The Twins by JohnMurray4173,JohnMurray4173

This story was going to be my entry into the ‘Summer lovin’ 2022′ competition, but I got too involved in adjusting an unpublished story and completing my ‘Tranny Babysitter Trilogy’ to get it in on time. However, just in case it does make the cut-off, and as well-known former Queensland Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen would say, please vote early and often.

The Twins.

‘Twas the summer of ’69’. Actually, it wasn’t. In the southern-hemisphere summer of ’68/’69, I was all of five years old. I turned six in the middle of winter.

It was summer when I met the twins Sarah Jessica and Mary Louise Parker, the summer of 2007/2008, and I was forty-four. Sarah Jessica (SJ) and Mary Lou were dating my twin sons.

The Parker twins are non-identical. You’d doubt they’re even related if you didn’t know they’re twins. SJ is a horse-faced girl, quite pretty but not beautiful. Her natural hair colour is black, but she always dyes it honey blonde. Her eyes are hazel, spaced quite close together, and her nose is too large.

Striking was the word that always came to my mind when I saw her. Striking, just not beautiful.

SJ has a great body, however. Big breasts, a tiny waist and a round, firm butt. According to her ‘cheerleader stats’, she is 36-25-35. Maybe what made her breasts seem so big is that she is only 5-ft. 2-in. (154 cm) tall and weighs barely 112 lbs. (51 Kg). Perhaps because her breasts sit high and firm like gorgeously ripe apples on her thin frame is also to blame.

Okay, I admit it. I’ve had some very inappropriate fantasies about my son’s girlfriend. I dreamed that under her snotty, stuck-up exterior lurked a dirty girl that loved rough sex. A little cock-hungry slut that adored older men.

Mary Louise (Mary Lou), in comparison, is an absolute stunner. Mary Lou is way taller than her older by one hour twin. Mary Lou stands close to the 5-ft. 8-in. (173 cm) mark. She keeps her figure trim and toned with a regular exercise regime of Pilates, Yoga, and Tae-bo.

Mary Lou spurned cheerleading as ‘beneath her dignity’, so I could not look up her stats. But, compared with similar girls I did have stats for, I guessed she is probably 35-25-35. So quite close to her sister. Maybe their height difference and the extra 10 Kg Mary Lou had over her sister made her breasts seem like crab apples to SJ’s red delicious ones.

Yup, you caught me again. I have even worse fantasies about Mary Lou than I have about SJ. In those fantasies, the twins are incestuous, and SJ loved Mary Lou pegging her ass as SJ rode me.

Mary Lou stands out in any crowd with her dark brown eyes, full lips, and impish smile. Together, Mary Lou and SJ turn heads wherever they go.

I’d been single for almost two years when my sons brought the twins into my life. I’d divorced after coming home unexpectedly to find my wife in bed with two of the three guys I play golf with. The third guy had, apparently, just left.

I wouldn’t have minded so much if I’d been allowed to know and join in.

The wife packed her bags and left. The divorce came through the mail around six months later.

I still play golf with those three guys every Saturday.

You won’t find my name on any rich list anywhere, but I’m doing okay. Even after the divorce, I have enough money to do whatever I wish. I don’t have any qualifications or training in the stock market. But, if you’re smart, keep an ear to the ground, listen to the right people, and ask the right questions, money can always be made in both a bear and a bull market.

Oh. We don’t have a ‘bear market’ in Australia. Selling shares you don’t currently own is illegal here. But it’s 2012. The global economy is ripe for the picking if you know how to access it.

I own a lovely bayside house with unimpeded views out to Stradbroke Island and drive a gull-winged Mercedes-AMG Black. Strangely, mine is bright red, not black.

My passion is high-speed boats. I have a Mercedes-AMG powered 1,000 horsepower monster I take out every chance I get. You can water-ski behind it, but you’d better get someone other than me to steer. I tend to forget you’re there and open the taps up.

My boat goes almost 160 mph (200 kph). I’m sure it can go faster, but it’s limited to there, and I haven’t figured out how to turn the limiter off.

160 miles per hour in a boat is not the same as on the road! That fast on land is exhilarating. But, on the water, it is, quite frankly, terrifying. A real buzz, but fuck scary!

I’ve got to wait until I’m out past Straddie (Stradbroke Island) before I’m legally allowed to open Shelly (my boat’s name) up. I could do it in the bay because no police boat would catch me, but my boat stands out. So it’s hard to deny it was you when yours is the only boat of its kind in the harbour.

The Parker twins only dated my boys, Gary and Aaron, for around twelve months. Gary had taken a job in a brokerage firm in New York, and SJ wasn’t prepared to move.

Mary Lou broke up with Aaron at the same time. I didn’t know why.

Aaron has chosen to live with his mother. So that means I have this massive house with just me in it. It seems a bit silly, really.

When SJ and Gareth broke up, I assumed I wouldn’t see either of the twins again. But, once Gary had departed for New York, Mary Lou started to drop by. May-Lou is an adrenalin junkie and loves skimming across the wave tops at full throttle in my boat. SJ sometimes accompanies her.

Mary Lou began calling me Daddy John. I think it was a joke, but I wasn’t sure what the punchline was.

I look after myself. Physical appearance matters when you’re conducting multi-million dollar transactions. I have a well-equipped home gym in the rec room and have a personal trainer come in twice a week to run me through my paces.

Standing 6-ft 4-in. (193 cm) tall, I weigh just a little over 187 lbs. (85 kg). My body fat percentage is an athlete’s less than 4%. I’d had some success as a track athlete during high school, and I liked to keep myself close to that fit.

I can bench-press nearly twice my body weight and deadlift half more again than what I weigh.

I don’t smoke, only drink socially, and avoid sugary drinks and refined sugars. I have a chef come in once a week to plan and prepare all my daily meals.

I don’t believe I’m handsome, but women have often told me I am. Guys say I look like a smacked ass, however.

With the age gap between us, I never thought that Mary Lou wanted anything from me other than the chance to ride in and occasionally steer my boat.

Other than in my fantasies, I mean.

Guys, believe it or not, picking up tarts is exceptionally easy. Stand tall, smile a lot, have a quick joke or facetious line ready, and act confident. Stay sober! I cannot emphasise this enough. No self-respecting woman wants to be breathed beerilly (breath reeking of beer) over and have her breasts groped as you slur, “Wanna dansh, shweethart?”

Most women I’ve met like the smell of scotch and hate the smell of rum, so figure it out, okay?

I’m reasonably good-looking, well-spoken, and have money. I can dance well and hold a conversation about just about anything. Plus, I can feign interest in the things women find important: The Royal Family, the Kardashians, etc. So I don’t suffer from any lack of female company.

The problem is finding one that isn’t a social climber or only interested in my money.

Seriously, more often than not, I found it easier and more enjoyable to call a high-priced escort and then treat her to a night out and dinner than trying to pick someone up. The escort is usually a better conversationalist, more beautiful and better made and dressed up than any girl you’re going to meet out. The added bonus is that with the escort, you’re guaranteed to get sex.

As a lot of the business I do is with firms in Europe, the UK, or the USA, I’m typically up for most of the night because that’s daytime where they are. It’s all good as I usually only need between three and four hours of sleep a night.

