A true story of a lonely divorced man then his night wasn’t so lonely anymore. It was a Friday night after work, I was sitting in my apartment. Being a Friday night, I did not want to stay home. I worked all week and was looking forward to the weekend. This night however was different.


a night to remember_(14) by thesexyshow

A literotic sexstories: a night to remember_(14) by thesexyshow , This is my first story on this sight, (I know there is hardly any sex in the first bit so you don’t have to read that if you don’t want to) but please give feeback both positive and negative because I can use this for … Read more


Ama’s Paranormal Quickies by The Midnight Shade

A literotic sexstories: Ama’s Paranormal Quickies by The Midnight Shade , My new little mini series. Follow Ama as she finds a world of spiritual debauchery. Ama’s Paranormal Quickies Ama just rented a new house. She was absolutely thrilled to have this place to herself. One of her best friends ran from the house and … Read more


Slippers at Midnight Pt. 05 by LolaMCat,LolaMCat

A/N Thank you so much to everyone who is waiting patiently for this story. I don’t like to post until I have at least a few chapters to share so I’m only posting every couple of weeks. I promise I will keep going until Elle and Daciana’s story is complete. Keep being patient and I … Read more