accompanying you. I’ve extended the booking to four hours for reasons that will become apparent. I don’t need to tell you but this session will raise the stakes again subbie, as well as giving Carly the opportunity to learn from Samantha. Does that sound interesting?’

‘Thank you Master. Interesting but also very scary,’ Ryan replied.

‘It’s one more chance to impress us subbie. Think of it that way and I’m sure you will be fine. Well done again today subbie. Enjoy the rest of your weekend with your Goddess.’ With that, he was gone. Carly shut down the webcam and PC before moving back to the sofa.

‘I’m equally impressed slave. You really tried to put on a show didn’t you. I loved the way you started with your mouth on the dildo. And your finish, grinding down onto it. Were you enjoying yourself?’

‘Yes Goddess, by the end I was. Anal penetration is weird. How it feels so wrong and physically does nothing for me to start with but gradually becomes more arousing the longer it continues. I’m glad I pleased you Goddess.’

‘Well, I think it’s time for your reward. Shall we go upstairs?’ Carly didn’t wait for an answer, rising from her seat and heading towards the staircase. Ryan followed. Carly went straight to her bedroom and ordered Ryan to kneel. She slowly stripped off her clothes until she was naked before him. Not in a provocative way, just matter of factly as though she were getting ready for bed with no one else present.

She stood unselfconsciously with her legs spread and her hands on her hips. Ryan let his gaze glide over her body, from the slim ankles all the way up to that captivating face. He couldn’t believe it was only just over a week since the first time he had seen it, looking through her portfolio as preparation for the photo shoot that had brought them together. He knew she wanted him to stare and he took the opportunity to admire her breasts properly for the first time. The nipples were small but hard, one clue to Carly’s state of arousal. The other was the moisture that glistened on her labia.

‘This will be my first time using a slave as a sex toy. I hope you realise what a lucky boy you are. And such a shame that penis is locked away. But I’m sure we can improvise.’ Carly moved behind Ryan and the next thing he heard was the sound of clothes being moved along the rail.

‘Hands behind your back slave,’ the dominant commanded. Ryan complied and then felt Carly wrapping what felt like a fabric belt around his wrists. For someone new to the D/s scene she made an expert job of securing his wrists, before ordering him to lie face up on the bed. He was completely trapped, with his hands bound and his weight pinning his arms to the bed, his only way to change position would be to shuffle to the edge of the bed and slide off.

‘Now wait there like a good slave. I just need to visit the bathroom.’

When she returned a few minutes later Carly wasted no time in climbing onto the bed. She first straddled his waist, standing up on her knees so the contact with Ryan was minimised. The sight it presented to Ryan was mesmerising. There was not an inch of fat on her body and he could see the strength within it, imagining Carly controlling a horse with her thighs as she rode in the fields. He almost sobbed as he felt the constraints of the cage against his penis which was fighting to break free of the confines of the plastic sheath. Carly leant forward until her lips were next to his ear. He could feel her breasts resting on his chest and the contact felt electrifying.

‘I was so proud of you today Ryan. I got so turned on knowing that you were doing that for me. Keep your submission to that standard and you and I will get along just fine,’ she whispered. Ryan knew it wouldn’t be possible, but his penis felt as though it were attempting to grow bigger. When she had finished speaking, Carly shifted her position slightly and brushed her lips across Ryan’s, not hard enough to constitute a kiss but a singularly erotic act none the less. Then she rocked back to her original position and lowered her hips. Ryan couldn’t actually feel her lips on his penis because of the plastic cage but he tried to imagine what it would have felt like had his penis been free. That thought just triggered further pain as his penis once more tried to swell beyond the confines of the cage.

‘Such a shame that I don’t have the key slave. It’s been weeks since I’ve felt a real man inside me and I want that feeling so much tonight. Yet I don’t even know if you are a man do I slave. I still haven’t seen you erect. So I’ll just have to make do with something else.’

Carly slowly shuffled up his body. As she did so, Ryan began to feel her labia as they glided over his skin leaving a damp trail of her juices on his abdomen and chest. As she approached his head she lifted her hips off him and spoke in her most dominant voice.

‘Are you ready to serve me one more time slave?’ she asked.

‘Yes Goddess,’ he replied.

‘Then stick your tongue out slave. Tonight it will have to substitute for your poor, locked cock’.

