The Vasectomy Ch. 03

An adult stories – The Vasectomy Ch. 03 by bridgetrose,bridgetrose SUMMARY: This is a complete work of fiction. This is Chapter Three of the events that transpired after an unexpected experience between Danielle and her dad at a fertility clinic. She can’t stop thinking about what they did together, and she pushes things even further.

All characters in this story are 18 or older.

DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. Any character resemblances to real life personae are strictly coincidental. Copying, re-posting, storing (whether digitally or in print form) or redistribution of this material is prohibited.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story has seven chapters. All chapters have already been written, but I decided to release just a chapter or two at a time. Most likely, I will continue publishing the remaining chapters at regular intervals, until they are all there for you to read. Each chapter is short, by design. I wanted to keep this story simple and to the point. Hopefully you are getting as much enjoyment out of reading them as I did from writing them!


Chapter Three.

After my short, but explosive little spat with my father, I crawled into bed feeling horrible. But the aftereffects from my orgasm soon took over and within fifteen minutes, I felt so relaxed, I practically forgot what I had even been upset about. When I woke the next morning, I felt completely refreshed. I sought out my dad first thing and apologized for my outburst. He apologized, too and then we hugged. After that, things seemed to be pretty chill between us. Neither of us brought up what had happened, but for the moment, I was ok with that.

Several days went by without either of us even mentioning the taboo experience. Up until the following weekend, when our next meaningful conversation occurred. It was Saturday night and we had both agreed to play some video games together. Wanting to be comfortable, I wore one of my favorite tops. It was a black tank that was cropped above my belly (as usual). It had two fabric loops that went over my shoulders, but otherwise it was sleeveless. This particular shirt also exposed a fair amount of cleavage, and even hiked my tits up a little from how snug it wrapped the bottom of them. It wasn’t quite as “revealing” as the shirt I had worn to the fertility clinic, but it was close enough. Beneath that, I wore my favorite nighttime PINK sweatpants. They were incredibly soft against my skin.

My dad and I played a racing game for about an hour. He was slowly nursing his third beer just as I beat him again, the sixth time in a row. He shook his head and told me he remembered when I could never beat him at video games. I laughed at him, feeling lighthearted and completely at ease. We hadn’t played video games together in ages.

There was one question that had been tickling through my head ever since my dad had first told me he wanted to go have a vasectomy. I decided now was as good a time as any to finally bring it up. Setting my controller in my lap, I turned toward him and said, “Can I ask you something?”

He was in the middle of taking a swig from his beer, which he finished before asking, “What?”

“Why do you want to have a vasectomy?” I asked simply.

He glanced toward me and asked, “What do you mean?”

Frowning, to myself really, I asked, “I mean… are you, like… seeing someone?” That seemed like the only likely reason to want to have one, considering he wasn’t technically married anymore.

My dad shook his head immediately at my question.

Pressing my lips together, I considered his answer. Then I asked, “So you want it so… so you CAN start seeing someone?”

He shrugged, looking just a touch uncomfortable. “Something like that,” he said.

“Do you have someone in mind?” I heard myself ask. I wasn’t usually this direct with my dad, but I really wanted to understand.

“No,” he said, again almost immediately.

I stared at him, not understanding. Then why? What was the purpose? I felt confused, but sat in silence, thinking about it.

Finally he spoke quietly, “I guess it’s more of something I want to do to get ready for the future, when…” He trailed off, looking at the tv screen.

“When what?” I prodded.

He looked at me, but then looked away. His cheeks were turning pink. Then he said quietly, “When I’m ready to start having sex again.”

That added up. But I realized I had another question, so I blurted it out, “But what if you want to have another baby?”

My dad turned his face toward mine, staring at me intently. For a brief second, I almost thought he was going to start crying. But then he said, “I can’t imagine doing that now that your mom is gone.” He swallowed a lump in his throat, looking away from me. Then he added even softer, “It wouldn’t be the same… and it would only be your half-sibling.”

Seeing him on the verge of being emotional made me feel sad. For him, and for the loss of my mom. It had been long enough that I didn’t let my own emotions take me down, but I did decide that silence was best for the moment. After a few minutes, I finally acknowledged him by saying, “I guess that makes sense. Although… I wouldn’t mind having a baby sister.”