Mary Lou is a radiographer with Queensland Health. Because there is a skills shortage in this area, Mary Lou was kept busy but could rack up her 40 allowed work hours per week in three to four days, so I’d often get a phone call after midday Thursday to see if I was taking the boat out.

We’d been out on the water so often that I jokingly said, “We’ve been seen together so many times your father will think we’re dating.”

Mary Lou gave me a quizzical smile, “If you’re uncomfortable being seen with me, Daddy John, I can stop coming over. Besides, SJ and I only date twin brothers. You don’t have a twin hiding somewhere, do you?”

Deadpan, I answered, “Well, actually, I do. It’s just that my brother and I are so awesome that we dare not be in the same room at the same time in case something explodes or we cause an earthquake.”

Mary Lou laughed and patted my arm fondly, “You’ll have to introduce him to me one day soon, Daddy John. I’d like to meet this ‘awesome’ twin.”

Maintaining the charade, I replied, “I guess I could arrange it, but Murray and I have to be very careful in case we accidentally meet. Many women have been known to faint at the sheer brilliance of our awesomeness.”

“Wait,” Mary Lou said. “You’re John Murray, and your twin is Murray Murray?”

“No. He had his name changed by deed poll to Murray John.”

“Twins, John Murray and Murray John? Wow! That’s like the opposite. Are you the opposite in every other way, too? Is your brother short, fat, bald and poor?”

“Don’t be silly, Mary Lou,” I joked. “How can identical twins be the opposite of the other?”

Mary Lou was laughing out loud and holding her sides, “I’ve got to meet this twin, Daddy John, but how will I tell you apart?”

“Oh, that’s easy, Mary Lou. Murray John has a moustache.”

Chuckling, Mary Lou responded, “Okay, I’ve got all Monday off. Monday is a free day for you, isn’t it, because it’s Sunday where most of your markets are? I’ll bring a bottle of wine, and you can get your chef to make us lunch, and I’ll meet your twin.”

I pretended to be crestfallen, “Murray John doesn’t drink wine, Mary Lou. He only drinks single malt scotch.”

Laughing again, Mary Lou replied, “I’ll bring a bottle of Glen Fiddich as well, just for him.”

“Will SJ be coming?” I asked. “If you’re getting to meet my twin, it’s only fair my twin gets to meet yours.”

“I can bring her, for sure. We aren’t that awesome that we can’t be seen together.”

We spent the rest of that day blasting around Moreton bay. It was too rough to go out beyond the islands. It was probably a little too rough in the bay to be doing the speeds we were, but I’m confident in my boat and sure of my skills.

Besides, some of the bumps would knock Mary Lou off balance, and she would squeal delightedly as she flung her arms around me to stop from falling over. Her breasts, covered only by a thin T-shirt, felt very nice pressed against my arm, side or back.

I let Mary Lou complete the loop around Mud Island and back to my jetty. I controlled the throttle, though. It was getting quite rough, and I didn’t want my adrenalin junkie friend deciding to see if she could launch the boat into the sky.

Mary Lou was either cold, unlikely given it was a warm early summer’s day, or aroused as her nipples were rock-like pebbles against the inside of her T-shirt when we pulled up at my jetty.

Squeezing my bicep and kissing my cheek, Mary Lou said, “That was so much fun, Daddy John. Does your brother drive the boat equally as well?”

Continuing the earlier theme, I answered, “I don’t know, Mary Lou. Us both being on the same boat at the same time would probably cause a tidal wave or monsoonal trough to develop.”

“Maybe I could go out with him one day and find out, then.”

Pretending to be confused, I asked, “You want to go on a date with Murray John? We’re twice your age, almost.”

Chuckling, Mary Lou slapped my arm, “On the boat, silly! Besides, we’ve never gone out for dinner because you’ve never asked me!”

“If I’d thought for even one moment you’d want to, Mary Lou, I would have ages ago. But, we’re talking about as friends, right?”

“What else could we be, Daddy John?” She replied. “There is that twenty-two-year age gap.”

But did I see a glint in her eye, or just wish there was?

“I’ll see you Monday, Daddy John,” Mary Lou said as she jumped in her car to leave.

I spent Saturday and Sunday not sure what to do. Did I go to one of the film makeup stores and buy a fake moustache so I could maintain the charade? Or did I leave a lame joke where it lay and enjoy lunch with Mary Lou? I was certain Sarah Jessica wouldn’t be there.

I spent way too much time fantasising that Mary Lou did want to go out on a date with me.

In the end, I drove into town and bought a false moustache. Spurning the glue that the receptionist suggested, I purchased some double-sided tape. If I was going to carry out the charade of being my twin, I needed to be able to put the fake moustache off and on quickly.

My chef prepared a beautiful looking and smelling Moroccan lamb salad for lunch. For sides, she had grilled three Portobello mushrooms with some bacon, cheese and olive oil.

Mary Lou’s car pulled up bang on 12.00 pm. To my surprise, Sarah Jessica climbed out of the passenger seat.

Grinning, I congratulated myself for purchasing the fake moustache, shaving my face as closely as possible then hiding the moustache in the guest bathroom.

Mary Lou held up the bottles she was holding. A Castelli Estate Il Liris Chardonnay 2018 and the promised bottle of Glen Fiddich single malt scotch whiskey.

Walking down from my balcony, I greeted the twins with air kisses at the door and ushered them to my dining room table.

“Where is your twin?” SJ asked.

“He’s waiting in the entertainment room,” I replied. “As I explained to your sister, my brother’s and my combined awesomeness is too much for this world. If we were to share space, I’m not sure reality can survive,”

Mary Lou laughed, but SJ rolled her eyes before sitting at the table.

Mary Lou wandered around the room, looking at the art on the walls. I only have one original, a Jo O’Brien owl that my ex-wife loved but didn’t take with her. But there are a number of prints that I love including ‘Whistler’s Mother’.

“Sarah and I would like to meet your twin, John, please,” Mary Lou stated.

Amused, I answered, “Sure, let me go knock on the door, then duck into the bathroom before he comes in.

Going into the bathroom, I opened the drawer and placed the moustache under my nose. I had put a different polo shirt beside the moustache, so I swiftly changed shirts.

Changing nothing else, I walked back into the dining room.

Pointing at SJ because she didn’t seem into the joke, I said in my normal voice, “You must be Mary Lou. John described you perfectly. Hello, I’m Murray John.”

“I’m Sarah Jessica, you Muppet,” SJ responded acerbically.

Pretending to be mortified, I said, “I’m sorry. I thought that was what I said.”

Mary Lou didn’t say a thing but was grinning widely.

SJ shook her head, “You called me by my sister’s name.”

“I called you Sarah Jessica? Is that not your name?”

SJ glared at me before dissolving into laughter.

“I don’t know why I go along with your ridiculous games, Mary Lou. Lunch had better be as good as you say John’s chef is.”

Sitting beside her sister, Mary Lou said, “I’m sorry, Murray, but if I can only have lunch with one of you, I’d like to have lunch with John. Is that okay?”

“No worries, Miss Parker,” ‘Murray’ replied. “I wasn’t hungry, anyway.”

Walking back to the bathroom, I removed the moustache, changed shirts then returned.

“Hard to tell us apart if not for the moustache, huh?”

