Wife Stories: Jordan by tw_holt

Introduction: My husband asked me to spend time with the elderly neighbor. , This is a fictional story about a white wife cheating on her husband with a black man. If you don't like stories like, then feel free to choose another to read. A lot of women are moving into the incestuous haven I've set up in previous stories. Jordan here, has recently moved there too.


Another orgasm ripped through my body making me almost lose consciousness. When the shaking stopped, my body felt weightless, like I was floating. I fell on top of Scott; no one has ever made me cum like this.

I told him that, while catching my breathing and running my hands over his chest. I knew he’d give me that arrogant little grin, like he knew that his cock is the best I’ve ever had. Oh fuck, it feels so good, he feels so good.

“Mmm, Scott,” I moaned, rolling off him, my eyes going to his big, white, mushroom headed dick.

“Yeah, baby?” the twerp said.

“Don’t be so arrogant, Scott. You may be the best I’ve ever had, but there’s someone else who came in a very, very close second.”

“Heh, ok, sure.”

I playfully bit his chest, raking my teeth across his muscles. I licked his body, all the way down to his cock. My big tits, perfect for his big dick, surrounded that very same dick. My mouth worked the tip, my titties held his shaft in place.

“Ah yeah just like that,” he put his hands behind his head, no doubt thinking he’s so special, the best. I wasn’t going to tell him that I thought he was. Instead, I felt like humbling him a bit.

I decided to tell him a story; the story of how my marriage ended.


Six years ago, it was a typical weekend. I didn’t have to work, which was nice. I was a flight attendant, so sometimes the hours were long. But that was the weekend my husband, Carter, made a suggestion that changed everything.

I went swimming before lunch. Carter was lying out by the pool, working on his tan. I climbed out, wrapped a towel around my waist and headed inside. I was extremely horny the past several days. Carter didn’t seem interested. I was hoping to change that.

I made him a sandwich and brought it out to him. Sitting next to him, waiting for him to finish, I figured I’d just go for it – the direct route.

When he finished the sandwich, I stood, removed my towel, and right there in broad daylight in our backyard, I removed my bikini and stood naked before him.

“Jordan, what are you doing?” he sat up looking around. “Come on now, someone could see you.”

“I don’t care. Maybe you should take me inside to bed if you think I shouldn’t be naked out here.”

“Cute,” he nodded. “Fine, let’s go.”

A few minutes later, Carter was on top, humping away at me. There was no foreplay, no tit sucking, no pussy eating – just straight to the missionary sex.

He grunted a few times and ejaculated inside me. He rolled off and caught his breath. I said nothing. I didn’t complain, I didn’t whine about how I didn’t cum, I just accepted it as a quickie and that was it. I had dildos I could use later, after he goes to sleep.

I walked around naked for the rest of the afternoon, cleaned the kitchen, did laundry, making myself available if he wanted me again. As I guessed, he did not. Carter appeared a little later, freshly showered and dressed.

“Hey. Going to meet a couple guys about a job next week,” he said, grabbing his keys. “I need to check out the property.”

“Oh, alright,” I nodded.

“Hey check it out,” Carter said, pointing out past the pool. “It’s that old fart next door.”

“That’s not nice,” I said.

“He can barely get around. That dog helps I guess,” Carter observed.

I looked out the back door with him, the next door neighbor, Ralph, was wondering around in his back yard, his dog, a big Rottweiler was following him around.

“Poor guy,” I said, heading back to the kitchen.

“You know, you show go over and give him some food.”

“Some food?”

“Sure, bake something, and take it over there. He’s an old man, doesn’t have anyone. Might brighten his day.”

“That’s kind of nice of you to suggest,” I was actually surprised Carter thought about anyone else, much less in a sympathetic way.

“I’m not a total douche bag, sometimes,” he winked at me.


“Yeah, bake something, go over there and offer it to him,” Carter said, heading out the door. “Oh, and go naked, that’ll probably brighten his whole week!”

“Sure!” I rolled my eyes and waved bye to Carter. I peeked out the backdoor again, being able to see into the neighbor’s yard. There he was, Ralph, and elderly black man, maybe in his 70s, watching his dog pee.

We only spoke to Ralph several months back after we moved in. Carter was doing some yardwork and Ralph happened to be outside. I remember looking out the window seeing Carter talking to an older black man. Carter came inside laughing, saying that old man was pretty silly. I asked what they were talking about, Carter simply shook his head and laughed.

“Go naked, huh?” I sighed. “Maybe he’d get more excited than Carter would. But no.”

