Things a Man Oughta Know Pt. 01 by Jalibar62,Jalibar62


A few words from the author:

I went back and forth about how to categorize this. I decided not to put it in Fan Fiction, because even though a celebrity is involved, that person’s name isn’t mentioned until Part 2, and doesn’t enter the story until Part 3. Also, there’s no explicit sex (unless 2nd base counts?). Anyway, I felt like ‘Romance’ was a better fit.

I do appreciate comments and feedback. If you think it stinks, that’s fine. But please don’t be rude. Tell me WHY it stinks, so I can fix it.

Finally, thank you to PastMaster and Dircan for their invaluable help in making this a better story.

Hope you enjoy it.


Seth Broderick was sitting in his kitchen with a very beautiful woman on his lap, and they were kissing. He hoped that he was getting it right, as it had been, for him, a very long time. His partner did not seem to be complaining though; she was holding his head with both hands, fingers entwined in his hair, as she caressed his lips with her own. Her scent was intoxicating.

He almost groaned when he heard the sound of car doors slamming outside. He pulled back from his partner, and searched her face as she slowly opened her beautiful hazel eyes. She smiled and made shooing gestures, as she moved to the chair beside him, and he reluctantly got up and went to greet his mother and daughter.

“Daddy!” shouted Emma.

He knew he had a big grin on his face as he hugged his daughter. He rubbed his cheek against hers, and she pushed at him.

“Daddy, stop, I’m not a baby!” she complained. But she was laughing.

He asked, “Did you have fun with Nana? Get any cool stuff?” Emma had spent the weekend at her grandmother’s, and judging by the number of shopping bags, they had been busy.

“Yep, we had lots of fun, didn’t we, Nana?” Emma started to tell him about her weekend as she walked into the kitchen. And then her eyes got huge as she saw who was sitting at the table.

She turned and stared at her father, with a stunned expression on her face. He turned to look at his companion and she nodded at them both, smiling. Seth turned back to Emma, took her hand and led her over to the woman, who drew the girl into an embrace. “Hi Sweetie, I’ve missed you!”


15 years ago

“Seth, I think I’ve put up with this nonsense for about long enough,” said Rick Broderick, Seth’s dad. Not for the first time, as Seth recollected.

“You need to buckle down and focus on your future,” he continued. “One way or another, when you turn 18, you’re not staying here.”

Seth was aware that his dad was just trying to pressure him into going to college. But the problem was, Seth wasn’t the college type, and he knew it. He had a job that he really enjoyed at a local classic car restoration shop. He’d been hanging around there since he was 14, and the owner finally just put him to work. He enjoyed working with his hands and learning the different aspects of the restoration process.

“You gonna be able to provide for a family as a mechanic?” his dad scoffed.

He also loved his music, but Rick just saw that as a hobby, not a profession.

“Playing bass in a garage band is no way to make a living, Seth,” his dad would lecture.

To be fair, they were more than a garage band. Drummer, guitar, Seth on bass, and a lead singer who could play keyboards too. She sounded a little like Carrie Akre from Goodness, so they cultivated that image. Maybe a little odd, some kids from Philadelphia playing Seattle alt rock, but it made them different, and they did pretty well locally. Seth kept trying to convince them to try some different genres, but they were happy doing what they were doing. That was fine, it just started to get repetitive for him, so he had let them know that they should probably start looking for a new bass player.

Anyway, when his dad came down on him again, he was so tired of being lectured. He blew up, and yelled, “Dad, I’m not ready for college! I don’t know what I want to do, but I know it’s not more school! Don’t worry, I won’t be sticking around.”

Tensions were high between Seth and his father from that point on, and finally, he realized things were never going to change. So the day after graduation, he loaded up his old beater, hugged his mom and his little sister, and headed for Nashville.


Seth wasn’t dumb; he did plan ahead. He’d mailed out applications to some auto body shops and restoration places around Nashville, and he had a included a good letter of recommendation from his current boss. One of them made an offer after a phone interview, so he was fortunate to have a job waiting for him when he got there. It didn’t pay a lot, but enough for a cramped studio apartment. Frank and his wife Mary, the owners, seemed to take a liking to him, and that made it easier. Frank ran the shop, and Mary ran the office. They had a nice business going and Seth was excited about the opportunity.

Having a lot of musicians and record executives in the area made it a good market for luxury items like restored old cars, so business was pretty good. Seth’s first passion was still his music though, so he spent every spare minute wandering around bars and clubs in town (the ones he could get into anyway), getting to know the local music scene, and practicing. Country was a lot different than rock and roll, so it took him a while to get used to it. But he persisted, and when he finally felt semi-comfortable, he started going to auditions.

There were a lot of rejections. He didn’t quite fit the image, his playing style wasn’t what they were looking for, or whatever. He tried not to let it discourage him.

He caught a big break when Jesse Smith from Sun Records came in to the shop to pick up his 1969 Mach 1. Jesse was one of those hands-on kind of guys and wanted to meet the people who had worked on his car. Seth had done some of the body work, and spent a half-hour showing Jesse what he’d done to try to fix gaps and make minor improvement to the lines of the car. Jesse was impressed, and asked if the design was his idea.