SJ rolled her eyes again, and Mary Lou laughed.

Laughing and joking, Mary Lou, SJ, and I ate lunch and drank the wine.

“Shame your brother can’t come in,” Mary Lou said. “The whiskey is going to waste.”

“I can take it and an ice-filled glass to him if you want?”

Smiling, Mary Lou said, “Poor boy must be thirsty and hungry. Why don’t you prepare a plate for him, as well?”

Instead of pretending to take something to my ‘brother’, I walked down to the bathroom, changed shirts before placing the moustache in place, and then walked back to the dining room.

Walking over to Sarah Jessica, I said, “Mary Lou, you are so pretty!”

Mary Lou laughed out loud.

SJ rolled her eyes, “Didn’t we do this joke already?”

With a wooden face, I said, “John does the jokes. I’m strictly the straight man.”

“Then your brother needs better material,” SJ said but spoiled her severe façade by dissolving into laughter again.

The three of us had a blast all afternoon. We pushed the chairs back to make room, and I tried to show the girls how to Tango. SJ learned the dance pretty quickly, but Mary Lou had consumed a little too much wine and was a little uncoordinated. However, she eventually made it through all the steps without standing on my toes or falling over.

An afternoon storm was brewing, so we didn’t have the chance to take the boat out.

Putting some modern music on, I danced with the twins alternately as the storm banged and clanged around us. Mary Lou kissed me at the end of a slow dance to the Bee Gees, More than a Woman.

I’m not talking about a chaste after the dance thank you kiss. I’m talking about a full lip locked, hands on my cheeks, and pelvis pressed against me, kiss.

Shocked, I didn’t move at all except to return her kiss.

Stepping back, Mary Lou cleared her throat twice before saying, “Better go get your brother. SJ would like to be kissed, too.”

Almost dazed, I shuffled towards the bathroom to put the moustache on and to change Polos.

Once I was back in the room, SJ stood, moved across to me, and then moulded her young, firm body onto mine before cupping my face and locking her lips with mine. SJ’s tongue touched my slightly parted lips, so I opened a little wider at met her tongue with mine.

I wasn’t sure where this was going. I knew where I wanted it to go but wasn’t sure what was happening here, so I kept my hands on appropriate parts of SJ’s body.

SJ stood back, “Your moustache tickles, Murray. Other than that, you’re an excellent kisser.”

Holding my face still, I replied, “But if I shave it off, how will you be able to tell me from my brother?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Mr John,” Mary Lou said as she took the couple of steps across to me. “Maybe you could let me draw a ‘M’ on your forehead and an ‘J’ on your brother’s.”

Mary Lou drew an imaginary ‘M’ with her finger as she spoke, then laughed.

Mary Lou turned to her sister, “Enough for today. You’ll have to drive home, sis. I’m way too inebriated.”

The twins picked up their belongings and headed for the door.

SJ had her arm around Mary Lou, almost supporting her sister to the car. When SJ opened the door, Mary Lou turned back towards me.

“Watch this, Daddy John,” she said, then wrapped her arms around SJ and tongue kissed her.

Sarah Jessica kissed her back equally as fervently.

The twins broke the kiss, and SJ walked around to the driver’s door.

Just before she sat in the car, Mary Lou spoke again, “And you still haven’t asked me out to dinner, Murray.”

“We’ve only just met, Miss Mary Lou,” I replied. “Besides, I would never cut John’s grass for him!”

Laughing, the twins drove off.

I went upstairs to ‘relieve some pressure’. I didn’t need internet access. My fantasies were more than enough.

Friday afternoon, I was woken by the sound of a car in my driveway. I looked at my watch. 1.00 pm. ‘Who could it be?’ I wondered.

I usually sleep naked, so I had to grab a towel to wrap around me before answering the door. The twins walked in wearing little but a sarong wrapped around their bikini clad bodies.

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” Mary Lou almost sang. “We’ve been calling your cell for the last hour. It’s a beautiful day out there. You should let your brother take us out on the water.”

I couldn’t remember what I’d done with the fake moustache. I hoped I’d left it in the downstairs bathroom, but I wasn’t sure.

“I’d rather take you both myself,” I replied.

“We’ve seen your skills with the boat, John. We want to see if your brother is equally as good.”

Throwing my hands up, I went back to the bedroom to change. I put on a pair of boardies (board shorts), not bothering with underwear as these boardies had some built in, and a blue singlet, and then found my flip-flops. I looked in the bathroom on my way back to the lounge. The moustache was still there, so I applied more double-sided tape and put it on.

As soon as I entered the room, Sarah Jessica put her hand up. I stopped. She pulled her sister up to stand next to her, then dropped her sarong. Mary Lou followed suit. They wore matching pairs of tiny black bikinis.

The tops weren’t even tiny handkerchiefs over their breasts. The material was barely wide enough to cover their nipples. The bikini bottoms were even more revealing, with the waist being a thin piece of string and most of the piece between their legs the same. This piece only widened enough to cover SJ’s and Mary Lou’s vulva.

It was apparent that both girls were waxed clean of hair from the neck down.

“If you get to look at this, we should get to look at something similar. Go and put some DTs (Dick Togs or Speedos) on,” SJ instructed.

“I don’t own a pair,” I pointed out.

I’ve got a great body, but DTs always seem gauche to me.

SJ pulled a small bag from the bigger bag she had brought inside.

“Lucky we shopped for you before we came over, then, eh?”

Laughing, I brought out what was in the bag. Other than a pouch for my ball sack and thick 7-inch cock, the swimsuit the girls had bought me was as revealing as their outfits. It was basically a G-string with a pouch for the ‘boys’.

I turned to go to the bathroom to put it on.

“Where are you going?” Mary Lou asked.

“To change.”

“Don’t we get a show?”

I turned slowly to look at the girls. Raising an eyebrow, I asked, “Would you like me to dance for you, too?”

“What’s a show without some dancing?” SJ shot back.

Finding the joke CD single I’d bought for my ex-wife Catherine I put on Right Said Fred’s I’m too Sexy and began to strut around the room.

My ex-wife didn’t see the joke. She thought I was accusing her of ‘having tickets’ on herself. I was, but that wasn’t the joke. The joke was that she knew it and yet still acted like that.

Swinging my hips outrageously and bending over to show off my toned ass to the girls every couple of seconds, I danced around the room. The single I bought was the extended mix, so the song lasted close to seven minutes.

I timed my dance so as the song’s last stanza was playing I was pirouetting swiftly on the spot directly in front of where the twins were sitting. Then, when Fred started on the last sentence of, ‘I’m too sexy for this song,’ I bent at the waist to put my upper body between my boardies and the girls, then grabbed the bottom of my shorts.

As ‘… song’ rang out, I ripped my boardies down then stood up with my legs well spread, my hands on my hips and my thick, partially erect donger bouncing to a stop mere inches from their faces.

As my dick stopped, the twins both touched their slightly parted lips with their tongues.

Picking up the tiny swimsuit, I stepped into it, then tucked my balls and shaft into the pouch before nonchalantly throwing my singlet over my right shoulder.

With a flourish towards the door that leads down to my jetty, I said, “Shall we?”

The girls had to swallow twice before they could comply.

