Fortunes of war by styxx

Fortunes of war by styxx Getting caugh by the Charlies was only the beginning of her ordeal. , Fortunes of war Packed earth crunched beneath her hands and knees. Her torn and ravaged body shuddered and continued to leak the cumulative essences of hers and the horse’s sexual organs. She stayed quite still, head hanging … Read more

War without End

An adult stories – War without End by OldHistoryGuy,OldHistoryGuy Author’s Note: this is my first story. If you feel the need to comment, please be honest but kind. “Hey Mister, you wanna lick?” I looked down at a freckle-faced, snot-nosed little cowboy holding up one of those all-day suckers. His other hand was attached to … Read more

Crazy Military Tales Ep. 07

An adult stories – Crazy Military Tales Ep. 07 by Marathoner4u,Marathoner4u Becoming a USAF Ambassador and So Much Fun & Wild Excitement ****Episode 7******* “This is a tale of an exciting real-life event.” This story is 50% nonfiction and 50% fiction. All characters are over the age of 21. I recommend you first read “Crazy … Read more