Unspoken Desires Pt. 06

An adult stories – Unspoken Desires Pt. 06 by Midnight87,Midnight87 Where do I even begin with my mother? Most people in their early fifties showed signs of getting older — wrinkles and gray hair. But not my mother. This woman simply did not age. She was like a timeless beauty who seemed to have found the fountain of youth. Her face was smooth and radiant, with no lines or wrinkles to betray her age. She was hot and looked young, but most importantly, she hadn’t gone through menopause yet. So there was a good chance she was pregnant.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about the possibility that my boyfriend had impregnated our mother. Mom was only supposed to be part of our sex life. I wanted to have children with my brother down the road, not watch him raise one with our mother. But then, I knew how much Mom wished she had more children, so it didn’t seem fair to her to ask her to take the morning-after pill.

Ty and I returned home and kicked off our shoes. We sat in the living room to talk about our new situation and what we should do about it.

“I’m sorry, Sky. I should have thought about it beforehand,” Ty said.

“I didn’t think about it either, and judging by Mom’s face, I don’t think she realized the possibility either.”

“Look, I want to have kids, but I follow how you feel about this.”

I shrugged and took a moment to assess the situation. Did it bother me that Mom might be pregnant with Ty’s baby? I didn’t feel like he had betrayed me. It was just a careless mistake, and we wouldn’t know if Mom was pregnant for a few weeks.

And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I didn’t care that he might have gotten Mom pregnant, I was just jealous that she could be pregnant with Ty’s baby, and I wasn’t.

I decided that as long as I got to have kids with him, I didn’t mind if Mom did too. After all, Mom wasn’t literally ageless, she would eventually stop being able to conceive. This could very well be her last chance to have one final baby.

“I think this a decision only you and Mom can make, but I will support you if you want the baby,” I said.

“I want you to honestly be okay with this, Sky. You’re my girlfriend.”

“I am. But one condition.”

“And what’s that?”

“Starting tomorrow, I’m going off the pill. If you’re putting babies in Mom, you’re putting babies in me too.”

Ty’s face lit up and we shared a long kiss.

“In that case, maybe we should get in some practice now.”

“As if we need practice.”

I pushed him down and started kissing him. He lifted off my shirt and unhooked my bra, tossing both onto the floor, and then pulled down my shorts and underwear. I got his clothes off and put his dick inside me. He grabbed my breasts as I rode him. I was impressed that after the amount of energy I had put into fucking Mom and Ty less than a half hour earlier, I still had enough left in me to go another round. But I did, although this time it took me longer to finish.

After we finished, Ty went back to Mom’s to speak to her about the possible pregnancy. While he was gone, I paced around the room. I didn’t want this baby to be born if I was being honest with myself. I meant what I said to Ty about standing by his decision to have this potential baby, and I would love my new sibling/stepchild. But I didn’t really want to have a baby with anyone but me. However, I couldn’t take this chance away from them. Ty wanted kids, and I knew he would wait and have one with me if I was really against Mom having his baby, but I couldn’t take the chance away from Mom.

He came home within the hour.

“Mom and I decided to let nature decide,” Ty said.

“Okay,” I replied.

“If she’s not pregnant, she agreed to go on the pill, and if she is, she’ll go the pill after the baby is born.”

“Wow, I’m surprised she agreed to the pill now that she knows you can father a child for her.”

“Yeah, I think she’s being respectful of you since we are dating.”

“I don’t feel right taking her chance.”

“You’re being really open about this. I thought you’d be against it completely,” Ty said.

“I’m surprised too.”

“Sky, I know we can’t legally, but will you marry me?”

A smile took up my entire face. I had been waiting to hear him ask that question for years, knowing he never would because it was illegal for siblings to marry each other.


I didn’t take the pill the next morning. With the amount of sex Ty and I were having every day, it wouldn’t be long before I got pregnant. I had always wanted to have kids but wasn’t in a rush.

I went on the pill after I left home because I knew I didn’t want to have babies with anyone other than my brother. At the time, I had planned to adopt or do IVF. But now, Ty and I could have a baby together.

It was risky, of course. Incest babies were prone to all sorts of deformities. But then, all seven of my parents’ children were normal-looking. So maybe we just had good genes.

I hadn’t planned on having kids so soon, either, and the thought was both exciting and scary. Luckily, I’d have my mother to show me the ropes, and it would be cute if we were raising Ty’s kids together. I wasn’t sure what that would look like. Would Ty and I move back in with Mom so he could live with both of his children? What would we tell Lily about Mom suddenly getting pregnant without a boyfriend? Ross would know the truth, and it could make things worse between us.

Ty came into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist, planting a kiss on my neck. I smiled and enjoyed being held in his arms as we looked at our reflections in the mirror.

“What do you think our baby will look like?” Ty asked.

“I’m going to go on a limb and say curly blonde hair,” I replied.

“I mean, who will they look like?”

“Well, most of us look like Mom, so I’m going to say ours will look like you.”