I did bake Ralph something – a dozen cookies. When they were done, I put my clothes on and headed next door.

I knocked a few times, while holding the container I put them in. I saw movement in the living room, Ralph slowly making his way to the door.

When he opened it, he looked like he’d seen a ghost. He held his chest and wiped his forehead. “Whew, whew, what can I, oh goodness, what I can do for you, ma’am?”

I had to control my laughter. I glanced to the Rottweiler at his feet. I think I heard the dog fart, then again, it could’ve been Ralph.

“Um, hi. I live next door, and I –“

“You live next door? Is that what you’re saying?” Ralph stared intently at me.

“Uh, yeah, over there.”

“Oh goodness. Ok, please continue, what can I do for you?”

“Well, actually, nothing. I was baking some cookies and I thought –“

“For me?” he placed his fairly large, black hand on his chest.

“Right. For you. And Carter, my husband, who I think you’ve met, said you’d like them, so I brought them over.”

Ralph took a deep breath, nodding slowly. “I see, I see. Well come in.”

His house was a mess, a total mess. It smelled pretty bad too. I had to watch where I stepped to avoid an odd poop nugget from the dog.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he said, smelling the cookies as if he hadn’t eaten weeks. “Such a sweet young girl.”

“Well thank you, and you’re welcome,” I smiled. I watched him eat one, savoring it like it was the best thing in the world.

“Mmm, mmm, MMM!” he chewed it. “You got some good skills, girl.”

“Heh, thanks,” I didn’t tell him it was cookies from a box, not made from scratch.

“I’ll be sure to munch on them some more later.”

“Great,” I moved toward the door.

“Come on back next week and I’ll be done with this container here. Ok?”

“Oh no, it’s fine. You can keep it.”

“No, I can’t do that, girl. It’s yours. Come back next week and I’ll have it washed for you.”

I looked at the skinny black man, then glanced to the piled up dishes, “Sure.” I smiled and inched back toward the door.

“You tell that husband of yours, you a good girl, real good. Thank you so very much, young lady,” He said, walking me to the door, opening it.

“Ok, well you take care, I’ll see you later,” I smiled and waved, bouncing down the steps. I never heard the door close; I wondered if he was standing there looking at me, staring at my ass or something.

When I got back him a few seconds later, I laughed, “Weird old man.”


I told Carter all about the visit later that night. I told him how smelly and gross his house was, how the dishes weren’t done, how there were a couple dog turds here and there.

“Jordan, I gotta be honest. I’m having trouble staying awake,” Carter interjected. “You should go over here and clean up for him.”


“Why not? I got a ton work to deal with next week on that renovation job. Sounds like the old man could use some assistance,” Carter said, rolling over.

“I don’t know,” I sighed, no sex tonight it seemed.

Carter didn’t reply immediately. There was a pause before he said “night.”

I waited a little while, and got out of bed. I felt like skinny dipping. I felt like being naked in general, but what I really craved was sex.

I stripped naked, walked around the pool and dove in. The water felt so good against my naked body. Moments later, I was pretending Carter was with me, while I fingered myself in the shallow end. I grabbed one of my breasts and sucked on it. I moaned loudly when I released it. I orgasmed out there that night, pretending my husband was fucking me.

I climbed out of the pool and laid on a lounge chair. I could see the second story of Ralph’s house. The windows were darkened. I wondered if he went to bed at seven pm.

I fingered myself again to another orgasm, then went inside. I took a shower, got my pajamas back on and went to bed next to my sleeping husband.


“Come in, come in!” Ralph smiled, gesturing me to enter. He seemed so happy to see me for some reason.

“Sorry, would’ve been by sooner, but I had a lot of flights,” I said, watching where I stepped again.

“You a pilot, girl?” he asked, his eyes brows furled.

“Uh, no, flight attendant,” I said.

“Oh, yes, yes, of course, mmhmm,” he nodded. “I have your container right here.”

It was cleaned, but the rest of the dishes were certainly not. Carter’s words were recalled. “Hey, uh, if you don’t mind, can I do these dishes?”

“My dishes?” he asked, as if I was referring to someone else.

“Right. Yours.”

“Well you go on right a head, girl. Mmm, so sweet of you,” He said, taking a seat at the small kitchen table. “How much you charge?”

“Huh? No, nothing, no charge. I just saw they look a little dirty,” that was a big understatement.

“No charge? I gotta repay you.”

“No you don’t. It’s fine, really. I’m just helping out, being neighborly,” I looked down, his dog sniffing my leg.

“Whew, I don’t know what to say, girl! You one of the good ones. Reminds me of my wife before she passed.”

