An adult stories – The Roommate Pt. 44 by taylorstorms,taylorstorms XLIV: So Fucking Dead
Blake frowned at the lecture slides and notes that filled the screen of her laptop, wondering not for the first time if it might have been better to go to a professional school instead of a university where she had to deal with bullshit requirements that would have nothing to do with what she actually wanted to do in life.
And not for the first time, she sighed, reminding herself that four-year degrees were way more widely accepted than those of technical schools, and more often than not, provided better teachers and learning environments.
Blake glanced up from her laptop across the small table and smiled to herself, feeling a soft warmth blossom inside her.
Besides, if I’d gone to one of those, I never would have met Liam.
Her boyfriend–fuck, it felt amazing to be able to think of him that way: her boyfriend–sat across from her, laptop closed, gazing down at a book and a few sheets of paper, scribbling notes into his homework.
Liam had seemed pleasantly surprised to find that she didn’t find written music as mystifying as most people apparently did. It was just another language like Javascript or C++. Even the counterpoint and analysis assignments he had seemed pretty straightforward when he explained the rules. They were like puzzles–he either had to figure out what to do, or prove what someone else had done. Like proving equations, but with something you could listen to and a lot more rules.
As she gazed at him, Blake squirmed in her seat. Even more frustrating than the need to catch up on her homework was being here with Liam, studying instead of fucking or cuddling or watching a movie or playing video games or even just talking with him. Spending so much time with him was the problem, though. That, and her shows. She was way more financially secure than usual, but that came with the cost of falling behind in studying–something worse than the few times she’d needed to work extra hard needing to scrape together a bit more money for rent or something.
Blake knew what she needed to ask him, why she needed to ask it, but that didn’t make her dread it any less.
Fuck. If you don’t do it now, you’re just going to be even more stressed about it later.
Taking a deep breath, Blake lowered her laptop screen, “Liam?”
He looked up from his homework, dropping the pencil and smiling, “What’s up?”
Just do it.
“I need to ask you something.”
She hated the way her voice wavered.
His brow furrowed. Concern entered those beautiful blue eyes, along with…nervousness?
Why would he be nervous?
“What is it?”
She took another deep breath. Do. It.
“I think we need to spend a little less time together after class,” She forced out, trying not to look away, “Just until finals are over. After that–I know break is pretty soon after and you’re going home, but after that, I’m–”
She blinked and focused on his face to find him grinning, “Is that really what you needed to ask me?”
She bit her lip, “Yeah.”
Liam reached across the table and took her hand in his, smiling, seeming almost relieved for some reason, “You were way too nervous about asking that. It’s finals. I know I take up some of your time, and right now studying is more important. I completely understand.”
She smiled back, stress she hadn’t realized she’d been holding melted away, “Really? I don’t want to. It’s just–I’ve been doing a bit more shows than usual, and you’re a bit distracting. I just need to–”
Liam squeezed her hand, “Blake, you’re rambling. It’s fine.”
She blushed, biting her lip, “Really?”
“Of course.”
Blake leaned across the table and kissed him. She’d meant it more as a quick, chaste peck, but the moment her lips brushed against his, she wanted more. She brought a hand to his face, using the other to support herself, and took his bottom lip between hers, sucking–
A small “eep” escaped her throat when she realized what she was doing, and her face grew hot as she sat back down, biting her lip. It wasn’t just her face, either. That one kiss sent a warmth through her that made her want far more than just the kiss, which wouldn’t be the best idea in the middle of the library.
“Fuck,” she whispered, gazing at Liam, “See? This is what I meant about you being distracting.”
He grinned, and Blake was pleased to see his cheeks had turned a bit rosy as well.
With a bit more effort than before, they settled back into studying until Blake’s alarm went off, letting them know it was time to head to class.
She packed up more quickly than Liam since she just had the laptop. As he was putting his things away, Blake eyed him.
He glanced up at her, “Yeah?”
She rounded the table so she could lower her voice, “Do you have the remote with you?”
He blinked, and Blake smirked as the color in his cheeks deepened, “Yeah.”
“Lets see if we can find an open booth in the GSU, then. Turn it on.”
Liam hesitated, eyes going wide, but nodded and fished the remote out of his backpack. He shoved it in his pocket, and a moment later, the vibe Blake had kept inside her buzzed to life.
The initial burst of sensation made her sigh and clench Liam’s arm, but after a few deep breaths, she was able to straighten and lead him toward the stairs, little sparks of pleasure bubbling up from between her legs to make her all nice and warm and a little floaty.