Ryan did as he was told and Carly lowered her hips, allowing the tongue to penetrate between her labia and enter her vagina. She lowered herself slowly until her outer lips rested on his cheeks and leant forward so that her clitoris was pushing against his top lip. As she began to grind her clit into his face, Ryan tried to use his tongue to explore the walls of her vagina. He was also trying to swallow the juices that were now flowing copiously from within her. After a couple of minutes riding his face, Carly rocked back slightly, easing the pressure on Ryan’s face and allowing his tongue more room to travel. He made a beeline to her clitoris and heard her reaction as his tongue slid across her hard bud for the first time. His neck was straining as he tried to lift his head to maintain contact with her clit and he was relieved when she grabbed a handful of his hair on the back of his head and pushed him further onto her groin.

‘Yes…..yes…..yes. Oh my god, I’ve been waiting for this all day,’ she cried.

Ryan started to alternate his attentions between her clitoris and the top of her vagina, running his tongue down until he felt her opening and then pushing inside her as far as he could. He would then withdraw before moving forward, using his tongue as though it were a penis but making up for the lack of length by focusing on her most sensitive parts. It seemed to be working as Carly’s cries grew louder until she finally shuddered and clamped his head tightly between her thighs. He was amazed at the power she generated and then panicked as he imagined her using those same thighs to hold onto a horse, wondering if she could actually crush his skull. As he asked himself the question the peak or her orgasm passed and she released the pressure she had been applying while shifting her weight which allowed her groin to slide off his face and onto his chest.

‘Well slave, it seems what I’ve been reading about chastity is true. Lock the cock and the man learns to compensate with his tongue. That was wonderful. But we haven’t finished just yet. Time for round two.’

Carly climbed off Ryan and knelt to one side of him. Then she rolled him onto his side and undid the binds that secured his wrists. Ryan immediately moved his arms from under his body and shook them to get the circulation back. As he did so, Carly once again left the room before returning with the dildo that had earlier been buried inside Ryan’s ass.

‘Nice and clean slave. Though I won’t be making a habit of cleaning up after you.’ As she spoke, Carly threw the dildo onto the bed where Ryan was now sitting up with his back against the metal frame that formed a headboard.

‘Now I want you to use that in place of the useless thing that’s locked up between your legs. You see, whenever I cum on a tongue it just seems to make me want a nice thick cock inside me. Off the bed, slave.’

Ryan rolled off the bed on the side furthest from Carly. As he did so, the dominant climbed on and lay down slightly to one side, resting her head on the pillows. For a moment Ryan thought she was settling down to sleep but then she spread her legs and tilted her hips slightly, presenting her glistening lips to him. He wasn’t sure if the moisture was what remained of his cunnilingus or newly formed as she anticipated what was to come. Frankly, he didn’t care. Though he was conscious of the now almost permanent pain in his locked penis, he wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to bring his mistress to another orgasm. Climbing back onto the bed he positioned himself to her side and began to gently slide the tip of the dildo along her moist lips.

It was the first time Ryan had been able to watch Carly’s labia close up. Though he had now seen her naked a couple of times, more if you included the sheer underwear he had seen her modelling that had left nothing to the imagination, this was the first time he had been able to concentrate on that most feminine part of her body without being self-conscious of staring at her. As he continued to slide the phallus along her lips, he realised he had never really concentrated on any woman’s genitals to this degree. Before the secret of Nikki’s submissive side had been uncovered, he had been a typical male who’s focus had mostly been on his own pleasure. Over the last few weeks, there had been occasions when he had focussed more on Nikki, but never to the extent of being this close to her other than when he had used his mouth to pleasure her. And that afforded him no view of her most intimate parts.

He gently pushed the head of the dildo down and watched enthralled as the lips moulded around it, opening to allow the invader access. The pressure he applied was minimal and as her outer lips covered approximately a quarter of the phallus, Ryan felt a little resistance. He shifted his position to enable him to bring his left hand alongside the dildo and then positioning his fingers, he slowly spread them to open her outer lips wider, breaking the contact with the dildo. As the labia were peeled apart, they displayed the phallus resting against the closed inner lips. Ryan decided to repeat the process he had applied to her outer labia, running the head along the lips gently rather than trying to penetrate. He saw moisture leaking out from between the inner labia and made sure to collect it on the head of the phallus to further lubricate the sliding motion. As Carly let out her first gentle moan of pleasure, he decided to start the penetration of her inner gateway.

