Why I am a Bull Ch. 02 by BullNumber1,BullNumber1



At first, I had no conception that humiliation could be sexy. It simply hadn’t occurred to me that being taken for a mug or intimidated might be a turn-on. But that changed on my next meeting with Eva. I’m pretty open-minded, and in hindsight, I’m surprised that I hadn’t thought that someone would get off on it. I’d had lovers who, for want of a better phrase, did get off on being treated badly in the bedroom, or at least expected “men to be men” and make all the demands, but I wouldn’t say they were my best or favourite lovers. It was just a thing. I’d never heard a man get off on it, or at least if they did, it was at the hands of a professional dominatrix where it was all theatre.

Eva’s note was too good an opportunity to ignore. Whatever the deal was with her fiancé, Ian, I sensed there was something in it for me, so I picked up my phone from the bedside table and texted her.

S: Hi Eva. It’s Steven. Kind of surprised to get your note. Are you OK? Problem with Ian about the other night?

I turned over. The thought of her made my morning erection throb. Only a couple of minutes passed before there was a “ding”.

E: No problem at all, unless you count my damp underwear 😉 I’m in town this afternoon. Free for a drink?

S: Possibly. What’s the deal with Ian? I don’t really need a jealous husband in my life

Apart from not wanting to seem too keen, I really didn’t want to be dating an attached woman. All the sneaking around wouldn’t really suit me. When I want a woman, I want her on my terms.

E: I’d actually like to explain it to you. Ian’s not the jealous type. Around six in the bar at Fitzroy House?

I paused. That’ll be expensive, I thought. I guess I could just turn up and suggest somewhere else.

S: Sure. See you at six

After a day answering phone calls for some stupid sales company, a drink with a sexy woman in nice surroundings was welcome. I showered, put on a clean shirt and the tiny amount of expensive cologne I had left, and headed for the bar. Seated at a table near the window was a gorgeous-looking Eva, wearing a pencil skirt and perfectly pressed blouse and, much to my disappointment, a suited Ian. I sat down and said nothing. I was genuinely surprised to see him, and was almost expecting a repeat of the party when he attempted, rather feebly, to get in my face. Eva leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I think my disappointment was showing.

“Do you know what a cuckold is, Steven?”

“Erm…”, I wasn’t expecting a quiz. And didn’t particularly want one. She saved me from my embarrassment.

“Ian is one. He gets sexual gratification knowing I’m being fulfilled. He enjoys knowing I’m getting what I need, and that his, erm, shortcomings, are acknowledged. After we made love, do you remember what happened?”

“Well, I seem to recall you went over to him and returned to the party.”

“Yes, but I also whispered to him. What do you think I said?”

“I honestly have no idea.” and intriguing as this was, it wasn’t why I’d come.

“I said to him, ‘If only you were a tenth of that man, I’d not have to do this’, and that’s what made him come.” Why were we discussing the loser that for some reason she was marrying?

“I’d rather not dwell on it, to be honest.” I sensed that this wasn’t playing out as I’d expected. A drink, some flirting and a proper fuck had been my plan.

“You should. It might be to your advantage.”

I felt she was reading me. Or playing me. Did she know I wasn’t exactly as I appeared? Her emotional intelligence turned me on. I felt as if she were my equal… more than just a good-looking woman, she was cunning. She had a goal.

“Ian is a lovely man. He provides for me generously, and we have an intimate home life, but he understands I need my freedom if I am to avoid frustration and remain content, and so other forms of intimacy are necessary.”

She didn’t look like she needed a sugar daddy. Ian was no older than her. She was obviously exceptionally intelligent and from her dress sense, I guessed she had some kind of high-powered professional job. I didn’t really understand the situation.

“How do you mean ‘provide’? I mean…” I faltered. she quickly interrupted me with a giggle.

“Oh no! I’m not an escort – we really love each other! I mean he looks after me, cares about me and makes me happy. I’m perfectly capable of providing for myself, but Ian enjoys it and we have a life together. I just have needs he struggles to meet.”

“I need a drink,” I said. I caught the waitress’s eye and she came over. “Three G&Ts please, one for my friend and his fiancée.”

The waitress smiled, looked at Ian and Eva and said, “Congratulations! Of course, sir,” and returned to the bar.

Eva continued, “He particularly enjoys the humiliation. He has seen me with a few lovers, and it stimulates him enormously. He’s very attentive and loving for days afterwards.”

As the waitress returned with our drinks, I turned and kissed Eva full on the mouth. She instantly reciprocated, her teeth nibbling my lip as my hand slid along the skirt to her constrained buttocks.

The waitress lifted one of the glasses, saw our passionate embrace, and stuttered, “For your… fiancée, you, sir, and your… erm… friend.”

I didn’t stop. My other hand cupped a breast, kneading it softly, feeling the nipple harden. After a minute, I released her from my grip. A little of her hair fell down her face.

Ian was crimson. And silent. We all were. Had I gone too far? I thought he liked the humiliation? Why did I care if he liked it? I have only two feelings about men: neutrality or irritation. I guess it was vicarious – Eva had said he liked it, and it was her I wanted to please.

“Wow,” said Eva. “You see, after your ‘discussion’ at the party, it was clear to me that you enjoy belittling men, but I had no idea you were so good at it.”

I was, again, genuinely confused. It kind of felt like a setup. I didn’t “enjoy” belittling men, it was just that he had been acting like a prick, so I thought I’d lance that particular boil rather than play stupid games competing while remaining polite. Eva continued,

“…but public humiliation is a first for us, isn’t it, Ian?”

“Yes,” he answered, shifting in his seat, “I found it very stimulating – your passion, I mean.”

He was lying. He could see the waitress sniggering and discreetly pointing at is from behind the bar. He found the idea of the waitress knowing his secret exciting. He was alert, on the look out, his fight or flight hormones raging, his heart pumping. I bet he even had an erection.

A few minutes passed as we drank. I continued to touch Eva, hoping that we’d get to my part of the plan. As the glasses were approaching empty, I thought I’d better make my move, or this was going to fizzle. I wasn’t used to flirting with a man watching, and was beginning to feel out of my depth.

I caught the waitress’s eye again.

“Yes, sir?” she asked.

“Could you arrange a room for us please?” I asked politely.

“Certainly, sir. Could I have your credit card for the reservation please?”

There was a slight pause. I looked straight across the table at Ian, “Ian?”


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