The Wife and the Student Pt. 02 by Ribbleman,Ribbleman

Jane was in the throes of interviewing applicants hoping to fill the vacancy for the room on offer. Jed had moved on and after some thought she and Barry had decided to carry on having a student lodger. As before the offer came with strict conditions on attitude and behaviour. This was their home.

Beginning to find the process tedious Jane was dismayed when the next boy turned up with his controlling mother.

‘Eric is 19, very well behaved and obedient. He always does as he is told for me and I’m sure he will for you.’

Jane thought that very interesting and smiled inside.

‘I’ve told him he’s not too big to have his bottom spanked!’

Jane found that even more interesting and pictured herself slapping the bare bottom of this shy, embarrassed youth who sat across from her.

‘I don’t think we’re allowed to do that anymore Mrs Murray.’ Jane said politely.

‘More’s the pity!’ said the stern and strict woman.

Jane wondered if the boy Eric had experienced any freedom at all in his life. Then her mind started working overtime in a wicked way.

She attempted to draw the boy into conversation but his mother constantly jumped in and answered for him. As she went through the ‘rules of the house’ the mother seemed pleased: no drugs or stashing alcohol in the bedroom….’Alcohol! – never allowed to touch it!’ shouted his domineering mother…. washing in it’s proper place…blah…blah….blah..’

Very pleased you run a tight ship,’ Mrs Murray said, wearing a supersilious grin.

Jane decided to take the boy under her wing and hopefully transform him into a more confident young man — maybe more!

‘I’m not keen on Eric living in student accommodation — prefer him to be somewhere more secure where there is less temptation to misbehave and where he has an older woman looking out for him.’ Mrs Murray said.

Jane run that through her mental process: less temptation — wrong, misbehave — hopefully, older woman safer — not this one. If only this bossy old bag knew!

A few days before the new term started Jane welcomed Eric and helped him settle in. First she showed him around the house and told him what she expected.

‘Don’t come home drunk. Not often anyway. I do know what students get up to. If you want a drink in the house come downstairs — you’re welcome to help yourself within reason, don’t turn your room into a drinking den’

‘Mother forbids alcohol, he told her.’

Jane was getting tired of hearing about Mother.

‘Eric, your mother isn’t here — this is my house, my rules — you will enjoy more freedoms than you have done at home. You are allowed to have some pleasures in life. My goodness lad, you are 19yrs old and should have a mind of your own. I’ve a good mind to do what your mother suggested’

Eric looked puzzled. ‘What’s that. Mrs Watts?’

‘Spank you, Eric. Pull down your pants, put you over my knee and smack your bare bottom!’

Jane looked at Eric’s surprised face and heard him draw in a deep breathe.

Their tour reached the laundry room.

‘Now bring your washing here. I’ll do it for you. Put your socks and underpants in this small basket and they will get done daily. Don’t leave them in your bedroom, otherwise you might run out of clean underwear. Shirts and other bigger stuff gets washed when there is a full load.’

She caught him staring into the basket and realised he was looking at her panties. Lifting out a pair of lacy orange panties she held them up. ‘Always put your used underpants in here with my knickers and Mr Watts undies. You look like you have never seen ladies underwear before.’

He blushed up. Jane guessed why. ‘Don’t suppose your mum wears panties like this,’ she said lifting out an even more skimpy pair.

‘I’ve only seen a few pictures of them,’ he admitted, shyly.

‘Well Eric, if I see you ogling my panties I’ll know why they interest you.’ Jane then purposely made a joke and saw him visibly shake.

‘But if you decide to sneak off to your room with a pair, make sure you bring them back, then I don’t run out of knickers.’ She then put her hand on his shoulder and whispered softly in his ear. ‘And make sure any white sticky mess goes on the soiled panties and not on the bed sheets!’

Poor Eric didn’t know where to look. ‘Sorry, I’ve never heard a woman say stuff like that before.’

‘You’re very open and honest Eric’ He laughed for the first time.

‘Listen, I think we will get along fine, I can see you becoming more relaxed already.’

Jane moved on and realised how naïve and innocent Eric was. ‘Did you know what I meant when I said that stuff about taking my panties to your room?’

The boy nodded shyly.

‘I know what young boys need. I can help you now your living here with me. I don’t suppose you have ever been to the pub at all or been with girls?’

He shook his head and looked away. Jane thought he might be putty in her hands.