Moving to the bottom of her opening he changed the angle of the dildo and applied a little more pressure. He again watched, enthralled, as the lips began to part. This time, because of the shape of her inner lips, they didn’t give the impression they were eating the dildo, instead they simply parted to reveal the darker recesses of her vagina. As the dildo sank slowly deeper Ryan allowed her outer lips to close around the phallus once more as he transferred his fingers towards her clitoris, rubbing the labia as they moved into position. The first contact with the clitoris this time prompted a deep sigh from Carly and she shifted her position slightly, allowing her hips to sink into the mattress.

The dildo moved deeper as Ryan continued the penetration. It was approximately three quarters inside her as Ryan began to rotate the fingers of his left hand on her clitoris. Suddenly Carly began to raise her hips, as if in a desperate attempt to swallow all the phallus had to offer. Ryan took the hint and abandoned the sensual penetration, suddenly thrusting it fully inside her. He watched as her outer lips started to roll around the fake testicles at the base of the phallus and he was almost convinced she would have opened wide enough to take the entirety of the dildo, testicles and all, in her desperation for length.

Ryan was completely focussed on his dominant’s pleasure and he would occasionally look up at Carly’s face to check her reaction. Each glance found her head tipped back and her eyes closed, which gave him some comfort that what he was doing was pleasing her. What he did next was a risk. He withdrew the phallus just as she was enjoying the experience of the full length filling her vagina. The withdrawal was quick but he managed to judge it so that just the head was once more nestling between her labia. He again looked up at her face and this time Carly’s eyes were open and looking directly at him. There was a longing in her eyes and it seemed she was about to speak as he thrust the dildo quickly back inside until the testicles again rested on her labia. Carly’s head rocked back and she groaned in pleasure.

That was the start of Ryan’s next phase. He rapidly withdrew the phallus, leaving just the head resting on her lips, before thrusting back inside and then repeating the process as he mimicked making love to her. Then after a few minutes he slowed the pace of the penetrations and switched his attentions back to her clitoris, using the copious amounts of liquid Carly was now producing to allow his fingers to glide across her clit. He would occasionally squeeze the little nub between two fingers in a scissor like motion, before returning to gliding across the top. Then as she appeared to be reaching a climax he would cease all stimulation to the clitoris and return to the more forceful thrusts of the dildo.

The process must have carried on for over half an hour, by the end of which Carly was bucking against the phallus and squirming when the attention turned to her clit. Her whole body was covered with perspiration and glistened in the moonlight that crept around the thin curtains in the bedroom. Ryan had never been in control of a woman like this before. Even when he had focused on Nikki rather than his own pleasure, his thoughts had often strayed to when it was his turn and what his partner would do to him. Now it was all about Carly as Ryan knew the cage would prevent him receiving any pleasure. As Carly arched her back for the umpteenth time in reacting to his fingers dancing across her clitoris, Ryan suddenly felt a wave of pleasure wash through his own body and a moan escaped from his open mouth. Carly’s eyes opened wide and locked on him momentarily before the feelings running from her clit to brain dragged her back to the brink of her orgasm. The sudden wave of pleasure distracted Ryan and he failed to notice just how close Carly was. As his fingers once again clamped her clit and squeezed, she came, grabbing Ryan’s hand with both of hers as wave after wave of pleasure washed through her.

As the waves slowed and Carly’s body went limp, Ryan gently withdrew the phallus and cast it aside. Then he positioned himself alongside the woman he now looked on as his dominant and gently moved the strands of hair that had worked loose from her ponytail and were plastered across her sweaty forehead away from her face. Her eyes remained closed as her breathing slowly regularised. Ryan jumped off the bed and hurried to the bathroom, returning moments later with a hand towel. He proceeded to gently wipe the moisture off Carly’s skin in an effort to prevent her from suddenly feeling cold. Then, discarding the towel, he retrieved the quilt that had been thrown from the bed early in their session and lay it across the restful woman who lay before him.

