Toxic Attraction Ch. 14 by DonSilver

Sarah groaned as she turned over in bed. Dan’s snoring was waking her up. She closed her eyes again and revelled in the warmth of Dan’s body next to hers. His arm was draped over her, holding her closely. Protecting her. Not wanting to let her go. She loved the way his naked body felt


Lust and Love: Meeting Annie

An adult stories – Lust and Love: Meeting Annie by beatbox,beatbox I met Annie through our mutual friend Kevin. Kev, as I called him, was my best friend since college. He first met Annie after moving out of our apartment in Boston, to be closer to his fiancé, Beverly who lived in L.A. I had … Read more


Life in a Small New Hampshire Town Pt. 08

An adult stories – Life in a Small New Hampshire Town Pt. 08 by NorthernNewEnglandGuy,NorthernNewEnglandGuy This chapter is complete as a standalone story, but reading the earlier chapters will give you a fuller understanding of the characters and their development, motivations and interactions with others. While this is fiction, it does represent aspects of small-town … Read more