By the time they got downstairs, out of the library, and found a nice, secluded booth in the back of the GSU, Blake had Liam’s hand in a vice-grip, and she couldn’t make herself relax it. Liam hadn’t just kept it on the low setting, instead cycling through them in a manner that had nearly made Blake’s legs give out once or twice. When he sat down, it took almost all of her willpower not to straddle him and start making out with him and tearing off his clothes.
Blake did sit on his lap, though, head resting on his shoulder, trying to look like they were just snuggling. She still clutched his hand in hers and grabbed at his chest with the other, pulling at the fabric. Her heart pounded–she could swear it was louder than the vibrator.
“Is it too much?” He whispered, snaking an arm around her waist.
She bit her lip, shaking her head.
“More,” she forced out, barely trusting herself to speak. She closed her eyes and tried to keep her face hidden and expression relaxed.
Liam amped up the vibrations, and Blake sucked in a deep breath, clutching at him even tighter as her body lit up like a Christmas tree. Her skin tingled with pleasure. She wanted something inside her so bad. Liam’s cock, a plug, even his fingers or his tongue. Something more than this vibrator.
“Blake,” Liam whispered, “someone is coming over toward us. I need you to act like you’re asleep, okay?”
Blake nearly blinked her eyes open, but instead, hid her face, nestling even more into Liam’s chest. She felt a little panic, but a spike in arousal far overwhelmed that. She knew she was an exhibitionist, and she got a thrill from doing things in public, but so far, Blake had only been in situations where she knew what was going on and no one–except maybe Liam–suspected anything.
The idea that she could almost get caught…
Blake put all her effort into two things: not moaning, and keeping her expression neutral.
“Hey,” A girl with a slightly nasal voice said, “Are you two gonna be using that booth long?”
Blake struggled not to swallow the lump in her throat even as her mind started to fog over.
“Oh, not much longer,” Liam said, voice low, holding her a bit closer, “She didn’t get a lot of sleep last night and wanted to nap before our next classes. I’ve got the alarm so I can wake her up. She’s kind of on my phone right now, but shouldn’t be too long before we have to leave.”
Fuck, getting close.
“Oh, okay. Thanks.”
Blake took a deep breath as she heard the footsteps hopefully signaling the girl walking away. It didn’t make her arousal dim even a little bit.
“She’s gone,” Liam whispered.
“That was rude of her,” Blake breathed, trying to keep her voice even, “Almost interrupted my laugh.”
Liam snorted, and she squeezed his hand.
“I’m really close. I need–”
“Can you touch me? I just need something more. Slip your hand under my–”
Blake nearly moaned, but covered it with a sharp breath, turning her face into Liam’s chest as he slipped his hand under the waistband of her yoga pants, hand sliding down over he ass and pausing to squeeze one of her cheeks.
She was suddenly extremely frustrated with not being able to feel the heat of Liam’s skin through his clothes.
“You’re not wearing any underwear,” he said, hand hesitating.
She grinned, “Didn’t feel like it. Stop teasing me. Please.”
Blake nearly lost it as Liam slipped a long finger between her drenched lips.
“Fuck, you’re wet,” he breathed.
The arousal in Liam’s voice sent Blake hurtling toward her orgasm. She was so. Fucking. Close!
Liam hooked his finger inside of her–it felt so good against her lips.
Put in another. Please. Just one more–
Liam didn’t put in another finger, but his knuckle hit the vibrator and pressed it directly against Blake’s g-spot.
She bit down on his shirt and dug her nails into his clothes as she exploded. The pinkish-red fog behind her eyes turned white as waves of pleasure crashed over her, radiating out from her core. Her lips clamped down on the vibrator and Liam’s finger, only making things more intense. Then she felt something twitch under her legs.
Liam’s lap. Liam’s cock.
Blake came again. Or came more. She wasn’t sure which. She hadn’t even finished her first orgasm, but everything suddenly just felt so much more.
Struggling to continue looking like she was asleep, Blake held onto Liam as tight as she could, afraid she would lose herself with him there to anchor her.
At some point–not too long after she came, as her heart was still hammering against her ribs–Liam’s lips brushed against her forehead. The contact sent shivers through her entire body, and her lingering orgasm amplified the sensations.
Am I still cumming?
She really had no clue.
Liam’s lips found her nose then, and a wonderful warmth spread from her cheeks down through her entire body.
Fuck, I love him.
Finally, his lips brushed against hers. Blake gasped, kissing him back and clutching at his clothes, not caring who saw. His lips tasted so good, he smelled so good.
Is this just cuz I’m horny as fuck, or does he usually smell this good? How did I miss it before?
Blake’s eyes fluttered open, and she smiled when she found Liam gazing down at her, those beautiful blue eyes of his hazy with arousal. She ground her hips against his lap and was rewarded with something firm twitching against her ass.
