Travis Gets Some Pt. 03 by RandyPanda

“You could’ve told me you had this planned,” Janelle was a little taken aback.

“Yeh, well it just came up” Gary replied as he gathered up Angus. Angus seemed happy to go watch the motorbikes so it was clear my time with him was over.

“You’ll be gone for ages, let me pack some food before you go,” Janelle’s mother mode was kicking in.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll buy something if he gets hungry.”

“At least buy something healthy for him,” she coerced.

“Yeh okay, whatever.” Gary left with Angus in his arms.

I stood there awkwardly in my wet clothes. “You should leave,” Janelle said without looking me in the eye.

I had lingering effects of playing with a five year old. “Give me goodbye hug then?” I raised my arms and made like to chase after her but when I got close enough she didn’t budge and instead slapped me….again.

I had been thinking a lot over the last three weeks. How could I not. Thinking about things Janelle had said and about what Harry had said. It seemed to me Janelle was in a rut, maybe even post natal depression. Does that last for five years??? Did she feel suffocated? Unloved? Maybe ‘unwanted’ was more apt. She was needed but not wanted. Fun and excitement, or at least mature fun and excitement for her is pretty limited nowadays. If she’s suffering from some kind of social stress, does that give her the right to treat me like a scumbag? Or like a punching bag whenever I get close enough? We’ve had our arguments in the past but it wasn’t like this. No matter which way I mull it over I just cannot think of a way to get back my connection with her. Previously when I didn’t understand something she would eventually tell me even if it came out as an argument. Arguing is infinitely better than silence because she’s expressing ‘some’ kind of communication. The silent treatment leaves me in the dark and I have no idea where I stand or what she’s thinking and it pisses me off. For three weeks I’ve been frustrated and I’m no closer to working things out with Janelle. Even now she keeps pushing me away but I want to work through this and move forward. It’s irritating the crap out of me that she can be so immature. I’m about ready to slap her back but I can’t do that due to my up bringing. Slapping a girl in the face just isn’t in my nature. I don’t know what to do but I am fucking pissed off.

“Did you not hear me? I said fucking leave!” she repeated.

SNAP! Something in my brain snapped. I can’t take this anymore. She needs a lesson in manners. She wants some excitement in her life? Coming right up. She wants someone to take the pressure from her so she can let go? Coming right up. Does she have daddy issues and need to be spanked? Coming righ…I grab her and throw her over my shoulder. I do it so fast that she’s stunned for a second before she starts kicking and yelling. I carried her over to one of the outdoor chairs. I drop her so the front of her waist is over the back of the chair and her arms fall forward to grab the arm rests. She starts to struggle but I smack her arse, hard, three times.


“Because one I want to, and two you deserve it for being so immature. Who still does the silent treatment at your age? Now tell me, what are you thinking” WHACK

“I think you’re a shithead!”


“I think you’re an arsehole”


“I hate you for sleeping with my girlfriend”


She whimpered a little at this one. So I stopped slapping her backside and start lightly running my hands over her tender buttocks. She was quiet for quite a while. I tried to ignore it but running my hand over her derriere and feeling her shape and curves was giving me a woody. Raising my hand again I was about to strike when she mumbled something.

“Tell me loud and clear before I smack you again,” my hand still raised.

“I hate you for sleeping with other girls.” Once again I was stumped. Processing…Processing…Processing.

All this time I thought our relationship was purely platonic. I mean there were times when we pretended to flirt just for the fun of it. Like the time she sat on my leg at the pub and wiggled her butt on my erection. Maybe it wasn’t all just an act for her. That might explain why she went ballistic when I slept with Harry. Now that I think about it she was also moody when she heard I got some pussy at the amusement park. Things are starting to fall into place now. She wasn’t carelessly watching me from the sidelines, she wasn’t living vicariously through me, she wanted to be close to me, she wanted to share and experience the things I did, she wanted to ‘be’ one of those things I experienced, she wanted….me. I thought Harry had some loose morals but this is a whole ‘nuther level. All this time I thought she was trying to punish me with the silent treatment but she must’ve been trying to put distance between us, to try and protect her feelings, or conceal them, or maybe to try and let me go so she could stop wanting something she couldn’t have.

With only four years age gap we’re practically cousins. This last year in particular when I moved out of home we’ve become close. I hate this situation. I hate that she can’t talk to me about this. I hate that she’s willing to throw away our future friendship. We’re not a couple, never were. Can’t she live that way like we always have? Obviously not. This woman is so frustrating. Without realising it she’s changing me. I never would have done this before but I decide to take a wild chance. With my left hand still on the small of her back I reach down with the other and pull her loose one piece dress up to her waist and tuck it under my left thumb.

“What the fuck are y…” SMACK

I slap her panty clad buttocks. Then lean in close and growl “Tell me loud and clear that you don’t want this.” I wait for her to answer.

She’s silent for a bit then states “What are you doing? You can’t do this.”

Wrong answer. I reef her panties down.

“This isn’t right,” something in her voice tells me that she’s come to a realisation that this is really happening.

Still, it’s the wrong answer and I start unbuttoning my shorts.

“Your serious?” It’s mostly a statement. This time her voice, her whole body seems to be trembling. Is that from anticipation? Is this really what she’s been wanting from me for the past…month at least? I line myself up behind her and rub my bulging cock head up and down her dripping pussy lips. She’s already that aroused. I wonder how much of that arousal is from the spanking and how much is from the last twenty seconds.

“This is your last chance” I wait for her response but she says nothing. I don’t care if she’s undecided or not answering for a reason but I gave her ample opportunity to say ‘no’ and she didn’t. So I ram my cock into her pussy and wriggle around and work it into the deepest possible position. Janelle gasps, her breathing comes out in short sharp little pants.

“This is what you’ve been thinking about isn’t it?” I start thrusting in and out. She tries to roll her hips, as though lifting her tail but the chair prevents her from doing so. All she can do is push with her tippy toes to raise her arse an inch or so.


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