That day was a typical early summer’s day in South-East Queensland. A balmy 27°C (81F) with not a breath of wind and clear blue skies. The bay was a mill pond. Being so flat, my boat skimmed across the top with barely a shudder.

Keeping to the speed limit, I headed directly out to deep water past North Straddie Island. Once we were out of human eyesight from the land, the twins took their bikini tops off. Neither showed any tan lines, so they must sunbathe topless often. Unfortunately, they were sitting on either side of the boat’s prow with their backs to me, so I didn’t get to see any boob yet. The occasional boat heading back in got cheery waves if they tooted on their way past.

As we rounded North Straddie, I went to open the throttle up and take off. But before I did, SJ walked back to me.

“Is the fishing out here any good, Murray?”

Her nubile breasts were as high and firm as I fantasised them to be. At just 22 years of age, Sarah Jessica had no sag at all.

I pointed to a rock formation poking its head above the water about a half mile away (around 1,000 m), “On the east side of that is often good. There can be a few snags, but I’ve often had luck fishing there.

The best thing is even if the tourists on Point Lookout have binoculars, they won’t be able to perve on you or your sister.”

Sarah Jessica shrugged, “They can look. I don’t mind. You have lines and bait?”

“I have lines and lures. I thought we were going for a blast, not a cruise, so I didn’t think to bring any.”

“Lures will work okay.”

I opened the locker and brought three lines and a box of lures out.

“Don’t bother for me,” Mary Lou called from the front of my boat. “I’m going to lie here and bake.”

Putting one back away, I handed SJ one of the other two.

“Where do you want to set up?” I asked. “Upfront with Mary Lou or back here where you can put the rod in one of the holders and relax?”

“Back here, please.”

I set one of the rods in the holder, then inspected the lure already on the line.

“This is a prawn lure. I’ve caught some good-sized yellowtail with this before. Want to try it?”


“You right to cast the line?”

“Yes, Murray.”

“Keep it to the right of the rock. There are fewer snags on that side.”


I looked to see what Mary Lou was doing. She had taken a beach towel out of the bag and spread it on the boat’s prow. I could see the top and bottom of her bikini lying off to the side. To my chagrin, Mary Lou had laid on her tummy facing back towards me. I still couldn’t get a glimpse of a damned thing.

“I like to leave my bikini bottom on when I sunbathe,” Sarah Jessica mused. “I think tan lines look so sexy on a toned woman’s body, don’t you, Murray?”

Smiling, I answered, “I don’t know, SJ. Perhaps you and Mary Lou could dance for me as I danced for you, and I could compare?”

“You never know your luck on a big ocean,” SJ replied before casting her line out.

Not thinking we’d be out for long, I hadn’t thought to bring any refreshments. I looked in the small fridge under the control panels. There wasn’t much, just a couple of cans of Heineken beer and half a bottle of Chardonnay.

I offered them to the girls.

Mary Lou held the towel to her collarbone, then stood up. Wrapping it around herself, she fished in her bag and brought out several plastic containers.

“We’ll have some of the wine, please, Murray. I made a chicken salad and a pasta salad if you’d like to sit and eat?”

I pulled out the collapsible table to put between the back two passenger benches so we could sit to eat. My beach umbrella is pretty tatty as it’s hardly ever used, but it was better than sitting in the direct sun. So I placed it in one of the rod holders and bent the shaft so it was between the sun and the table.

As we settled onto the seats, SJ’s rod buckled, and the spool squealed loudly. SJ jumped up to grab it before it was pulled into the water, but the line snapped before she could grab it.

“What the f_ was that?” SJ asked.

“Shark, I’d guess.”

SJ grinned, “Maybe we shouldn’t go skinny dipping then.”

Unselfconsciously, SJ sat down opposite me again and began opening containers. Her nipples swung tantalisingly as she moved.

Mary Lou sat beside her. Mary Lou’s towel kept dropping open, but she would grab it and retie it before I could get more than a glimpse of the tops of her mounds.

My dick was at permanent half-mast with denied arousal. Even to my eye, it looked huge in the tiny bathing suit I had it tucked into, so I decided to take advantage of how it presented.

I stood up and stretched, pushing my hips as far forward as I could as I arched my back.

The table is only about 3 ft. x 3 ft., so my thick, partially hard dick was pushed only a few inches away from the twin’s mouths.

“I didn’t go for my morning run,” I explained. “I’m feeling a little stiff and sore and need to work some kinks out.”

The girls said nothing, but Mary Lou took the umbrella down. I turned to see what else they were doing. Nothing, but they did have expectant looks on their faces.

Internally shrugging, I started swinging my hips around in a lengthy circle. Pushing them out as far as possible sent my barely covered cock sliding closely past their lips.

Mary Lou was smiling and looking at my face, but SJ’s eyes avidly followed my prick as it swung past her.

After a few rotations in either direction, I turned and touched my toes. My long legs and tight-toned ass were now only a couple of feet away from the twins.

One of them moaned lustily, but I didn’t catch which one.

Satisfied, I sat back down and helped myself to some lunch.

“Oops, almost forgot,” Mary Lou said, then brought out the bottle of Glen Fiddich I had put back in her bag as the twins had left on Monday.

Reaching back into the bag, she brought out a thermos with several large ice blocks in it and a plastic glass. She dropped one into the glass, added some scotch and handed it to me.

“Can’t be forgetting your favourite tipple, now can we,” she laughed.

Queensland’s drink boating laws are as strict as our drink driving laws. One would be all I could have given I’d already had half a can of Heineken.

After we’d eaten, Mary Lou lay back down on the boat’s prow. She assumed the same position as before, so I was still denied a glimpse of anything worthwhile. I did admire Mary Lou’s tight buns, however.

Sarah Jessica repaired the broken line and replaced the lure before casting out again. Once she had placed the butt of the rod in the holder, SJ handed me a tube of sunscreen.

“Do you mind doing my back and the back of my legs, Murray?” She asked before turning around, assuming I wouldn’t have a problem applying it.

I was keen. Well, derr. Of course, I was.

I still had no real idea what was happening here. Oh, my fervid imagination had conjured up all kinds of scenarios, but I was still stuck with this: I had recently turned 44, and the twins were about to turn 23. So it was unlikely either was pursuing a sexual relationship with me. Besides, I wasn’t a twin.

Keeping that in mind, I kept my hands in ‘appropriate’ areas. I did massage the cream into SJ’s skin as close to her breast curves as I dared, though. I was struggling to prevent myself from going fully erect as I did.

After I had covered SJ’s back and the backs of her upper thighs, Mary Lou called, “Me next.”

I walked up to where Mary Lou was lying. Sitting beside her head, still concentrating on being ‘appropriate’, I smeared sunscreen across Mary Lou’s shoulders and back, stopping well short of her taut ass.

“My butt can get sunburnt, too, Mr John. Don’t you think you should put some on there as well?” Mary Lou said calmly, shocking me to my core.

Being careful where I put my fingers, I spread sunscreen across Mary Lou’s bottom and down the back of her thighs. Mary Lou spread her thighs, and I caught a tantalising view of the entrance to her vulva.

There was no way of stopping my erection now. The pouch wasn’t big enough to hold it, and the head poked lewdly over the top of the elastic.

