When Winning Isn't Enough by PickFiction,PickFiction

“You can handle it,” she added, giving him one of her patented kisses.

Linda had flown before, but never by herself, so this would be a new experience, and she was looking forward to it, particularly the “by herself” part. She’d be at the university, of course, talking to coaches, trainers, professors, and other athletes, but she knew she’d have some time to herself as well. She thought she’d be staying in a student dorm, but they’d told her she’d be staying at a university-owned hotel that was on the campus. She wasn’t sure if that was legitimate or not, but it was the university that would suffer if it wasn’t, not her.

She was met at the airport by one of the assistant coaches, carefully selected, she decided, as he was young, very handsome, and personable as well. He even told her she was “much better looking than the pictures they had.” She spent the day touring the facilities, talking with coaches and the training staff, and sitting in on part of an English class.

She especially enjoyed talking with some of the university’s current runners. One of them that she particularly liked teased her saying, “I don’t know why they have me helping recruit you. You’re already running faster than I am, and I’ll be out of a position if you come here.” They all laughed when she said that, but it was true. Linda’s times were all faster than any of their current runners.

In the evening, several of the runners and coaches took her to dinner at the hotel, where they had a delicious meal and some good conversation, most of it centered around asking her if she’d made a decision. Of course, she told them there’d be no decision right away as she had other places to visit, but she’d enjoyed her day and the excellent treatment she’d received.

It was about nine o’clock when the dinner and conversation ended, and they all bid each other goodbye, and Linda headed for her room. This was the time she’d been anticipating, and it had finally come. She paced for several minutes, debating, then looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She wondered what Jack might have planned for her when she returned, but right now, she had her own late evening planned. It was just a matter of doing it.

But first, she face-timed with Jack, telling him about her day and how she missed him. When she hung up, she stared at the wall for long seconds, but she’d decided and wasn’t going to change anything now. One day she’d have to tell him, though.

She wasn’t sure how or why these changes had come about in her life. They were out of character for her, but it was like she had no control any longer. The need for daring and dangerous activities was overwhelming and, despite what her mind was telling her, in the end, she couldn’t fight what was happening. She was doing things and planning things that she couldn’t have imagined a few weeks ago. Tonight was one of those things.

She opened her suitcase and took out the red dress, the one she had purchased recently without her parents being aware. It was short, with no back and just a slight plunge in the front. She pulled out the lacy red thong and smiled again. Quickly doffing the clothes she’d worn for her recruiting visit, she showered, then studied her face in the mirror as she carefully applied the eyeliner, eye shadow, lipstick, and the touch of blush on her cheekbones. Satisfied, she pulled on the thigh-high black hose, the thong, and slipped the dress over her head. She’d never gone braless, but just the thought had her tingling. If she were going to be daring, she’d do it to the fullest. The red heels completed the outfit, and she checked the mirror once more. She barely recognized who she saw there and knew even her friends would have trouble. She vowed to dress up this way for Jack one of these days. Tonight though…

She grabbed her clutch purse, locked her door, and took the elevator to the ground floor…and the bar. She wanted some wine, like her parents had let her try, but knew she had no ID. Still, there were ways.

As she left the lobby and went into the bar, the nervousness had her shivering. The fact that she felt every man there was looking at her wasn’t helping. A quick glance around showed it was just her imagination. But, now she had to take the next step. She strode to the bar and sat down.

“What can I start you with, ma’am?” She wondered at the smile she was receiving from the bartender.

His words gave her an idea.

“I believe I’ll start with …” She paused, noticing that the bartender was checking her chest. “Maybe just a Coke before I move on,” she said, smiling.

“Good choice,” he said, smiling at her again. “It’s still early.” He brought the Coke, gave her cleavage a final look, and headed to the other end of the bar.

She was halfway through her drink when she felt a hand on her bare back. Her breath caught in her throat, but she slowly turned her head and smiled.

“Mind if I sit here?” he said, sliding his hand across her bare skin.

“Help yourself.” Now was the test, and she wondered if she could pull it off.

He sat down, smiling at her, checking the slight swell of her breasts, a little more visible now as she leaned on the bar.

“You traveling, too?” His voice was deep but very pleasant.

“Headed home tomorrow,” she said, turning on her stool to face him. She guessed he was about thirty-five, maybe a bit older since she could see a hint of gray at his temples. His smile was bright, and he looked fit in the button-down shirt and khaki slacks he sported. She thought his mustache probably added a few years but, whatever his age, he was handsome.

“Me too,” he said. “I get out here once or twice a year. How about you?”

“First time here,” she answered. And probably the last she thought.

“First time for everything,” he said, a kind of “knowing” smile on his face.

Linda’s mind was racing as she sought to deal with something totally new but intensely exciting to her. She wondered if he was just being friendly or if his thoughts were moving in another direction. She was nearly trembling since she hadn’t dressed the way she had just to be friendly. Whatever was happening to her, it was forcing her to venture into unknown but exhilarating places.

“I’m Bryan,” he said, extending his hand.

“I’m Lucy,” she replied, shaking his hand, proud of how she’d created a name without any hesitation. She wondered if there’d be other chances to improvise.

He glanced at her Coke, closed one eye, and smiled.

“I’d love to buy you a drink, but I’m putting two and two together and coming up with less than twenty-one.”

Linda felt herself blushing, but she covered it by stretching things a bit.

“I’m a couple months short,” she said quietly.

“Ah, got it. If I were buying for you, what would I be buying?” He chuckled.

Linda thought for a moment. “A white wine.”

“A good choice. You last a little longer drinking wine unless you pour it down.”

“At home, I sip,” she assured him. She waited for an answer but could see he was pondering something.

He leaned toward her. “If you’d really like to sip some wine, there’s a way to make that happen.” He was close enough that she could feel his breath on her cheek.

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