Tina’s Afternoon Delight by PatC

Tina’s Afternoon Delight by PatC

A woman feeling neglected by her husband decides to take advantage of an opportunity to add a new and exciting element to her sex life. , It had all began innocently enough several weeks earlier when Tina was doing the laundry. She had taken some blouses out of the drier and taken them upstairs to iron out the wrinkles. She liked doing the ironing in the back bedroom where she could look out the window and enjoy the view to break the monotony. On this day there was nothing much to see except for two dogs in the empty lot on the other side of the block.

Casually watching, she realized what she was seeing, a male dog and a bitch in heat. As she continued with her ironing, she kept glancing up to look out the window. The male dog kept pushing his snout into the female’s rear. They were too far away for her to tell if he was licking her or just sniffing, but thinking about it seemed to stir something inside her. Periodically the male would jump up on the female’s back and give a couple of thrusts, then drop back down to pay attention to the bitch’s rear. Then she saw him climb up on her one more time and even at this distance she could see his hips thrusting back and forth at an incredibly rapid pace. She couldn’t help wondering what it must feel like to have such an ardently aggressive lover.

Then suddenly she noticed the male had stopped; both animals were standing stock still. She had no real knowledge of canine sex and assumed they had finished, but they weren’t moving; the male remained mounted. She was fascinated by this and set the iron down, leaning forward on the ironing board to watch. Minutes ticked by with no sign of movement. Finally, the male swung around and they stood there, asses pressed together, facing in opposite directions. This she understood, they were “stuck”; she’d seen it many times before. When they finally separated, the male surprised her by turning and, presumably licking the bitch’s vagina again. It was something she wished she could get her husband to do after intercourse.

This was the first time she’d ever watched two dogs copulating from beginning to end and she’d found it intriguing. She was especially curious about that prolonged period that they were motionless and decided to do some research on it later that day. So, later that day, after the laundry was done and the ironing put away, Tina sat down behind her computer. She typed in dog sex on the search engine and began reading. She learned that the time the dogs were motionless meant that the male was fully in and ejaculating within the female. Tina was amazed that dogs could cum for that length of time. It was a captivating thought.

Other sites had come up; sites with videos of women having sex with dogs. Tina clicked on several and watched short clips of women being fucked by animals. Some were arousing, some were not, but one stood out in her mind. It was a pretty blonde who bore enough of a resemblance to Tina to pass as a relative. She watched the dog humping and thrusting briefly against the woman who was on her hands and knees.

Then suddenly she slowly bent her arms until her cheek rested on the floor, a grimace on her face; Tina assumed the woman had just been “knotted”. Then she saw the grimace disappear, replaced by a look of open mouthed passion. The dog was now barely moving. Tina understood from what she’d just read the canine was probably sending a rather copious amount of cum into the woman’s pussy.

If it hadn’t been for the physical resemblance, this all wouldn’t have made that much of an impression on Tina, but because they were near look-a-likes, it was easy for Tina to imagine she was the one who was getting screwed by the dog. She wondered what it must feel like; the large dick, the swollen ball, the prolonged ejaculation, not to mention the feeling of intensely sensuous wickedness that the woman must be experiencing. Tina found this all to be extremely exciting as her hand slid down into her slacks and began massaging her pussy. In her aroused state, it didn’t take much time or effort for her to begin climaxing. She leaned back in the chair, her head thrown back emitting some whining moans as one thigh began shaking uncontrollably. This was followed by the feel of her toes curling inside her slippers as her pussy began contracting and her stomach tightening as she was gripped by an onrushing orgasm.

That might had been the end of it all, it was not the first time something she’d seen or read had turned her on to the point of masturbation, but the resemblance between her and this other woman to each other haunted her. In Tina’s fantasies it almost seemed as if it were her on that floor with a dog’s dick locked deep inside her. It was locked away in her imagination along with romance novel inspired fantasies about being a 17th century maiden abducted and ravaged by pirates, or being Mata Hari type spy seducing enemy officers, exchanging her sexual favors for secret war plans. These and others were ridiculous scenarios that provided good inspiration for masturbation, but things that had no place in her real world. Being screwed by a dog was added to this fantasy list, something to be brought out of the dark recesses of her mind but never to be attempted.

That should have been the end of it, but fate has a way of interfering with one’s plans, of placing opportunities and temptations in the way. About a month later her brother had to go for a two day business conference. There was really nothing unusual about that, he had to do that about once a month. This time, however, he asked her to come over and feed his dog and take him for a walk, explaining the dog didn’t seem to like being taken to the kennel. He’d come to recognize the kennel as soon as the car pulled into the parking lot and would start whining and carrying on horribly. Tina agreed, it seemed like a reasonable request and she was glad to help.

Her brother left early in the morning and Tina went over that afternoon. The dog, Casey, was a beautiful Irish Setter. A large friendly animal, he loved activity, so Tina took him for a walk over to a nearby park where they could play and run together. It was all pretty enjoyable and innocent. Later she took him back to her brother’s house and fed him. Afterwards she sat on the floor petting him. Casey rolled over on his back waiting for her to scratch his belly. Tina complied, but she couldn’t keep her eyes from gazing at the furry sheath that held his cock.

Looking at it all she was reminded of was that two minute clip of the blonde woman getting screwed by that dog. Almost without thinking, her hand moved down and gently stroked the covering, curious as to what would happen. At first it seemed to have no effect, then her fingertips lightly caressed his balls and Casey’s penis slowly emerged. It wasn’t very impressive, reminding her of an undersized carrot. She assumed it would get larger if further aroused. But that was as far as she was willing to go. Actually she felt slightly ashamed of herself for doing that much. She went and washed her hands, made sure he had enough dry food and water, then went home.


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