Where the Climate's Sultry Pt. 01

An adult stories – Where the Climate's Sultry Pt. 01 by Surfbum77,Surfbum77 Where the Climate’s Sultry

This is my first contribution to the site after lurking for a while. I’ve based this story on one of my favourite poems (no prizes for guessing which one), updating it to the 21 st century.

Off we go with the first few chapters. I’ll try and post my next chapters ASAP, but can’t promise anything. Depends if I get the time and the inspiration! And don’t worry – things will get a lot sexier as we get deeper into the story…


He’ll never forget the day he received that fateful message from his daughter, Hayley. He was reclining on that pink leather chair staring up into the beautiful eyes of Dr Jade Lee, his hot Asian dentist. Going to the dentist had always been something he put off until his teeth started aching or an old filling fell out, but that all changed when he met Dr Lee.

And to think he didn’t really even know what she looked like. Every time he went along to her clinic, she was all bundled up in medical gear: gown, surgical mask, hairnet, visor – the whole works. But, gee!, her eyes were something else. They shone as if they were lit from within. He knew he shouldn’t really stare at her when she was giving him an injection, or drilling a hole, or shoving enamel in that hole, but he couldn’t help it. Those brown eyes with the single eyelid were the cutest things he’d ever seen. And the second cutest thing were those strands of hair which escaped from her hairnet and framed her face and set off those beautiful eyes.

Anyway, there he was standing at the reception desk settling his bill when he got this message that the apple of his eye, Hayley, would be unable to go on her holiday with her three friends next week because of some issue with her passport. He knew how disappointed she would be, as this holiday had been all she’d been talking about for the past month or so. She and her three pals were due to go to a really nice hotel on the Greek island of Corfu, and now, according to Hayley, they would have to resort to Plan B.

Hunter, for this is our hero’s name, immediately called his daughter so he could commiserate with her and see if there was anything he could do. As he was to find out, the commiserations were gratefully accepted, while his offer to help out in any way he could was to lead to a whole series of circumstances and adventures, which are the subject of this book.

First, though, before we plunge ahead with the story, I think a little bit of background is in order. Hunter Jarvis was a 46-year-old widow, who had become a multimillionaire by the age of 35 by betting on the collapse of the global economy. After making a shedload of money for himself and his bank, he’d retired, then got bored and invested in a group that took over dives such as biker bars, did them up and reopened them as affordable eateries with a theme: sometimes Mediterranean, sometimes vegetarian, maybe North African. Basically, whatever the location seemed to be crying out for. The strategy had been successful and the group was soon to open its twelfth outlet in less than ten years. Hunter helped out on the management side by cutting the best deals with the banks and finding the best ways to leverage the group’s debt. He’d even tried his hand at cooking when they had one of their periodic chef crises.

Mia, the love of Hunter’s life, with whom he had been married for 22 years, had died of breast cancer not yet two years ago, and it was only now that he was starting to get over the devastation. They’d had Hayley (just turned 23) when they were very young, but, try as they might, they’d never been able to give her the siblings they wanted. Hayley had been very worried about her dad after her mum died, wondering at one point if he had basically given up on life. She knew he wasn’t dating and thought it was a crying shame that a man who was still in the prime of his life should basically be living the life of a monk. That’s why she hatched her little plan…

Everyone who knew Mia agreed that Hayley had inherited her good looks, together with her blonde hair. She used to be a little on the tubby side, but had burned off that puppy fat years ago and was in demand as a part-time model. Her nine to five job was on the online marketing side of a major fashion retailer. Despite having no university degree, she had climbed the ladder quickly as a result of her hard work and business smarts, and had a steady boyfriend, who was a few years older than her – a Greek Cypriot man called Christos.

Hayley’s best friend was Christos’ first cousin, Julia, and it was Julia who was central to her plan to help her dad come out of his depression and rejoin the ranks of the living. Julia, who was a few years older than her friend, though still 20 years younger than her dad, had always had a crush on Hunter. When they were teenagers, Hayley used to tease her friend about it, and then after Mia died, Julia felt it would be really inappropriate to cosy up to him or, well, yes, come onto him. It was actually Hayley who had suggested to her that she made a play for her father. Julia had told her that she’d find it really difficult to do when Hayley was around, which Hayley took to mean that Julia still had the hots for him. That’s when she decided to go ahead and book the holiday without first getting a new passport, knowing that she’d be unable to travel when she finally ‘discovered’ the problem. Her dad, on the other hand, could travel at the drop of a hat, having no ties to speak of, except to her.

