White on a Black Canvas by TxRad,TxRad

White on a Black Canvas

By TxRad

James came through the front door of his apartment and froze three steps down the front hall with his mouth hanging open. His roommate, Ruby, was standing in the middle of the living room running a long handled paint roller back and forth over the ceiling. Her back was too him so she did not see him come in. The loud music on the stereo in her bedroom covered any noise he might have made.

Most of the furniture and stuff that normally occupied the living room must be in the other rooms. The big overstuffed couch and the big wingback chair were covered with plastic. The floor was also covered in plastic from wall to wall.

James’s roommate for the last four years had been the same guy. This year he had not returned for classes at college and had not let James know he would not be back until after the semester had started. James needed a roommate or he could not afford the place. He had scrambled to find someone, anyone for that matter.

Ruby had arranged to stay with a girlfriend for the semester but her girlfriend had found a boyfriend over winter break. She was scrambling to find a place to live. Her funds were short so her options were limited to say the least.

James had given her a cut rate if she would clean the place up and keep it that way. Four years of neglect had made the place grungy at the very least. She had cleaned her ass off for the first two weeks and the place had looked a whole lot better. But now….

That she was painting the ceiling was a nice surprise. What she was wearing to paint it on the other hand was a complete shock. At the moment, the only thing on her short compact body were spatters of white paint. The white paint contrasted sharply with her mahogany colored skin. She was one rich even brown all over from the back.

He marveled at her high round ass and the way the muscles of her arms and upper back moved under that beautiful colored skin as she leaned forward to run the roller one way and the way her thigh, ass, and calf muscles moved when she stepped backward as she moved the roller in the opposite direction. He was speechless and mesmerized by her beauty.

When she stopped moving and lowered the roller to a paint tray to refill it, she bent at the waist. James heard himself moan softly as she stuck her ass out in his direction. The outer lips of her burger shaped pussy peeked at him from between her upper thighs. They were several shades darker than the rest of her.

He could not help himself; he licked his lips as his hard dick gave a twitch in the left leg of his levies. Lust was a flame deep in the pit of his stomach. His mind was a squirrel in a spinning wheel as it tried to decide which he would do first, drive his dick or his tongue deep between those dark lips, if he ever got the chance.

Ruby lifted the roller toward the ceiling. As she did, she looked to her left. Her eyes locked with James for a split second and then as realization set in, she squealed, dropped the roller, and ran for her bedroom door. The door slammed solidly. A moment later, the music shut off sharply.

The silence was sudden and deafening to James as a loop of memory played in the back of his mind in slow motion. The outline of a dark breast against a white wall flashed on the screen and froze for a second or two. A full breast that was not large but it was proportional to her body. The nipple was puffy and darker than the color of her breast. It was turned upward and capped with a lighter colored nipple.

Fine white paint splatter was dusted across the top of the breast. One drop of paint had landed on the side of the breast and had run down. The contrast was sharp and sweet. James licked his lips and sighed deeply.

The movie moved a frame or two. He now had a frozen pictured of her back and ass in his mind. A dusting of tiny white dots covered her upper back and the top swell of her ass just below her tailbone. He found himself grinning like an idiot as he licked his lips. The movie moved in slow motion. He studied the movement of muscles in her legs and back as she ran across the room. He was totally lost in the movie.


Ruby opened her bedroom door just enough to stick her head out. James was still standing where he had been and he seemed lost in thought. He had a glazed look in his eyes. From time to time, he would lick his lips and sigh deeply.

“What are you doing home this afternoon?” She asked the tall white man. “I thought you had two classes to teach since the Professor was sick.”

James gave a jerk and his eyes focused on the woman’s head sticking out the door of her room. “Uh…. I…. Uh….” He stammered a moment. He finally shifted mental gears and said, “He showed up at the last minute, handed me some papers to grade, and told me to see him later in the week.”

“I can explain about the painting. It’s a lot easier than trying to clean the ceilings. They were a mess from smoke and who only knows what else.”

“Uh, I have no problem with the painting. I will even pay for the paint. My question is, why were you naked? I’m not complaining mind you.”

“I’ll just bet you aren’t,” Ruby said with a big grin, her white teeth bright against her dark skin. The fine white paint splatter from the roller covered her face and the closely cropped, tightly curled hair on her head.