After he had cleaned the dildo and replaced the towel he returned to the bedroom. Looking first at Carly’s outline under the covers and the gentle, rhythmic rise and fall of her chest now that her breathing had returned to normal, his gaze then transferred to the yoga mat still on the floor from the night before. He begrudgingly lay down on the mat and pulled the thin sheet Carly had provided for him that had somehow been moved under the bed back out and over his own body. As he lay his head on the cushion he would again use as a pillow, he heard Carly speak.

‘Ryan, come here and get in the bed.’

He complied, lifting the covers and laying down beside her.

‘Hold me,’ was all she said as she rolled onto her side with her back to Ryan. He again followed her instructions, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her back so that her bottom nestled into his lap. Within a few minutes Ryan sensed a change in her breathing pattern and assumed she had drifted off to sleep. Less than five minutes later he had followed suit.

Ryan felt slightly disorientated when he woke the next morning. His initial thought was that it was nice to wake with Nikki in his arms, but as he climbed further out of the sleepy state he realised the body he was entwined with was very different to that of his girlfriend. Opening his eyes he saw the ginger ponytail lying on the pillow and suddenly the memory of the night before came flooding back. He lay as still as he could, not wanting to wake the dominant. His thoughts turned back to his girlfriend. He had managed to get comfortable with the idea that serving a female dominant wasn’t cheating on Nikki, but that was on the basis that he was being made to perform tasks, including sexual ones, under instruction. Waking with the dominant in his arms was a whole different level of intimacy and it felt more inappropriate than having been involved in the oral sex of the night before. He slowly extricated himself from the embrace and rolled onto his back, trying to remain as still as he could once he had broken contact.

The movements must have stirred Carly because a few moments later she rolled over until she was again touching Ryan and allowed her arm to fall across his chest. Without opening her eyes, she spoke.

‘Ryan, last night was the most amazing sexual experience of my life. I’ve always had a high sex drive but adding the dynamic of being the dominant just pushed it all to new heights. Making you do those things and knowing you were locked, it just blew my mind. I know things have developed quickly between us and I just want to check you’re okay with this because I want to experience that again. Regularly.’ She finally opened her eyes and looked at him, raising her head slightly as she did so.

‘Thank you Goddess. I certainly enjoyed it.’ Before he could say anything else, Carly interrupted.

‘We’re out of scene now Ryan, you don’t have to call me Goddess. I want to know how you feel. My brain was fried last night with the way you had me teetering on the edge of that last orgasm for so long but I seem to remember you making some sounds that suggested you were getting something out of this as well.’

‘Yes, I did,’ he replied, before continuing ‘it surprised me. I’ve never felt that excited about someone else’s orgasm before. I think it was because I knew I wasn’t going to experience anything else myself. Knowing that neither of us has the key seemed to put me in a different mindset and it just felt as though the pleasure I could see rippling through your body transmitted into mine.’

Ryan paused before he continued.

‘But I have to keep thinking of you as my dominant and referring to you as Goddess helps me with that. I know this will sound crazy, but waking up with you in my arms this morning felt wrong, more so than all the stuff we got up to last night. Knowing that I was only in your bed because you ordered me to get in just helps me compartmentalise things.’ A long pause followed before he added ‘Goddess.’

‘Oh my poor slave. Thank you for being so honest. Look, I’m new to this so I have no idea if it’s normal for dominants to develop feelings for their submissives. I guess they must because the relationship is probably closer and more intimate than most couples can ever experience. I’m not falling in love with you Ryan and I don’t want to take the place of your girlfriend, but I did love what you did for me last night and I want to experience that again. Do you want to continue? When all this with the Master is over, will you be my submissive?’

Ryan answered without a moment’s delay. ‘Yes Goddess. I want to keep serving you and doing what I can to give you pleasure. I’m just worried what it means for me and Nikki.’

‘I don’t know the answer to that slave. Maybe we need to all sit down and discuss this. Nikki must have her own feelings for her dominant as well, from what I’ve learnt in this short space of time I can’t believe she hasn’t.’

‘That’s a good idea Goddess. Thank you.’ Ryan replied.

The rest of the day seemed a little surreal to them both. Carly suggested Ryan put some clothes on and help her with the wallpapering in the master bedroom, which he did. There was virtually no mention of the D/s relationship between them, instead they acted as two friends helping each other with some decorating. As Carly dropped Ryan back at the railway station later that afternoon they agreed to meet at a coffee shop near to the dominatrix chambers that was to be their joint destination the following Thursday.