“Aww, I’m sorry,” I said, sorting the dishes, wishing I had gloves.

“No, this was over ten years ago. That woman, she was real good. Like you. She’d clean, cook, do laundry, organize them bills and shit. I mean, uh, pardon my language.”

“Heh, it’s fine,” I smiled, scrubbing away. My back was to him. I wasn’t wearing anything revealing, but I wondered if he was looking at me. I stopped myself from being like that. He might not have been.

“Anyway, she handled everything, I mean everything. All I had to do bring in the money to pay them bills and every once in a while eat her ass.”

A bowel slipped out of my hands, “Um, heh, right.” I imagined a slightly younger, but still old, black man on his knees before a black woman, his wife, with her ass in his face.

“Now, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. That was too much information for your young ears.”

I cleared my throat, tending to the dishes. “It’ ok.”

“Whew, I tell you what, I ate that ass out all the time. I loved it. Wife loved it too. She’d be extra nice to me when I did. She’d dust, she’d mop, she’d even do yard work. That woman would be outside mowing the yard, raking, planting, weed eating. Heh, then she’d come inside, and just about wear me out! You know what I’m sayin?”

I put a dish to the side, letting it dry, grabbing another, trying to get done as fast as possible so I could leave. “Sounds like you had a very fun marriage.”

“Oh we sure did. She couldn’t get enough of my ass eatin’ and my friend in my pants, heh.”

“Oh wow,” I closed my eyes, wanting to run out. I grabbed another dish, scrubbing as fast as I could.

“Yeah girl. She loved this old black man. She loved taking care of me down there, if you follow me. I loved taking care of her white ass, too.”

Another bowel slipped, “Uh, so she was white?”

“Sure was. Yep. I ain’t never been with a black woman. Just never happened. Soon as I hit my teen years, white women was all I ever had.”

“I see, well, alrighty,” I saw the mountain of dishes get a little smaller, as I worked as quickly as possible.

“She was older than me, in her 30s when he married. I was in my 20s. I can’t tell you how many white women I had I my teens years before her. When I met her, she up and left her husband, and snatched me up!”

I inhaled sharply, I wanted to run out. I laughed awkwardly instead. “Sounds like it was, uh, meant to be. I guess.”

“Sho was. Mmm.”

I wondered if he was playing with himself. I didn’t want to turn around. The dish pile was getting smaller though. Fortunately, the subjected changed. He droned on and on about his work career before retirement, his dog, the house, boring stuff. I didn’t ask any questions for fear of having to be there longer.

“Ok, well that’s the last of them,” I said, after putting the last few dishes where he told me to. The cabinets were dirty too. His late white wife must’ve really done everything. She must’ve really loved him, or his skills in bed.

“You so helpful, thank you so much,” Ralph beamed at me.

“You’re welcome. I should get going though,” I grabbed the plastic wear which contained the cookies.

“Yeah you get back to that husband, take care of him too!” he opened the door for me. “You sure I can’t pay you?”

“No need. It’s fine.”

“Alright, well come on back any time and help me clean up some. I try to, but I get distracted, I’m old.”

I smiled back at him, sensing a slight bit of sadness in his voice. “Ok, well you take care, Ralph.”

“Bye!” he nodded. I walked through his yard, into mine, not hearing this door close, assuming he was standing there watching me.


“So they he was like, ‘I ate her ass,’” I was telling Carter that night.

“Mmhmm,” he said, already turned over, facing away from me.

“Silly old man.”

“Yeah,” Carter grunted, almost asleep.

I was getting frustrated. “You know,” I leaned in close, kissing his neck. “He said he had a white wife. And she did everything for him. He said she loved taking care of him, down here,” I trailed my hands over Carter’s side, under the covers, reaching around toward his crotch.

“Hey, cut it out,” he squirmed.

“Ugh, fine,” I pouted, sitting up.

“Maybe you should step in and take care of him,” Carter chuckled, trying to ease the tension. “I’m sure he’d love your white ass, just like his wife.”

I stuck my tongue out at him. “Maybe I will. Maybe I’d love his old black dick!”

“Uh huh, sure, good night Jordan,” Carter yawned.

There I was again, awake, horny, and annoyed.

I went skinny dipping again. Within minutes I was fingering myself. The thought of Carter bending me over, licking all over my butt, fingering my pussy from behind was on my mind. Then I thought of him in bed, joking about me taking care of the old black man next door, before going to sleep.

“Jerk. Maybe I will,” I said. I wasn’t serious. This led to thoughts of Ralph slapping my ass before kneeling before it.

