Watching Mom – Mother's Mine by kparc1212,kparc1212

Kneeling between my mother’s thighs, I looked up at her. She bit her lower lip, reached behind her, took the pillows from the top of the bed and stacked them behind her head so she could get a better look at me and what I was about do to her.

She gave me a knowing look and asked in an almost girlish tone, “Are you going to eat mommy’s pussy, honey? Are you?”

Instead of being shocked, I smiled and nodded “Yes”. Placed my hands on her knees and spread her thighs wider open. The smell of her pussy, a mixture of my cum and her sex, seemed to spread over my face, filling the room. I inhaled deeply, letting the scent fill me.

Her neatly trimmed pussy glistening in the soft glow.

But first things first.

I moved my hands down to her nylon covered feet, gently sliding them up to her ankles. her toned shapely calves. The silky feel a new experience for me. My fingers lingering, massaging around my mother’s shins and calves. I wanted this moment to last. I was in no hurry. Letting all my senses absorb and savor my every inch of my mother’s body I touched.

My hands moved up over her knees to caress her soft thighs. The coolness of the nylons, hiding the warmth of my mother’s skin. My fingers found the top of the lace band and I pulled off her stockings one at a time. I wanted my mother completely naked. I wanted to see her displayed before me.

I pulled the second nylon off her feet. I ran my eyes over her. My mother’s smooth white skin. Her thighs spread slightly. Her inner thighs shone with wetness that had seeped out of her pussy.

She was looking down at me, her head, haloed by her silky, soft, light brown hair, propped up on pillows. My mom’s tits pressed down against her chest, her nipples pointing straight up out of her perfectly round shaped brownish areola’s. Her flat stomach.

She lay before me. Her body for the taking. Mine to use.

I reached down and raised her foot to my face and started licking her heal, then the arch, until I was sucking on each of her toes. She moaned softly, loving my tongue and mouth on her digits. I intended to lick, suck and kiss every inch of my mother’s body.

I looked up, my mom watching me. Her hands over her head. Lifting her tits and exposing her smooth underarms. The erotic image of my mother completely naked before filled my cock, stiffening it.

She bit her lower lip with a hungry look on her face. I licked my way up the sides and top of her foot, only stopping for a few seconds to kiss and suck her ankle. Running my hand up her toned calf muscle I then held her calf up with one hand below her ankle the other under her knee. As I licked my way up the freshly shaved smooth skin of her leg, my mother sighed. I ran my tongue up, down all over her calf, sucking on her skin, wanting to savor each piece of her.

When I kissed and sucked behind her knees, she moaned out loud, “AAAAAAHHHHHH!” Her face turned up to the ceiling.

I continued up her thighs, reaching the indented creases left from the laced top of her nylons. I licked the top of her thighs and kissed them gently. I had one hand on each knee and I spread my mother’s thighs further apart. The smell of her exposed open pussy escaped. I inhaled deeply, knowing that her cunt was my target. But not just yet. I wanted to savor every moment, every inch of my mom.

I moved my face down to her inner soft warm inner thigh. My lips and tongue running over it. Then I got my first taste of our cum that had drippled out of my mother’s pussy and coated the inside of her inner thigh. I lapped it up and sucked it into my mouth. Tasting the contrasting juices, my mother’s and my own. I wished it was just my mother I was tasting and not fouled by my own cum. I wanted to taste her alone; to know what pure mom cum tasted like. I thought to myself, in time I will, because this would not be the only time, I’d eat my mother’s cunt.

I moved up her inner thigh, cleaning it as I got closer to her neatly, closely trimmed bush. I licked around the triangle of hair. When I got to the around to the other side and down between her thighs again. I moved away, settled back down on my heels and repeated the same to my mother’s other foot and leg.

My mom sighed, I smiled to myself. The bitch wanted me to suck her pussy. Well, she’ll just have to wait.

I was quicker in moving up her leg this time. I wanted to get to her cunt as badly as she did. This time when I got to her pubic line, I went over it and licked the cum dew from her hair. I placed both hands on her upper inner thigh, pushed them wider apart. I looked up at my mother, she was staring down at me, watching what her son was about to do to her.

Her puffy pussy lips parted; the moistness of her cunt released a fresh wave of her scent. Her clit was rigid and the tip shown like a little penis. I pressed my mouth on her open cunt lips. My tongue slaking inside her. Licking her musky juice onto my tongue and swallowing it. My mother’s hands reached down and pushed on the back of my head trying to get me face deeper into her.

“Oh, dear God Johnny, yes eat mommy, eat me.”