“No sir, I’m still just learning. The design stuff is all Frank. He showed me what to do, and I just did my best to make it look like he wanted.”

Jesse appreciated the young man’s honesty. Then he noticed the gig bag in the corner, tucked safely under a bench.

“You play?” he asked.

Seth laughed. “I guess everyone in Nashville dreams about music. That’s why I came down too, I guess. Yeah, I play some, was in a band back home, but haven’t had much luck here yet. But I have an audition after work today, so fingers crossed!”

Jesse asked him what he’d been doing to try to break in, and Seth described how he’d been practicing, checking out local artists, talking to other musicians, going to auditions, and learning as much as he could about Nashville.

Again, Jesse was impressed by Seth’s seriousness, which belied his age.

“Well, that’s a good way to go about it. But think about this. Being in a band is fun and all, but for steady work, have you ever considered maybe trying to hook up as a studio musician?”

“No sir, to be honest, I’m not too familiar with what that means.”

“Basically, you work in the recording studio, and it’s pay-for-play. People come in and want something recorded, and you play it. I’m not trying to insult you, but can you read music?”

Seth nodded.

“How are you on sight reading?”

“Ok, I guess?”

“Here’s my card. Come by the studio next week and we’ll see if you’ve got what it takes.”

“Holy crap, thanks!”


Seth did as he was asked, and it went about as well as could be expected for a not quite 19-year-old kid from the northeast.

Jesse told him, “Look Seth, please don’t let this discourage you. You’re not bad, I see real potential. I’m not blowing smoke. You’re just a little young still. Need some seasoning. Listen, keep doing what you’re doing, work your craft, and try again in a year or two.”

Seth tried not to let it bother him. Emotionally, it was disappointing, but intellectually, he understood what Jesse was saying, and he thanked him and promised to keep plugging. He started looking further afield, his search expanding outward to the surrounding areas.

He caught another break outside of Cumberland University, in Lebanon. He saw a flyer on a bulletin board and called the number. Either they liked his vibe or they just needed a bassist right away. Seth suspected the latter, but they gave him the job, which was the important thing. They quickly jumped into playing the local brewing companies and places like that in Lebanon. The band already had a bit of a following, and as they continued to play, it slowly grew. They played some shows in Gallatin, then a few bigger shows in Mufreesboro. They were playing mostly covers of current country hits, as well as some southern rock from the 70s and 80s. For Seth it was a nice change of pace from his high school days, and he felt like just maybe, he was on his way to bigger and better things.


Debbie saw Seth for the first time at his second show in Lebanon. She was there with a group of girlfriends and they were dancing and having a good time. He noticed her giving him a few lingering glances, but didn’t think much about it. He was new to the group and anxious to make a good impression, so he never even thought to pursue anything with the voluptuous blonde. That just made Debbie more determined, and she and her friends showed up to their next show and the one after that.

Finally, she cornered him after a break and introduced herself.

“Hi, I’m Debbie.”

“Seth. Nice to meet you.” Surreptitiously, he admired her form. She was about eight inches shorter that Seth’s 6’2″, and curvy, in all the best ways. She had wavy, light blonde hair past her shoulders, and soft brown eyes.

She heard his accent, and asked, “Oh honey, where you from?”

“Philly. I moved down here a little over a year ago.”

She nodded and looked him up and down, and he shifted nervously. As he was trying to think of something… anything… to say, she continued.

“You go to school here?”

He looked blank.

“Cumberland. I’m a sophomore there.”

“Ah… Nah, I’m just working. College isn’t for me.”

“Oh really? You a musician then?”

Seth was nonplussed. He was just up on stage, right? She saw him playing, he was almost positive.

But he just laughed. “Well, part-time, anyway. No, I do car and truck restorations full-time, but the dream is to make music a career.”

Debbie was intrigued by the tall young man. He was tall and lean, and she liked his slightly wavy dark hair and sapphire blue eyes. He appeared to be about her age, and he was certainly not hard to look at.

Debbie had grown up a pastor’s daughter in a small town outside of Chattanooga, and perhaps stereotypically, went a little wild once she was out on her own. Her parents had thought that a small-town private university would protect their daughter from ‘immoral’ influences, but… Debbie’s freshman year had gained her a bit of a reputation.

She saw Seth as perhaps an opportunity to clean up her act. He was talented (as far as she could tell), hard-working (he had two jobs!), and best of all, had no idea who she was.

So, she decided to take a shot.

“I was wondering’ if you were ever gonna notice me, Seth. I been here the last three shows. A girl could get her feelin’s hurt.” She smiled coquettishly.

“Uhhh, I’m sorry, Debbie, I wasn’t trying to be rude, honest,” Seth stammered. “I’m new to the group, and just trying to fit in, honestly.”

“I understand, honey. Tell you what, you can make it up to me this weekend.”

Wow, he thought. She was certainly direct. “Umm, well, I’d love to, but I have to work late on Friday, the band is rehearsing Saturday afternoon, and then we’re playing again Saturday night.”

She pouted. Then she brightened. “Tell you what, how’d you like to go on a picnic on Sunday?”

