An adult stories – Transformation to a Faun Ch. 07 by Boneryard,Boneryard Notes:
All characters 18 or older.
This is all fiction.
The satyr and mind control parts of this story are pretty subtle.
We bring the games to My House
Thursday morning, Joyce brought Alan to my house. She was wearing an ultra-mini skirt and a tight t-shirt. She smiled and blushed at me as she got out of the car to help Alan and I get the wooden weapons into the house.
Our house had a privacy fence in the back and a hot tub. The back gate on the fence led to a vacant lot filled with brambles in which I had grown up playing. There were some trees there, though, enough, I realized, for me to commune with nature when I wasn’t up for the two-mile run to the local copse or the five mile run/drive to the closest wooded park. The backyard had some benches and a single tree in addition to the hot tub, and some patio furniture like lounge chairs and arm chairs.
Anna didn’t have to work that day and Nif was pretty much always home so they were lounging on the couches in the living room when Alan and I came in with armfuls of wooden weapons. Both were watching TV. The older, slimmer Anna was wearing short white shorts and a yellow tube top, with bare shoulders and waist. The younger, more curvy Nif was wearing short black shorts and a blue t-shirt that conformed to her buxom breasts. I was wearing cutoff jeans and a Black Sabbath t-shirt.
“What’s all that, Joe?” Anna asked, smiling at Alan and me as we came in.
“It’s for a game we really like, called ‘Roman Gladiators,'” I explained. “We played it at Alan’s house with his mom yesterday and she really liked it. Wanna play?” I asked. Alan looked surprised that I was asking my sisters to play.
Nif had been watching TV and looked up to say, “What was that?”
“It’s a game where you play pretend,” I said, not bothering to repeat myself. “First, you dress up like a Roman gladiator, then you fight and, if you lose, the winners get to make you a slave and then tie you up then make you do stuff. Then the rest fight to make a new slave and the winners keep making the slaves do stuff until there’s only one winner and they make everybody do stuff.”
Nif’s eyebrows went up. “What kind of stuff?”
“You’d have to play and find out,” I said, not telling them that the “stuff” was anything the winners wanted. Later, they told me that they knew exactly what we would be doing.
“Where are the costumes?” Anna asked.
“We make them,” I replied. “Wanna play?” Alan was silent through all this, but I could sense his excitement. I badly wanted them to play and for less than wholesome reasons, so my vision started to sharpen, my balls started to burn, and my cock started to harden and rub on the inside of my denim jeans as my magic grew and exuded from me.
Both sisters thought it over, then Anna said to Nif, “Nif, we should at least try it out.”
Nif pretended to be dubious but then said, at last, “Well, okay. I don’t have anything else to do today.”
I halted them and said, “But you have to both promise to play right and follow the rules.”
Both girls smiled and said in unison, condescendingly but with a hint of excitement, “We promise.”
I had the big basement but I thought it would be more exciting if we played outside today. Alan and my sisters took the wooden weapons out to the back and dumped them on the picnic table while I ransacked the cupboard for towels. Bringing them out, I cut down one of the clotheslines and we fitted each of us with the rope, making it certain it went around our waists with enough room to tie. Nif still seemed dubious but Anna was more than happy to have us help her with the rope. Alan and I were wrapping our arms around her to fit it, essentially embracing her, rubbing our bodies against her. Alan had his face right in my sister’s tits. Once Nif saw what was happening, she also let us fit her. Alan’s face was also right by Nif’s boobs as he helped her and she purposely “leaned in” to see what he was doing, brushing him with the large mounds.
We explained how the ropes and the towels went and how we all had to change in private. I would change in my room, Anna in the room she shared with Nif, Nif in the bathroom, and Alan outside. Alan finally spoke up. “And just the costumes. No other clothes. And no bras. My mom had a hard time figuring that one out yesterday.”
“You played this with your mom?” Nif asked, black eyebrow arched, just a hint of excitement in her voice.
“Yeah, and she loved it,” I said. “She also put her hair in a ponytail, which isn’t a bad idea.”
In a few minutes, we were all standing around outside. Alan looked the same as the day before with his sallow chest, his arms and legs lean and muscular. I pretty much looked the same as him except I had my straight black hair and he had his curly, light brown hair. The girls looked very different. Anna was taller than the rest of us. The curve of her hips and strength of her legs — she was a dancer and a swimmer — stood out around the towel loincloths. Her boobs were obviously firm and perky and her nipples hard. She had her dirty blonde hair in the suggested ponytail. My oldest sister liked gladiator movies and in one hand she had a foam dagger. In her other, Anna had a rope with a tennis ball on the end that could count as a whip. It couldn’t score points but she was practicing using it to wrap around chair legs and pull them to her.