“Ew, no,” I shook the thoughts from my head. I was so horny though. I wondered what Ralph looked like when he was younger. I pictured a sexy black man, taking me to bed, thanking me for taking care of the house. I imagined the younger Ralph saying he was going to take care of me next; fucking me all night.

My cries of pleasure echoed in the backyard. I climbed out of the pool, looked to Ralph’s house, the lights out. I grabbed a towel and went inside.


After another long week of flights around the country, I had the weekend off. Carter was busy working the renovation job at the office building. I was bored, tossing the dildo aside after cumming on it. I figured I’d go to the gym, the maybe stop by Ralph’s to check on the dishes, maybe even clean up a bit.

I made the mistake of wearing my workout clothes – tight shorts and a sports bra. Deep down though, I think I wanted the compliments, the attention I assumed he’d give.

“Oh goodness, Oh goodness,” Ralph clutched his chest. “Girl, get in here before the police arrest you.”

I smiled and moved past him, his dog sniffing my leg again.

“What are you doing out the house like that?” he asked.

“Well I was at the gym and –“

“They let you all dress like that?”

“Yeah. This is LA, I’ve seen a lot skimpier stuff there. Anyway, I was on my way back and thought I’d check on you, maybe handle the dishes or clean up a bit.”

“Goodness, girl,” he sat down at the small table. “If you gonna dress like that for me, you can clean the whole house!”

I smiled and got to work. I felt his eyes on me as I moved about his kitchen.

“Mmm, shit, pardon my language, but that boy of yours better take real good care of you!”


“Mmhmm. A man that has a good woman has to take care of her needs to keep her around. Know what I mean? I gotta take her to bed, and –“

“Eat her, uh, ass as you put it?” I interrupted, amused by Ralph.

“Well, now, yes that’s one thing to do. But a man that has a good woman has to care for something else too. He’s gotta tend to that pussy. He’s gotta make it drip, gotta eat it out, lick all around up in there.”

“Wow,” I mouthed, putting some dishes up. I wiped the counter down next.

“Mmhmm, gotta make sure a good woman’s pussy is always tended to. Eatin’ her ass is icing on the cake.”

“Where’s your broom?” I asked.

“Should be in there,” Ralph pointed to a closet. “Shit, I remember my wife’s pussy was always being serviced, always being licked and always being stuffed. She was good to me. I had to keep my woman cummin’ and cummin.”

“Um,” I had no words. “Yep,” I swept the kitchen floor.

“Loved her white pussy. Does your boy Carter tend to your needs, girl?”

I was spacing out, “Huh? Oh um –“

“Heh, I’ll take that as a sometimes, but not enough. That’s a shame too, girl. Cuz you got it going on. Big titties, good body. Mmm, you real fine.”

I couldn’t help by laugh and blush. “Thank you. I’m sure you were quite a stud back in the day.”

“Were? That’s past tense,” he pretended to be mad.

“Well, I mean, you still are,” I stopped sweeping.

“I know what you mean,” he looked away, slight sadness on his face. He was lonely.

“Aww, I’m sorry,” I moved toward him, placing my hand on his shoulder. His dog sniffed my leg again.

“Don’t mind him. He knows a fine woman we he smells one. So do I. You wanna see pictures of me and my wife?”

“Sure,” I stepped away, allowing him room to stand.

I followed him to the junky living room. I watched him retrieve a photo album on the shelf. He sat down, patting the couch cushion next to him.

“Sit yo pretty ass down. Been a long time since a white woman sat next to me,” he said. I thought of his late wife.

When I sat next to him, he extended his arm, wrapping it around me. He seemed tired. “There, open it up, you’ll see.”

Leaning against the skinny, old black man, I opened the album. My mouth dropped. The first photo was of a big, muscular, hunk of a black man, wearing tiny swim shorts. His arm was around a buxom brunette who was smiling ear-to ear.

“That’s her and me on our honeymoon. Mmm, couldn’t hardly walk at the end of that trip.”

I flipped the page, more pictures of the brunette sitting on his lap, hugging him, a couple of them kissing.

A few pages into the album, I saw pictures of Ralph surrounded by several white women. “That’s her friends. She had me take care of their needs every once in a while.”

“Ralph, she shared you?”

“Sho did. Pardon my language, but she said my dick was so good she had to give it out to her friends as birthday presents, shit like that. Her little friends there would ride me all night. I was happy to help. At the end of the day though, her pussy was mine, my dick was hers.”