Fortunately, Mary Lou was still face down, and Sarah Jessica was watching her line. Or so I thought.

“You may as well drop the swimmers, Mr John,” Mary Lou purred. “They’re not hiding anything anymore.”

Mary Lou rolled over, sat up, and then looked at me expectantly.

Gulping at the exquisite sight of her young, firm body so suddenly displayed, I swiftly dropped my costume and stood there proudly with my hands on my hips.

Mary Lou examined me closely before licking her lips, “Very nice, Mr John. Is your brother equally as well endowed?”

“We’re identical in every way, Miss Mary Lou,” I confirmed.

“SJ, would you put sunscreen on my front, please?” Mary Lou called.

“I’m happy to help with that, Mary Lou,” I ventured.

“Oh, I think you might like watching Sarah putting sunscreen on me, Mr John. She’s very thorough.”

Mary Lou lay back as SJ rounded me and knelt beside her.

At the start, it wasn’t much. SJ covered Mary Lou’s face, neck and collarbones first. She did a fine job giving Mary Lou a face and neck massage as she spread the cream. I watched in eager anticipation as SJ spread the cream across Mary Lou’s collarbones and down towards her breasts.

My cock throbbed as SJ’s fingers moved closer and closer to Mary Lou’s ripe red apple breasts. Then, just as I thought SJ would smear the sunscreen across her sister’s bosom, SJ brought her hands together and went down between the globes leaving Mary Lou’s breasts and nipples untouched.

As Sarah Jessica’s hands passed Mary Lou’s breasts, she spread them wider and stroked down across her sister’s stomach. Then, as her hands split apart, SJ’s wrists did brush over Mary Lou’s nipples, and Mary Lou’s breasts bounced delightfully.

It was all I could do to only stand there. With my pelvic floor muscle pulsing in anticipation of cumming and the head of my dick throbbing, I was struggling not to orgasm to the spectacle I was watching.

Mary Lou patted the deck beside her, “Get a little closer, Mr John. Sit here beside me.”

Once I had sat where she indicated, Mary Lou reached her hand out and put it on my knee.

“Closer, Mr John. Sit cross-legged with your shins against my arm.”

Now her hand was on my inner thigh, only a scant few inches short of my rigidly erect penis.

Sarah Jessica was smoothing sunscreen across Mary Lou’s stomach, her hands stroking down towards Mary Lou’s exposed clitoris. I thought I would probably lose my load when SJ fingered Mary Lou’s pussy.

The scene I was watching was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. Knowing the two are sisters added an even heightened sensuousness to it.

With my mouth dry and my dick wet with precum, I watched avidly as SJ’s fingers moved nearer to Mary Lou’s pussy. To my disappointment, just a millimetre or two short of Mary Lou’s clit, SJ stood then moved down to Mary Lou’s feet.

I couldn’t stifle my frustrated groan as she moved.

Mary Lou opened an eye, then grinned at me.

“Something up, Mr John?”

“Yes. My dick!” I responded.

Mary Lou raised up to a semi-crunch. Pretending astonishment, she said, “Why, so it is! And it’s out in the sun unprotected. SJ, don’t you think you should fix that up for Mr John?”

I stood eagerly as SJ moved across the deck before kneeling in front of me. With no expression on her face, Sarah Jessica turned her left palm up, then squeezed a good-sized dollop of cream onto the palm.

Trembling in anticipation, I waited for SJ to take me in her hand. Instead, she handed me the sunscreen bottle and moved back to Mary Lou’s feet.

“There you go, Murray. Put some of that on. I’ll need the bottle back shortly to finish covering my sister.”

I could have screamed in frustration!

I didn’t dare rub the cream into my shaft as I would have cum immediately, so I quickly and lightly spread some over my cock’s head, shaft and balls before handing the bottle back to SJ.

I have olive skin. Even if I burn, by the next day, I’m browner than ever. I’ve never bothered with sunscreen. I don’t sunbathe naked, so I didn’t want to get my dick sunburned. It didn’t occur to me to cover the rest of the area usually hidden by the boardies, even though that area was lily-white.

An oversight I was going to regret that night.

Sitting back beside Mary Lou’s torso, I returned my attention to what SJ was doing.

Using the sunscreen as a lubricant, Sarah Jessica gave her sister a foot massage. SJ was evidently quite skilled at giving massages by the way she was digging her thumbs forcefully into Mary Lou’s foot arch.

Working her way higher, SJ massaged Mary Lou’s Achilles and calf before switching legs. Once she had rubbed as high as Mary Lou’s knees, SJ encouraged her twin to spread her legs by pressing on the inside of both of Mary Lou’s thighs.

From where I sat, I could see across Mary Lou’s toned stomach to where her delicious peach was now exposed. Mary Lou’s beautiful pleasure nub was flushed a deep red and looked swollen.

A change in the wind brought the unmistakable smell of female arousal to my nostrils. But whose, I wondered.

Sarah Jessica massaged and applied sunscreen higher and higher until her hands were just below Mary Lou’s pussy.

Throughout the massage, Mary Lou hadn’t moved or made a sound. Nor had she given any indication whether she was aroused and sexually stimulated or not. But when SJ’s hands slid above mid-thigh, Mary Lou began to twirl her index finger in small circles where she had put her hand back on my inner thigh.

The higher SJ massaged, the faster Mary Lou’s finger spun. The quicker Mary Lou’s finger circled, the closer to orgasm I became.

Nearly unblinking, I watched Sarah Jessica slowly massage in towards her sister’s pussy. This time, if this too was a tease, I thought I’d have to scream.

Sarah Jessica’s hands reached where Mary Lou’s legs joined. Switching to her thumbs, SJ rubbed Mary Lou’s groin and along her perineum before changing to fingers and stroking up on either side of Mary Lou’s pussy and over her pubic bone.

There was a soft gasp from Mary Lou. I looked at her face. Mary Lou was biting her lower lip, watching her sister’s hands intently.

I looked to where Mary Lou was watching in time to see SJ place her left thumb on her twin’s clitoris and slide two fingers on her right hand inside Mary Lou’s pussy.

Groaning, Mary Lou straightened her legs to stiff, then arched her bottom off the boat, pushing up at the two invading fingers. Mary Lou’s finger stopped inscribing circles, and her fingers gripped tightly down onto my inner thigh as she moaned her appreciation of what SJ was doing.

Mary Lou sank back on the deck with a sensuous sigh before lifting and spreading her knees to allow SJ better access.

My balls were aching with the need to cum, but neither of the girls had indicated they wanted me to join in, so I felt all I could do was watch, not even touching myself.

Removing her thumb from Mary Lou’s clitoris, Sarah Jessica leaned forward onto that hand and then lowered her mouth to her sister’s pussy. Mary Lou placed her heels on the ground, guided her twin’s head to where she wanted to be licked, and then arched her back to push her hips up at SJ again.

“You can kneel close to my bum if you’d like a closer look, Mr John,” Mary Lou gasped.

I took that position no sooner than I felt Mary Lou’s hand on my taint and her fingers stroking my balls.

Not wanting to seem like an unschooled kid, I steeled myself to accept this and not orgasm.

Leaning over, I had an extreme close-up view of SJ’s fingers thrusting in and out of Mary Lou’s cunt and her tongue swirling around and over Mary Lou’s clitoris.