“Really?” my dad asked, his head whipping toward me.

Nodding, I said, “Yeah.”

“I didn’t know you even thought about that,” he said, looking and sounding surprised.

Shrugging my shoulders, I said softly, “I have a lot of things that I think about since mom died.”

“Like what?” he asked, sitting forward on his cushion.

Frowning into my lap, I answered him, “Well, I guess I’ve been trying to…” I trailed off, lost in thought.

After a few silent seconds, my dad asked gently, “Trying to what?”

Slowly lifting my head and looking into his eyes, I whispered, “To fill her shoes.” Now I was feeling emotional. My eyes started to water, so I turned away from him.

“Oh,” he said. Then he called my name, “Danielle.” When I turned toward him, he was smiling as he said, “I’ve noticed you taking care of the house. Ever since she…” He trailed off, swallowing a lump in his throat. With a brief shake of his head, he continued quietly, “Anyway, it helps a lot. I’m sorry if I don’t tell you how much I appreciate everything you do around here.”

Smiling back at him, I felt happy suddenly. It was nice to hear my dad tell me he appreciated me. A thought popped into my head and I blurted it out with no filter, “Plus and also, I guess I started wearing her shoes in other ways when it comes to you.” I laughed, but it sounded like a nervous laugh. At the same time, I felt a funny tingle stirring in my crotch.

Dad was silent and he didn’t laugh with me. Maybe it was too soon to be joking about it. Determined not to let this turn into another argument, I asked a random question, “Did you think mom was sexy?”

“Very much so, yes,” he answered immediately. Then he took hold of his beer and started drinking it again.

I didn’t know what else to add, so we sat in silence for a few minutes. Until he finished his beer and got up to get another. When he came back to the living room less than a minute later, he stood looking down at me. I tilted my head and looked at him sideways. “You know you look just like her when she was your age.”

“Really?” I asked, perking up a little.

He settled into the couch with a sigh and then said, “Yeah. Like, she could be your twin. Or at least your sister.” He chuckled as if he had just told a joke. I didn’t see the humor in it.

Feeling exposed just then, I started chewing on my lip. Another question started rumbling through my mind, but I was hesitant to ask it. Because of our argument a week ago. I was afraid he would think it was inappropriate. But he was the one who had just compared me to mom, right after I asked him if he thought she was sexy. So this was on him. Fuck it. Opening my mouth, I asked, “Do you think I’m sexy?”

My dad froze with his hand holding his beer as he was about to set it down on the table. “Danielle,” he said my name in the way he used to when I was little and he was warning me not to do something.

“What?” I said. Then I added, “I’m just curious.” That was all. No harm in being curious.

Instead of setting the beer down, my dad sat back on the couch again with it still in hand. Then he took a drink. Afterwards, without looking at me, he said, “Well, a dad isn’t supposed to think his daughter is sexy.”

I just stared at him, even though he wasn’t looking at me. He hadn’t denied it with that answer. He was clearly deflecting, though. So I attacked with, “What’s a dad supposed to think then?’

“About what?” he asked.

Was he playing dumb? Duh. Relentless, I said, “About his daughter. When…” I purposely trailed off. I knew what I was thinking, but I wanted to make him work for it. Since he was being silly again.

“When what?” he asked, taking the bait.

Leveling my gaze right at him, I said quite plainly, “When she can’t stop thinking about giving her dad an orgasm.”

“DANIELLE!” my dad shouted, beer spraying from his mouth.

But I wouldn’t back down. I stared at him defiantly. Then I said, “Well it’s true. And I’d rather just be open about it rather than bottle it up.”

Instead of yelling more as I expected him to do, he went completely silent. Minutes ticked by and the silence grew. My dad shifted in his seat, uncomfortably. By that time, he had finished his fourth beer and sat there, spinning the bottle idly in his hands.

Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted us to be able to talk about this! So I said, “I liked having an orgasm, too, you know.”

His head spun toward me, eyes wide. He looked more surprised than mad. And he asked dumbly, “You did?”