James grinned back at her. “What can I say, you’re a very beautiful woman and I’m a guy so….” He let the sentence trail off.

“Skin is a lot easier to clean paint off of than clothes,” Ruby said. “But I wasn’t supposed to have an audience.”

“And I didn’t even have to buy a ticket to the best show in town,” James whispered and then grinned. “If we ever get low on cash, I know a way we can make a fortune.”

Ruby laughed and shook her head. “And what do I need you for?”

“I have the ceiling and can provide protection from the lustful hoards,” James shot back.

“Yeah, but whose going to protect me from you?”

“Uh…. Well….” James said and then sighed.

“For all you know, I might enjoy a lustful hoard or two,” Ruby said with a laugh.

“I don’t think so. You are too puritan when it’s just the two of us around here. Pants, never shorts or a skirt. Baggy sweatshirts with very little skin showing. You are not the type. I’ll bet you even sleep in pajamas.”

Ruby stuck out her tongue, pulled her head back, and shut the door.

James sighed. “Hey, don’t be that way. I was just saying you are a good girl, so lustful hoards were out of the question.”

The door opened and Ruby’s head appeared again. “I’ll bet you were a lustful hoard of one earlier?”

James grinned and replied, “Maybe on the inside but the look on my face was pure awestruck. I’ve majored in Art my whole academic career and I definitely know awesome when I see it.”

Ruby shut the door again but she was grinning as she did. A moment later, the door swung fully open. “I need to finish painting before the roller gets dried out and sticky.”

“So I guess you want me to leave,” James said in reply.

“You can or you can stay and help. It’s not like you ain’t already seen all the goodies, so to speak.”

“Do I have to take my clothes off to help?” James asked teasingly.

Ruby looked around the doorframe. She had a leering grin on her face. “Would you?”

“Uh, I don’t know if I trust you or not,” James said quickly. “You’ve probably gotten dressed by now and you’re just trying to get me naked in revenge for seeing you that way.”

“Why would I want to get paint on the inside of my clothes if I didn’t want it on the outside,” Ruby said and leaned out a little farther past the doorframe. “As you strip I move farther out in the open.”

James grinned and then laughed. A moment later, he slipped his coat off and hung it on a wall peg in the hall. His sweatshirt soon followed. As he hung it up, Ruby moved until the upper half of her body was showing.

With his eyes on Ruby, James took off his shoes and socks. He paused a moment and took a deep breath. “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea when I take my pants off. Just think of my hard-on as a very big compliment.”

Ruby opened her eyes wide and asked, “Is the word big just an adverb or is it a statement of fact?”

James laughed and unbuckled his belt. As he unsnapped the jeans he said, “That you will have to decide for yourself.”

Just to be a tease, he turned around before he took the levies off. Looking over his shoulder, he said, “On the count of three, you step out and I’ll turn around.”

Ruby’s eyes were on James ass as he spoke. She glanced up at his face and then returned her eyes to his ass. “Uh, give me a minute, will you. You had some time to study the back side of me, remember.”

“Oh yeah, I do remember and a very fine backside it was,” James said with a big grin.

Ruby shivered and then whispered, “I can’t believe that I’m really going to do this.”

“That makes two of us,” James said softly. Then he took a deep breath and counted, “One…. Two…. Three.”

“My, oh, my,” they both said at the same time and then laughed.

Ruby from the front was just as fascinating to James as she had been from the back. Her high breasts and slim waist accentuated her hips and legs. His eyes ran up and down her body. The paint splatter was like a highlighting in a painting to show depth and contrast.

“Just beautiful,” James whispered softly.

Ruby glanced up at his face and grinned. “I was thinking almost the same thing.” James was tall in a lanky, rangy way but he had good muscle tone. Not the bulk of a football play but more along the lines of a swimmer.

Clenching his ass cheeks, he made his dick twitch and jerk. “Do I get sued for false advertising?” He asked with a grin that kept flashing on and off on his face.

Ruby’s eyes dropped to his manhood. She cocked her head to the side and pursed her lips as she studied the part of him in question. After a moment, she said, “Well… maybe not false advertising but more delusions of grandeur.”

James sighed deeply and turned to retrieve his pants.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” Ruby asked.

