Dweeb Ch. 02 – Planning by MishaPearl2,MishaPearl2

Wilford Womack liked to look at new cars, and while he often test-drove them, he was not the kind of guy to actually buy one. That was also his general attitude toward women, which is why, at age forty-one, he was a bachelor with no aspiration to change his status. His job as a meter … Read more

Dweeb Ch. 01 – Imagine by MishaPearl2,MishaPearl2

Maybe technically, Charles Womack was a ‘dweeb’; like kids had called him ever since he was in the sixth grade eight years ago. But it wasn’t his fault that he got sick in the middle of fifth grade and had to repeat the year. Or, for that matter, that his dad was killed four years … Read more

Ecuador – Chap 3: Visitation by MishaPearl2

Ecuador – Chap 3: Visitation by MishaPearl2.., According to the calendar, Ash Wednesday 1937 began at midnight when February ninth arbitrarily became February tenth. In Quito, Ecuador, however, time and culture were more fluid. Last minute revelers, reluctant to give up their sensual pleasures for Lenten austerity, drank and caroused well into the early morning … Read more