The Tale of Ugly and Christmas by Bazzza,Bazzza

“A guy and another girl.” Joanna replied. “I like sharing the duties so to speak, if you know what I mean.”

“I agree.” Hannah replied knowingly.

The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of their meals. Benny picked away at his food while he digested Hannah’s confession. Group sex was something that he would never expected of Hannah, but she had always been a little secretive about her past love life. The conversation around the table never returned to sex, enough had already been said. Joanna returned home with them and retired to her room after coffees.

Benny lay in bed deep in thought as Hannah went through her normal bedtime ritual in the bathroom. Eventually she climbed into bed and knelt beside him; her hand found his sleeping cock and began to fondle it.

“I thought it would be hard after all that sex talk.” she whispered before taking him deep into her mouth.

It took but a short time to get him hard, his hand slipped between her thighs and found her wet and aroused. She whimpered as his finger slipped inside her.

“I never thought you would’ve been into group sex.” he commented.

“You never asked. I’ve never asked you whether you’d been into it either.”

“Always had the dream; never the opportunity.” he replied.

“Would you like the opportunity?” she asked a short time later. “Careful how you answer that question, because sometimes the man can get missed out, if you know what I mean.”

Hannah returned her mouth to Benny’s cock and sucked on it slowly, then suddenly got up and put her dressing gown on before leaving the room. Benny took himself in hand and stroked his cock while wondering where she had gone. A few minutes later, Joanna walked into the bedroom with Hannah behind. Benny watched as Joanna stood close to the bed and slipped a sheer top from her body.

“Do I look real ugly tonight?” she asked while slipping into bed beside him.

He didn’t answer. Hannah climbed into bed on the other side and within seconds, Benny was surrounded with kisses and tormented by wandering hands. Joanna then sat astride him and guided his cock into her warm pussy.

“Merry Christmas.” she whispered.

Benny watched with fascination as Hannah and Joanna interacted together, the smiles, the tender touching and the kisses. Joanna eventually slipped off Benny’s cock and Hannah took her place. Before he realised what was about to happen, Joanna had slipped a leg over his face and lowered her wet pussy onto his face. He could feel his two girls kissing and touching each other while they worked his body. Later, he watched as they in turn lay between the others legs and kissed and licked their private parts. At first, Benny tenderly kissed the one receiving before entering the other from behind. He was later content just to watch them make love, the tenderness and pleasure between them would be something that he would never forget. The generation gap was nonexistent as the two beautiful women explored and pleasured each other. There was no aggressor or submissive, their effort and pleasure was given equally. Watching them orgasm were moments of fine beauty, the twisted faces and the shuddering sweaty bodies. Once satisfied, they turned their attentions to Benny. He lay flat on his back, Hannah on one side and Joanna on the other. They took his erect shaft into their mouths in turn and coaxed him towards an orgasm, in the last seconds; Joanna became the aggressor and took him deep into her mouth. She stroked him quickly as she suckled on the head of his cock; then held him tight in her mouth as he tried to pull away just before he orgasmed. He watched her with wide eyes as she took his cum in her mouth and swallowed until he finished. She then opened her empty mouth and flicked her tongue over the eye and gave him a loving wink.

Hannah pulled a face, “Yuk, you’re a better woman than me. I draw the line at swallowing.”

Joanna smiled at her, “So do I usually, but I wanted to give Benny a Christmas treat.”

Benny laughed, “You’ve certainly done that.”

They soon lay down content and exhausted, sleep soon took them. The bed was a little cramped for three, and Joanna slipped out of the room in the early hours and returned to her own bedroom.

Hannah was habitually an early riser and was gone when Benny woke. He was roused by Joanna arriving with a hot coffee. She sat on the bed and watched Benny lift himself to a sitting position before handing him the cup.

“Hannah’s gone home to feed her cat.” Joanna commented.

Benny thought about it for a second. “She doesn’t have a cat.”

“I suspected as much.” Joanna replied. “I think she wanted to give us some privacy.”

“For what?” he asked.

Joanna smiled, “I think what she is trying to say that it’s okay for us to fuck; you know, just the two of us.”

Benny looked over at Joanna, she was wearing a long blue tee shirt and he suspected there would be little beneath. She was still young enough to look naturally beautiful when she woke, her hair was longer now and she looked so fresh and innocent.

“What do you think?” he asked.