James looked over his shoulder and said, “I’ve been called a lot of things but delusional isn’t one of them.” Then he smiled broadly and turned back around. “But then again, painting a ceiling in the nude with my roommate in the same attire might very well fall under that category.”

“Uh, no. That would fall under the category of practical,” Ruby said and then added, “Not to mention arousing.”

“Uh, yeah, there’s that also,” James, said as he walked across the room toward Ruby. He stopped about four feet from her and asked, “Do you have a brush to cut in around the ceiling?”

Her eyes had followed him closely as he approached. She wonder briefly if she could jump back into her room and lock the door before he could grab her. When he asked about a brush, she relaxed. “There is a bush, ladder, and another tray in my room,” she replied and then stepped aside so he could enter.

James got the ladder and found Ruby once again rolling the ceiling. He opened it up and returned to the bedroom for the brush and the pan. As he squatted and filled the pan with paint he said, “That roller looks a little heavy for you.”

Ruby smiled and nodded. “Yeah, it’s a little heavy but I’m terrible at cutting in. I end up with paint everywhere.” She paused a moment and then added, “Anyway, I want to see what you look like on a ladder.”

James watched the young black woman as she moved back and forth working the roller against the ceiling. The movements of her arms made her breasts rise and fall, and sway slightly. Stepping forward and back made the outer lips of her pussy work one against the other. James found himself licking his lips.

Ruby must have noticed also because she grinned and said, “Painting. We have painting to do.”

“Uh, yeah,” James said as he stood up. He moved the ladder over to the corner of the room and retrieved the paint and brush. He stopped with one foot on the bottom rung of the ladder. Looking at Ruby he asked, “What would you say if I asked to paint you?”

Ruby laughed and replied, “Kinky. Are we talking about this white water base or some more erotic color?”

James laughed and shook his head. “No, I’m serious. I would love to do an oil painting of you.”

Ruby paused to reload the roller with paint. As she did, she asked, “Why would you want to do that?”

“Have you looked at yourself in a mirror?” James asked.

“Lots of times, duh.” Ruby replied.

“No, I mean now, since you started painting with that roller.”

Ruby looked at him for a second and then said, “Uh, no.” Then she laid the roller down and went into the bathroom.

James sat the paint and brush down and followed her. He stopped at the door too watch Ruby looking at herself in the mirror. White paint splatter made small and large white freckles on her arms, shoulders, face, hair, and the upper half of her breasts.

“Holy shit, what a mess,” Ruby said under her breathe.

James grinned and shook his head. “Not a mess from where I stand. Gilding on a gorgeous lily, is what I see.”

A smile flitted across Ruby’s full lips and then she asked, “You want to paint me now? What about the ceiling?”

James chuckled. “Either I take some pictures of how you are now or we have to paint more ceilings.”

“Uh, you can do an oil painting from a picture or are you just trying to get a memento of this adventure?”

“Turn around and look at the top of your ass. Now there is something well worth painting and a memento,” James said and then added, “And yes I’ve done more paintings from pictures than I have with a live model. Pictures are inexpensive, models are not.”

Ruby looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded. “I checked out some of your work when I first moved in here. It’s good. Even the couple of nudes I saw were tasteful.”

She turned and looked at herself in the mirror again from the front. “Go get your camera, it should be fun watching you putting all these little dots in the right places.”

James grinned as he turned and headed for his room and his camera. His mind was more on getting all those little dots off Ruby’s body than painting them at a later date. Visions of them in the shower together made his dick twitch and harden even more than it had been.

An empty wall in the living room made a good backdrop as James took front and rear shots, as well as quartering ones of both sides of Ruby’s compact little body. Then he took close-ups of her face, breasts, upper shoulders, upper back and ass.

As he put the lens cover on the camera, Ruby grinned and asked, “Can I have a copy of those? I have an idea for a collogue that might be very interesting.”

James smiled at her and nodded. “I had the same idea. I’ll give you a copy and then we can compare our takes on interesting.” He wiggled his eyebrows as the smile turned to a grin.

Ruby laughed and said, “This isn’t getting the ceiling painted.”

“This is more under that arouse deal from earlier,” James said as he turned and walked back toward the ladder. He spent a moment gathering up the paint and brush before he climbed the ladder and arranged the tray on the fold out. He dipped the brush and started to apply paint in a three inch wide band along the edge of the ceiling.