Julia was one very happy bunny when Hayley explained her plan to her. Her mind raced ahead to days spent by the hotel pool, with Hunter’s powerful hands rubbing sunscreen deep into her golden skin, then untying the string ties of her bikini top to make sure there were no tan lines. When Hayley explained that the hotel was very strict about no more than two guests being allowed to sleep in one room, Julia’s imagination ran riot, as she saw herself being carried across the threshold like a bride on her wedding night. And when Hayley told her that the only rooms she had been able to book had been double rooms (all the twin rooms having sold out), Julia started to think about all the new clothes she would buy between now and next Tuesday, starting with nightwear.

The only cloud that Julia saw on the horizon took the shape of the other two girls who were going on the two-week trip. She liked them, they all got on well together – that’s why they were going on this trip together – but she was worried that they would cramp her style with Hunter. Maybe they wouldn’t approve of her setting her sights on Hayley’s dad, given the age difference and all, or they would get all protective of him and the need to ‘let him grieve’. She honestly thought two years was quite long enough and he should be moving on. And she could help him do that.

When Julia mentioned her worries about Tina and Briony to Hayley, her friend said that they were already onside and really keen on the idea. Julia’s first reaction was one of relief but then she got worried in case they wanted a piece of Hunter as well. Julia laughed and told her oldest friend that there would be plenty of her dad to go around. He’d not been with a woman for two years, but she knew he was still sexually active (she’d found porn on his laptop when he’d forgotten to close the site) and she was pretty sure he jerked off to all of her friends. Julia wasn’t sure how to take this. Greeks can be a bit prudish about such things, as well as very possessive of their man, but on the other hand, she’d masturbated to him often enough, so maybe it was just a matter of moving things from the world of the imagination to the real world. Sharing him with the other two wasn’t exactly a deal-breaker, she realised upon mature reflection. So long as she got to share the room with him. That was her bottom line. Hayley said that was how she had planned it all along.


Hunter didn’t have a clue what he was getting himself involved in. All he knew was that the four of them would be staying at a five-star hotel in Mykonos, set on the top of a hill, with an infinity swimming pool and a gym, and loads of inexpensive but very good restaurants on their doorstep. Having Julia around would really help with communicating with the locals, who were geared up for tourism anyway, so language wouldn’t be a problem.

Hunter did wonder about sleeping arrangements, but for some reason never raised them with his daughter. He convinced himself that he would be sleeping on his own and that the three girls would be sharing a room. Who knows? he thought, he might be able to find a nice lady, a widow perhaps, at the hotel and ask her back to his room. He had been getting a bit horny recently and – gee! he could hardly admit it even to himself – he had even knocked one out thinking about Julia the other night. Okay, he had been drinking, and she had been very touchy-feely with him that evening when she was over visiting Hayley, whenever his daughter had popped out of the room, but still, this was his daughter’s best friend and he should show her more respect.

He blushed as he thought of the scenario he had dreamt up, with Julia coming over to visit Hayley, but Hayley having just gone out on some sort of emergency to help a friend look for her lost dog. Hunter had asked her if she wanted to call Hayley and join in the search but she had told him that she’d wait with Hunter if that was okay by him. Okay?! His penis was already strainer against the old shorts he used to wear around the house. And, fuck, he’d forgot to put on any undies that morning.

Suddenly, he found Julia next to him on the couch, asking him if he could help her out with a little problem she had. He had told her that perhaps she’d better talk to another woman if she had such a problem, and she had called him ‘Silly!’ and placed her hand on his thigh and told him that she wanted a bit of help with her smartphone, which seemed to have a malfunction.

The one thing which definitely wasn’t malfunctioning was his penis, which had stretched out as far as her hand and seemed to want to introduce himself to her. Taking the phone off Julia with trembling hands, he immediately dropped it onto his lap. ‘Let me help you, Mr Jarvis’, Julia had said, reaching down but missing the phone, which had slid off onto the couch anyway, and landing flush on his full erection. ‘Seems like the phone can wait,’ she had said, ‘you have more urgent issues that need attending to.’ Hunter didn’t get past this stage before he had shot his load into a flannel he kept beside the bed for this purpose.

Then there were Tina and Briony to think about. While Julia was dark and broody, Tina was blonde and bubbly. At least she had a boyfriend, Hunter thought, and she’d never seemed the least interested in him, you know, in that way. Well, none of them did, when he thought about it, unless you included the time when Briony had kissed him on the mouth as her way of saying ‘thank you’ after she had cried on his shoulder about a recent break-up from a boyfriend.