She looked over at Benny and smiled, “Maybe, just one last time, before it becomes inappropriate for both of us. But you have to shower first; it smells like a brothel in here.”

Benny found Joanna nude and stretched out on the bed when he returned from the shower. He was already erect in anticipation as he reached the bed; Joanna opened her thighs as knelt before her. Joanna’s pussy was shiny and wet as he leaned over her with the intention of licking her, but she reached down and pulled him up on top of her.

“No, not that. I had enough of that last night.” she whispered. “I want you up here so I can hold you.”

Her hand reached down and guided him inside her warm wetness; her legs were soon wrapped around him, her tongue in his mouth. They fitted together perfectly and Benny began to ride her eagerly, she broke the kiss and slid her face alongside his and whispered in his ear. Benny had trouble controlling himself; her pussy was like a wet sponge drawing him in each time he withdrew. He lifted his face to her breasts and nibbled on each of them; Joanna squirmed and wriggled under him. It was but a short time before Benny felt his orgasm creep up on him, and he was soon ejaculating deep inside her. Joanna whimpered in appreciation and then kissed him on the neck.

“Oh how I love the feel of warm cum inside me.” she whispered. “You’re the only one I’ve let do that. It’s condoms for anyone else.”

“At least there’s no mess to clean up.”

“True, but I like it bareback and my pussy filled up. And I can leave the mess for you to clean up.”

Benny rolled off onto his side and gazed over at Joanna, she lay still on her back with her knees slightly raised and open. She was fuller in the figure than Hannah, but both women were lovely in their differences. Joanna was tan all over with the exception of a bottom bikini line, where Hanna was pale all over. Joanna turned and caught his wandering eyes, with all the exuberance of youth; she leapt astride him and looked down at him. With a smirk on her face, she rubbed her sopping pussy up and down his navel leaving sticky track marks as she went.

“Better here than on the sheets.” she commented as he pulled a face in protest.

By the time Mark and Chrissy finally arrived, Benny thought things couldn’t get more complicated. Not so. Mark had filled out a little around the middle and Benny took more that a little trouble to point it out. Chrissy on the other hand had just blossomed since he’d last laid eyes on her; she was still beautiful and vivacious as ever. She put her arms around his neck and gave him a hug, and then turned his blood cold.

“Mothers and daughters don’t have secrets, I know about you and Joanna.” she whispered in his ear. “You and I have to talk.”

For the rest of the afternoon, Benny waited in fear for Chrissy to corner him and punish him as he rightly deserved. She managed to get him in the kitchen while Joanna and her father were outside on the deck. She stood with her arms folded and glared up at him.

“I was really angry when I found out about you two. It’s taken me two years to cool down, and only after Joanna told me a hundred times how you tried to put her off, and she had to seduce you to do it. I’m sort of cool about it now, but if Mark finds out, it will be world war three.”

Benny couldn’t think of anything to say and wisely kept quiet.

Chrissy continued, “I don’t know where Joanna gets it from. Mark’s the only man I’ve slept with, and here’s my only daughter seducing older men and quite open about indulging group sex.”

Benny grinned, “Would like to hear some stories about her father before he met you?”

Chrissy couldn’t help but smile, “No thanks, but I can imagine what he was like.”

She stared into Benny eyes and her demeanour turned serious, “You that I’d have strangled you with my bare hands if you’d hurt her. Trouble is; I think she adores you just as much as she did before.”


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Benny returned her stare, “You know I could never hurt her.”

“I know that, but you live dangerously Benny. Just remember that you’ll be answering to me if there’s any trouble.”

They returned to the others, Benny quite relieved to have avoided the firing squad.

Hannah joined them that evening; she took one look at Chrissy and Joanna; then laughed. “You two are more like sisters than mother and daughter.”

Joanna scowled.

“Shit, I don’t grey hair, saggy tits and a fat arse.” she said just before avoiding her mothers swinging arm.

Benny would forever be thankful for all the things that could’ve gone wrong that didn’t. For the following few days were filled with good humour and good conversation. Hannah soon cottoned onto Chrissy and Mark to extract all the dirt from his early years, they in turn found Hannah to be worthy of his intentions. Joanna just watched the proceedings with interest. It was a sad time when the day finally came for them to leave, for old friendships had been rekindled and new ones made. It was to be the last year for Mark and Chrissie to be away, for they planned to return and settle back home again.

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