About the third time he dipped the brush, he realized he had not heard the roller on the ceiling or Ruby’s steps on the plastic. He looked around to see her holding his camera and grinning up at him.

When he looked at her questioningly, she laughed and said, “I just wanted some mementos of my own of this adventure.”

“Uh, huh,” James said as he turned back and resumed cutting in along the edge of the ceiling.


James caught up with Ruby about the time she finished cleaning up the roller. She was at the bathroom sink as he came in. She grinned as he stood there watching her. The paint splatter now had her frosted across her shoulders, upper back, and across the tops of her breasts and ass.

He retrieved his camera and took more pictures of her from the back and side. “Are you at it again?” She asked as she turned around so he could photograph her front side. She had a big smile on her face as she posed this way and that for him.

When he finished, he handed her the camera. He had gotten too close to the roller several times, so there was splatter on him also. It just did not show up as well. With a big grin, he pulled some muscleman poses. Ruby laughed at him but took several pictures as he posed for her.

A few minutes later, she said, “Enough already, this paint is starting to itch. Hand me the brush so I can clean it. You rinse the pans out in the bathtub.”

“Yes, ma’am, boss lady,” James said as he gather up her paint tray and carried both over to the tub.

As he finished up the second tray, he felt a hand on his back and looked up to see Ruby right next to him, looking over his shoulder. “That’s good enough for now,” she said. “I wasn’t kidding about this paint starting to itch.”

“Need some help getting it off,” James asked as he stood up. They were standing inches apart in the confined area between the commode and the wall.

Ruby looked up at him and then at the shower. “That’s a lovely invitation but I don’t think it would be a good idea, us being roommates and all that.”

James started to say something smartass but then changed his mind. “Uh, yeah. You’re probably right about that.” He moved away from Ruby slowly and added, “I’ll make sure and wash the paint off my feet and go roll up some of the plastic.”

Ruby smiled at him and nodded her head as she stepped in the tub and pulled the shower curtain. “Thanks for understanding,” she said as she turned the water on.

James moved to the sink, lifted his foot into it and slowly turned on the water so as not to scold or freeze Ruby. Some of the paint came off easily but other spots took some scrubbing and soap. When he had his other foot clean, he rolled plastic aside to make a clean walkway to the kitchen. He found the dish soap under the sink and returned to the bathroom.

He stuck the bottle of dish soap around the end of the shower curtain. “You’re going to need stronger soap than what you have.” He told Ruby.

She took the bottle from him and said, “Thanks.”


He had about half of the plastic folded up when Ruby came out of the bathroom carrying a towel. There were still splotches and spots of spattered paint still on her in places. “I ran out of hot water,” she said softly. “I think I might have to take you up on that offer of help with removing the paint. I’m having a hard time reaching certain areas and it ain’t coming off very easily at all.”

“I know it’s a dirty messy job but someone has to do it,” James said with a grin. More seriously, he added, “Yeah, I had hell getting some of it off the bottom of my feet.”

Ruby groaned and lifted one foot so she could look at the sole. There was a good coat of paint off the plastic covering most of it. She looked back the way she had crossed the room to see if any of it had come off on the carpet. Luckily, the carpet looked clean.

“Lets get this plastic folded up and then I’ll make us a frozen pizza. By then the water should be hot again. Maybe soaking in hot water and dish soap will loosen it up,” James, suggested.

“I like a man with a plan,” Ruby said with a smile as she leaned over to grab the next piece of plastic.


With two of them, it did not take long to get the plastic stacked in the corner and the couch and chair unwrapped. James put the pizza in the oven and went to check the hot water. Returning he said, “By the time we eat, it will be ready.”

Ruby started to sit on the couch but changed her mind and sat down with the towel under her. “Talk about your goofy ideas, whose was it to paint in the nude anyway,” she asked with a crooked grin.

“Don’t look at me, I only came home for the floorshow or was that the ceiling show?”

Ruby chuckled softly and shook her head. “I’m glad one of us has a sense of humor.”

“Laughing is always better than crying, in my humble opinion anyway.”

“This paint is coming off if I have to go get a sander and grind it off.” When James made a horrified face, she laughed and added, “Well, maybe not anything quite that drastic but….”

James eyes got wide. “I’ll lick that paint off your butt before I’ll let anything like a sander near it. Hell, I’d lick it off just for the pleasure of doing it.”