“Hey,” she breathed, still feeling super floaty.
“Hey,” he said, returning her smile, “Want me to turn it off, or do you need more?”
Blake blinked, then her eyes widened.
Oh. That’s why I still feel so good.
She didn’t need more, but she really wanted it.
“You can turn it off,” she sighed, “I should probably give my brain some time to unscramble before class. How much time do we have left?”
Liam glanced at his phone, “About fifteen minutes.”
Blake sighed again, “Yeah, let’s go.”
She started to push up from the table, when the vibe suddenly switched off. The floaty, tingly feeling didn’t vanish immediately, but she had to take a second to get used to the lack of sensation.
Biting her lip, Blake glanced up at Liam. She could feel her cheeks heating up.
“Can you maybe help me up? I’m afraid my legs might be a little wobbly.”
He laughed, “Sure. I could carry you out if you want.”
Blake’s heart fluttered at the image that passed through her mind, but shook her head, “As much as I would like that, I think that’s a bit too disgustingly adorably embarrassing.”
Liam grinned, helping her out of the booth. Her legs were a little unsteady.
“That’s what makes it fun. I could just blame it on you being lazy or promising me a really good blowjob or something for doing it.”
Blake stuck at her tongue and punched him in the arm, “Rude.”
He returned the expression, but took her hand in his, “Please, you know I don’t know enough people for us to actually run into anyone I know.”
Blake still stuck her tongue out at him again as they walked out of the student center.
“Thank you,” she said, squeezing his hand as they crossed the street toward the bridge, “I really needed that.”
Liam grinned down at her, and Blake was considering stopping to kiss him again, when she gasped, legs quivering as the vibrator burst to life inside her. It was on the lowest setting, but her orgasm hadn’t entirely faded yet, so it felt a bit too good.
She tried to glare at Liam, but it didn’t work. He just grinned back down at her.
“What, you think you’re the only one who gets to tease? This was your idea.”
Blake rolled her eyes, throwing her head back, “Ugh, I’ve created a monster.”
“You know you like it.”
Blake squirmed a bit as they had to stop before crossing the street again. People crowded around them, all waiting to cross the bridge, and she stood up on her tip toes, lowering her voice, “Yeah, but stop being so fucking smug about it.”
Liam just laughed and turned her vibrator up for a moment before dropping it back down, making her jump and glare at him.
She did like it, though. She just wasn’t entirely used to having Liam be so confident with it.
That’s what I want, though, right? I want him to be confident enough in himself and in us to just do things like that with me. To tease the fuck out of me like I do to him.
Ideally, once he let her fuck his ass, he would have no problem telling her to wear a plug earlier in the day, and when they were together later, take it out and fuck her ass hard.
Blake shivered, pussy twitching around the vibrator at the thought.
“You okay?”
Blake blinked up at Liam and felt her face turn bright red as she realized she’d let out a moan.
“Yeah,” she said, looking down, “Fine.”
Blake glanced ahead and frowned as she saw that they were almost at the Fine Arts building.
She turned back to Liam and took both his hands in hers.
She bit her lip, “I know I just asked if we could spend less time together after class, but…can we maybe start that tomorrow? Just to sleep over. Not sex”
Liam’s face lit up, making Blake want him even more. It wasn’t the smugness of knowing she wanted him, but just the joy and desire of knowing she wanted to be with him.
That’s so not fair.
He squeezed her hands, “Of course.”
Blake smiled, and a moment later, Liam leaned down and gave her a wonderfully slow kiss that made her toes curl. Her legs quivered a bit when he straightened, breaking the kiss.
“See you after class?”
Blake nodded, biting her lip.
She watched him walk over to the building for a moment, basking in the afterglow of the tender kiss–and the vibrations still teasing her pussy–before heading onto her next class across the street. The vibrator kept going, and for a while, Blake loved it.
When it didn’t stop even after she sat down in class, though, she found her head starting to fog over. She waited for Liam to turn it off, trying to concentrate on the lecture, but couldn’t stop squirming, and had to keep pulling her mind back from the fantasies that stole it away from the lecture.
Do I go to the bathroom and take it out, or leave it in until I get back to my room?
She could focus, but…
Ugh, Liam is so fucking dead.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this! Do you think Blake will be able to survive her next class like this?
Also, just a note to prepare you since we’re about halfway through this arc of the story: posts will be slowing down at some point (on purpose instead of due to issues with posting) to about once or twice a week as I catch up to what I’ve written. You’ve still got at least 40-50 chapters to go (or more), but just wanted to give you all a heads up! Thank you all for reading!