Now, Briony, she was something else! She had beautiful long black hair and a knockout figure, skin the colour of milk chocolate and a beautiful straight nose that made her look like an African princess. Her dad was from Jamaica and her mum was from London. That night, after the kiss, he’d been unable to sleep, but (this was only a few months after Mia had died) out of respect for his wife and his daughter he had done nothing about his rampant erection. The following morning he was still as hard as a rock and had surprised Hayley by rushing off to the gym, saying he needed to renew his membership. She knew something was up, but thought he’d been having nightmares about her mum again.

So, all things considered, even though he had made the right noises about the girls finding another female friend to accompany them, he was pretty excited about the trip. He even took the opportunity in the few days remining before their flight to book a few sessions in the solarium to work on his tan, as well as putting in particularly strenuous sessions at the gym. Sometimes when he was on the running machine, staring at CNN or whatever was on the screen, images of Briony (or sometimes Tina) would flood his mind and he would have to turn the speed up so he had no excess energy to indulge such idle thoughts.

‘Yes,’ he thought to himself, ‘a nice middle-aged widow. That would suit me fine. We could go off on excursions during the day, while the girls are sunning themselves by the pool. We could have nice romantic candlelit dinners, while the girls are partying the night away in the town and meeting boys of their own age. When we get back to the hotel, we can have a little nightcap at the 24-hour bar and I can escort her back to her room, while the girls are…’

He snapped out of his daydream and went back to the task at hand, which was polishing his shoes.

‘Damn!’ he exclaimed, noticing that he’d got some black polish on the back of his hand.

He put his shoe down and went to wash his hands in the downstairs bathroom. When he looked up at the mirror after putting the scrubbing brush down, looking back at him was Briony, dressed in a strapless white cocktail dress that showed off her perfect skin. She smiled at him, winked, and, puckering those lips which had visited his mouth nearly two years before, blew a kiss at him, before vanishing as quickly as she had appeared.


The girls were equally busy in the run-up to their departure, although in their case they had been given more notice by Hayley and things didn’t need to be so last minute. Manicures and pedicures were had, hair done, unwanted hair removed, muscles toned up and new clothes bought. The most important item was beachwear, with each girl deciding to take one one-piece swim suit, as well as several bikinis, varying in colour, fabric, design and extent of coverage.

Before she left, Tina’s boyfriend made her promise him that she wouldn’t shack up with any of the lager louts you got on Mykonos, warning her about the local Greek guys who had a thing for blonde girls into the bargain. Tina assured him that she wasn’t interested in these kinds of guys, and that he was all the young muscle she needed. As for more mature muscle, she was careful to make no such commitment.

The big day finally arrived, with Hayley driving the four revellers to Gatwick Airport for their afternoon flight to the island. Even though it was only a four-hour flight, Hunter had got them upgraded to business class, using his connections with the airline. Rather than risk an unseemly fight over who sat next to him, the girls had tossed for it and Briony had won. She enjoyed chatting with him as they flew over the Alps, getting him to lean over her in the window seat as she pointed out various lakes and other things she suddenly found an interest in. Once, he had brushed her breasts with his arm, and was terribly apologetic. Briony told him that there would be plenty of time for him to check her out in her bikini later, and that she never thought that he would behave like a bumbling teenager. Hunter started to defend himself but then caught himself up, realising that Briony was just having a bit of fun with him.

The other girls chatted away merrily about this and that, but each of them was keeping half an eye on the other two across the aisle. When Briony had Hunter dancing attendance on her, satisfying her every whim, they looked at each other with an expression of disgust on their face. She really was the end, was that Briony!

Of course, it was when they got to the hotel (a short taxi ride from the airport) that the fun really started. Hunter had given some thought to the room situation, but reckoned he’d have a room to himself, while the girls would be sharing. Also, he wouldn’t have dreamt for a second that he’d be expected to share a room with one of the girls that came with a double bed! After he’d seen what was on offer, he went straight to reception and demanded to see the manager.

Now, that man had been tipped off by Hayley that her father was likely to make a fuss about the accommodation and that he did this at every hotel he stayed in. He had in fact stayed at many places over the past years with his nieces (as Hayley called them) and sometimes that had been in rooms with double beds. The best way to deal with the problem, Hayley said, was very simple: he needed to be sat down with a cup of tea (Earl Grey if possible) and told very courteously but firmly that no other accommodation was available. To do anything else would be to go completely against medical advice, which had warned that enabling him (or ‘feeding the monster’, as his psychiatrist put it) would have a severe effect on his ongoing treatment and potentially set his recovery back years.