“There you go getting kinky and shit on me again,” Ruby said folding her arms across her chest and giving James a hard look.

“That wouldn’t be kinky, that would just be fun, fun, fun,” James shot back.

“Come over here and sit down, I’m tired of getting a kink in my neck from always looking up.”

James laughed as he crossed the room. “Earlier you kept looking at something more at eye level, except when I was on the ladder.”

Ruby’s eyes dropped to his semi hard dick and frowned. “Hell, even that thing has lost interest in me.”

With her eyes on his dick, his dick slowly started to thicken and lengthen. “Never say that to a sleeping dick. It’s a sure fire way to wake it up.”

Ruby grinned, glanced up at James face, and then licked her lips as her eyes returned to his manhood. His dick rose even higher to touch his lower belly. “That’s better,” Ruby whispered softly. “I thought I was loosing my sex appeal as I washed the paint off my body.

“Just distraction with the paint removal problem and picking up the plastic made his attention waver, believe me.”

She looked up at the ceiling and smiled. “That does look a whole bunch better.”

Looking round the room at the walls, James sighed and said, “But now we need to paint the walls. Not to mention the ceilings and walls of the bedrooms and kitchen.”

Ruby chuckled and said, “I have to pay my rent somehow.”

“Not to mention keeping the voyeur side of your landlord happy.”

Ruby looked at James from under her lashes and asked, “Just the voyeur side?”

James looked down at her with his mouth open. “Uh… I… uh… we….” He ran down and then said, “I think I need to check on the pizza.”

Ruby laughed. “Sounds like a good idea to me.”

James stood up and asked, “You were kidding me, right?”

Ruby shrugged as her eyes dropped to his hard dick. “Maybe,” she whispered and licked her lips slowly.

James shook his head and sighed. “Yeah, you’re teasing me.”

Ruby laughed again.

James turned toward the kitchen and shook his head as he looked down at his dick. “I’m sorry Little James but she just doesn’t realize how much she’s hurting you when she does that.”

“Do all men talk to their dicks?”

James shrugged as he opened the freezer. “Hell if I know. It’s always a one sided conversation in any case. Mine is more of a thinker than a talker.”

Ruby shook her head. “I thought all men’s dicks did their thinking.”

James got out a tray of ice and replied, “Only when there is a good look naked or semi naked woman around.”

Ruby chuckled. “I wonder how many men and women have had this conversation.”

“The happy ones that understand each other,” James replied as he cracked the oven an inch. As he closed the oven, he added, “As far as men and women ever understand each other, that is.”

“Yeah, there is that alright. They just don’t talk the same language or something.”

James spent a few minutes putting ice and coke in two glasses before he turned his full attention back to Ruby. She was sitting on the couch with one foot pulled up on the cushion by the side of her ass, her arms wrapped around her leg. The coral pink of her slit was peeking from between her slightly parted thighs. James licked his lips and sighed.

“I’m not sure if that is it or that they don’t say what they mean or mean what they say. They try to be coy on one side and flippant on the other. And don’t get me started on body language. It’s hit or miss a lot of the time.”

Ruby was looking at him with her chin resting on her knee. “Yeah, why all the game playing? Why don’t they just say what’s on their minds and do it straight.”

James grinned and said, “I want to walk over there, flip you back on that couch, and bury my face in your pussy.”

Ruby blinked about twice and then narrowed her eyes. “I guess that’s about as straight as it gets,” she whispered and then shivered, her eyes locked with his.

When she did not add to that, James sat the drinks down and walked toward her. As he got closer, her eyes dropped to his dick and she whispered, “Can we make that a 69?”

“It would be my pleasure,” James said as he stopped directly in front of her.

Ruby’s right hand shot out as she lowered her foot to the floor. Her fingers wrapped around his dick and pulled it down away from his stomach. “Fuck a 69,” Ruby whispered, “I’ve wanted to do this for two hours or more.” With that said she sucked the head of his dick into her mouth and swirled her tongue over the head.

Both of them moaned a few seconds later. Ruby looked up at James’s face and slowly sucked more of his dick into her mouth. She had a little over half his dick in her mouth when she reversed direction and lifted her head. She paused with just the head in her mouth and swirled her tongue around and over it. James moaned softly, his hips flexing slowly.