I lapped and sucked her pussy. The smell, taste, velvety feel urged me on.

I moved up and started to suck on her taut clit as if it was a miniature penis. I then slid two fingers into my mother’s sopping wet pussy, twisting them, moving them apart inside her. Feeling them squishing themselves together.

Looking up at my mother, her eyes transfixed on my face between her legs. The forbidden pleasure we both were feeling overwhelming us. Then my mother’s thighs clamped tightly around my head, her fingers tangled in my hair, forcing my face into her. I buried my fingers as deep as they would go inside her and held them still. She kept me in place with her thighs and hands, her body quivering as the pent-up orgasm consumed her. I could hear her loud muffled wail as she came.

Her whole body seemed to spasm in waves. I could feel her clit twitching between my lips, her cunt contracting around my fingers as if she was trying to suck them inside her.

I was making my mother cum! I was giving her the pleasure she had given me. I kept sucking on her little dick with my fingers jammed into her cunt.

I said to myself triumphantly, ‘My mother is mine.’

The tension in her body started to ease and she let the grasp of my head loosen. I let my fingers slip out of her sopping pussy. I kissed and licked my way up her abdomen, tasting the saltiness of her sweat. Her body odor seeping up from her damp skin. I tucked the tip of my tongue into her bellybutton, causing her to giggle like a little girl. Her hands resting on my head, smoothing out my hair as I continued to travel up her. My hands reached out and massaged her breast from her side’s pushing them together. My lips suckling her stiff nipples, again, like I had done eighteen years ago.

“Oh, Johnny,” she cooed as I nibbled, tucked and bit softly into her teats.

I lingered for a while, massaging her tits in my hands and then letting my tongue and lips explore ever part of them. They were so soft and warm. And she kept gently rubbing my head as I worshipped her chest.

I moved up to her neck, her shoulders. I moved my thigh and pressed it against her wet pussy. She stretched her hands over her head and I glided my tongue over her armpit. My mom pressed her pussy into my thigh and sighed again. Holding my head against her sweaty pit.

I inhaled her scent, wondering what else would turn my mother on? Her moans filled the room as she massaged her cunt into my thigh as I licked and sucked on her underarm.

I pushed my head up and out of her pit, kissing and caressing arms until I was licking and sucking her fingers above her head. My cock firm cock just below her tits. I moved up further and laid my cock between her breasts. She looked up at me as she pressed her tits together to capture my cock between those soft mounds of flesh. I smiled down at her as I started to fuck her tits. She moved her head down as if she was trying to catch the head of my cock in her mouth, but with each thrust up I kept it out of reach, teasing her.

I then moved up further and pushed my cock into her waiting mouth and started to fuck my mother’s head into the pillow. Her hands now gripping my ass cheeks hard. Her fingernails digging into me.

I felt my orgasm building and pulled away from her. I moved to the side of my mother’s body and turned her over on her stomach. She gave me little resistance, letting me do whatever I wanted to do to her.

I climbed on top of her, my cock resting between her butt cheeks. I started to kiss the back of her neck, moving down to her shoulders. Licking my way down her back in reverse of the way I went up her front. My mother’s skin, so velvety, salty, I was going to lick and kiss every inch of the bitch. I made my way down to the crack of her ass. I used my shoulders to force my mother’s thighs apart. My hand pulled her cheeks apart and ran my tongue between the crevice of her ass. I lingered at her butt hole. Kissing it, lapping at it, licking it, sucking on it, worshipping it. There was a cleanness to her asshole, a hint of strawberry scent. Then the realization hit me. My mother had used an enema while in the bathroom, in preparation for her “date” with that jerk. She like to be fucked up the ass!

With renewed vigor I kept manipulating her asshole with my tongue. I placed my hands just above her hips and pulled her up on her knees. I moved my head away and knelt behind her. I reached up and put one hand on her shoulder the other on her neck and raised her up so she was on all fours.

My rigid cock pointing straight at my mother’s cunt. Her pouting, puffy, wet pussy lips seemingly begging me to penetrate her again.

She groaned, “Yes honey, fuck mommy like a dog, make mommy your bitch.”

With that I shoved my cock deep into her cunt. Holding on to her shoulders, I started to pump into her. She let me do all the movement. I looked down at her, my mother, my bitch.

The thought came to me and I acted. I pulled out of my mother, she gasped. I got up on my hunches and with one hand I took hold of my mother’s hair and pulled back hard, forcing her head up. I then took my other hand and used it to guide my steel girder cock to her asshole. Placing the head of my cock against it, I held still. Letting my mother realize what her son was about to do to her.

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