“A picnic?” Seth was from the suburbs. He didn’t know crap about picnics.

“Yeah honey, don’t you worry. I’ll make us a nice lunch and you just come and pick me up around 11 on Sunday mornin’, ‘k?” She gave him a slip of paper with an address and a phone number on it.

“Oops, looks like you’re startin’ back up.” She pointed to the stage. “See you Sunday!” And she headed off before the bemused young man could say anything.


He showed up right on time. Debbie opened the door wearing a teal cardigan over a black tank top and white jeans.

“Wow, you look… amazing,” he said, admiringly.

She dimpled. “Thank you! Come on in a sec. Almost ready.”

He followed her into the apartment, and saw another young woman seated at the kitchen table. She was glaring at a textbook and tapping a pen against her leg.

“Seth, this is my roommate Mary Ellen.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” Seth held out his hand.

She shook it briefly, as Debbie introduced him.

“This is Seth, he’s the musician I told you about.”

“Ahh.” Mary Ellen looked back at him and nodded. “Sorry, I’m trying to figure out this Economics assignment, and it’s not going well.”

Seth said, “Sorry! I wish I could help, but I can’t even spell economics.”

Mary Ellen laughed. “Don’t y’all worry. Go on and have a good time, and nice meetin’ you, Seth.”


Debbie finished packing her tote bag and they headed out.

Seth drove, as Debbie gave directions to a nearby park. She had brought some sandwiches and snacks, and Seth had packed a cooler with water and soft drinks. They found a shady spot, set their things down, and walked down to the creek that ran nearby. They sat on the bank, and chatted about ‘get to know you’ topics. Seth told her about high school and playing in his old band. Debbie talked about growing up a preacher’s daughter.

He reached over and took her hand. “Sorry, that must have been rough.” The sweet smile she gave him as she looked at their intertwined fingers made his day.

When he took her home a few hours later, she thanked him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I had a nice time, Seth. Maybe we could have dinner some time?”

“Of- of course, I’d like that! We’re playing in Gallatin again on Friday and Saturday; how about Thursday?”

“How about we have an early dinner and I’ll come to your show on Friday?” she asked.

His grin got a little bit wider. “That would be… really nice.”


And it was. Really nice, that is – the dinner. Over a shared dessert, Seth opened up to her a little bit more, and told her about his family, and when he said something about feeling like a disappointment to his father, she looked at him.

“Don’t let him hold you back, Seth. You’re your own man now.”

“Thank you. Not assuming, but I guess maybe you know what I’m talking about.”

Debbie just looked at her plate, and changed the subject. She talked about how she and Mary Ellen had met in middle school and had been best friends ever since.

“That’s great that you’re still friends.” Then he noticed the time. “Oh, crap! We gotta get going, I’m gonna be late!”

They scrambled out of the restaurant, and piled into Seth’s car. Still chuckling he said, “Sorry about that. I was so wrapped up I completely forgot the time.” He smiled at her, and she reached for his hand. She didn’t let go until they arrived.


Except for Seth, the band was doing well, and the crowd got into it. Mary Ellen showed up and almost immediately, she and Debbie were both asked to dance. Debbie looked at him the first time it happened, and he just shrugged. He was confused. He didn’t like her dancing with other guys, but he also didn’t think it was his place to say anything in such a fledgling relationship, if that was even what they had. As a result, he had a hard time focusing on his playing, getting more upset as she accepted several invitations.

Matt, the drummer, hissed at him, “What the fuck, dude?”

“Sorry. I guess I’m a little distracted.”

“Well get your head out of your ass, man!”

He nodded, and tried to concentrate on the music. But when he saw her slow dancing to one of the ballads in their set list, he had to turn away.

At their first break, Debbie smiled and started toward him, but he just made a beeline for the restroom.

What the heck is wrong with me? We’ve been on two dates! He splashed some cold water on his face and looked at his reflection in the mirror.

Grow up Seth, he told himself.

The issue was, Seth didn’t have much experience with women, especially someone like Debbie. It wasn’t like he was a virgin, but the girls he’d been with before were just more casual. They had a common background. Debbie was so different than any girl he had ever known, and he needed to think. So rather than sitting down with her and Mary Ellen, he went back up on stage and pretended there was something wrong with his bass.

Debbie turned to Mary Ellen, looking a little hurt. “Why’s he avoiding me all of a sudden?”

“Really, Debbie? You’re out there slow dancin’ with Carl, right in front of him, and you wonder why he might be upset? Look at his face! Damn, girl.” Mary Ellen shook her head.


The second set started, and Seth watched as the same guy headed for Debbie. This time, he saw her shake her head ‘no’ several times before the guy finally left her alone. She looked up at him and mouthed, “I’m sorry,” and he felt his stomach unclench. He smiled and nodded back at her.

She only danced with Mary Ellen for the rest of the evening.

After they finished playing for the night, he came over to the table. Debbie jumped up and gave him a hug. “I’m sorry,” she whispered in his ear. “I didn’t realize…”

“It’s fine,” he interrupted. But he didn’t sound convincing.