Nif had chosen a spear. Spears had points and could really hurt somebody so Alan’s toy spear had a foam block on the end, though it still had a pole that was six feet long. She looked a little nervous. Her hips stuck more out the sides of her loincloth and her butt was bigger, leaving her back loincloth to go out further before hanging down. Her tits, larger than Anna’s, hung down more. At first she used her arms and the spear to cover her nipples but gave up on that as we practiced and soon they were swaying with her movements.
We took less than an hour to train. Nif just needed to know to crouch down and sidle around then stab. She practiced on chairs and the tree in the backyard, the hot tub, the wall, etc. We taught Anna how to cut and stab with her dagger — more of a shortsword. It had a square point so she could actually stab somebody without hurting them too bad, although both slashing and piercing could theoretically leave bruises. Then the blonde worked more on her fake whip, practicing pulling people around by again using her techniques on the chairs.
It was finally time to fight. We stood in a square, Alan and I at two corners with our swords, my sisters at the other corners with their “odd” weapons.
“Ready?” I called.
“Ready!” Alan answered confidently.
“Ready,” Anna said in a more high-pitched voice.
“I guess I’m ready,” Nif said, sounding worried.
The round began. Anna was quick off the mark, jumping towards Alan and unleashing her whip/rope, which wrapped around his ankle. She jerked it and the youth fell hard on his back, his loincloth coming up to show his half-erect penis. That seemed to stun Anna and she was slow to follow up. As she bent down to stab my friend, both her tits instead met the wooden blade of my sword.
“Ow!” Anna squealed, dropping her weapons and grabbing her tits. “That hurt!”
“You have to say ‘point,'” I explained calmly, ignoring the vigor of her outburst.
“Oh, yeah, point!” Anna said, her face clearing up surprisingly fast. Still rubbing her boobs a bit, she, interestingly, started caressing them absentmindedly in a spiral pattern then, when they were at her nipples, started to play with them, pinching and twisting. Finally realizing what she was doing, my sister looked around, embarrassed, and then moved her hands to retrieve her weapons.
A round of “readies” and we started again. This time Nif came in fast, big tits swinging, and, before I could act, “stabbed” me right in the right thigh. “Point!” I called. Nif looked pretty pleased with herself as we went back to our squares again.
Another round of readies and Nif came for me again. I knocked her spear wide aside and, as I was cutting across her chest, we heard a squeak of “Point!” from my right side. I still hit both of Nif’s large breasts, causing her to squeal, then drop her spear in pain and grab them. We both looked over at Anna and Alan and I thought Alan had somehow actually stabbed my sister through since his wooden dagger was hanging down from under her loincloth but then it fell out and I realized he had somehow found a way to stab my sister in the pussy. She was grabbing herself and turning purple as she held her breath in pain.
Well, that was the second point on Anna and the end of the first round. My oldest sister stood still while I tied her wrists tight behind her back and Alan tied a loop of rope around her neck with three leads on it. We lead Anna through the gate in the back of the fence, obviously surprising her. She tried to hold back but all three of us yanked on the leads to her neck and she stumbled forward. She had her head down as we led her, now with her head down, the hair that had escaped her ponytail falling down to hide her face, around a well-worn path in the empty lot behind, and then back into the yard. The four of us were quite the sight. Alan and I, skinny young men wearing only loincloths, Nif, older with a black ponytail and very curvy with a loincloth showing the curves of her bottom and with her huge tits out. And, finally, Anna, the tallest, blonde, hands tied behind her back, being led by the rest of us holding ropes tied to her neck, wearing her own loincloth, her own perky tits exposed. Both sisters’ tits had bright red, wide lines marking them from wooden sword “cuts.”
