I Dream of Angels: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

I Dream of Angels: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path An existential love story between a young man haunted by disease and sorrow and his personal goddess. , This story is an existential drama focusing on psychology, depression, and romance. It takes a while to get to the sexual stuff, but don’t worry, there is plenty. If … Read more

Dhampire Chronicles Chap.1 by Endrance

Dhampire Chronicles Chap.1 by Endrance ,Introduction: Introduction: Levin is a college student with a crappy life going, having to keep a sexual relationship with his schools Dean to stay at the dorms, and the all star athlete to keep quiet about what he does with the Dean. Those that like straight sex wait for the … Read more