Before he could continue, Mary Ellen jumped up, and said, “Well, you two have a lot to talk about. I’m gonna head out.” She hugged Debbie, and surprised Seth by giving him one too.

She whispered in his ear, “Give her a chance, ok?”

He stared at her as she gave them a cheeky finger waggle wave and walked off.

He turned back to Debbie. He sighed. “Look, I’m just gonna say it, okay?”

She nodded.

“You’re just not like any girl I’ve ever known. I know we’ve only been out a couple of times, but I think I might really like you.”

Debbie smiled.

“I guess I figured that out when I saw you slow dancing with that guy.”

“Seth, I said I was sorry about that,” she started.

“I know. Shoot, that didn’t come out right.” He took her hand. “What I meant was that I’m the one who should be sorry for my reaction. It really caught me off guard. We haven’t made any promises, and I really didn’t have any right to be upset with you.”

“You can’t help your feelings,” she said softly.

“Maybe so. And I guess that’s the reason for what I need to tell you. I know this is way too early, but I am who I am, and I need to be up front with you. I don’t think I can just casually date you. I don’t think I could stand it if I knew you were dating other people. So, I’m asking if we can be exclusive. If you can’t, I understand. We can just go our separate ways, with no hard feelings. Well, that’s not exactly true. I’d be really disappointed, but I’d rather know now, if that makes sense?”

She stared at him, wide-eyed.

“I know it’s a lot. I hope you understand.”

When she still didn’t say anything, he looked down sadly, and said, “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

As they walked slowly to his car, Debbie took his arm in both of hers. He could feel her soft breast pressing against him.

As he opened her door, she turned. Her eyes searched his, then she spoke a single word. “Okay.”

He looked at her, dumbfounded, and her smile slowly spread. “I said okay, dummy,” she teased. Then she went up on tiptoe and kissed him.


From that point, life was a bit of a whirlwind. The band was doing well, playing more and more places, and gaining more fans. Nothing to get rich on, or even make a living for that matter, but progress! His day job was also going well, he was learning a lot, and enjoyed working on the cars and meeting the people who owned them. He hadn’t met anyone with as much clout as Jesse Smith, but he’d talked to a few musicians who were willing to take a little time to impart some wisdom to young Seth.

When he wasn’t working, practicing, or playing, every other free moment was tied up with Debbie. The more they got to know one another, the more Seth fell for her. He’d never met anyone like her, and she turned on the southern charm full blast. She had made good on her promise to herself. She stopped all the partying, cut off most of her ‘friends’, and he never knew what a wild child she had been. She realized the opportunity she had in him, and she didn’t intend to blow it. She felt like the band was going to break out soon, and then she’d be set. The two of them.

She and Seth were growing closer, day by day, both emotionally and physically. Seth tried to take things slowly, out of respect for her, but one night after they’d been dating for about three months, Debbie pulled back from a particularly passionate make-out session in her apartment. Mary Ellen was out with friends, and had informed them she would be staying over with one of them.

Debbie’s hair was in disarray, and her blouse was completely unbuttoned. Seth was cupping her left breast, gently rubbing her nipple through her bra, but he stopped when she moved. She stared at him, then stood up, took his hand, and led him to her bedroom. She slowly slid her blouse completely off, and reached for his shirt. He raised his arms, and bent over so she could pull it over his head. She slowly rubbed her hands up and down his torso.

They came back together in an ardent embrace. As they kissed, Seth fumbled for the catch of her bra. When he finally succeeded, she somehow maintained their kiss, while moving her body away just far enough for him to slide the straps over her shoulders and toss the lacy fabric onto the floor. She crushed herself back up against him and he marveled at the contrast between the softness of her breasts and the hardness of her nipples poking against him.

He stroked his hands up and down her back, memorizing the feel of her skin, breathing her in.

He drew back when he ran out of air. Breathing heavily, he asked, “You’re sure?”

Debbie, her own chest heaving, just nodded. “Make me yours,” she whispered.


They were still in bed when Mary Ellen came in the next morning. To Seth’s astonishment, she just opened the door and grinned at them. Debbie shrieked and dove under the covers. Seth just looked at Mary Ellen bemusedly.

She stared back at him frankly, clearly checking him out.

Finally, she smirked and said, “Well it’s about damn time,” and left the room.

Debbie peeked out from under the sheet. “Is she gone?”

Seth just gave her a wicked grin and grabbed her. She shrieked again, but for an entirely different reason.


Things almost came off the rails for them, one night at a show back in Lebanon. Seth was on stage and Debbie had come to watch them play, as she almost always did. She was dancing with a couple of girlfriends, when Seth noticed a slightly inebriated young man try to cut in. He saw Debbie shake her head at him once, then again, as the guy persisted. One of her friends said something and he finally backed off.

Seth thought that was the end of it. But just as they finished their first set, and the girls sat down, the guy moved back in. He squeezed in next to Debbie and put his arm around her. He was leaning in close, trying to talk to her. Seth could see that she was leaning away from him and had her head turned away.

Seth put down his bass and headed over. “Problem here?”

“Beat it Yankee, I’m talkin’ to the lady.”