We made it back inside the yard and Anna didn’t protest when Alan and I pulled the towels out of her rope, exposing her white ass and light brown, downy bush. I even slapped Anna’s bare ass and she squeaked, but then smiled. Nif was looking at her, though, mouth wide open. Then, seeming to make up her mind about something, the sister of the naked tied woman turned and went toward the fence gate, pulling Anna behind her by the neck while Alan and I jumped to keep up. Another lap around the empty lot, but this time Anna was completely naked. I saw a couple of kids, or I thought they were kids, boy and girl, watching us through the weeds. They were dressed strange — in a frilly dress and little suit with knickers, like they were from the nineteenth century. The two little people looked almost like they were in black and white and the one in the knickers almost looked like he had a beard. Finally, the two figures didn’t seem shocked at the sight of three of us, mostly naked, leading a tied fourth, fully naked, but merely sniggered. When I looked straight at them, they waved and then seemed to fade away.
Back inside the yard, I said, “Okay, sister, we get to do whatever we want to you and you have to do whatever we want.”
“Okay, brother,” she replied matter-of-factly, standing straight with her legs apart, “what did you have in mind?” I helped her up onto the picnic table and, after getting up myself, also helped her to her feet. I lay on my back and Alan and Nif steadied my sister, who couldn’t use her arms, as she squatted down on top of me facing my feet, her back to my head. I had my loincloth pushed to the side, cock standing straight up and throbbing, pre-cum dripping. My tall blonde sister squatted down onto my lap, Nif grabbing my cock and guiding it into our sister’s pussy. Anna sighed with pleasure and started swirling her hips around.
“I think that’s wet enough,” I said. I was stronger than normal when I lifted my sister’s hips up off my cock. “Put it in her asshole,” I told Nif and she guided it there as I lowered Anna back down. Anna groaned again as I penetrated her ass. Once she was balls deep in, I said, “Okay, now lay back,” and Anna lay back on my chest with my cock in her ass, her tied hands in my stomach. “Okay, sis,” I said, looking at Nif, “sit on our sister’s face.” Nif looked surprised, then smiled and crawled up on the picnic table and, pulling her loincloths out of the way, sat on her sister’s face, facing away from the rest of her body, bent over so her tits hung over the picnic table and Anna could lick her pussy. For the next five minutes, Nif slid her body back and forth so that her blonde sister alternated eating her pussy and eating her ass.
“Alan, get on top and fuck her,” I said. He didn’t need to be told twice. I could feel his weight on my sister since she was on me and his dick in her pussy since mine was in her ass as he finished making the Anna sandwich. He started thrusting up into the blonde’s pussy. I had my hands on Anna’s firm tits but moved one so that Alan could start sucking it. I held his sweat-soaked head instead. Soon we were all moaning in pleasure. The sexual energy flowing through us was intense. After all, my friend and I were double penetrating my oldest sister while she ate our other sister’s pussy. I would have come instantly, I thought, if I started thrusting. Instead, I was getting full sexual stimulation just from leaving my cock balls deep in my sister’s back door, her muscular ring squeezing the base.
All three of them seemed to cum at once. I felt Anna tighten up and heard her moan into our sister’s pussy. I felt Nif stop moving and moan herself. I felt Alan stop with his cock balls deep in my sister’s pussy, his moan going into her tit. Then all three of them continued despite having “finished.” I was perfectly still, still just holding my erect cock in my sister’s asshole, filling it. Finally, I was ready. I shot my load into her ass, then she came again and Alan came again, giving her a second dose of cum in her pussy.
We left Anna tied to the picnic table, ass on the bench, back against the table. The blonde was leaking cum from her pussy, and even some from her ass, onto the seat. The next round went fast. I cut at Nif’s huge tits and Alan cut or stabbed at her huge ass. Nif couldn’t block either of them with her big spear and it was just a matter both times of who got the point first. Nif ended up with two line bruises across her tits and one line bruise across her buttocks and a big bruised caused by Alan’s wooden dagger on her inner thigh just to the side of her front loincloth.
We did the ritual, Alan and I each holding a rope, one going to the neck of each woman. They trudged behind us, hands tied behind their backs. The first time around Anna was naked while Nif had her loincloths still. The second time, both were naked, Nif’s big ass and black bush both visible. I didn’t see the two weird children or whatever they were, but I did hear sniggering. The others looked around like they heard something but didn’t say anything.
Back in the yard, we got back on the table. Anna was on her back, knees up and open, while Nif lay on top of her, each of their heads in their sister’s crotches. Nif’s neck rope was clipped to Anna’s waist rope but Anna was too tall to clip her neck rope to Nif’s waist rope. Anna was so tall that her head was projecting from between her sister’s thighs instead of burrowing into her pussy. Alan and I were on either end of this possible 69. I hadn’t stuck my cock in Nif’s throat to start with but I was going to now.