As I watched with my dick throbbing, Mary Lou groaned vociferously and then exploded into a gigantic orgasm.

“That is so good, sis. Oh, my fucking Gawd, is that good!”

Shaking and shuddering, Mary Lou ground her pussy on her twin’s mouth as her pleasure nodes erupted again and again.

Several intense moments later, Mary Lou finally opened her eyes then pulled her sister up for a kiss.

“You’re the best by far at getting me off, Sarah. No wonder I insist we date twins so we can fuck all the time.”

SJ rolled off onto her back and then removed her thong, “Time you returned the favour, sister.”

Instead of obeying instantly, Mary Lou sat up and looked at me.

“Are your balls aching yet, Mr John?”

“They’re aching so badly I can feel it in my kidneys, Miss Parker,” I truthfully answered.

“Would you like to cum on my tits?”

‘Is Kevin Rudd going to win the next election in a landslide?’ I thought.

The current Prime Minister, John Howard, was on the nose with the electorate at this time.

But, what I said was, “Yes, please, Mary Lou.”

Laying back down, Mary Lou sexily cupped her breasts before saying, “Do it, Mr John. Cover my titties with your man goo.”

Taking myself in hand was all I needed as I started cumming as soon as I grabbed my cock. I was so horny and desperate that I covered Mary Lou from her neck to her pubis with copious ropes of ejaculated sperm. A couple of wayward blasts even hit her face.

She didn’t seem to mind. She just rubbed it into her skin.

“Good for the complexion, I hear,” she explained.

Groaning, I collapsed back onto the deck.

Rolling onto her knees, Mary Lou dived onto Sarah Jessica’s pussy.

“Hmmm. You’re pretty damned good yourself, sister,” SJ moaned as she held her sister’s head tightly to her clitoris. “This is why I put up with your silly games.”

Turning her head to me, SJ demanded, “Get over here and watch this, Murray. No guy has ever tongued me as well as my sister does. Maybe you can watch and learn and be the first to.”

I’d never had a complaint about my oral skills, but if the lady wants, the lady gets. I quickly knelt beside where Mary Lou was eating her out to watch that delectable sight.

Mary Lou was kneeling between her sister’s spread thighs with her elbows on the deck and her tight sexy ass in the air. Mary Lou had placed her thumbs on either side of her sister’s pussy, moving those fingers up and down as required.

Sometimes Mary Lou would shift her left hand so she could put her thumb just above SJ’s clitoris so she could pull SJ’s clit hood back. Doing this exposed SJ’s pleasure nub fully for Mary Lou to suck and lightly nip on.

SJ was much louder than her twin, moaning and groaning and, “Oh, yessing,” continuously.

Strangely, when her orgasm first hit, Sarah Jessica went totally silent. Her body in a rigor of absolute pleasure, SJ tilted her head back as even her neck muscles locked down, then squeezed her sister’s mouth tightly to her vulva as Mary Lou tongue fucked her as swiftly as possible.

Needless to say, my cock was jumping and straining with the need to orgasm again.

After SJ had finally sagged back down, she opened her eyes and looked at me, “Come on my pussy, Murray, please,” she requested.

It was another, ‘that’s all it took moments’. I barely had time to get on my knees between her legs before losing another load of goo deliciously all over SJ’s pussy.

Mary Lou hadn’t been able to get out of my way quickly enough, and some of my ejaculations splashed onto her chin and neck. Mary Lou didn’t rub this lot in, however. Instead, she gathered it with her fingers and fed it to her sister.

Once the girls had relaxed and calmed down from the pleasure they had given each other, Mary Lou said, “I think we should head back. There’s an afternoon storm due.”

Then she smiled wickedly.

“Besides, I think your twin deserves a show, too. Don’t you?”

I couldn’t get the boat started quickly enough.

Taking the risk, I didn’t slow down as I hit Moreton Bay. With the throttle wide open, it didn’t take long for us to pull up at my jetty.

With a twin on either arm, I ran across my backyard, up through the covered-in patio, and into the house just as the rain squall hit.

Laughing, with eyes sparkling, SJ said, “Perfect timing.”

Mary Lou untangled her arm from mine, kissed me on the cheek, and then said, “Thanks for a lovely day, Mr John. Your brother was right. Your boating skills are just as good as his.”

“We’re identical in every way, Miss Parker,” I replied, carrying the joke to ridiculous proportions. “That’s why I had to grow a moustache. Even our mother couldn’t tell us apart if I hadn’t.”

That’s when Mary Lou reached into her bag and brought out a second small bag from the same shop as the swimming costume I was already wearing.

“Could you please ask your twin to put this on for us, Mr John? That way, SJ and I will know it’s really him, not just you having shaved the stach off.”

Laughing, I took the bag from Mary Lou’s proffered hand and headed for my upstairs room.

“Mr John?” Mary Lou called as I turned. “Would you please tell your brother that we expect a dance and a show when he puts the item on, too?”

Laughing even harder, I replied, “Of course, Miss Parker. Was there anything else?”

“Yes. SJ and I are going to take advantage of your oversized downstairs shower. Tell John he can come in, but he must only watch.”

That pouch doesn’t hide a damned thing, I tell you! With my erection poking salaciously above the top of my swimmers, I walked quickly out of the room.

As I went through the door, SJ added, “Tell him no putting on the swimming costume until we’re ready for his show. He may wear a towel for his modesty if he wants to come into the shower.”

These two were the best (or worst?) teasers I’d ever come across. But, oops, is that Freudian slip, given I have cum over both of them?

Stowing the moustache back in the bathroom the twins were about to use, I headed to my room so I could also shower and freshen up.

I’ve never understood why women need so long in the shower because less than five minutes later, I was opening the door to the downstairs bathroom. The twins were already under the water, and the room filled with steam.

Sitting on the water basin’s cabinet, I watched, enthralled, as Sarah Jessica shaved Mary Lou.

SJ was sitting on the shower floor. Having purloined my five-blade razor and shaving cream, SJ had covered her sister’s whole pubic area and was pulling the skin this way and that way to ensure she shaved every bit.

SJ would wipe the cream off every few seconds and then tongue her sister’s clitoris or labia. The room was full of Mary Lou’s deeply sensual moans as her clit was expertly serviced.

My erection was so severe it kept pushing its way through the opening in the towel.

I didn’t think the girls had even noticed me entering the room, but after the third time my cock broke through into view, Mary Lou opened an eye and breathily said, “Leave it there. It looks so divine standing so massively erect.”

I let my towel gape with my stiff and throbbing dick on display.

SJ must have cleaned all of Mary Lou’s pubic hair off because she had dropped the razor and held Mary Lou’s taut buttocks tightly to her mouth as she tongue fucked her sister’s pussy.

Mary Lou raised onto her toes with her knees on either side of her twin’s head as she held her sister tighter to her pussy. Moaning and groaning, Mary Lou shook her way through several loud orgasms before releasing SJ’s head and sinking back on her heels.

Encouraging SJ to turn toward me by pushing on SJ’s shoulder, Mary Lou asked. “Would you like to cum, John? Your brother has cum on us once each. Would you like to?”

“Fuck, yes!” Was my response.