“Uh, yeah? Duh,” I said in response, rolling my eyes. Of course, it was probably about as dumb as it was for me to state the obvious in the first place. Who wouldn’t like an orgasm?

His face started turning pink again, and then red. I refused to back down, though. I knew what I wanted. And it wasn’t just chit chat. “Dad?” I called to him.

“Wh-what?” He asked, sounding like his voice was strained.

Lowering my voice, I tried to make it sound husky. Sultry, even. I said, “I want to do it again.”

Slowly he turned his head toward me, looking at my face. Then he sighed and closed his eyes as he said, “Yeah, that’s kinda obvious.”

Pouting, I asked, “Is that so bad?”

He opened his eyes again, but immediately wrenched his gaze away from me, looking down into his lap. When he didn’t answer my question, I pushed on, “Can I ask you something?”

Dad groaned but nodded without looking at me.

I hesitated for three heartbeats. I was really pushing this hard. But determination won. Pulling my legs up onto the couch, I sat on them. Then I whispered, “Are you… I mean, is this turning you on, talking about this?” Staring at him, I held my breath.

For a few seconds, I thought he wasn’t going to answer. Then he closed his eyes again, sighing, and said quietly, “I’ve been turned on ever since that day at the clinic.”

My heart was pounding in my chest, I realized. As I sat on the backs of my legs, staring at my dad across the couch, I felt a deep, pulsing heat in my pussy. It felt urgent and demanding. I could have laid back right then and there and started masturbating. But I held my breath instead, staring at him. His eyes fluttered open and slowly, he turned toward me. His cheeks were flush, but it didn’t look like embarrassment. His nostrils flared when he looked at me and I saw his eyes briefly flick down to my chest. To where I knew he had a nice view of my cleavage.

“Me too,” I whispered, finally starting to breathe again.

“Fuck,” was all he said. He was still staring at my tits.

I couldn’t help myself. Leaning forward, I started crawling toward him. His eyes lifted back up to mine as I drew closer. He was watching me without saying anything. When I was one cushion away from him, I said breathily, “I want to give you another orgasm.”

His chest was rising and falling rapidly as he breathed heavily. His mouth was open as he stared at me, but he still hadn’t said anything. Without a word, I sat back on my legs again and then reached down, grabbing the hem of my shirt. Lifting it up over my head, I felt my breasts bouncing around for him while I pulled my long hair through the shirt. Shaking my head, I ran my hands through it, brushing the brown strands out of my face. When I looked at my dad again, his eyes were open wide as he stared at me. At my naked tits.

He did not tell me to put my shirt back on.

A smile of triumph made the corners of my mouth twitch, but I fought it down. I didn’t want him to notice and change his mind if I looked too pleased with myself. Leaning forward again, I crawled ever closer to him. Then I reached out and touched his leg, whispering, “Can I?”

“Ok,” he whispered in response, breathing even harder.

Sliding my hand to where his bulging erection was clearly outlined, I started rubbing his cock through his jeans. He gasped, inhaling sharply through his nose. Gently, I tugged at the button of his pants. Pretend pouting, I teased, “It’s not fair that I’m the only one naked.”

He started moving then, reaching down and undoing the button that I was fumbling with. He slid the zipper down and then lifted his butt as he started pulling his jeans off. He had snagged his briefs with it and as he pushed them past his knees, his raging boner sprung into view once again. I felt like I wanted to drool as I stared at it.

Whispering, I said, “You’re so hard, daddy.”

“Yeah,” was all he said in response.

Grinning, I cocked my head to look at his face and asked, “So does that mean you think I’m sexy?” He never did answer that question earlier.

He looked directly into my eyes and whispered, “Fucking hell yes, you’re sexy.”

My pussy exploded with pleasure. From a fucking compliment? No, it was the way he said it. He was so… believable. He really did think I was sexy. My dad thought I was sexy. The profoundness of that started to sink in, creating a weird new emotion that stirred in the pit of my belly. I couldn’t help myself. Reaching a hand out, I took hold of his cock and started stroking him.

“Oh god, Danielle,” he moaned. The way my name sounded when he moaned was erotic.

