Moving My Sister by pujo1950

I’m sitting outside the Nashville airport waiting for my sister. I love her, she is my best friend, but she has never been on time for anything. If I had a dollar for every time Mom has said, “Gloria you’ll probably be late for your own funeral.” I’d have a lot of bucks. I flew … Read more


Charlie and her Crazy Father by pappybones95,pappybones95

Charlie and her Crazy Father He meets the couple in the room next door. Disclaimer: All characters are fictional and over 18 years old. There are scenes of bisexual acts. If you do not care for such, skip this tale. * Jeff got his first look at Charlie after checking into the motel. It wasn’t … Read more


Me and my cousin by Onlytrue

A literotic sexstories: Me and my cousin by Onlytrue , This was the first time I’d ever done anything sexual for the most part… I was staying with my older cousin, I always hung out with him, and he showed me everything from how to talk to girls, smoking weed, how to dress, and a … Read more