“Mmhmm, lot of good times,” Ralph’s hand found my hips, slightly pulling me closer. I looked to his dark hand near my exposed midriff. I cleared my throat and quickly closed the album.

“I should probably get going, start on supper,” I said, quickly getting up, handing him the album.

“Oh sure, sure, you go on now and take care of your man. He’ll take care of that pussy in return,” Ralph said.

“I’ll check on you later, maybe clean a little more.”

“You sure you don’t want some money?”

“Nope,” I smiled, petting his dog on the way out.

I didn’t cook supper, because Carter was working late. When he finally arrived, he didn’t take care of my pussy either. He went right to sleep.

I was wide awake, walking around the swimming pool, naked. I wanted to dive in, but my mind was racing. Ralph looked so hot in those pictures, so did his white wife. The thought of traveling back in time, getting fucked by him, made me so horny.

I sat on the edge of the pool, rubbing my clit. I was thinking of Ralph this time, imaging myself undressing for him, getting him all excited.

I climaxed, lying back on the pavement. I sighed, sitting up, thinking of how foolish I was being.


I had my regular flights, with a few delays the following week. One Thursday when I returned home, there was a large bouquet of flowers waiting for me at the door.

I picked up the card. It was a simple “Thanks, from Ralph” scribbled on it. I carried them into an empty house.

Carter came home later that evening. I fixed dinner for him, hoping maybe, he’d do what Ralph would do – take care of my pussy. I briefly wondered, while Carter scarfed his food down, if Ralph would do this now, to me, as payment for cleaning up his kitchen and house. I dismissed those thoughts, only receiving a “thanks” from Carter, followed by nothing. He showered and went to bed.

That night I used a dildo out by the pool, cumming to thoughts of Ralph “thanking me.”

I went to the gym the next morning, then changed into my pink bikini for a quick swim. I thought of going naked, but it was in the middle of the day, I didn’t feel like risking it.

“You get my flowers, girl?” I heard Ralph say from behind the fence. I could see the top of his head, his white and grey speckled hair visible.

“Ralph!” I climbed out of the pool, standing on a chair and looked over the fence at him. “I sure did! Thank you so much. I was meaning to come visit soon and thank you.”

“Well, then you come on over now if you want. There’s always stuff to clean.”

“I’d love to. Let me grab a towel and I’ll be right over.”

I dried off, shrugging as I decided to leave the bikini on. I’d give the old man a nice show while I cleaned.

Ralph was quiet for most of my visit. He’d sit and watch me sweep, vacuum, mop and so on. I didn’t know what was wrong or what was on his mind until I was finishing up some dishes.

“Jordan,” he approached me from behind, placing his hands on either side of me, on the counter. “I want to take care of that pussy of yours. Only if you let me. I know your boy doesn’t. You deserved to get fucked real good by a man that appreciates you.”

I was frozen, I had no idea what to do or say. His left hand went to my shoulder, sliding the bikini strap down, kissing it. His hand slid down my back, to his crotch. I heard him unzip and pull something out – something long, hard, and heavy against my back. Ralph undid my bikini top, pulling it down and away. His hands reached around, grabbing and squeezing my breasts.

“Big ol’ titties,” I heard him whisper while he kissed at my neck. “Let me take care of that pussy.”

I said the first thing on my mind, looking over my shoulder to him, “Let me take care of that cock.”

“Mmm, get it then,” Ralph backed away from me. I slowly turned around. I couldn’t resist. I saw his long, dangling cock, grey bush of pubic hair, big dangling balls and I went to my knees.

It was old, ugly, but powerful looking. Like it could take a woman’s pussy to thoroughly own and destroy it. I wanted and needed it in me.

I stared at it for the longest time, inches from my face. I breathed it in, smelling its musky odor. I grabbed the base and kissed the tip. Then I kissed it again and again. I kissed along the shaft next. Before I knew it was licking all over that old black dick. That let to me gathering up his balls in my mouth, sucking on them while I jacked him off. I was moaning, loving his taste, becoming an addict right then and there. I couldn’t deep throat it, too big and long. But I tried. I tried my best to cram it down my throat. It stretched my mouth.

Then Ralph did something that almost made me cum. He grabbed a handful hair and held me in place. “That’s it girl, that’s it.”

I gagged on it, pulling it out of my mouth, my drool dripping off it. I looked up at the old man, lust in my eyes.

“When’s your boy coming home?” Ralph asked.

“I don’t know,” I truthfully answered.

“You gonna be gone a long time. Get yo ass up and get in my bed,” Ralph said. I stood, kicked off my bikini bottoms and followed him to his room upstairs.