The household queen of “0% pussy” deep throated my admittedly large cock with ease, looking up at me with our sister’s pussy below her chin. At the other end, at my instructions, Alan “raw dogged” Nif’s asshole and immediately came. He hadn’t gotten soft so kept going, fucking my sister’s ass, slapping it hard, leaving handprints. I would occasionally dip my cock into Anna’s pussy or ass, feeling the rough squeeze of the pussy or the firm cinch of the ass, before giving it back to Nif to suck. She sucked even harder, smiling and grunting in satisfaction as she tasted our sister’s juices. Alan didn’t bother switching to Anna’s mouth as I was doing; with her greater height she was able to lick and even suck Alan’s balls while he fucked our sister.
All of us were moaning as Alan and I spitroasted my middle sister and I periodically fucked my oldest sister while she sucked my friend’s balls. His hairy scrotum was covered in spit much like my hard cock was covered in Anna’s juices. My cock got cleaned each time by Nif, who covered it in her own spit, only to shortly be confronted by it again, once again covered in Anna’s juices. Nif was enthusiastic in her sucking regardless of which of her sister’s holes had been its home. For his part, Alan’s cock was pistoning into my middle sister’s asshole the whole time, the sound of his hips hitting her big asscheeks punctuated by the occasional butt slap. Anna’s moans when I penetrated and fucked her vibrated Alan’s balls, making him close his eyes and moan. Meanwhile, Nif moaned the whole time from getting her ass fucked, her own voice vibrating my cock and stimulating it more when it was in her soft and velvety, yet wet, mouth. When I came, I shot my load partway into Nif’s mouth and partway onto her face. There was so much that it dripped onto her sister’s light brown bush. Alan filled Nif’s asshole with his own cum.
It was down to just me and Alan for the final bout and I took care of him quickly. A feint to his balls both times and then a blow to his torso and then his ass. I lead all three of the other players around the empty lot, both girls naked the first time and all three of them naked the second time. I had Alan get on his back on the picnic table this tim, right at the edge. I picked up Nif and helped her to squat on top of Alan, facing his feet, straddling him just as our sister had straddled me. As Nif squatted onto Alan’s hard cock, I guided it into her asshole. Then I pushed her onto her back on top of him, her bound hands in his stomach, back against his chest. My friend grabbed both of my sister’s large breasts and started squeezing and kneading them. I lined up my cock with Nif’s pussy and started rubbing the tip.
“No, Joe!” she squealed in panic. “Not in my pussy! You might get me preeggnaaant.” If anybody had been around to hear us, they may have been disturbed by the sounds of a woman begging not to be fucked. But there wasn’t. And, if I had known I couldn’t have children or get STD’s, I might have pushed in anyway, effectively raping her as well as taking her “virginity.” But I didn’t do either of those things. Instead, once the head was lubed up, I pushed my big cock slowly into her asshole to join Alan’s thinner one, giving my sister her first double anal penetration. “Oh, Joseph,” my sister crooned, her mind so blown that she was using my full name. “Oh, that’s right. That’s perfect.”
Anna got on the table and I held the blonde’s tit so she could lean into my arm and lower herself onto her sister’s waiting mouth. It was time for her to get the benefit of sister-on-sister love. Nif ate Anna’s pussy and ass enthusiastically. I could feel Alan’s cock with mine as we thrust them together inside my sister’s asshole. “Isn’t that kind of gay?” Anna asked from her spot crouching over Nif’s and Alan’s heads, referring my friend and I rubbing our cocks together.
“Oh, we’ve gone way past “kind of” gay,” I replied, coming with a grunt, setting Alan off — I could feel his cock jerking — as well as Nif. She tensed up and screamed a massive orgasm into her sister’s pussy, causing Anna to come as well. I kept fucking and Alan stayed hard. Nif kept licking Anna’s snatch and Anna kept groaning in ecstasy. I could feel the slime of vaginal juices and cum mixed in Nif’s ass with our cocks, though most of it slipped upstream in her ass. The next time I came ended the game. We all untied each other and got in the hot tub. We hadn’t showered and Anna hadn’t emptied her vagina, much less Nif emptying her ass, but we didn’t care. Alan and I sat at opposite corners and my sisters did the same. We boys rubbed the girls’ clits and fingered their pussies, one hand of each boy in each girl, while the girls jacked us off, one hand of each girl on each boy. We all came again, spoiling the water more.
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My sisters agreed we should play again soon.