Ryan got back to his apartment around 6pm and immediately drove to Nikki’s. He wanted to let her know exactly what had happened over the weekend and what the following week had in store, behaviour that was in keeping with their pledge to always be honest with each other. When he got to the part about sleeping in the same bed as Carly and his feelings when he woke with the dominant in his arms, Nikki was surprised to see his eyes welling with tears.

‘Oh my darling, please don’t see that as something that will threaten our relationship. I’ve slept in the same bed as the Mistress and woken to find my arm wrapped around her. It doesn’t mean anything, you were doing it because you were told to. But Carly is right, we do need to talk. I’m struggling to see how we can each serve a different dominant and still have time for each other. So if the choice is between you and pursuing these sexual needs I have, then I will choose you. Every time.’ Nikki took Ryan’s face in her hands and leant forward to kiss him.

Her words were a relief to Ryan but he was also starting to wonder whether there was a way for them all to have what they wanted. The discussion with Nikki and Carly would have to wait a few more days, but he started thinking whether he could see a way to them both continuing to serve their dominants and having time for each other.

The start of the week was busy for Ryan. He had received a number of opportunities for which he was required to submit his ideas and a quote for the charges he would make. By the time he had replied to the last it was late afternoon on Wednesday and he started to think about what he needed for the London trip. Carly had suggested they book a hotel for the Thursday evening, given they were now unlikely to finish at the chambers before 6pm. So Ryan packed an overnight bag and made sure he was well rested for the day ahead.

It was just after 1pm the following day when Ryan arrived at the agreed meeting point. Finding a corner seat in the coffee shop he ordered a latte and waited for Carly to arrive. She did so around ten minutes later and Ryan once again found himself marvelling at her beauty. Today she had chosen to wear her hair loose, as she had at the railway station the Friday before. Although he didn’t like the hair covering her face, he had to admit the effect when she tossed her head and allowed the hair to billow around her was mesmerising. In addition she was wearing a short, stripy skirt that showed off her toned legs and had paired it with a tight tee shirt that hinted at the firmness of her breasts. Every male eye in the coffee shop was on her as she confidently strode across to Ryan’s table. He immediately jumped up and offered her a drink. As he moved past her to order, Carly reached out and touched his arm. This caused him to pause momentarily and Carly used the opportunity to stretch up on her toes and kiss him on the cheek. As she did so she whispered ‘Hello slave’.

Having settled down with their drinks they made small talk about their respective journeys before Carly leant forwards and beckoned Ryan to do the same.

‘We will need to go soon slave but I just wanted to remind you about your safe words. I know what’s in store this afternoon. This is going to be your biggest challenge yet so if you don’t feel comfortable I want you to use your safe word. And if you need things to slow down, you say ‘Amber Light’. Understood?’

‘Yes Goddess,’ Ryan replied.

‘Safe word?’ She asked.

‘Bluestone, Goddess.’

‘Slow down?’

‘Amber Light.’

‘Excellent. Now don’t be afraid to use them. Today isn’t about checking if you’re truly submissive. Today is about finding out where your limits lie. There’s no shame in setting a limit slave. Don’t forget that. OK?’ Then, without waiting for him to reply, ‘Let’s go then.’

Ryan began to wonder exactly what lay in store for him as he followed Carly out onto the pavement. She’d never laboured the use of safe words quite that much in the past. And the performance on the web cam had been bad enough. What did Goddess Carly and Mistress Samantha have planned for him?

The receptionist welcomed them and led them down the corridor to the room Ryan had visited the previous week. This time when she opened the door Carly stepped through first with Ryan following close behind. The room was exactly as he remembered it other than for two additions. A second stool had appeared, identical to the one over which he had been positioned during his last visit when Mistress Samantha had taken his anal virginity. The second addition was more disconcerting; behind Mistress Samantha, slightly to her left and Ryan’s right, a naked man was kneeling with his head bowed.

‘So you must be Goddess Carly?’ Sam asked by way of a greeting. ‘Welcome to my chambers. I hope you enjoy what we have planned for this afternoon.’

‘Why thank you Mistress,’ Carly replied. ‘My slave has been telling me all about his last visit. I must say I’m looking forward to seeing you in action.’

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