His room was a horrible mess, no surprise there. I didn’t care. I also didn’t care I was making out with an old 70-something black man. He guided my naked body to his bed, pushing a few dirty clothes out of the way.

“Ralph,” I whispered.

“It’s coming girl, I’m slow,” he said, removing his clothing. I didn’t care that his body wasn’t a statuesque, muscular, Adonis like it once was. I want him in me.

I spread my legs, he climbed on top. I held him, kissing him, feeling that big, heavy cock laying on my tummy.

“I’m going real slow, girl. White pussy has to get used to it. You ever been with a black man before?”

“I haven’t,” I answered.

“You ain’t never gonna forget it,” he jammed his cock into my soaking wet cunt.

“Ahhh!” I cried out, holding him close to me. “Ahhh!” he was so big, so long, so thick, so perfect.

He drove his hips down further, hardly even moving, but he knew what he was doing. He knew what I was doing. Something many white women throughout his life have done with him – cum all over that big black cock.

“Ohh, shit, oh fuck, Ralph,” I kissed him, the orgasm passing over me. I never came so hard, so fast before. His big cockhead was right against my G-spot.

“You gonna have to be patient. I can’t do as much anymore. Can’t go all night either,” Ralph said.

“Ralph,” I caressed his face, out of breath from my orgasm. “You’re wonderful. Go at whatever speed you can. We can rest too.”

He nodded and thrust into me hard. I cried out with pleasure every single time he drove that black dick into me.

I was cumming again a couple minutes later. “Ralph, Ralph, yes!” I cried out, Carter and my cheating, not on my mind at all.

“Ughn, ughn!” Ralph grunted with each hard thrust. “Ughn! Love this white pussy!”

I was a whimpering, moaning mess, with him on top of me. After about an hour, his sweat dripping on to me – he tired out.

“Sorry,” he rolled off me. “I used to go hours on end, girl.”

He already went many times longer than Carter ever did. “It’s fine, you rest, I’ll ride you.”

I swung my legs over, shuddering as I guided his cock in me. He felt so good.

“Let me suck on them titties,” he grabbed them, squeezing them hard, sucking the nipple. I climaxed yet again.

He lay back, slapped my ass, “There you go, girl. Ride that dick.”

“I want to go hard on you. I want to go crazy,” I said.

“You ain’t gonna hurt my old ass. You ain’t gonna break my hip,” he assured me.

What followed what a fucking I have never given Carter before. I was bouncing up and down on that old man’s dick; my tits bouncing with me. Ralph didn’t seem to have trouble hearing, but if he did, he could’ve easily heard how loud I was screaming out every time I slammed down on him.

I’d been surprised, if Carter was even home, if my husband couldn’t hear me from next door.

“Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!” that big, beautiful, old black cock doing what it was designed to do – make white women cum.

Cum I did. Over and over and over; oh fuck yes!

Ralph took it too. He watched me fuck him. He held my waist some, he held my bouncing tits, he gripped the pillows behind him, watching me.

My legs were killing me. I couldn’t go anymore. I was exhausted. Ralph was holding my sweaty body in his arms, kissing me tenderly. I looked outside, the sun was much lower. I spent the afternoon having sex with Ralph.

“Want me to fix you supper?” I asked.

“What about your husband?”

“Don’t care. I don’t have any flights tomorrow. I don’t know when he’ll be home. I’m staying with you tonight.”

“Where you want my nut?” Ralph asked. I forgot that he hadn’t cum yet.

“In my pussy, baby,” I kissed him.

“Get on yo hands and knees then,” Ralph said.

I did as was told. Ralph entered me from behind, gripped my hips and mated with me. The amount of sperm that came out of that old penis was insane.

“Ah fuck!” I gripped the sheets, feeling his cock pump and pump loads of semen into me. I looked down and saw it oozing and dripping out of my pussy onto his bed.

He pulled out, his cock dangling, dripping. I fell to my tummy, heaving, moaning. I rested for a bit. I had supper to cook.


After making and eating dinner nude, I cleaned his bathroom, and we took a bath together. His long cock was sticking out of the soap suds. I was cleaning it, squeezing a wash cloth over it, slowly stroking it.

“Do you have any children?” I asked.

“Oh yeah, quite few.”


“My wife’s friends over the years, some of them wanted a black baby. My wife gave me orders and I followed; I gave her friends black babies. Probably eight or nine, I’d say.”

I chuckled, squeezing his cockhead, sitting across from him in the tub.

“Did you and your wife have kids?”