Ruby lifted her head and grinned. “Yeah, this works for me but how long before the pizza will be ready?”

“Uh….” James said, slightly confused. “A half hour is what the directions said.”

With a grin, Ruby said, “Good. Then I have fifteen minutes to try to get you off and then you have fifteen minutes to try to get me off. Sounds like a deal to me.”

James grinned and shook his head. “Fifteen minutes is way too much time in my case. Five will probably do it.”

Ruby chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, about the same for me.”


James ended up sitting on the couch as Ruby knelt in front of him, which was a good thing because it took far less than five minutes for him to come like mad. Her mouth and tongue did wonderful things to his dick and her dark lips and face contrasting with his white dick did marvelous things to his mind. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he also noted the way Ruby moaned, her lower body jerking as he came.

Ruby had her head laid on his thigh as James slowly came back to Earth. Her right breast pressed against his inner thigh and her left hand was on his right thigh. His limp dick was only inches from her lips. He sighed and smiled. “We didn’t factor recovery time into the schedule.”

With a soft chuckle, Ruby whispered, “We didn’t factor in me coming when you did either.”

“Uh, does that happen often?”

Ruby raised her head and looked up at James’s face. “With my limited experience, often is very subjective.”

James smiled and nodded. “Only one time other than this has it happened with me that I know of.”

Ruby groaned as she rose slowly to her feet, moved over next to James, and sat down on the couch. Her head swam a little as she leaned back and looked over at the tall white man next to her. “I think it had more to do with the person I’m with than the actual act itself.”

“Uh huh,” James said and then smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You better and you better check the pizza. I’m hungry for food now.”

James stood up and looked down at Ruby. “I guess that means I’ll have to wait until after we eat and then have you for dessert.”

“After we eat, we get this damned paint off and then we’ll see about dessert,” she replied with a grin.

“Tease,” he said with a grin of his own as he headed for the kitchen.

“Not really,” Ruby replied. “I want….” She paused and then went on, “Honesty right? I want you to start at my toes and lick, kiss, and nibble every square inch of my body. How’s that for straight out?”

James stopped and turned around. His mouth was hanging open for a moment before he grinned and said, “This honesty thing is great.”

Ruby grinned back at him and said, “It’s very liberating also, not to mention stimulating.”

Both their eyes went to James’s dick, which was standing up against his lower belly as hard as ever. “I see another vote for stimulating,” he said with a chuckle.

“Check the pizza,” Ruby said and then laughed.


The pizza was about half finished. Ruby was sitting cross-legged on the couch and James was sitting next to her. She kept glancing over at him from time to time. Finally James asked, “What?”

Ruby chuckled around a bite of pizza and then swallowed. “I’ve ate pizza naked before but never with anyone else present.”

“Any meal ate naked with someone else is always fun,” James replied.

“So, you do this often?”

James laughed and shook his head. “Only a few times with an old girlfriend.”

Ruby looked thoughtful for a moment and then asked, “An old girlfriend, huh. Why isn’t there one at the present?”

James shrugged as he swallowed his bite of pizza. “There just isn’t at the present. I was in a long-term relationship until the end of last year, or so I thought anyway. She graduated, went to work for her father’s company, and two months later, married some guy I had never heard about.”

“Man, that’s rough,” Ruby said softly.

“Probably better than a few years down the road getting a divorce or worse.”

“I told myself when I started school that I was going to leave the guys alone until I graduated. I figured it would cause less problems and make studying easier.”

“How was that working out?” James asked with a grin.

“It was going pretty good until a certain white boy showed up and caught me painting the ceiling naked.”

“So, is this to be a one time thing, or a friends with benefits thing, or something deeper?”

Ruby looked at James for a few moments and then grinned. “Lets see how the rest of the night goes and I’ll tell you in the morning.”

“That seems fair enough to me,” James replied with a like grin.


Ruby was soaking in a tub of hot water and dish soap as James worked on one part of her body at a time. He had her arms, her shoulders, her face, and her upper chest cleaned of paint and was now working on the tops of her breasts. He would work on one section and then move to another, as the first area got tender.

“I’m thinking an old t-shirt and shorts for the next ceiling,” Ruby said and then squirmed as he worked at a bunch of small dots on her left breast. His fingernail on the paint hurt slightly but the heel of his hand rubbing against her nipple felt great.

