Tony Meets Nan by mollycactus

Nan squawked in protest and tried to hide the intimate parts of herself by clamping her thighs together and pressing her breasts tightly against the tree.

“Uh uh… if you want me to free you, you’d better back away from the tree, bending over and spreading your legs. I want a better view,” he informed her.

“What? You have to be kidding me!” she protested.

“Do it,” he ordered.

Groaning and blushing, Nan followed his orders, When she was in that lewd pose, Tony took 2 more pictures of her — one of her full body, and the other was a close-up of her sex.

Satisfied with his documentation, Tony told her, “Now don’t panic… I’m just going to touch you, Nanette… or is it Nan?”

“Nan,” she murmured as she shivered, awaiting his contact, anticipating him touching her exposed, vulnerable sex. She was pleasantly surprised to feel him stroking her hair, instead.

“I’ve often wondered how your hair feels, Nan. It’s even more silky than I’d imagined.” He gently touched her ears, cheeks, neck, hands, arms, back, tummy, buttocks, thighs, calves and shins with caressing strokes. As he was kneeling, he said, “Lift one of your feet, Nan.” As she did, he treated that foot to gliding caresses that made her sigh. Then he did a similar thing to the other. His logic was straightforward. “Since she likes being bound, she has at least a streak of submissiveness in her. I’ve learned from studying the dynamics of the D/s relationship that it’s a good idea to touch the subbe all over, gently and soothingly, to let them get used to your touch, and to begin to establish trust,” he thought, practically quoting from his readings.

He reminded himself, “Of course, it’s a good idea to avoid overtly sexual areas until I’ve touched everything else… I’m hoping that the delay will actually make her yearn to be touched in those areas as well.” With his hands underneath her torso, he started sliding them from her tummy moving toward the tree, listening for any protests as his hands neared her breasts. What he heard was a barely audible ‘yes’ as his fingers touched the lower curvature of each breast. Encouraged, he cupped her breasts and kneaded them pleasurably, thrilled to feel how stiff her nipples were, and how her areolae were crinkled into a pebbly texture. He traced that pebbly surface with soft fingertips, around and around her nipples. She was now so turned on that she began shaking with need.

“Please,” she moaned.

“Please what, Nan?”

“Please touch me… down there… Tony. I’m so aroused now that I need release!”

“If you want me to touch you there, Nan, you’ll have to address me as ‘Sir’ when you beg,” he told her.

Nan moaned louder as his hands continued to do magical things to her tits, taking her to the brink of an orgasm, but not quite enough. Whimpering, she pleaded, “Please touch my pussy, Sir. Please! I need your touch!”

He smiled. “Since you ask so nicely…” He moved his hands to the heated flesh of her pussy, and with one hand stroked her very damp labia, while teasing the area around her clit with the other.

Nan was panting loudly, but her panting stopped, her body stiffened as all her muscles seem to go into contraction, and then she cried out an unintelligible sound as her body started shaking as she climaxed. Her hips were churning and bucking, so Tony had a difficult time keeping his hands in the optimum positions to continue to stimulate her, giving her a lengthy release. When her knees started to buckle, he stopped teasing her sex and embraced her lower torso to support her. He helped her down into a sitting position at the base of the tree, her shackle chains slithering down the far side of the tree as her arms lowered.

He waited until her breathing was almost normal again, and asked, “How do you feel?”

“Mmmmmm, rather yummy now… Sir,” she replied. He was gratified that she called him ‘Sir’ again without being prompted.

“Good. Now there is something I want you to understand, Nan. I have been watching you for some time. During that time I’ve recorded pictures and videos of you in very compromising situations. Situations that I don’t think you want your friends or the whole world to see. Am I right?”

Nan shuddered and tugged at the restraints. “You wouldn’t do that, would you?” she groaned.

He grinned, even though she couldn’t see his face. He had her. “I wouldn’t, as long as you continue to obey me. I plan to give you commands, and I expect you to obey them.”

“What… what sort of commands, Sir?” she queried softly.

“For instance, I just gratified your sexual needs. And now I plan to use you to gratify mine. Do you have a problem with that?”

“You mean you want to fuck me, tied up like this?” her voice dripped with incredulity.

“Actually, no… not this time. This time I’d prefer that you were free, and leaning against the tree voluntarily, convincing me that you want me to fuck you.”

“This time, Sir? You mean there will be other times?” she gasped.

“That depends on how obedient you are, and if you’re a good enough fuck,” he replied with confidence. “Shall I free you to lean against the tree for me?”

She pondered her situation. She had no access to either key. Bowing to the inevitable, she whispered, “Yes, Sir. Please remove my shackles and I will lean against the tree.”

Elated, he freed her. He watched her stand up and rub her wrists. The moon had shifted its position in the sky and now its beams were illuminating the area around them enough for better vision. Nan looked magnificent. Even though she was naked, she wasn’t trying to hide her body from him at all. She looked at him more closely, admiring his 6′ 1″ tall, muscular body. If the light had been brighter, she’d be seeing his reddish blond hair and blue eyes more clearly. Turning away from him she bent at her waist and use both hands to brace her body against the tree. She moved her feet more than shoulder width apart, exposing herself in invitation.

He admired the view, and then asked, “Should I use a condom, Nan?”

“Thank you for asking, Sir. But it’s not necessary. I’m on the pill, and safe.” She heard a rustling sound as he did things with his clothing. There was a long pause after that, and she wondered why he was waiting. Then realization struck. She was supposed to convince him she wanted this. She moaned, “Please fuck me, Sir. My pussy aches to be filled by your stiff cock. You have me wet with anticipation… please… I’m ready, and I want it!” Interestingly, the more she pleaded, the more she actually did want it. Her body was indeed activating the physiological changes that take place in preparation of penetration.

It’s a good thing that preparation had occurred.

Nan felt his fingers parting her labia, and the smooth helmet that was the head of his cock press at her vaginal ring. Pressure slowly increased, and the vaginal ring yielded… and yielded. Nan moaned as she felt that opening stretched prodigiously! She was about to utter something like ‘oh wow’ but her breath caught as she experienced the truly amazing sensation of her intimate tunnel being filled to its maximum both in width and length. Tony paused at that point, letting her body adjust to his girth. He didn’t move again until Nan groaned loudly, nodding.

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