“That’s my girl, asshole, and it doesn’t look like she wants to talk to you.”

The guy stood up. He was blond, wearing an Oxford button down. Obviously a frat boy. He was also about 4 inches shorter than Seth, but drunk enough to be cocky.

“Roy Lee, go on, I told you, I’m with Seth now. Leave me alone!” Debbie cried.

He ignored her. “She’s everybody’s girl, but don’t you worry, I’ll get her back to you in one piece. Mostly.” The guy smirked.

Seth took a step closer to him, fists clenched in fury. “The fuck you say?” he hissed. He didn’t see Debbie blanch at frat boy’s comment.

Roy Lee seemed like he was about to start something when he looked past Seth’s shoulder. Matt was standing behind Seth. Matt was almost as tall as Seth, and wider.

“Roy Lee, like he said, Debbie’s with him now, has been for a couple months. Go sober up.”

Roy looked at them, then finally said, “Ah hell, she ain’t worth my time anyway. Good luck with that slut, Yankee.” And he stomped off.

Seth saw red and was about to go after him when Matt grabbed his shoulder. “Let him go, Seth, he’s drunk. It ain’t worth spendin’ the night in jail. Plus we got another set.”

Seth looked at Matt, and then at Debbie. She was crying, and his anger immediately dissipated.

“Hey now, he’s gone, forget about him.” He wrapped his arms around her, and she hugged him tightly, burying her face in his chest. He was a little confused at the bastard’s comments, but now was certainly not the time to discuss it. Debbie was exceedingly demonstrative that night after the show, and the incident was put firmly behind them.


Their life together took a slight change of direction after they had been dating for almost a year. One evening, Seth came to pick up Debbie at her apartment, and found her sitting in the dark, crying.

“Babe, what is it?” He went to her, but she just pushed him away and threw something at him. It bounced off his chest and clattered onto the floor.

“What? I don’t underst….” He started to say, as he bent to pick the object up.

At first he thought it was a pen. The he saw the window with the two lines in the middle. He looked at her wonderingly. “Is this… You’re…?” He couldn’t say it.

“I’m pregnant, goddamnit!” she yelled, and burst into a fresh set of tears.

Seth was shocked. First because he’d never heard her swear before. And second, well, obvious reasons.

“Debbie, please don’t cry. It’ll be okay!” He had no idea how, yet, but seeing her so upset…

“HOW?” she ranted, echoing his thoughts.

“I don’t know yet but please don’t cry,” he begged.

Finally, she reached for him. “How could this happen?” she cried as he held her.

“Well, first the boy…” Seth started.

“Shut up,” she gave a small laugh through her tears. She punched him lightly. “You know what I mean.”

“Ow,” he pretended, and kissed her forehead. “Yeah, I do. I think I read somewhere that the pill isn’t perfect. Guess we just got lucky.”

“Lucky? That’s what you think?” her tears started up again.

Seth considered the question. “Hon, yeah, I think maybe I do. I mean, I can’t say that I haven’t considered what our future might look like, have you?”

“Of course,” she said.

“Well… maybe things are just happening a little bit sooner than we hoped, but… ” He took a deep breath and made a decision. “Do you love me?”

Debbie started to yell again, then paused. Did she? She fumbled around drying her face off while she thought. Finally, she sniffled, and whispered, “Yes…”

Seth’s smile glowed. “Well then. That’s simple. I love you too.” He got down on one knee. “Deborah Joanne Prichard, will you marry me?”

She stared at him. Then she gave him a small smile, and nodded. “Alright, Seth.” They sat and held each other for a long time, neither saying anything. Just enjoying the closeness, feeling each other breath.

Eventually, Seth said, “I’m sorry this isn’t the romantic proposal either of us imagined, and I don’t have a ring yet, but we can go get one tomorrow. Don’t worry, everything will work out.”


Well, first they went to see the doctor. While they were waiting for the results, they spoke with her. Seth asked about the birth control method they were using, and what he’d read. The doctor confirmed it.

“Sorry Seth, but no birth control is foolproof, other than abstinence. Even if you use the pill exactly as prescribed, it’s not 100% effective. Maybe not the lottery you were expecting to win, but it does happen.”

The test confirmed the pregnancy. After the exam, her best estimate was that Debbie was about 3 1/2 months along. They’d be parents in less than six months!

Debbie looked stunned., as the doctor gave them a lot of information about vitamins, diet, exercise, and the like. After setting up their next appointment, Seth took Debbie home, made her some tea, and put her to bed.


Being the person he was, Seth wanted to do the right thing. He convinced Debbie that they should drive down to Chattanooga and talk to her parents. Debbie didn’t want to go. She said her father would never accept it, but Seth persisted. She was pretty subdued on the two-hour drive.

Unfortunately, she was right. At first, her parents were cordial but guarded when Debbie introduced Seth as her boyfriend. Her father became a little less cordial when he found out Seth was from ‘up north’ and wasn’t going to college. It kind of went downhill from there. Seth talked about meeting Debbie, and falling in love. When he finally got the nerve to tell her father that he’d like his permission to marry his daughter, he was met with a flat refusal.