“Next time, I rub you down with a coating of baby oil before we start,” James replied with a grin. “I love watching you move when you’re naked.”

“Yeah, but by the time you get through oiling me up, we won’t get much painting done. Especially, if I oil you up at the same time.”

“And the problem is?” James said with a grin as he changed breasts and worked on another spot.

Ruby laughed. “Slipping and sliding around on that plastic sheeting could be fun.”

James nodded and leaned over to kiss and then suck on the nipple in his hand. Ruby shivered and then James made a bad face. “Just not the same with all that dish soap on it.”

“Speak for yourself white boy,” Ruby whispered and then whimpered softly.


They had to drain some water and add more hot by the time Ruby rolled over and James got to work on her back and butt. The paint back there seemed to come off easier as it had had more time to soak. He had most of it off except for a small area just at her tailbone. After he had worked on it a few minutes, he ran a soapy slick finger up and down the crease of her ass.

Ruby flexed her hips and squirmed the first time he did it. When he did it a second time, running his fingertip deeper, she shivered. The third time his fingertip grazed across her anus and she lifted her hips slightly. He did it twice more with her whimpering softly each time.

When he went back to working on the paint dots, she slowly lowered her ass and shivered. “Now who’s teasing,” she asked in a whisper.

“Teasing is good, right?”

“Especially teasing back there. My ass is super sensitive at times,” Ruby confessed.

“I’ll remember to keep that in mind,” James said with a grin as he got the last of the white dots off her tailbone. “Okay, I think you’re good to go.”

Ruby rolled over on her back and reached up to pull James down for a kiss. He ended up in the tub on top of her. She laughed, broke the kiss, and whispered, “You’re going to flood the place.”

“I thought it was already flooded. Oh, you mean the floor with water,” he said with a wink as he felt around with his foot for the lever to let some water out.

Ruby chuckled and pulled his head back down to continue the kiss. The tub draining dry broke the kiss with both of them breathing heavily. James grinned and got to his knees pulling the shower curtain. “Now, to get all that nasty tasting soap off you so I can taste the real thing.”

He got to his feet and helped Ruby to her feet. She paused with her tongue an inch or so from his hard dick. “Nasty soap, nasty soap,” she whispered and then whimpered softly as she stood up.

James chuckled and turned around. He turned on the water and got the temperature set before he turned on the shower. Turning back to Ruby, he used both hands to rinse her body off both front and rear. His fingers between her thighs and between her ass cheeks had her up on her tiptoes. Her hips were quivering by the time he stood up and started to rinse the soap off himself.

Ruby shivered and rubbed his back from his shoulders to his ankles. When he turned around, he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his hips, her arms were around his neck, and she moaned as they kissed deeply. The head of his dick was pressed tightly to her opening. She rocked her hips and felt the head try to enter her slippery sex. She moaned even louder.

James broke the kiss and smiled at her. “Nope. We’re going to finish this in a nice soft comfortable bed.”

Ruby groaned and rocked her hips again. “You mean we’re going to tear a bed down to the ground.”

“That too,” James said with a chuckle as he reached back and shut the water off to the showerhead. He had to squat to shut off the water at the faucets. The head of his dick squeezed inside Ruby’s tight pussy as he did. They both groaned and Ruby rocked her hips wildly.

She was still rocking them as he stood back up. When the head came out of her, Ruby let out a groan of frustration, then gasped as James pulled back the shower curtain, and climbed out of the tub. The head of his dick trust inward as he stepped over and then pulled out as he got his footing. It did the same as he got the other foot out of the tub.

When he started walking out of the bathroom, Ruby gasped and groaned as the head of his dick jabbed in and out of her sex. They were both still wet but at this point, neither one cared. When he leaned over to lay her on his bed, his dick entered her a quarter of the way. They both groaned loudly and then he came down on top of her, burying his shaft to the hilt.

Ruby gasped but could not get her breath as he groaned even louder than before. Her pussy was full to the point that it almost hurt from her point of view and so hot and tight from his. Then he was fucking her with long slow full strokes and she was meeting him halfway with a slapping sound at the very end.

Then she was withering and jerking under him as she came and he continued to fuck her. Her orgasm was sharp and sweet to begin with and just rolled on and on as his dick filled and then emptied her. Her clit was rubbing against his shaft from time to time as her hips moved and that just added fuel to her fire.