“Hmm, that’s interesting,” Ty said.


“I wonder how much ours will resemble mine and Mom’s.”

I laughed and said, “They could end up looking more like twins than we do.”

“Why don’t we make ours so we can find out.”

I turned in his arms and planted a kiss on his lips. His hands fell to my ass and lifted me onto the counter. We kissed heavily, removing top clothing items until we couldn’t take it anymore. Taking me into his arms, he carried me to our room and plopped me down on our bed.

He took off his boxers and pulled off my underwear before getting on top of me. He kissed my body and went down on me until I was wet enough for his cock to enter me. Closing my eyes, I gripped the sheets and moaned at the pleasure my brother was giving me. My breathing and moaning intensified as I started shaking.

“I’m almost there! That’s right, mmmm, put your babies inside me!”

With a final cry of pleasure, I was finished.

For the next few weeks, the only thing Ty and I did was fuck in the morning, go to work, screw after work, eat dinner, and spend the rest of the evening embarking on our journey to get pregnant. Taking a few breaks in between to replenish our energy.

Four weeks after Ty and I fucked Mom, it was time to find out if the family was about to grow. Lily was back with Mom, and after dropping her off at a friend’s house, Mom picked up Ty and me and drove us to the pharmacy. There, Mom and I both bought a home pregnancy test and went back to my apartment. It was always safer to do anything incestuous at Ty’s and my place because there was less chance of one of my other siblings dropping in unannounced.

Mom took the test first, and then it was my turn. I peed on the stick and placed it next to Mom’s on the bathroom counter. Mom and Ty stood next to me, and for three minutes we just stared at the tests. And then, the results were in.

Mom was pregnant.

I was too.

And there was only one way to celebrate.

We threw off our clothes and moved to the bedroom, climbing onto the bed. Mom and I took turns kissing Ty and then made out with each other while taking turns getting eaten out. After a few minutes, we switched it. II sucked my brother’s dick while Mom went down on me, and Mom and I switched roles a few minutes after that.

Finally, Ty pushed his cock into me while I continued to eat my mother’s pussy, with her now sitting on my face. Not long after, Ty finished inside my sex and my mother finished in my mouth.

We cleaned ourselves up and sat in the living room.

“So, Mom. Ty and I have more news,” I said.

“Bigger than a baby?” Mom asked.

“We are engaged!” I announced.

Mom screamed, jumped up from the couch and kissed my lips just as the apartment door opened and my sister Millie came in.

The four of us stared at each other for a minute.

“So it’s true, what Ross said?” Millie asked.

“Yes, honey,” Mom replied.

“Billy didn’t believe it, but I had to find out myself,” Millie said.

“Ross told you and Billy?” Ty asked. I could tell in his tone that he wasn’t happy about it.

“Yes, he thought we should know. Did I just hear you say you and Ty are getting married?” Millie asked, now looking directly at me.

I nodded. “We can’t really get married of course, but in our hearts we are.”

“Congratulations,” Millie replied.

Millie’s reaction didn’t surprise me. She was the most accepting person I knew, and I had never seen her upset or bothered by anything. She was just like Mom in this way, and she would definitely be the most accepting of an incestuous relationship. Even one in her own family. But whether she would be in one or not, I didn’t know.

“Are you upset?” Mom asked.

“No. You and Dad always taught us to accept every relationship. But I do have questions,” Millie said.

“You can ask us anything,” I stated.

“How does this work? Do you and Mom only do things to Ty, or do you do things to each other too?”

“We all do stuff to each other,” I explained.

“I mostly just finished them off,” Ty added as a joke.

“Is it only you three?” Millie asked.

“Right now, but you and Billy are welcome to join, Ross too,” Mom replied.

Millie, who was in her twenties, didn’t say anything about this. “What will your marriage look like?” She asked, looking at me and Ty.

“We’re not sure. We can’t legally get married, but we can still have the party, and Sky and I will wear rings,” Ty explained.

“Yeah, I’m still waiting on that ring,” I teased.

“Right, excuse me,” Ty said.

Ty left the room and when he returned he was holding a small black box. He lifted the lid to reveal a beautiful engagement ring. My heart filled with love and joy as he slipped the ring on my finger and kissed my lips.

“Are you going to marry Mom too?” Lily asked.

“No sweetie, that’s just something between them,” Mom replied.

“Yeah, Ty and I have been dating for two years. Mom is just part of our sex lives,” I explained.

“And there’s one more thing you should know,” Mom said. “Sky and I are pregnant with Ty’s babies.”

“Wow! That is… I was not expecting that at all. Mom, aren’t you like way too old!” Millie stated.

“Yes, it will be a risky pregnancy at my age,” Mom said.

“Was it planned?” Millie asked.

“Mine was, but not Mom’s,” I explained.

“Do you have anymore questions?” Mom asked.

“Just one. Is it true you and Dad were twins too?”

“Yes, honey.”


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