“Y’all are too young, Debbie has her whole life ahead of her,” and so on. Reading between the lines, it was clear that Mr. Prichard was of the opinion that Seth was not the ‘right’ young man for his daughter.

So when they allowed that Debbie might be a tiny bit pregnant, her mother burst into tears. Her father turned red, glared at them both, then shouted, “You’re no daughter of mine! Get out of this house!” and turned his back on them.

Seth was dumbfounded. “Are you serious?” he asked, in disbelief. “This is how you treat your own daughter? You self-righteous bastard!”

“GET OUT!” her father roared.

Debbie was stone-faced, and just grabbed Seth’s hand. “Come on, let’s go. I told you this would happen.” As they went out the door, she whispered sadly, “Bye, Momma.”

They rode back in silence.


Back at his apartment, Seth figured he might as well rip the band-aid all the way off. So he called his folks.

His father, as usual, acted like Seth was a huge failure. Basically, he said, you’re still a mechanic, but now you’re was going to have a family to support? Good luck with that!

His mother was a little more pragmatic. Once she got over the shock, she actually started to get excited that she was going to be a grandmother. She said they’d love to meet Debbie, but understood they couldn’t really afford to travel. She asked if Debbie’s mother was going to come and help when the baby was born.

Seth could hear his mom choke up when he related what had happened with her parents. “Oh honey,” she said, “You tell that poor girl how sorry I am, and if it’s okay, I’d like to come stay with you when her time comes.”

Seth was touched. “That would be really great, mom. Bring Sara too, if she wants, if she can get off from school… the baby is due in May. I bet she would love to see Nashville.”

He laughed as he heard Sara scream on the extension. “Of course I’m coming, doofus! I’m pretty sure my grades will be good enough to place out of my finals, so I’ll be done school by then!”

Seth felt a little better. He put Debbie on the phone with his mom, and it went surprisingly well. Debbie was grateful for her offer. Seth could tell that she was scared, and although wives (well, soon-to-be, anyway) don’t always get along with their mothers-in-law, she was happy to know that she would have another woman to rely on.


Seth asked Debbie what she wanted to do after the baby was born, and she said she hoped they could move closer to Nashville. She couldn’t afford to renew her lease since her father cut her off, but fortunately it was good through the end of the school year. She said she was done with school, but Seth convinced her to at least finish out the year, since it was already paid for. It would make it easier to finish her degree once they could afford it. Debbie promised that she’d concentrate on being the best wife and mother she could be.

Seth agreed with everything, because he just wanted her to be happy. Also, he would be closer to his day job and of course, the music scene. As her due date neared, they found a two-bedroom place on the south side of Mount Juliet. It was a more expensive than Seth’s old place, but he did what it took for them to be able to swing it. He’d gotten a small raise at work, and the band was bringing in a little more money. They had a tearful goodbye with Mary Ellen, and the girls promised that they’d get together whenever they could.

Debbie eventually recovered from her parents’ rejection, and spoke with Seth’s mom once or twice a month about her impending birth. Seth suggested reaching out to her mother, but Debbie put her foot down. “She didn’t stand up for me, Seth. If she wants to be in my life, that’s up to her.” He had to accept that.

In early December, Seth and Debbie went down to the county clerk’s office, filled out their marriage application, and that was it. After the brief ceremony, they walked hand-in-hand out of the courthouse. Seth stopped and turned. “Hello, Mrs. Broderick.” He couldn’t seem to stop grinning. Debbie smiled and gave him a peck on the lips. As she drew back, Mary Ellen snapped a picture.

“That’s perfect!” she crowed, showing it to Debbie and Seth.

They said goodbye to her shortly afterwards, and headed off to start their lives together. He had done the best he could for a honeymoon, renting a small cabin out by the reservoir for the weekend. As he carried his new wife over the threshold, he whispered, “Love you, Debbie. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more, but I promise I’ll be the husband and father you deserve.” She just buried her face in his shoulder.

Seth thought things couldn’t get any better.


One morning toward the third week of April, Frank came over and handed Seth the office phone. He had a huge grin on his face.

Seth looked at him, puzzled, and said, “Hello?”


“Honey, calm down, it’ll be okay, I promise!” Seth tried not to panic.

He looked blankly at Frank, who just laughed. “Go on, son, go be with your wife!”

He turned back to the phone. “I’m on my way, baby, how far apart are your contractions?”

“Ummm I don’t know, maybe 15 minutes? I wasn’t sure it was the baby, it’s not time!”

“It’s ok honey, we have time to get to the hospital. I have to put this phone down, but I’ll call you right back, okay?” Seth tossed Frank the phone, and rushed out of the shop.

His car wasn’t going to break any land speed records, but he tried. He called Debbie on his cell. “Baby, it’s gonna take me a bit to get there, can you get Mary Ellen to take you to the hospital?”

“I think so, I’ll call her right now.” She hung up.

A few minutes later, his phone rang.

“She said she can take me, but please hurry Seth!”

“I am, baby, I am. Do you have your bag?”

“No, it’s too early, I didn’t think to pack it yet!”