“Come over here, then. Drop the towel.”

I was over at the shower door in a flash. Pouring some body wash into her right palm, Mary Lou wrapped that hand around my shaft and began wanking me off.

The scene I had just watched was so sexually stimulating that I didn’t last any longer than the earlier episodes. I spat semen out of my cock with deep animalistic grunts.

Mary Lou directed the first two blasts directly onto her twin’s face before redirecting the shots onto her clit. These ejaculations hit her clit and slid down Mary Lou’s pussy to join the rest on SJ’s face.

Moaning, SJ tipped her head back so she could lick my sperm off her sister’s pussy before the water washed it away.

What I was beginning to realise was that SJ was quite submissive. She always gave way to her younger but taller sister.

I was fairly certain Mary Lou had more than a little bit of a Dominatrix in her nature. Therefore, I guessed a relationship between myself and Mary Lou would be doomed because we would both want to be the dominant partner.

That realisation saddened me for a brief moment because I wasn’t as attracted to Sarah Jessica as Mary Lou. However, I soon forgot my sadness as I watched and listened to Mary Lou orgasming on her twin’s tongue.

SJ orgasmed along with her sister. I hadn’t noticed, but SJ had two fingers delved into her pussy and a thumb on her clit.

“Leave the towel. SJ and I will join you in the lounge shortly,” Mary Lou demanded.

Ignoring her no towel edict, I wrapped one around my hips and left the girls to it.

Close to 30 minutes later, the twins met me in the lounge. All they had wrapped around themselves were the sarongs. These items were diaphanous, so I could clearly see their breasts and belly buttons. However, their pussies were somehow obscured.

My flagging erection jumped immediately back to full flourish and poked its large head through my towel.

The twins licked their lips simultaneously as they stared at it.

“Your water was still gorgeously hot right up to the end of our shower, Daddy John,” Mary Lou said. “How big is your hot water tank?”

“It’s one of those perma-flow ones, Mary Lou. As long as the council doesn’t run out of gas, I won’t run out of hot water.”

“I might have to bring Sarah over for a shower every day if that’s the case,” Mary Lou said with a smile.

“Would you, please?” I responded.

With a mischievous smile, Mary Lou answered, “I didn’t say I’d let you watch us every day.

Matching her tone, I replied, “My twin deserves to be allowed to watch on alternate days.”

The twins laughed before taking seats close together on my couch.

Looking at me expectantly, the twins said, “Well?”

While waiting for them, I’d spooled an old favourite of mine. It was ELO’s, Don’t Bring Me Down. I’d watched a YouTube clip where a bunch of hot chicks were ‘shuffle dancing’ to this song. I’d never done one of those dances before, but I’ve always been light on my feet and figured I could do something close.

Holding the towel closed but letting my thick cock bounce wherever it chose, I ‘shuffled’ around the room in time to the music. As the last melody ended, I spun to a stop in front of the girls, then let the towel drop.

The twins applauded. With their eyes glued to my crotch, the girls were panting as if they’d just run a half-marathon.

They turned to face each other briefly before SJ nodded minimally.

With both twins holding out their hands, Mary Lou said, “Okay, you may take us to bed. But! We decide what happens when and in where.”

‘What the fuck did ‘in where’ mean?’ I thought.

Putting the pouched swimming costume on before taking their hands, I walked the twins to my bedroom. This room is enormous. It seemed even larger because I hadn’t bothered replacing the items my ex-wife had taken with her.

My bed is the largest you can commercially buy, so there was plenty of room for the three of us.

Mary Lou drew an imaginary line down the middle of the bed.

“In the beginning, you may not cross this line,” she informed me. “Sarah and I will put on a show for you like you’ve never, ever seen. You may watch, but if you play with yourself, you must not cum. Then, Sarah or I will tell you when and where you can orgasm. Deal?”

If the twin’s show was as sensuously erotic as their previous ones, I would struggle with the ‘no cumming’ demand. With that in mind, I decided I would have to keep my hands well clear of my cock.

Smiling, I answered, “Yes, Ma’am.”

Delighted, Mary Lou grinned. Then, keeping with the theme, she replied, “Good boy.”

Turning to her sister, Mary Lou kissed SJ passionately.

Only moments later, the sarongs were on the floor, and the twins were on the bed. Already struggling to quench my desire to orgasm, I joined the twins on the bed. I stayed well clear of the ‘middle line’.

Pressing their breasts firmly together and stroking each other’s back, ass, and thighs, the twins began making love.

The twins were slowly and sensually heightening each other’s arousal with lots of deep and passionate kissing, fingers touching and stroking the other’s erogenous zones, and lots of soft groaning and moaning to show their appreciation of what the other was doing.

I could smell the twin’s arousal in the air when they broke their kiss. SJ submissively rolled onto her back before Mary Lou straddled her sister’s head. Lowering her pussy onto her twin’s mouth, Mary Lou groaned before leaning down to tongue SJ’s slit.

SJ was the first to blow, and with an almost guttural groan, she thrust her hips up at Mary Lou’s licking tongue and sucking mouth.

Feeling and hearing her sister cum was enough to send Mary Lou over the edge into orgasmic bliss, too.

Holding my gaze, Mary Lou encouraged her sister onto her side. Mary Lou bent her sister’s knee and lifted it higher. Then, spreading her pussy lips, Mary Lou pressed her clitoris and vulva against her sister’s pussy.

Feeling her sister’s vulva pressing against hers made SJ throw her head back and growl even more gutturally.

Holding SJ’s knee for balance and leverage, Mary Lou ground her pussy against her sister.

As she ground on her sister, Mary Lou was holding my gaze.

“Like this, do we, Daddy John?”

“Hottest thing I’ve ever seen, Miss Parker, I replied.

“Good. Would you like me to blow you as you watch?”

“Oh my goodness, yes!”

“Come here, then.”

Standing, I offered my cock to Mary Lou’s mouth. To my delight, Mary Lou ‘ free-handed’ the entire length of my rigidly hard penis in one quick swallow. Then, with her lips pressed against my pubic bone, Mary Lou pulsed her mouth on my throbbing member.

She alternated sucking hard with sucking lightly as she ran her tongue up and down my shaft.

Matching SJ’s guttural grunting, I asked, “May I cum, Mary Lou?”

Letting my cock fall out of her mouth, Mary Lou replied, “Too soon, Daddy John.”

As if I hadn’t already received too much stimulation, Mary Lou slid her hand between my upper thighs and started stroking my perineum.

“Fuck!” I groaned.

“Soon, Daddy John. I promise.” Mary Lou said. “SJ needs to cum. Why don’t you tongue her ass as I grind on her cunt?”

Knowing if I didn’t remove my cock from Mary Lou’s mouth very soon, I would orgasm despite her demand that I didn’t, I moved back, knelt, and then lay down.

Sarah Jessica’s tight buns were centimetres from my mouth and tongue. Using my hands to spread SJ’s ass cheeks, I ran my tongue down the cleft of her ass, around her rosebud, and across her taint.

I was rewarded with an “OMFG!”

Circling SJ’s rosebud with my tongue made SJ moan louder. Her head tossed like a tethered balloon in a high wind as Mary Lou rubbed her pussy against her, and I tongued her ass.

