The Wedding by vestandbowtie,vestandbowtie

So there’s this guy I used to know. We had some mutual friends, so we struck up a friendship. Because of our busy lives at the time, our friendship was mostly online, and it quickly became sexual in nature. We had a lot of fun together, never physical in person, but eventually it fizzled out as we went on to new chapters of our lives. I sometimes still think of him because of that thrilling feeling I got when I logged on and saw he was there and knew we’d be having some fun for the next couple of hours. I’d often wonder if he still thinks of me.

My friend Stacy got married this September. September weddings can be tricky weather-wise in the northeast United States. It could be sweltering or freezing. It was tough to pick out clothing in advance, but I wanted to look sexy af for this event. I had no idea who would be there, but even if I didn’t find anyone to spend the night with, I wanted to leave some tongues wagging. I decided to treat myself to some lingerie. Red or black were too run-of-the-mill, so I opted for purple, and I found a lacy shelf bra, thong, garter belt, and stockings. For the bra, I had the option of full coverage, partial coverage, or barely any coverage. I opted for partial, which meant that the underside of my breast was supported, but my nipples were on full display when wearing the bra. If I undressed in front of anyone, I delighted in imagining their surprise. The thong was lacy in the front and just a thing string in the back. The garter belt came up to my navel, and the lace nicely framed the front of my panties. The stockings came to mid-thigh, where they connected to the strings from the garter belt. They had about three inches of lace on the top and then were sheer the rest of the way down my leg. Now I needed a dress. I ended up finding the perfect thing. It was form-fitting with a strap over one shoulder and a strapless second shoulder, which also nicely showed off my chest on one side. It appeared sheer from far away, looking like I was nude under some bunched-up black gauze. The skirt came to just below the top of my stockings. When I tried on everything together, I noticed that my nipples showed quite nicely through my dress, further adding to the illusion that I was nude under the gauze. This would do nicely. I just needed a black heel, and I was ready!

The day of the wedding, I got dressed and headed to the church. It turned out to be a chilly September day, so I was able to wear my coat into the church. I kept my coat on for warmth, but I did unbutton it while I was seated. The ceremony was lovely and thankfully short! We all headed outside to greet the happy couple as they exited. Bundled up outside waiting, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and warm breath close to my ear.

“Your dress is driving me crazy, and I haven’t even seen the whole thing yet.”

I turned to see none other than Kent, my one-time internet friend! What a thrill to see him in the flesh! We laughed and shared an embrace.

“You’re friends with Stacy?,” I asked.


“Ah. What a small world. It’s so good to see you.”

“You, too. Are you here alone?”

“I am. Flying solo these days. You?”

“I’m actually here with someone.”

Sadness and disappointment.

“Where is she?,” I asked.

“She’s in the restroom. Here she comes now. Lisa, I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine.”

“Hi, Lisa. It’s lovely to meet you. I hope they come out soon. I’d love to get out of the cold! I’m going to take up a position closer to the parking lot, but I’ll see you both at the reception!”

I really just needed to get away from Kent and his date. I hadn’t admitted it to myself, but I’d been secretly hoping we shared a mutual friend and he’d show up. I just never expected him to show up with someone else. Why?!

It’s okay, though. I looked fucking spectacular. I’d get to the reception and have an amazing time and maybe even still end up going home with someone. For now, I stood off the side watching him and Lisa. Was it my imagination, or was he watching me just as much? I hope not. Lisa seems darling. But also…I kind of hope so?

I got to the hotel where the reception was, removed my coat at the coat room, and game on. Immediately, I could feel several eyes up and down my body. Perfect. This is the night I was after, so I’d just let Kent and his date roll right off my back. I could have a good time. I could probably still flirt with him. And I saw quite a few hotties out on the church lawn. It was time to find a drink. I strutted over to the bar, which was packed. There had to be a second bar. This was going to take forever. I wandered away from the reception area and into the main hotel. Perfect. There was no one there. The short line was worth me footing the bill for one drink. I stood and waited for the bartender to emerge. And then I felt someone very purposefully cup my ass. The audacity of this son of a bitch! I turned to ream him out and was face-to-face with Kent.

An aside – had anyone else touched me, his ass would have been handed to him, but Kent and I have this unique relationship and thus a unique understanding of what is and isn’t acceptable. Had I been there with someone, he would not have touched me. But wait, what about Lisa?

Before I could ask, his lips were on mine, and I honestly don’t even know where his hands were because I was so lost in that kiss that had been years in the making. All thoughts left my mind, and it was just his tongue and mine, and it was better than I could have imagined in all those years of online-only. He pulled back, my eyes fluttered open, but before I could ask anything, Lisa appeared next to us at the bar. “God, I hope she didn’t see that,” I thought.

We exchanged niceties, got our drinks, and headed toward the dining room. I felt disheveled. Could everyone see? I felt like I had sex hair, but it had only been a kiss. How did just a kiss wreck me so much? All of those lusty internet feelings came flooding back, and I do mean flooding. I could feel that I’d gotten really wet. Damn it, Kent, you’ve still got it. Best to make a pit stop at the restroom before dinner.

I made my way to my seat, which just so happened to be adjacent to Kent and Lisa’s table. Better that it wasn’t the same table, I guess. Sharing my table were an older couple, a single guy around my age, and four girls around my age. They must have been Stacy’s college or high-school friends, but why the couple at this table? Oh, well. The guy in the couple was enjoying the view, but I could tell that his wife did not care for my assets on display. Luckily, my outfit was just modest enough for my showcased nipples to look like an unexpected accident. Well done, self. Single Guy fucking loved his luck at being placed next to me. He was nice enough and kind of attractive, but I was so consumed with that kiss that I wasn’t even thinking about other options anymore. But what about Lisa? Fuck!

I decided to worry about all of that later. I had a dinner to get through before I could even explore any possibilities. So just in case, why not lay some foundations for a hookup later? Single Guy and I chatted throughout the meal. I flirted with him without being over the top. Best not to annoy the other ladies at the party by laying it on too thick. I touched Single Guy’s arm and hand while we conversed, letting him know some light touching was okay. He responded in kind, touching my arms and hands throughout the meal. We got along great with the other ladies. The one on his other side even took the same approach – lightly flirty with some friendly touching. This was gearing up to be a fun night. When plates were cleared, the usual wedding business proceeded – cake cutting, first dance, etc. When formalities were finished and everyone was invited to dance, I excused myself to use the restroom. When I returned, Single Guy and Next Seat College Girl were cutting it up on the dance floor.


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