Gently, I pumped my hand up and down his shaft, enjoying the tickling sensation of his skin against my palm. It was just as arousing to me as I figured it was for him. I wasn’t even masturbating, but my pussy tingled as if I was. Shifting a little, I mashed my thighs together, squeezing the muscles in my pelvis against the pleasure. That made me moan quietly.

Still stroking my father’s cock, I saw a little bubble of liquid ooze from the tip. A little more followed close behind. It was clear, but thick and gooey. It looked so interesting, whatever it was. I figured it was something related to sperm. I remembered it from that day in the clinic. At first, I had thought he had already finished. This time, I knew better. But that didn’t stop me from wondering what it tasted like.

Licking my lips, fantasizing in my head and getting even more aroused, I felt my body leaning forward. Still stroking his cock as my face descended toward it, I felt my heart pounding hard. As my mouth neared the tip of his shaft, I opened it, leaning down a little further–

“Danielle, that’s too mu–” his words choked off with a moan as my mouth closed over the tip of his cock. I could literally feel his penis pulsing with his heartbeat against my lips. There was no stopping me at that point. I pushed my head down a little further, feeling him fill my mouth. Too much. Backing off, I held onto the base of his shaft with my hand for support. Then I added my tongue to the equation, slowly dragging it around the head of his penis. It tasted salty and wonderful.

“Danielle, don’t…” he started to say, but he trailed off and then gasped, his head lolling to the side.

“Dwnnt waaat aaddy?” I said, my words mangled by the fact that I had his cock in my mouth.

When he didn’t answer me, I took that as full acceptance of what was happening. Smiling around his shaft, I started moving down again. Then back up. Down then up, I did a slow bob, letting his cock fill my wanting mouth over and over. He was big. Very big. I felt my lips stretching tautly the further down I pushed, and the tip of his penis kept tickling the roof of my mouth. Every few up and down bobs, I twisted my head a little, peering up at his face. His eyes were closed, his mouth open and he was clearly breathing hard.

God this was way more fun than I even imagined! Gradually, I really got into it. Using a combination of swirling my tongue around him, pressing down with my lips, and rubbing his tip along the ribbed top of my mouth, I worked myself into an almost frenzied activity of blowing my father. I still had a hand wrapped around the base, which acted as a governor to keep him from choking me.

Suddenly my dad’s hands were on my head, and I felt his fingers twisting strands of my hair around them. He held me, gently. But the fact that he had his hand on my head was a surprising turn on to me. A big turn on, in fact. I could literally feel my pussy juice leaking down my thigh. Ignoring it, I focused solely on pleasuring my father.

Still moving my head up and down, I felt my mouth begin to salivate. Enough that I felt trickles of spit drooling down the sides of his shaft, soaking my hand still surrounding the base. Up and down I plunged, licking and sucking his shaft. My ears were ringing and I realized that was why I hadn’t heard him moan in a while. Swallowing, they cleared up a little.

Oh yes, he was moaning. A lot. That only spurred me on with even more determination. Shifting my position to get a little better leverage, I put one hand on his thigh. Immediately, I felt myself toppling, so I let go of his cock and placed my other hand on his knee. There. That was better. Up and down, I moved my head, fucking him with my mouth. Oh god this was intense! I slurped and lapped at him, swirling my tongue around his head every few times I made my way to the top. Faster, I bobbed. Up and down. He was moaning louder, and I could hear him breathing heavily.

Just then, my father’s hands gripped my head a little harder. He pushed gently on my way down, like he was helping me. I plunged my lips down his shaft, squeezing them together on my way back up. He pushed my head again and I went down. Up and down, we worked together as I continued blowing him. After a few minutes, I felt his hands shaking. It gave me the impression that he was trying to restrain himself.

My head slurped back up to the tip once more and then, as a test, I let the muscles in my neck loosen. When my dad pushed me down, there was no resistance from me. I felt his cock pushing deep into my mouth. Deeper than it had gone before. I realized suddenly that I had removed the hand that had been wrapped around the base. With nothing to stop my downward motion, and daddy pushing against my head, I took him in too deep.