‘Well I can help you with lots of things, Eric, teach you stuff and show you a lot. Now your mum’s out of the way I can show you how to have some fun. She won’t find out — in fact it can just be between you and I. My husband works nights a lot so we can spend a lot of time together in the evenings when no one knows what we talk about or what we do. Would you like that — me showing you how to have enjoyment? Just like other 19yr old lads do.’

Eric swifty gave the afirmative. ‘Yes, Mrs Watts, I’d like that,’

‘You must be a good boy for me though, Eric. Do as I tell you — your mother told me you are very obedient. Will you be obedient for me?’

‘Of course I will Mrs Watts.’

‘You’ll like most of the things I ask you to do, Eric. They won’t be like you do at home — they will be more pleasurable. Actually, when I said you have to be a good boy for me and do as I say, well, there might be times when I want you to be a bad boy for me. Do you understand my meaning?’

‘Not really sure, Mrs Watts, but I think it’s going to be great living here.’

It can be really great if you do what I want you to do, Eric. Now I’ll leave you to look round on your own and have some time to yourself. Just do a little job for me, will you. Go back to the laundry room and put all the smalls in the machine ready for washing — all the undies, all my panties and bras.’ The woman added, ‘If you find a pair you think is really nice it’s okay to take them back to your room to have a better look. Take them back to the washing machine when you have done what you want to do. Do you understand?’

‘Think so — yes.’ His face was very red.

‘Strange at your age that you haven’t seen much like that before. I will have to find you some pictures and magazines to look at. Probably some photos of me.’

She kissed him on the forehead and sent him off. He obeyed immediately.

Over the next few weeks Jane made sure she didn’t interfer with Eric’s college work and his efforts to settle in. Also partly because she too was busy settling into a new job. By the time she got to spend private time with the boy he had made some headway but still lacked confidence and needed to work on his social skills. One evening when Barry was on nights she sat with the boy chatting.

‘ I’m pleased to hear you have made some friends,’ Jane said, But how come you never go to the pub with them — you haven’t been out in the evening since you got here?’

He started to mention his dreaded ‘Mother’ but Jane stopped him.

‘I just feel the odd one out and sometimes don’t even follow the conversation. And if girls speak to me I get tongue tied.’

Jane gave him a sympathetic smile, ‘Well, that’s something I can help you with Eric.’ She pushed herself right up to him on the couch, their thighs touching, Jane wore a mini skirt that she had allowed to ride up to expose plenty of leg.

‘See, you’re almost quivering already because I’m almost cuddling you. What’s going to happen if you’re with a girl and she wants you to kiss her? It seems you’re scared of being touched, Eric.’

‘I’m not used to people touching me — let alone girls.’

‘We’re going to have to work on that,’ Jane brought her hand across lap and caressed his upper thigh. ‘Try and relax, Eric, does it feel nice?’

‘Yes,’ he answered, gasping.

‘I’m going to help you get some experience of life and build up your confidence. No one will know what we do — only we two. But you must follow my lead and do as I ask. Is your penis getting erect Eric?’

‘I don’t know what to say, Mrs Watts.’

‘It’s a simple question Eric — yes or no. Be a good boy and do as I say! It’s okay, we have to do it this way, it’s a quicker method of solving your problems Eric. You don’t need to be scared — just let me guide you. Now answer my question!’

‘Yeah, it is.’

‘Good boy, Eric. Now you have to practice controlling it — not getting too excited too soon.’

Jane let her hand stroke his inner thigh and drift closer to his crotch. Eric was panting for breathe. She moved her hand and unfastened his shirt, slowly all the way down to his waist. Now she let her hand rub his chest and belly watching him tense up. Moving back to his chest she played with his nipples.

‘Do you wish you could that to my nipples Eric?’

Surprisingly and without hesitation he nodded.

‘Have you sometimes pictured what I would look like — how it would feel?’

Again he nodded, nervously. She gave him a little kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear seductively and softly.

‘Would you like me to let you have a little look under my shirt!’

‘Ple……please,’ he stuttered.

Jane sat away from Eric so he’d get a better view and began to slowly undo the buttons of her shirt.

‘We will have to do some very naughty things together, Eric. So we can quickly make up for what you’ve missed — so you’ll be like other boys your age. Otherwise you’ll still be catching up when it’s time to leave college. Do you understand? It’s no good just showing you pictures and talking about things — I have to show you, we have to touch each other and do things.’

She pulled apart her unfastened shirt to show her full breasts, only just covered by her dainty bra.

‘Touch my breasts Eric — don’t be scared. Rub your hands over them.’

Summoning up courage the boy reached out his trembling hands and placed them on the woman’s bosom.

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