The Hired Gun Ch. 05

An adult stories – The Hired Gun Ch. 05 by mondotoken,mondotoken “Your phone is ringing.” “Don’t worry about it, keep going.” “Might be important?” “On a Sunday morning; I doubt it.” “I won’t be jealous if it’s a girl; we’re adults here just enjoying ourselves.” “That right, keep going.” “I’m not that good; I’ll wait … Read more

The Hired Gun Ch. 03

An adult stories – The Hired Gun Ch. 03 by mondotoken,mondotoken “Hello?” “Hey cuz, long time no see.” “What are you up to, bruh?” “Nothing, really.” “Who are you fucking with now?” “Nobody uh, technically.” “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” “I’m not fucking with nobody, technically.” “Man, what the fuck is that … Read more