Daddy’s cock hit the back of my throat and I started coughing. His hands on my head immediately squeezed harder, holding me there. And he moaned loudly. His body started to shake. Inside my mouth, I felt his cock urgently forcing its way deeper into my throat. He was gagging me! I couldn’t breathe!

With a cry, my dad yanked his hands off my head and I immediately lifted my head up, gagging and choking. But I didn’t pull my mouth off. Once I reached the tip again, I held myself there while I recovered. Then I started groping at his tip with my lips and tongue, squeezing and licking. His shaking grew stronger, until I felt my own body shaking, too. Then I felt his hands move to my head again, twining his fingers in my hair once more. He kept twisting them until it started to hurt my scalp, but I didn’t care.

Still gently suckling the tip of his penis, I started swatting my tongue back and forth across the tip. Then, feeling recovered after the gagging, I pushed myself down once more.

Suddenly, his hands on my head squeezed even tighter. He pulled my hair so hard, I saw spots in my vision even with my eyes closed. Then he moaned, “I’m about to cum!” He was breathing heavily.

Immediately, I started bobbing my head up and down again. Faster and faster I moved, going down a little deeper each time. I felt the tip of his penis tickling the back of my throat. I had to fight the urge to cough. His breathing grew louder still, and faster. He was shaking. He was pulling my hair so hard, I thought he was going to rip it off my head.

Something extremely hot sprayed the back of my throat. I immediately started gagging, but held my mouth clamped tightly around his cock. A second hot blast shot into my mouth. It was a thick, creamy load. Then a third one, and a fourth. Instinct tried to take over and I felt my muscles contracting as I tried to swallow. Some of daddy’s cum went down my throat, but it was coming out so fast and so hard, I couldn’t keep up. I started choking on it.

My dad was moaning loudly, his body shaking violently as he continued to explode into my mouth and throat. There was so much cum in my mouth, and so much cock, that I felt the liquid oozing out the sides of my mouth. I slurped and kept swallowing, but then I started coughing again. I kept the head of his cock in my mouth, though, coughing around it as he continued to spew his load. I was breathing through my nose by then.

Finally, the seemingly endless stream of ejaculate stopped spraying. I kept my mouth locked around his cock anyway, sucking on it, licking it, and making sure he was all done. His cock was twitching and I figured that if I leaned my ear against his chest, I would discover his heartbeat to be in rhythm with the twitching.

Clamping my lips hard around his shaft, I slowly pulled my head upward. When my lips reached the tip, they followed its contours as I pulled my head up off my father’s cock. As soon as it was free, I watched it flop over on its side as if it had just passed out. I would have giggled, except for the insane amount of arousal that was surging through my body right then. Nothing was funny. Everything was erotic, though. My pussy tingled something fierce.

“Jesus daddy,” I said, breathless. Then, pushing myself back and sitting on my legs again, I looked at him and whispered, “That was amazing…” I was beaming at him. And god I had loved every second of that blowjob. A thousand times more than I even expected.

My dad stared at me, slowly nodding. Then he said softly, “Yeah… it was.”

Still smiling, I said, “Thank you for letting me do that.” Then, as an afterthought, I added, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

He laughed. Oh, that blessed laugh! It was worlds better than the argument that had ensued after the last round a few days ago. “I’ve never had a ‘bad’ blowjob,” he said.

I frowned. Was that supposed to be a compliment? That could mean anything. It could mean, “Yeah sweetie, your blow job was pretty good. Better than average. Nice job!” Or it could mean, “A for effort, B for execution! But you got your product, so good job, champ!” I felt irritated for some reason.

He must have noticed something in my expression because he suddenly grabbed my hand and, when I looked at him, he said genuinely, “But as blowjobs go… that was the best I’ve ever had.”

My pussy was gushing and it made me gasp. And right then, I started bawling. But not a bad kind of bawling. Tears cascaded down my cheeks, and I felt happy. Happier than I had ever felt in my life. My daddy’s compliments were powerful as hell. I desperately wanted to kiss him right then and there, but I didn’t want to push my luck, so I held back. Instead, I started to laugh and then threw my arms around him and hugged him.

Jesus that was a fun blow job.

End of Chapter 3.


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