“Nah, should couldn’t conceive. Guess it made her feel good that I was able to knock someone up, if I couldn’t knock her up. Ain’t bother me, I don’t use condoms anyway. You and your boy want kids?”

“No. Not yet. I almost forgot about Carter,” I rinsed his cock, leaning over to kiss it.

“Heh, getting some good dick will make you forgot your troubles,” Ralph said.

“Carter can be trouble. He’s not there much, doesn’t seem interested. He works a lot, but still. I even tried some of your suggestions, he didn’t take care of my pussy like you said.”

“Sorry to hear that, girl. Some fellas don’t know what they got, how good that pussy can be.”

We paused the conversation, I licked along his fat cock tip a bit. “You want a black baby?” he asked.

“Heh, I don’t think so. I’m on birth control, because of Carter.”

“I see. I see.”

I rose up in the tub, straddled Ralph, and guided his cock back in me. Just feeling him in me was incredible. We kissed until the water cooled.

We continued in his bed next. The moonlight from outside poured into the open window. I rode and ground my hips, my clit, for hours. I felt I belonged there, riding him.

I swallowed his seed this time. It was so good, so delicious.

I was in his arms later, Ralph snoring lightly. I was wide awake again. I stirred and stretched. I stood and walked toward his window. I could see the pool in my backyard, I could see lights on in our bedroom. Carter was home. The lights went out a few seconds later.

“Goodnight, Carter,” I whispered. I crawled back in bed, into Ralph’s arms.


We had sex again the next morning. I picked up my bikini off his kitchen floor and went home. I entered the home through the back door, Carter wasn’t there.

I took a shower and when I got out he was in the kitchen going through the mail.

“Hey,” he said when I entered the living room.


“Out with friends last night?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I lied.

“Cool. Hey there’s an event the construction company is throwing in a couple weeks. It’s like a formal ball or some shit. I don’t feel like going, but upper management will be there. Will you go with me? We won’t stay long.”

“Sure,” I shrugged, somewhat surprised he asked me.

“Great, I gotta head back to the new site. What are you up today?” he asked.

“I was thinking of heading next door. Ralph’s bedroom is pretty dirty.”

“Nice. Be careful around him, I’m sure he’ll make jokes about taking you to bed,” Carter said.


“Alright later,” he left, without a hug or kiss.

Ten minutes later, I was naked, where I belonged, on Ralph’s dick. We took a nap together, I fixed him dinner, and we fucked until he couldn’t stay awake any longer.

I had to work the next day so I went home when he fell asleep. I left him a note, thanking him, and drew a few hearts on it.

I flew from coast to coast, west to east, and in between the following week. Every night, arriving home somewhat late, I’d wait until Carter went to sleep after a little bit of small talk, then sneak over to Ralph’s for sex.

This was the pattern every day. Except when I was off, I was over there constantly.

I went shopping for a new dress, not for Carter and the lame event I agreed to go to, but for Ralph.

It was white, form fitting, the strap cut across the chest. I thought Ralph would love it.

The event was very boring. Carter didn’t notice the dress and paraded me around to various people, talking to them, and so on. We left early, hardly speaking on the way home.

“Hey I think I’ll head to Bella’s. She wants to see the dress, we may go get a drink or something,” I peeped into the shower Carter was taking.

“Oh yeah, that’ll be fun. Have a good night,” he said, extra cheery.

I didn’t bother moving my car. I knew he wouldn’t notice. I walked right over to Ralph’s.

“Girl, that dress, so sexy. Such a sexy white woman,” He smiled.

I kneeled before him, moving his cock to my cleavage. “This fits perfectly between my tits.”

“Mmhmm, love them big titties.”

I was naked soon enough, riding Ralph on the couch, while his dog watched.

We fucked for hours. I thought he was asleep, when he approached me from behind. I was looking out his window into the pool of my backyard.

“You know, girl, I was watching you out there. I saw you playing with yo’self. I saw you walkin around naked. Mmm, I wanted you the second I saw that pretty white body.”

“Ralph,” I turned around, kissing him hard, leading him back to bed.


A few months later, Ralph’s house was spotless. I pretty much lived there, taking care of him while he took care of me. He ate me out everyday, both my ass and pussy, like it was his meals. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Afterward, we’d fuck.

I remember that night well. It was the night learned about a lot of things.

Ralph’s cock was inside my ass, all the way in my rectum. I was on my tummy, my body covered in sweat. His large, black hand came down on my asscheek, slapping it hard, sweat dispersing. He was cumming, injecting his seed into my stomach.

“Girl, you know I love you, right?” He said, pulling out of my butt, rolling to his back.

