Family Business, Mom’s Orgasm

An adult stories – Family Business, Mom’s Orgasm by HeyAll,HeyAll ~~~ The Son ~~~My inbox is filled with spam, four messages from unknown senders with weird subject lines. It’s 7:43 a.m. and my roommate has already left for class and I’m alone in the dorm. Marking spam is super easy, but the subject lines catch … Read more

It's All Right Daddy, Mommy Knows! by dmallord,dmallord

It’s All Right Daddy, Mommy Knows!A Teenage Seductress Captures Her Daddy’s HeartApproximately 5,150 WordsbyDonald MallordCopyright by dmallord, 2022, USA. All rights reserved.INTRODUCTIONLife goes awry sometimes. Occasionally, that happens in the dead of night while in deep REM sleep. When it does, the aftermath can create damage to your mental well-being. Ray Schumacher had that happen … Read more