Initiation Swing Party Weekly – Initiates Petite S. American by swingpartyweekly

Initiation Swing Party Weekly – Initiates Petite S. American by swingpartyweekly <br/> This story is a non named depliction of one of our Initiation Parties- Submissive ladies contact us to ask for an initiation, we have group parties various themes like swing, couples swap, 3-somes & 4-somes, gangbangs, ladybangs, bukkakes, private group parties, blind dates, … Read more


Wife coerced Threesome by joecarrigan

Wife coerced Threesome by joecarrigan <br/> Sexy wife in hotel lounge with me while i set up surprise foursome with my wife. , We added a third man to our sex lives and the odd thing was how much closer it makes us. My wife was reluctant at the idea, until one night at a … Read more


A night Dogging Pt. 02 by AandE1966

We had cleaned ourselves up after leaving the public toilet in the country lane and made our way to the site of the dogging party tonight. I had been on the web site and found a location from the club we use so I knew we would see some familiar cocks and cunts as well


Cuckolded by Bunty Broomstead by abroadsword

Cuckolded by Bunty Broomstead by abroadsword <br/> I return unexpectedly to find my wife has eloped with a cad and a bounder and take revenge with the aid of a few chums, to the satisfaction of all, except perhaps Bunty Written in the style of English redolent of the early 1900s , Cuckolded I would … Read more


Darkening of Jim and Lisa by wife4hungblk

Darkening of Jim and Lisa by wife4hungblk <br/> How a man’s desires took him and his wife to the dark side! , We talk often of taking a vacation by ourselves, have for years. Now that the kids are older we feel safe leaving them at home alone for a week so we really make … Read more


First double blowjob and introduction to swinging by like2watch1576

We’d only been married a few months and my shy, ultra-conservative preacher daughter’s wife had gone through lots of changes. My wife had been raised to be very conservative being the daughter of a small-town preacher. But after getting married at only 18 yo that all changed very quickly. The change started when one night


My journey into Satanism by goddessrulesyou

My journey into Satanism by goddessrulesyou How a man delivers his family into the hands of Satan’s followers – Beware rape and underage sex features , My journey into Satanism My name is Simon, I am married to Louise and have two lovely children Jessica aged 14 and Kieran aged 12. You might think my … Read more


A Different Kind of Cuckold Story by belted and teased

Jeremiah and Donna met “on the job.” He was a cop; she was a nurse. As so often happens for public servants, they encountered each other frequently at work. They also each understood shift work and being called in on your day off due to emergencies, so they had patience with each other in that



“I want you to kiss me, passionately while another man is fucking me,” my lady told me, before she asked with a wicked smile, “Could you handle that?” “Of course I could handle that, given the right circumstances,” I replied looking forward to another of her kinky sexual challenges. “Tell me more, explain what the



Sarah and I have been invited to a swingers party. Seven other couples around our age, the email explained. Dress to impress. The expectation is for every couple to entertain the other couples, then play it by ear. The pass mark for the men is seven and a half inches, please email your pic with