“Oh, good Lawd, I’m cumming,” SJ yelled.

I could feel her womanly fluids pouring across my chin as Sarah Jessica twitched and jerked and moaned her way through several back-to-back orgasms.

Once SJ had quietened down. Mary Lou pushed me onto my back, then sat on my face.

“SJ, get your lazy ass over her and tongue my butt as I ride, Daddy John,” Mary Lou demanded.

With Mary Lou’s pussy on my tongue and SJ’s chin on my forehead, I was back to struggling not to cum.

Using every skill I had learned from fucking 100s of women, I swirled my tongue up and over Mary Lou’s clitoris before pushing it as far into her pussy as I could force it to go.

With her hand behind my head holding me tightly to her, Mary Lou groaned, “Fuck, Daddy John. You’re just about to be the first man to bring me to orgasm with your tongue!”

With that, Mary Lou came.

This was as close to having a woman squirt on me as I’d ever been. Of course, Mary Lou didn’t squirt on my face, but her delicious lady juices were thick and copious on my mouth.

“How are your balls, Daddy John?” Mary Lou asked.

Full, swollen and painful,” I answered truthfully.

“Good,” Mary Lou replied. “I’m going to ride you. When you hear me cum, you may cum in me, okay?”

Nodding, I waited for Mary Lou to lower her perineum onto my hips. Then, taking my savagely hard penis in her hand, Mary Lou straddled my hips before guiding my cock into her vulva.

“You’re so deliciously big, Daddy John,” Mary Lou moaned. “You fill me up so beautifully.”

With her hands in the middle of my chest, Mary Lou rode me like I was her favourite pony. With most of her weight on her deliciously toned thighs, Mary Lou lifted and lowered her pussy along my shaft as if I was a horse on the trot, and she needed to keep her taut ass off the saddle to prevent from being roughly jostled.”

With my ass clenched and my eyes screwed tightly shut, I almost prayed that I could hold on for another stroke, then another, then another.

Finally, moments before I would have had to blow into Mary Lou’s tight pussy, she moaned, “OMFG, Daddy John. Cum in your little girl’s wet cunt. Cum in me now!”

My needs forced my voice way up high, and I almost screamed through the most intense orgasm I’d ever had.

Above my screams and moans, I heard Mary Lou yelling, “Fuck, yes! Fuck, yes! Fuck me, OMFG, yes!” As she creamed on my tool.

Mary Lou sagged off me onto the mattress.

“That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had with someone who wasn’t my sister,” Mary Lou informed me.

Sarah Jessica was looking at me almost forlornly, “I don’t suppose you can go again, john, can you?” She almost pleaded.

Reader, I think I could have gone all night, then all week with these two.

“Suck your sister’s juices off me, SJ, and I think I’ll be right to go,” I informed Mary Lou’s twin.

SJ got onto her hands and knees before circling the base of my softening cock with her thumb and forefinger and licking along my shaft. Then, as my cock hardened, SJ started to pull insistently on my shaft as she took me into her warm and wet mouth.

Sarah Jessica was at least as skilled at giving head as her sister. She had me harder than picking between a shooting stock that was about to rupture and burst and one that was about to explode into the stratosphere.

Panting with desire, I begged, “May I cum in your mouth, please, SJ?”

In response, Sarah Jessica pumped harder with her hand and sucked me deeper into her mouth.

Taking that as a ‘yes’, I released all restraints and unloaded into the smaller twin’s greedily sucking mouth.

SJ sat up, turned to her sister, kissed her, and then fed my seed into Mary Lou’s mouth with her tongue.

SJ turned back to me and said, “You still okay to go? I want you to cum in my pussy, please.”

Reader, I’d orgasmed more often today than I had in the last six months, at least. Maybe even the last year. But these two beautiful girls were barely older than half my age. So if they wanted to continue, well, Gawd damn, I just had to!

With my dick already beginning to throb and twitch, I asked, “Where do you want me?”

SJ replied, “I’m going to ride you reverse cowgirl. Don’t be shocked by what my sister will do when I’m on you, okay?”

I didn’t think there was anything the twins could do that I hadn’t already imagined as I tossed off fantasising about them, but I answered, “All good, SJ. I’m up for whatever.”

With her hands on my shins, Sarah asked me to bend my dick upward so she could lower her soaking wet pussy onto it. Doing as she asked had SJ sliding back onto my love pole in no time.

Leaning forwards, SJ began lifting her hips up until only the tip of the head of my supremely hard cock was still inside her. Every time I feared my dick would fall out of her, SJ would slam her ass down onto my pubic bone, taking all of my 7-inches deep into her cunt.

‘”This cannot get any better,’ I thought.

But it could. Mary Lou swung a thigh over my head, then lowered her pussy onto my mouth. It was only when I pushed my tongue out to taste her that I realised Mary Lou had a strapon tied in place.

With her perineum only a few centimetres from my nose, I watched, fascinated, as Mary Lou positioned the lubed head of her strapon at the entrance to her sister’s ass.

This was so close to my fantasies that I very nearly lost my lollies right then. But, when Mary Lou started to force the strapon into SJ’s ass, I couldn’t hold on even a second longer.

“Fuck me, that’s hot,” I exclaimed as I blew semen into SJ’s grippingly tight pussy.

With my long and thick dick buried deep in her vulva, and my semen splashing onto her cervix, SJ groaned, squeezed her quim hard down on my cock, and then came with me.

I was spent, so I wriggled out from under Sarah Jessica. Then, rolling on my side, I watched as Mary Lou shifted position until she was squatting above her sister’s hips before shoving the strapon back into SJ’s ass.

Balancing with her hands on SJ’s hips, Mary Lou fucked her twin’s ass hard. Having her sister peg her ass so viciously only drove SJ to even heightened paroxysms of orgasmic pleasure.

“Please, John, tongue my clit,” SJ pleaded.

Moving underneath the smaller twin, I hesitated as I watched Mary Lou forcefully fucking her sister’s ass.

SJ’s ass was gaped wide because the attached dildo that Mary Lou was using was huge. Easily 10-inches, I thought.

Lifting my head, I slid my tongue onto Sarah Jessica’s clitoris. Then, reaching up, I slipped two fingers into her pussy before hooking them down and forward to find SJ’s Gspot.

“Fuck, yes!” SJ groaned as my fingertips swirled over her most intimate and pleasurable inner node.

SJ erupted into a series of cataclysmic orgasmic events. The twins weren’t squirters, something I had never experienced, but they sure did cream beautifully.

After she had come down from her orgasm, Sarah Jessica spun around, lowered her tight pussy onto my dick, and then rode me until we both orgasmed again.

Mary Lou, SJ and I fucked until the morning’s light interrupted our revelry.

Exhausted, we cuddled together before falling into a deep sleep. Later, when I awoke. I was alone.

The twins and I never did get it on together again. During the northern summer, they travelled to the Ukraine, where they met a pair of boxing brothers. Not twins, I should point out. Fell in love and married them.

Neither did Mary Lou and I ever go out on that date we had discussed.

I still live alone in that huge mansion on Brisbane’s northside all by myself. If you know the area, mine is the only three-story home on the Esplanade. Drop by if you’d like to say hello. I updated my boat. The new one is even faster.

The End.

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