“That’s okay, I’ll swing by and grab some stuff for you, okay? We have time. And it’s only a couple of weeks early, please don’t worry. The baby will be okay.”

“No, please just come straight here, please Seth! I’m scared!”

“Ok honey, I’ll come straight there. Let me talk to Mary Ellen, ok?”

Seth thanked her for her help, told her which hospital, and Debbie’s Ob/Gyn’s name.

“Don’t worry Seth, I got this,” she assured him.

Next, he called the doctor and told her Debbie was on her way in.

Then he called his mother and told her the baby was coming, and it was early. His mother said not to worry, she and Sara would pack up and drive down as soon as they could.


Seth arrived at the hospital and raced to the Obstetrics Ward. He gave the nurse at the desk his name, and she directed him to Debbie’s room. Mary Ellen was there, along with another nurse. Seth leaned over and kissed his wife, and she grabbed his hand. The nurse was there monitoring things, and reassured him that everything was fine with Debbie and the baby. He relaxed a little, and thanked Mary Ellen profusely for her help. She just grinned and said this was the most excitement she’d had all semester.

Fortunately, the birth went smoothly and after a few more hours of labor, Seth had learned some new words, almost had his hand crushed, and gained a baby girl. When the nurse placed her in his arms, he was speechless. She was so beautiful, with a capful of dark hair and blue eyes, and she just looked at him without making a peep. He reach out a finger, and she latched onto it with her tiny fist. Seth knew it was something every baby did, but when his new daughter grabbed his finger, he felt an instant connection. Something amazing, anyway. He looked down at Debbie.

“You did so great, baby,” he said proudly. “Look at our girl!” And he placed their daughter on Debbie’s chest. He gently wiped her forehead as she gazed at the tiny bundle.

“What should we name her?” Debbie asked. They hadn’t really talked too much about names, as well as preferring not to know the sex until birth. Oddly, she had avoided the subject, and so Seth had left it alone. But he had some ideas.

“I was thinking, maybe Emma Jane?” he said, hopefully. Debbie just nodded.

Mary Ellen was allowed back in (she said there was no way she was leaving) and she and Debbie cooed over Emma for a few minutes, before the nurse took her to get checked out. Just a precaution, she said, since she was a little bit premature.

“I’m so proud of you honey, she’s so beautiful, just like her mom.”

Debbie gave him a weak smile, and said, “I’m just a little tired, honey, you mind if I take a nap?”

Seth barked a laugh. “I don’t wonder, after what you just did. Go on, you deserve a rest. I’ll walk Mary Ellen out.”

They chatted a bit as he walked her to her car. Seth knew that Debbie and Mary Ellen had been friends since middle school, and he told her again how much he appreciated everything she’d done. Not just today, but all through Debbie’s pregnancy and even before.

“Remember when you told me to give her a chance? Thank you for that,” he said, just a tad huskily.

She nodded and hugged him, smiling at the memory.

“You know you’re Emma’s godmother now, right? With all the duties and responsibilities which lie therein.” That last bit with his hand over his heart, and with mock solemnity.

Mary Ellen giggled, but she was touched. “Thanks, Seth. You have no idea how much that means. I promise I’ll be the best godmother ever.”

She started to get into her car, then paused and looked at him. “Seth… Thanks for being so good to Debbie. I think she needed someone like you in her life.”

Before he could ask what she meant, she hugged him, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and drove off.


Seth’s mom and sister arrived a few days later. Both women hugged Debbie tightly, and said how happy they were to finally meet her. As they got acquainted, Seth went into the nursery and brought Emma out.

“Mom, meet your granddaughter. This is Emma.” Emily’s hand flew to her mouth, and the tears finally started. She didn’t know that they had named their girl after her.

“And this is your Aunt Sara,” Seth said, as his sister reached down a finger while his mother held her. Emma latched onto Sara’s hand the same exact way she had Seth’s.

“Oh my God she’s beautiful,” they both said at the same time.


Having them there was a godsend. They set up Emma’s crib in their bedroom, and put two twin beds in the second bedroom, so Emily and Sara could share and not have to spring for a motel.

“So what did Dad say about you coming down here?” Seth asked.

“I told him he could take it or leave it,” Emily said tartly, and that was the end of that subject. Sara grinned at her brother from behind their mother’s back.

“What about you, Sis?” he asked. “No boyfriends languishing at home? Pining away for you?”

“Oh, probably,” she said, nonchalantly. “It’s the cross I bear.” She sighed melodramatically, throwing her head back, with the back of her hand across her brow.

Debbie goggled at her, and Seth busted out laughing. “Drama club,” he explained.


The problems started soon after Emma was born. Seth was completely out of his depth, and didn’t know how to handle any of it. The first and most obvious issue was that Emma never took to breastfeeding. The pediatrician said it was unusual but not unheard of, and suggested that they just make the switch to formula. Both the doctor and Seth were prepared for an emotional reaction from Debbie, but she seemed to accept it. When he asked if she was okay, she just nodded and said that there wasn’t much she could do about it.

The bigger, more significant concern was that Emma also never really seemed completely comfortable when Debbie would hold her, or bathe, or change her. She didn’t cry, but sometimes she was fussy.