With no option but to accept the situation, Hunter returned to his room in as bad a mood as you’d ever find such a naturally good-tempered man in. When he got there, he found that he was sharing with Julia. Things could be worse, he thought. She was definitely more mature than the others and didn’t wear boob tubes like Tina or do outrageous things like Briony. She also dressed more conservatively, which made him feel more comfortable around her. Shen he got back, she was unpacking her things. Some items were already hanging in the wardrobe, others were in the drawers, while others were scattered about on the bed. Among them, he couldn’t help noticing a yellow string bikini that would hardly cover her private parts and – strewth! – the skimpiest bar and panty set he’d ever seen, this time in what he would call the colour of red wine.

Turning his back in his embarrassment, he walked round the bed sideways like a crab until he got to his own travel bag, which he proceeded to unpack as fast as he could, putting his personal things in the drawer of the bedside table.

‘While you were chatting to the manager, me and the girls decided we’d try the local taverna tonight,’ Julia said. ‘We got the concierge to book a table for four, as he said it can get quite busy.’

‘Super,’ said Hunter, looking around at the floor to find the best spot for him to sleep that night.

‘Is it okay with you if I have a quick shower?’ said Julia.

‘Oh, sure, yes, of course,’ responded Hunter in some disarray, still very much with his back to her.

He heard the bathroom door close and heaved a sigh of relief. He took the coverlet from the bed, folded it once and placed it on the floor. It would serve as his mattress for the night. Now all he needed was something to cover him. He found a blanket on the top shelf of the wardrobe and lay that down on top of the coverlet, then took a pillow from his side of the bed and put that where he would lay his head. He then took the T-shirt he would wear for sleeping from the drawer together with a pair of boxers. Thinking that these were a bit too much on the short side with female company around, he decided to add the tracksuit bottoms he’d brought along in case he was getting too much sun. All these items he put on top of the pillow, and then – just in case Julia decided to play a prank on him – he moved them under the pillow with no bits sticking out.

He’d just finished these preparations when Julia re-entered the room.

‘Bloody hell!’ said Hunter under his breath. ‘The girl’s just wrapped in a towel.’

And it wasn’t one of those big fluffy bath towels you get at an English hotel. It was hardly bigger than a postage stamp. Somehow it was clinging on round Julia’s breasts but the thing hardly covered her private bits. Muttering an apology, Hunter turned his back on the young lady only to find that he could still see her in the reflection in the large plate glass window. Panicking, he didn’t know whether to draw the curtains or close his eyes. In the end, he ended up staring goggle-eyed as the girl (young enough to be his daughter, for god’s sake) still facing him let the towel drop.

‘Fuck it!’ he thought. ‘I can see everything: the boobs, the dark patch above her privies. Oh, fuck it, fuck it!’

He buried his head in his hands. Calm as you like, she called to him.

‘Mr Jarvis, could you just help me with the clasp. It’s a bit awkward.’

Turning round, he was confronted by the sight of the olive-skinned beauty wearing nothing but a pair of the flimsiest red knickers and a bra of the same colour, which she wasn’t actually wearing yet, since it was this where she was having trouble with the clasp. She was standing there holding the bra cups against her boobs, with the straps dangling down below them – and a bit to the side.

Approaching her in a very self-conscious manner – not wanting to appear too keen and not wanting to keep her waiting longer than necessary – he found himself standing in front of her towering over her by at least a head.

‘Um, do you want me to go round you?’ he said awkwardly.

‘No, you can do it from the front. You must have done it lots of times before!’

Never putting one on, he wanted to tell her. Just taking the damn things off.

‘Um, okay,’ he said, as she handed him the straps.

‘You better, er, you know, hold them up,’ he stammered.

‘It’s all right, it won’t fall down,’ she replied jauntily.

He took the straps – hardly more than bits of string really – and in his desire to get the thing over with as quickly as possible, pulled a bit too hard on one side. As a result, one of the cups slid up her boob, giving him an eyeful of her broad, dark areola.

‘O god, I’m sorry,’ he said, unsure whether he should adjust the flimsy material, but having the presence of mind not to make things worse by touching the girl’s boob.

‘That’s all right,’ said Julia. ‘I won’t report you to the police for assault. Not yet anyway.’

Trying to ignore this comment, Hunter took the straps round her back, doing his very best to avoid touching her with his arms as he had touched Briony earlier, and after a few failures finally managed to get the thing in place.

‘Thanks – you’re my hero,’ said Julia, raising herself on tiptoe to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Excusing himself, Hunter went off to the bathroom, locked the door, sat down on the toilet seat and dealt with his erection.


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