“Of course. I love you too, Ralph.”

“There’s something I got to be honest with you about.”

“What it is?” I sat up, concerned.

“Your boy, Carter, he ain’t what you think he is.”

“I know that. He barely pays attention to me, he has no sex interest in me, he –“

“I love you. I love you a lot. You know that right?”

“Ralph, yes, of course. What’s wrong.”

“I love you as much as I loved my late wife.”

“Ralph,” I caressed the old man’s face.

“You believe me right?”

“Yes, please tell me what’s wrong.”

“Carter, not long after you and him moved in, spoke to me outside your house. I was being myself, actin like an old fool. You know how I am. He came over to visit me. Kept talkin to me about shit. He asked me to do shit. Stuff I wasn’t sure I could do. But I love white pussy, so I did it. He asked me to make sure you cheat and you be with me in my bed, on my dick, as much as possible. He did not tell me why.”

“What,” the blood drained from my face.

“I had to tell you the truth, because now girl, I’m in love with you. I want you to be my wife. I had to tell the truth.”

I got off the bed and paced around the room. I couldn’t think straight, I couldn’t talk, my heart was racing.

“If you don’t wanna be with me anymore. I’ll understand. Just know the last few months with that white pussy on me, that perfect body on me, my dick in your pretty mouth, has been the best few months I’ve had since my wife passed. I love you.”

Tears were streaming down my face, I had no idea what to say or do. I grabbed my clothes and left.

Deep down I knew why Carter did this. All the supposed work he’s being doing. Deep down I knew.

I rushed over to our house next door. There were no lights on. I thought he wasn’t home. He was. When entered, I heard a woman crying out from our bedroom, followed by a loud slap. I had to see it. I had to confirm.

He left the bedroom door open. I guess he knew I would be at Ralph’s all night. There was woman, dark hair, naked, tied up. Carter was behind her, whipping her with a belt.

“Yeah baby,” she moaned. “Harder.”

I flinched when I watched my husband whip her. He tossed the belt aside and drove his cock in her. I ran out.

I ran back to Ralph’s crying. He held me, not sure what else do to. I was crying because it was all set up. I was crying because I didn’t know if this love with Ralph was real. I was crying, because I was hurt that a man I used to love, that I married, Carter, would manipulate things like this.

“I’m sorry,” Ralph whispered. “Please forgive me.”

I wiped my tears, sat up, and kissed him.


I moved in with Ralph. Carter and I divorced. It was so odd too. I would be getting fucked while standing at the window, watching Carter on the phone, walking around the pool. I wondered if he was talking to a new woman. When an orgasm overcame me, I forgot about Carter.

Ralph and I never married, but were basically husband and wife. It lasted two years. He died in my arms, while we were making love.

The funeral was small. Several older white women, senior citizens, attended. The consoled me, telling me they knew him when they were younger. I smiled, assuming they were his first wife’s friends that she shared his perfect black cock with.

In Ralph’s will, he left me everything. Carter since moved away about a year after the divorce. The house we lived in next door was sold to a family with small kids. Something Carter and I could’ve had. Either way, I sold Ralph’s home and moved away too. I remember my last day there, looking out the window from Ralph and my bedroom. I saw kids playing in the pool.

I got an apartment closer to the airport and kept on working and living.

I met several black men while on the job. One in particular, a huge man named Ronnie, was a frequent flyer to LA. When Ronnie and I had sex on the plane, then later at his hotel room, I pretended he was much younger version of Ralph.

I dated a nice man, he was white. But it didn’t work out. Sex with him wasn’t nearly as good as with Ralph, or even Ronnie, but it didn’t work out for other reasons.

I kept flying and fucking, never getting caught.

A few years later, here I am, on the east coast having sex with my brother, Scott. Our mom invited us to live with her. Once I found out the home was filled with incest, it was only a matter of time before I gave in and experienced the greatest sex I’ve ever had.

“He’s here,” My mom, Holly, peeped in on Scott and I.

I still love black cock and after I take care of Scott, I enjoy a nice black dick on occasion. Mom has been doing the same. TJ is his name. She invited him over to meet me.

I greeted him naked, shook hands and took him to another bedroom. I looked over my shoulder and saw my naked mother head into Scott’s room.

TJ was also hugely muscular. I pretended he was a younger Ralph; I came as soon as TJ entered me.

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    , 4 comments »Southern Boob LoverReport  2016-07-20 17:38:56 My husband and I are an interracial couple and we enjoy reading your stories. I'm guessing TJ must be very special to you because he is in almost every story. ;)…Kasey Anonymous reader1

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