Petra's Pictures – Art to Porn Ch. 06 by 1fastguy,1fastguy

Thanks readers. Petra’s Pictures Ch 05 was the highest rated Exhibitionism and Voyeur story for April. Petra Stanwick stood naked in front of the full length mirror on her closet door. The room lights were turned on. So was she! She’d been looking at computer images from Friday night at Professor Edwards’ apartment. Petra especially … Read more

Petra's Pictures – Art to Porn Ch. 07 by 1fastguy,1fastguy

Readers: Thanks for rating Petra’s Pictures 06. Here is the lingerie shoot that I promised. If you like it, there are more stories to tell. “Look McGuire, the answer is still ‘No’. I was wrong to say anything, so just fuck off!” Ronald Dennison was angry because this was the second time that his casual … Read more