From grade school graduation to high school by PO469

From grade school graduation to high school by PO469 I am in college now but my sex life started the last day of grade school , The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least … Read more

Sally’s Late Teens by Truewriter

Introduction: Sally is a highly sex teenager. She has new BF and gives him her virginity and then finds out she can't live without sex , Sally’s Late Teens At 18 was a senior in high school. I had also started dating a new boy on a full-time basis. His name is Lance. Shortly after … Read more

High School Dates Ch. 12

An adult stories – High School Dates Ch. 12 by m_storyman_x,m_storyman_x Authors note: I’d like to give a shout out to Hal, who has graciously agreed to proof read this series for me. Thanks Hal! Chapter 12 It had been a long break. Almost a month. I wasn’t sure what to expect from Patty. When … Read more