Her orgasm was still ebbing and flowing as he fucked her a little faster, with shorter strokes. Ruby moaned loudly and rolled her hips up, her legs going around his hips loosely. His hips were spanking her ass with a soft smacking sound. His dick seemed to be getting larger and hotter the longer he fucked her.

Suddenly, James made a growling groaning sound and planted his dick as deep as it would go. It seemed to give a twitching jerk and he was coming deep in her pussy. Ruby let out a soft yell of her own as her orgasm shot upward dramatically.


James was laying on his side with Ruby cuddled up to his front, her head on his left arm. His right arm was around her waist, his hand stroking her tailbone and the top of her ass. Ruby shivered and sighed deeply. James smiled and whispered, “I agree one hundred percent.”

Ruby lifted her head and kissed him on the cheek. “We, uh, have a major problem. I’m, uh, not on any kind of birth control.”

James hand froze and he looked at the young woman quickly. “Oh shit,” he whispered and then started to apologize profusely. He ended with, “I didn’t even think about that. I was totally lost in the moment.”

Ruby nodded. “Me too.”

There was a long silence. James shivered and hugged the young woman tightly. “Remember our discussion about roommates or friends with benefits?” Ruby nodded and he went on, “”What if it went past that?”

Ruby pushed up with her arms and looked into his eyes. “What the hell are you talking about? I’m not pregnant yet. Well, I might be working on it but we have other options.”

James licked his lips and nodded. “Yeah but what if I didn’t want other options?”

“Are you crazy? I have an education to get, among other things. I have all these plans and none of them involve a child.”

James nodded and sighed. “I’m glad one of us has some sense.”

Ruby chuckled. “If either of us had any sense they would have stopped the parade for a condom.”

“Lust has a strange way of impeding sense. It’s a universal law or something like that.”

“Accidents cause most families,” Ruby said as she laid her head back on his arm. “At least you didn’t jump and run when I mentioned the possibility.”

“Like where would I run. We’re in my bed.”

Ruby made a sound close to a giggle and nodded her head.


The next ten days were a little tense but Ruby slept in James’s bed almost every night. Things were limited to oral only, not that either of them complained. Two pregnancy tests came back negative and a week later, a third one came back negative. The next day, Ruby went to the clinic and got birth control pills.

James had the painting roughed in and was studying the blown up prints of the pictures he had took in the bathroom. He had mixed and remixed paints to get the colors to match Ruby’s skin tones. Now he was ready to start painting. The background was a dull off white that highlighted the outline he had drawn.

His hand was shaking as he started to fill in the outline of Ruby with a mahogany color. He left the eyes, lips, palms of her hands, and her sex blank. When he finished, he stepped back with three pictures in his hands. He compared color and sighed.

The door to the apartment opened and closed. He turned and looked in that direction. Ruby was standing in the hallway stripping her clothes off. She was soon as naked as he was. She came over to him, came up on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him softly and shivered as she felt his dick harden and move to stand up between them.

She broke the kiss and smiled at him. “Am I interrupting?”

James chuckled. “Nope, you’re right on time.”

She let go of his neck and stepped back. She looked down at his dick and moaned softly. “Can you paint while you’re getting a long slow blowjob?”

James shivered and shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never tried that.”

“Class was boring as usual and I am ahead of where the rest are so all I had to do was think about us,” she whispered as she went to her knees.

“Is that right,” James said as he turned and went into the bathroom. He returned with a big fluffy towel. He folded it up and laid it in front of the easel.


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Ruby grinned as she knee walked over to the towel and turned around on it. “You can work on my eyes as I look up at you,” she whispered.

James groaned softly as he squeezed out several colors of brown and then pure black on a small palette. He stepped over in front of the easel and looked down at Ruby. “Shaky hands aren’t any good for painting.”

She grinned up at him as she pulled his dick down in front of her face. “That’s not my problem,” she whispered and then licked the head of his dick.

James groaned as his hips jerked. She was looking up at him with all the love in the world in her eyes as she sucked the head of his dick in and swirled her tongue over the spongy surface. That was the look he wanted to capture in all of her painting if possible.

His brush went to the paint and he started to try to capture that look. He vowed he would, if it took him the rest of his life.

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