“He sure is.” beamed jenny. “Im honestly so glad hes able to help. It can happen every now and then. But He use to come more often back in the earlier stages of this shop. But since then his own work has been picking up. It can be a hard to get a hold of him, though. He can be very…elusive. I suppose we should expect it though.” she shrugs weakly.
“Whys that?”
“Well, you know how young men can be.” she chuckles. “Monika shrugs it off as him being free spirited and boys being boys. But i honestly think thats her own way of babying him without outwardly doing it”
I blink at the newfound info.
Maybe it’s cause i needed the distraction from worrying about my own life, but this info about monika and her nephew was interesting to hear about. She never seemed the maternal type. Actuality she seemed like she rathered be alone most of the time. then again, she was married to someone family oriented like Jenny. Their pairing alone was proof that opposites attract. But the info didn’t really answer the main question i had.
“Theres something esle i was wondering about. hes a young boy in that picture, but im almost certain ive seen him somewhere before.”
Jenny didn’t seem the least bit surprised. “I know i said he doesnt work here as much as he used to when we first started at this location. But he does still kind of comes and goes as he pleases. So you might of gotten a glimpse.”
“No,” I shake my head.”i think, i may of saw him yesterday. Outside the flower shop. We had a last minute order, they requested i drop a bouquet off at a photo studio.”
Her brows raised, “really now?” she paused for a moment, turning her focus to wrap the gift box in a bow.
“Was the name on the account-”
“Aunt jenny! You here?”
I pause at the sound of the familiar voice that interrupts jenny.
My back is to the open door but I can practically feel when he’s in the room. Or more so smell. It’s that citrusy woodsy scent that delicately dances under my nose. It tickles it in almost a beckoning manner, pulling me to swivel myself around on the stool to the open door way.
Where he stands.
I’m starting to believe even though it’s our second meeting that the small warm smile on his face is simply by default. Despite the tired look in his eyes this early morning, it’s there as he looks at Jenny. Or his aunt Jenny. But when his gaze drags over to me, lids lift and his smile broadens. He doesn’t appear the least bit surprised at my presence.
If anything, a smile slowly starts to lift across his plump lips, and the sides of his eyes crinkle slightly. The way his face lights up, he looks at me is as if he’s reuniting with someone he’d long lost.
“Morning, Elle.”