Tony Meets Nan by mollycactus

“I had a similar experience,” Nicole added. “What he’s looking for is just not our thing. But I’m glad I fucked him. You’ve got to admit he’s hot, right, Nan?”

“Oh yes. I agree,” Nan said. “Here we have a guy that’s a little over 6 feet tall, with those piercing blue eyes and that reddish-blond hair. You can tell he’s strong, looking at his arms and torso. And now you tell me that he’s well endowed and knows how to use it?” She playfully fanned her face as if overheating.

Her friends laughed. Then Nicole said, “Well, Nan, you’ve got a streak of kinky in you. if you think he’s attractive, maybe you should go out on a date with him. If nothing else, you should get a great fuck out of it.”

“Maybe I will. I’ll let you know,” Nan grinned back. Over the next few days, she began making her plans. “I need to get his attention, somehow. I can’t just walk up to him and ask him to tie me up and fuck me,” she muttered. “I need to show off my body, but also let him get the idea that I’m open to being bound. The very idea of being powerless and vulnerable while being fucked by someone I feel I can trust is such a major turn-on! And I do feel I can trust him, based on the way he treated Jessica and Nicole, plus they know I might be making a play for him.”

Privately, she’d experimented for months with various forms of self bondage, getting ideas and safety tips from the Internet, and making her purchases online. The real breakthrough came on the day she noticed Anthony on the woods trail. He wasn’t aware of her as she noiselessly stepped off the trail and ducked down to observe him. He was attaching something to a tree. As he moved farther down the trail toward the meadow, she silently followed. There she saw him attaching another device to a tree bordering the meadow.

Later, she examined the devices, snapping pictures of them with her phone. Using those images and a web search engine, she discovered they were trail cameras, and learned about their features. “Ah! This can be the perfect way to grab his attention,” she stated to herself. “I can walk by the trail one naked a few times. It’s motion detector should snap some images of me. And the meadow one can also stream video, so I can dance naked in front of it, and gradually add kinky stuff like handcuffs and shackles. Then I can have some self bondage sessions in the woods right next to the meadow. If he’s interested, he’ll find me. If he’s not…” she shrugged. “At least I’ll have some kinky outdoor bondage sessions.”

As this reminiscence ended, Nan looked at the moonbeams on the trees and the ground. Judging from the angle of the moonlight, it was almost time for the moon to set. And it was time she packed up to head back home. As she did so, she smiled, beaming, as she thought to herself, “And it did work. I got his attention… he came and found me… and he learned that I was open to the idea of being restrained. True, he removed my restraints before fucking me, but that may have been because he was concerned that I might react like my girlfriends had done.”

She started walking home. “They weren’t kidding about the size of his cock, or his ability to use it. Of course, when I heard that first twig snap, and imagined that Tony was finally coming to meet me… even to ‘use’ me, my heart raced so hard with excitement, that I almost climaxed without being touched!” She grinned happily. “And tomorrow he wants me to show up naked under my raincoat, and as good as promised to tie me up and fuck me hard again!” She hugged herself with delight. “Finally, I’ve got a kinky playmate. I’ve got him… he’s mine!

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