Wimp, A Haunting Word by loveofmyLife75,loveofmyLife75


Sorry for a long story please don’t get bored. Deliberately left out description of the women and men’s bodies. You know what I mean. Most stories are packing with it I try not to do it. Will you Please excuse punctuation bad English and grammar?

This is a story that you are going to be the Judge and Jury. Removed sections to make it shorter. I failed they had to go back in. This story is full of love and sadness. Includes lies deceit greed and revenge and more.

It was found out by pure accident. It tells of my actions. There more think about. Whist reading this you will pick up on my feelings and what’s not said. Read between the lines use your own feelings.

I do hope you enjoy the long read.

Wimp. A haunting word.

By loveofmyLife75.

Let me give you a bit of information. My parents were in love from the first day they met. Both professional people who wanted to live a life of long-lasting love with each other. They both agreed not to have children but to enjoy each other. Travel the world and see places that one could only dream off.

My parents were in there early forty’s. That was when I happened to come along. Mum was going to forty-four closes to my birth. They never told me how it happened. Mum may had forgotten to take the pill or dads condom burst. Well, it did not matter to me. I entered the big, wide world. By the way my name is John Bates.

Mum took to motherhood, but dad was not too sure about it. He had lost his freedom and had to look after Mum and me. As time passed, I was sent to the right schools and the three of us on family holidays. The world sights were slipped away for my parents. That was not my fault. I often wondered if I was that one big mistake in their life. Mum and dad did go away to the far side of the world and my Aunt looked after me while they were away.

I grew close to my Auntie because she had three kids of her own. Mum and Dad always took me away on family holidays. But I could tell dad was not happy. Mum was always there for me. Yes, you could say I was brought up in a half unhappy home. Mum made sure I was happy all the time.

Time passed now at the ripe old age of twenty-one. Mum and dad now in their sixty-fifth year. Dad sat me down and was doing is best in trying to explain to me why it seemed he did not love me. I knew all the time what he was trying to say. But the words he was using. Well, he was having a hard with it.

Mum looked at me she knew my father inside out. He could not say to me (son I love you so very much it was hard for him). Mum stepped in kissing me on the forehead with her special smile she always had for me.


I applied for jobs that I wanted to do. Project manager. I was an engineer what I did was visit sites and make out efficient routes for production. I wanted to be at the top of my job by the time I was twenty-five.

In the next four years, I went from company to company with promotion every time. Mum and dad backed me all the way. I wanted to give them a happy retirement and to be as successful as both of them. In those four years when I was away, I slept around but I must say I was not very good. I was looking for a girl that had all the same qualities my mother. Looks and brains.

At twenty-five. I returned to the first company I worked for. As head of planning, installation, maintenance and new projects.

One night the three of us were drinking a couple of bottles. Mum and Dad said to me “John, are you thinking of getting married soon?”

I cough and spluttered saying, “Why do you what to get rid of me.”

“John, we are going on a cruise and you will be in the house on your own and don’t burn it down on us,” Mum said laughing.

That was the queue for me to leave home. I was in no hurry. I had money and was going out on the town at weekends.

Mum and Dad left for the cruise and I had a freeze full of food and the fridge stocked. Down in Dads cellar it was packed with beer and white and red wines.

It was a Tuesday at work, and one of my team leaders asked me to a party this coming Friday night. I accepted and asked ‘what type of drink shall I bring with me.’

‘None just bring you and be there for Eight.’

Friday night I was knocking at the door. It sounded like the party was in full swing. I walked round and rooms and introduced myself. I grabbed a glass and walked around I asked my team leader is everyone hear. I was told a few more to come just mingle the food is over there and you know where the drink is.

The single men looked me up and down that did not bother me one bit. The girls, Well the girls they wanted to talk but stayed like wall flowers. The best of it I was one of them.

I was now nine at night I had a dance or two. But none of the girls took my eye. The front door opened and two couples came in. One girl caught my eye in a flash. And she looked at me with a smile of my mums. The best of it was the boy who she came with was pouring the booze down his throat.

I looked at him thinking what a prick. I made my way to this creature and asked her for a dance. That was it for the rest of the night. Her name was Chris Summers. And most of all she was single. The boy who she came with was her elder brother. It was one in the morning, so I asked Chris, “may I escort you home.

That was the beginning of our love affair. Chris after a fortnight of dating asked me to meet her parents. So, I was there on the Sunday afternoon for lunch and dinner. Chris’s parents were each so nice especially her mother. There was her brother the drunk. His name was David. Then in walked a younger girl about two years younger than Chris. She was wearing shabby clothes. Her name was Pat. Chris’s mother and Pat looked like triples.

As the day went, I talked with Chris’s father and David. Her father had a lot in common with myself so we got on well. As for David he had little to say. But when he did speak, he was a clever Dick and knew about everything. He was even an expert on my job.

Over the next two weeks, when I was in the house, there was word said. Chris’s father would stand up and did whatever Chris’s mother had said. The same thing was happening with David. As the months past I got use to her father standing up and David going the same. I thought they were henpecked.

Mum and dad returned from their cruise they had to meet Chris. The four of us went to a restaurant. Mum was over the moon with Chris. Dad although he did show it, he also was. But dad had a good opinion of people.

When Chris’s parents visited my parent’s house, they came in they looked round the house. Taking in mental notes that my parents were well off. When my parents visited Chris’s parent’s home as far, I could make out they were not impressed one bit. But they like Chris and she always close to me.

One night when I was at Chris’s house and popped the age-old question. Will you marry me?

“Yes,” was the answer.

Chris and I found a house a four bedroom one. My parents paid for it with cash for me. That was great as the kids would come along in time. And it had what you would call a study. That was to become my home office. And of that was a room for a pool table.


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