When Seth took over those tasks, she settled right down, and would coo and smile up at her father. That did upset Debbie, understandably. She burst into fresh tears every time it happened.

“She loves you more than me,” she cried.

Seth tried to convince her that it was just a phase; that she was overreacting, but Debbie couldn’t be persuaded.

When Seth offered to go with her to talk to the pediatrician again, or even see a counselor, she refused.


After a week, the band said they really needed Seth back, and with the increased costs of raising a newborn, he had to go back to both of his jobs. Frank had given him a week off with pay, but he said that’s all he could afford. Seth understood. Frank really did look out for the young man, but he was also trying to run a business. He and Debbie did take Emma over to meet Frank and Mary, and they were instantly smitten with the tiny baby.

Mary said hopefully, “Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help? Babysitting? Anything at all.”

Seth knew she was serious, and thanked them both, promising to be back at work first thing Monday morning.

Debbie didn’t like Seth being away, especially in the evenings, so after a couple weeks, she went back to traveling to Seth’s shows. She seemed happier, now that she was out of the house. She also began hanging out at practices again. Seth’s mom and sister were still staying with them, and Seth began to rely on them more and more to look after Emma.

Unfortunately, things continued to deteriorate, and in hindsight, Seth realized he should have seen it coming. About two months after he began playing again, he noticed some changes in Debbie’s demeanor. They hadn’t made love since at least a month before Emma was born, and when he tried to initiate anything with her now, she would fly off the handle.

“I’m not havin’ sex with your mother here, Seth!” That was fair, but his mother wasn’t there all the time.

He tried to talk to her. He would ask what was bothering her, and she would say she was fine, and she’d be a little better for a day or two. Then she would start getting short with him, and he couldn’t figure out why. In desperation he talked to his mother.

“It’s like there’s a wall between us, and every time I try to climb over, I get pushed back. I don’t know what to do!”

“I don’t know, honey,” his mother replied. “Every woman reacts differently to pregnancy. Give her some time, let her know you’re there for her, and hope she comes around.”

He tried, but it seemed like she was distancing herself even more. She was going out on her own occasionally. “Just to relax with the girls,” she told him, and he was almost afraid to question it, the way she was acting. He did wonder why the ‘girls’ nights’ always seemed to be when he wasn’t playing. He asked her why she didn’t go out when he had gigs, so they could spend his off nights together, and she just said that she couldn’t bear to think of him with all those women around, and that’s why she went to all his shows.

He looked at her, puzzled, and asked, “You know I love you, right? I would never do anything to jeopardize that.” She wouldn’t look at him, and changed the subject.


The hammer fell one day toward the end of August. Debbie said that she and Mary Ellen wanted to go down to Atlanta for the weekend, and Seth said sure. He hoped some time with her best friend would help bring her out of whatever was bothering her. He told Debbie that the band was going to be working on some new songs, so he’d probably be at practice most of the weekend anyway.

She’d held Emma a lot that morning, which was a little uncharacteristic, but then she grabbed her bag and headed off.

“I love you,” Seth said to the empty room.


Early that afternoon, Seth went on to practice. When he got there, he saw Matt, Stu, and Ray, but no Marcus. Marcus was their lead singer.

“Anybody seen him?” Seth asked. A lot of head shaking. Stu said they’d had a couple of beers the night before and he was a little distracted, but otherwise seemed fine. Hadn’t said anything about missing practice.

“Well shit, how are we gonna practice with no singer?” The waited for a bit, and wound up working on their instrumentals for a while, but eventually gave up and they all left early, promising to let each other know if anyone heard from their wayward bandmate.


Emily and Sara had gone back to Philadelphia for a while, and Frank’s wife was babysitting Emma. They didn’t have children of their own, which probably explained their fondness for Seth. And Mary, Frank’s wife, adored Emma to pieces.

Seth picked Emma up and went home. He played with his daughter, fed and bathed her, and read her a story. Of course she was too young to understand, but she watched him carefully as he read, eventually yawning and drifting off. He kissed her and laid her in her crib, then went back to the kitchen for a beer. When he started yawning himself, he headed for bed, and that’s when he saw it.

An envelope lay on the nightstand, with his name on it, in Debbie’s handwriting. There was a single sheet of paper in it. The note was brief and unsigned.

I’m sorry, I just can’t do this anymore. I tried, I really did. I’m just not cut out to be a mother. You’ll be fine, Emma loves you more anyway. I know I’m taking the coward’s way out, but I just couldn’t look at you and tell you that I’m going to California with Marcus. I swear I didn’t cheat on you, I couldn’t do that to you. But when he said he was going, I asked him to take me with him. I’m sorry. Please don’t look for me.

Seth’s legs gave out and he sagged to the floor. His mind was a blank. Marcus? California? It didn’t make any sense. He dropped the letter and the envelope. The latter made a slight clunk when it hit the hardwood, and he absently picked it up and turned it over. Her engagement ring and wedding band fell out, and he stared at the simple gold hoop in anguished horror as it slowly spun in a circle, finally coming to rest.


Working hard to finish Part 2. Hope to have it submitted in the next few days.


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